
Three of Wands tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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The Three of Wands is a tarot card that embodies the spirit of adventure and forward-thinking. Often signaling a pivotal moment in your life, this card encourages you to expand your horizons, whether in relationships, career, or personal growth. It’s all about seizing opportunities and planning wisely to make your dreams a reality. Yet, when reversed, it warns of potential pitfalls like narrow-mindedness and delays. It’s your cosmic cue to either leap forward or reassess.

Three of Wands keywords & concepts

Upright keywords 

  1. Expanding horizoms
  2. Exploration
  3. Opportunity
  4. Planning

Reversed keywords

  1. Narrow-mindedness
  2. Lack of foresight
  3. Delays
  4. Frustration

Three of Wands tarot card description & symbolism

The Three of Wands tarot card serves as a symbol of expansion, opportunity, and foresight. Picture yourself standing at a vantage point, overlooking a vast horizon filled with endless possibilities. That’s the energy this card brings into your life. It encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and venture into unknown territories, whether that means launching a new business, exploring a budding relationship, or setting sail on an actual journey. But it’s not just about reckless exploration; this card also advises thoughtful planning. It tells you to pair your adventurous spirit with a solid strategy, ensuring that you’re prepared to seize the opportunities that come your way effectively.

Three of Wands upright meanings

1. Expanding horizons

When the Three of Wands card shows up upright in your tarot reading, it’s like the universe is giving you a nudge and whispering, “Hey, it’s time to level up!” This card embodies growth and expanding beyond your current boundaries. Imagine you’ve been playing in a small sandbox, and suddenly you discover that the playground is way bigger. Now’s the time to stretch out and take up more space, metaphorically speaking. Whether that’s expanding your business, broadening your skillset, or even deepening your relationships, the Three of Wands is your go-ahead signal. It encourages you to think big, be ambitious, and unapologetically pursue those grand visions you’ve been daydreaming about.

2. Exploration

The Three of Wands is like that cool friend who dares you to go on an adventure. You’re standing at the edge of your comfort zone, peering into uncharted territory. Whether that means traveling to a new place, diving into a novel project, or simply exploring unexamined parts of yourself, this card gives you the cosmic thumbs-up to go for it. It’s about embracing the unknown and being eager to discover what lies ahead. Take this card as your license to satisfy your curiosity, to venture out, and to find out what you’re truly capable of.

3. Opportunity

You know that phrase, “When one door closes, another opens”? Well, when the Three of Wands shows up, it’s more like multiple doors flinging wide open for you. Opportunity is a central theme of this card, and it urges you to seize the chances that come your way. But remember, these opportunities may not just fall into your lap; you gotta be proactive. Keep your eyes peeled and your spirit ready to jump in. Whether it’s a job offer, a creative collaboration, or an unexpected life twist, grab that metaphorical doorknob and swing the door open.

4. Planning

The Three of Wands doesn’t just tell you to go wild and rush into things. This card is also about smart planning and strategic thinking. It’s like having a roadmap along with your sense of adventure. Before you leap into the unknown or seize a new opportunity, this card suggests that you think ahead. What resources will you need? What possible challenges could arise? What’s your Plan B? It encourages you to have foresight, to prepare, and to calculate your moves so that you’re not just running on impulse. Because a well-thought-out plan often turns your dreams from mere fantasies into achievable realities.

Three of Wands reversed meanings

1. Narrow-mindedness

When the Three of Wands flips into its reverse position, it’s like you’ve got your blinders on. This card cautions you against getting stuck in a narrow viewpoint or limiting your possibilities. You might be focusing solely on the negatives or just clinging to what’s comfortable and familiar. It’s like being in a room with many windows but only looking out the one that shows you what you already know. Narrow-mindedness can block you from seeing other routes to success or alternative solutions to problems. Take this as a sign to broaden your perspective and open up to a world of options you might not have considered.

2. Lack of Foresight

Where the upright Three of Wands urges you to plan and strategize, its reverse is a warning bell about flying by the seat of your pants without much thought. Skipping the planning stage might seem exciting in the moment, but it can set you up for obstacles down the line. Lack of foresight can manifest as failing to anticipate challenges, not setting aside resources, or just diving into situations without fully understanding what you’re getting into. It’s like embarking on a road trip without checking if you have enough gas or even a map. The reverse Three of Wands tells you to pump the brakes and think things through before moving ahead.

3. Delays

Imagine you’re all set to go, bags packed, excitement high, and then—boom—you hit a wall of delays. That’s what the reversed Three of Wands is all about. Whether it’s a postponed meeting, a project falling behind schedule, or just life throwing you curveballs, delays can be incredibly frustrating. This card is a heads-up that things might not unfold as quickly as you’d like. It’s a test of your patience and adaptability. Instead of stewing in annoyance, use the extra time to review your plans or refine your approach. Even delays can offer opportunities if you know how to use them.

4. Frustration

The reverse Three of Wands can bring a hefty dose of frustration into your life. This isn’t the card of smooth sailing; it’s the one where you feel like you’re rowing against the current. You might be encountering roadblocks in your personal or professional life, feeling like your efforts are getting you nowhere. It’s like being stuck in a traffic jam when you’re already running late. Instead of letting the frustration boil over, use it as a signal to reassess. Maybe your methods need tweaking, or perhaps you’re not directing your energy where it’s most needed. This card nudges you to find the root cause of your frustrations and tackle them head-on.

Three of Wands meaning for love & relationships


When the upright Three of Wands appears in a love and relationship reading, it’s signaling a phase of growth and deeper connection. Imagine your relationship as a ship that’s just left the harbor; you’re entering uncharted waters, and there’s a sense of both excitement and potential. This card suggests you and your partner are ready to level up, whether that’s moving in together, getting engaged, or simply deepening your emotional bond. At the same time, it encourages you to communicate openly about your future plans and shared visions. It’s a time for dreaming big, but also for thoughtful discussions about how to make those dreams a reality in your love life.


In contrast, the reverse Three of Wands in a love context often points to a stagnation or setback. Maybe you feel like you’re stuck in a romantic rut or facing delays in the relationship milestones you were aiming for. It’s like you’re waiting for your ship to come in, but it’s been delayed by unforeseen circumstances. This card encourages you to reflect on what’s holding you back. Is it a lack of planning, unrealistic expectations, or external factors beyond your control? While it can be frustrating, this period also offers you the chance to recalibrate and align your relational goals and methods.

Three of Wands meaning for work & career


In a career context, pulling the upright Three of Wands is a pretty solid sign that you’re on the brink of something big. You’ve done the groundwork, and now you’re ready for the next big step—maybe it’s a promotion, launching your own venture, or expanding an existing project. This card indicates you should be proactive and ambitious. It’s your cue to start implementing the strategies you’ve been pondering. So, roll up those sleeves and seize the opportunities coming your way, because the horizon looks promising for professional growth.


If you draw the reverse Three of Wands concerning your career, it’s a bit of a warning signal. You might be facing delays, setbacks, or even a sense of stagnation in your professional life. It’s like you’ve cast your fishing line but can’t seem to get a bite. While it can be discouraging, it’s also a moment to pause and evaluate. Are you missing out on opportunities due to a lack of preparation or a narrow perspective? This card nudges you to reassess your career path, making sure you’re not overlooking valuable chances or setting yourself up for disappointment.

Three of Wands meaning for wealth & prosperity


When it comes to finances, drawing the upright Three of Wands is like getting a high-five from the universe. This card suggests that your money moves are set to pay off, especially if you’ve been investing in long-term goals or ventures. Whether you’ve put your money in stocks, started a side business, or invested in furthering your skills, now is when you start to see some returns. It encourages you to keep an eye out for lucrative opportunities and to think big-picture when it comes to your financial growth.


If you find the reverse Three of Wands in a financial reading, it’s like a yellow traffic light telling you to slow down and think. This card suggests that you might be facing some financial delays or setbacks. Maybe that investment isn’t yielding as quickly as you’d hoped, or perhaps an expected payment got delayed. While it’s easy to get disheartened, use this time to review your financial plans. Are your expectations realistic? Are you properly prepared for the long haul? This card is a call to fine-tune your financial strategies.

The meaning of the Three of Wands in different spreads

The meaning of the Three of Wands can shift a bit depending on its position in different tarot spreads. In a past, present, future spread, for example, showing up in the past position might indicate that prior ventures or decisions are now bearing fruit. In the present, it suggests you’re at a critical launching point for new opportunities. When it appears in a future position, it often serves as a beacon, pointing toward the promising outcomes of your current actions. In a love or career-focused spread, this card emphasizes expansion, foresight, and opportunities tailored to those specific aspects of your life. The key takeaway is to always interpret the Three of Wands in the context of surrounding cards and the question at hand.

Final thoughts

The Three of Wands is your green light for growth, exploration, and seizing new opportunities. Whether in love, career, or finances, this card suggests you’re at a promising juncture, poised for expansion. However, it also advises you to pair your ambition with careful planning. In its reversed form, it serves as a cautionary note, urging you to reconsider your approach and be wary of potential delays or setbacks. All in all, it’s a card that speaks volumes about potential and the importance of foresight.

A complete guide to the Suit of Wands

Two of Wands tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

Four of Wands tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)