
Five of Wands tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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The Five of Wands tarot card is a dynamic symbol of conflict, competition, and tension in various aspects of life. Whether it appears upright or reversed, this card nudges you to face challenges head-on. In its essence, it serves as both a cautionary tale and a catalyst for growth, urging you to dig deep, refine your strategies, and find your footing amidst life’s inevitable struggles.

Five of Wands keywords & concepts

Upright keywords 

  1. Conflict
  2. Competition
  3. Disagreement
  4. Tension

Reversed keywords

  1. Avoiding conflict
  2. Resolution
  3. Agreement
  4. Harmony

Five of Wands tarot card description & symbolism

The Five of Wands tarot card often symbolizes a period marked by conflict, competition, and general tension. Imagine stepping into an arena where everyone is vying for the same prize but employing different strategies to get it. Whether it’s differing opinions at a team meeting or a family squabble, this card suggests that you’re likely to encounter some form of resistance. However, it’s important to remember that this isn’t necessarily a negative phase. Sometimes, you need a little friction to spark change or growth. The conflicts and challenges you face can serve as catalysts, pushing you to define your beliefs, refine your strategies, and stand up for what you think is right. So, even though you might feel like you’re stuck in a tug-of-war, this could be the very tension needed to propel you forward.

Five of Wands upright meanings

1. Conflict

When the upright Five of Wands shows up in a tarot reading, you’re likely dealing with some sort of conflict, either internal or external. Think of it like a tug-of-war, where everyone’s pulling in different directions, and you’re smack in the middle of it. It could be different viewpoints clashing at work, or maybe you and your friends are fighting over something trivial. The key takeaway here is that conflict isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It can help you refine your ideas and make you stronger in the long run. The challenge lies in how you handle it. Address the issue, stand up for what you believe, but also be open to listening to others. The conflict could be the catalyst you need to move things forward.

2. Competition

The Five of Wands also puts a spotlight on competition. Imagine you’re in a race and everyone’s jockeying for the best position. In this case, you’re driven to outperform others, whether that’s at work, in school, or even in your personal relationships. Competition can get your adrenaline pumping and push you to level up your skills. But remember, the goal is not to crush others; it’s about becoming the best version of yourself. Keep your eyes on the prize, but don’t forget sportsmanship. Acknowledge your competitors; they’re the ones who make you better.

3. Arguments

When you see this card, expect some heated debates or arguments to pop up. Unlike conflict, which can be broad and multifaceted, arguments are usually verbal clashes where you and someone else don’t see eye to eye. It’s like a verbal boxing match, with both parties throwing jabs in the form of words. While arguments can be draining, they also offer a chance to clarify your thoughts and express your feelings. The trick is to keep your cool and not let things escalate into a full-blown fight. Listen as much as you talk, and try to understand where the other person is coming from. Arguments aren’t fun, but they can lead to valuable insights and resolutions.

4. Tension

The tension associated with the Five of Wands is like that electric charge in the air before a thunderstorm hits. You feel it; something’s off. Maybe you’re walking on eggshells at home, or there’s a palpable tension in the workplace. In these situations, the stress can mount quickly, making everyone more susceptible to conflicts and arguments. Don’t let the tension stew. Address it head-on. Be proactive in resolving issues before they explode into something bigger. Sometimes acknowledging the elephant in the room is all it takes to start defusing the tension, making way for a clearer, more harmonious environment.

Five of Wands reversed meanings

1. Avoiding Conflict

When the Five of Wands is reversed, you’re looking at a situation where avoiding conflict becomes the focus. You’ve probably decided that the battle just isn’t worth the emotional or mental toll it’s taking on you. It’s like when you see a hornet’s nest and choose to walk around it instead of poking it with a stick. Sometimes this is wise; not every conflict deserves your time or energy. But be cautious. Avoiding conflict too often can mean important issues go unresolved. Make sure you’re sidestepping the fight for the right reasons, not just to make life easier in the short term.

2. Resolution

The reversed Five of Wands often signals that a period of conflict or tension is coming to an end. Picture shaking hands after a heated debate, finally finding that middle ground. Resolution in this context isn’t just about ending the disagreement; it’s also about finding a solution that works for everyone involved. You’ve navigated through the murky waters of conflict, and now it’s time to set a new course. This could be a massive relief, especially if you’ve been locked in a stalemate for a while. Enjoy this moment of peace but also reflect on the lessons learned during the conflict to avoid future misunderstandings.

3. Agreement

This card in its reversed position often points to reaching an agreement. Imagine being in a negotiation, and both parties finally say, “Yes, that works.” You’ve found common ground, and everyone can move forward. This agreement could be formal, like signing a contract, or informal, like agreeing to disagree but still remaining friends. The essence here is that you’re no longer butting heads; you’re working together toward a mutual goal. This is the time to solidify plans and make sure everyone is on the same page, capitalizing on the newfound consensus.

4. Harmony

When the reversed Five of Wands pops up, you’re entering a phase of harmony. Think of it as the serene moments after a storm, where the air is fresh, and the sun starts to peek through the clouds. The arguments have died down, the competition has settled, and you find yourself in a space that feels more cooperative and peaceful. Harmony here isn’t just the absence of conflict; it’s the presence of balance and understanding. People are syncing up, vibing, and getting along. It’s a chance for you to recharge your emotional batteries and perhaps even build stronger relationships with those around you. Enjoy it, and do your part to maintain this harmonious atmosphere.

Five of Wands meaning for love & relationships


In the realm of love and relationships, the upright Five of Wands tarot card can signify a period where tensions are high and misunderstandings are common. It’s like you and your partner are speaking different languages all of a sudden. Maybe you’re fighting over how to spend your weekends or debating long-term life goals. These conflicts can be emotionally draining, but they can also serve as a catalyst for deeper conversations and understandings. It’s an opportunity for both of you to reassess what you want and how you communicate. While this period might feel challenging, successfully navigating through it can make your relationship stronger and more resilient in the long run.


For the reversed Five of Wands in a love context, you’re looking at the easing of conflicts and the beginning of reconciliation. This could mean that you and your partner have finally figured out how to compromise or that an external source of stress affecting your relationship has been resolved. You’re moving from turbulence to smoother waters. The heated arguments and misunderstandings give way to a sense of peace and mutual understanding. It’s a good time for open-hearted conversations, apologies, or even renewing commitments. Though the dust is settling, remember to address any lingering issues so they don’t resurface later.

Five of Wands meaning for work & career


In the context of your career, pulling the upright Five of Wands suggests you’re in the thick of competition or conflict at work. Maybe you’re up for a promotion and the stakes are high, or perhaps there are clashes in team dynamics. While the environment might feel tense and challenging, this period can also propel you to showcase your best skills. It’s a chance to stand out, make your voice heard, and prove your worth to the team or the higher-ups.


When the Five of Wands shows up reversed in a career reading, it usually indicates a winding down of conflicts or competitive pressures. You might have just wrapped up a big project that had everyone on edge, or perhaps a workplace dispute has finally been resolved. Things are settling down, and the atmosphere is becoming more cooperative. Take this moment to breathe and reorient yourself. This is a good time to mend bridges, consolidate team relationships, and prepare for a more harmonious phase in your career journey.

Five of Wands meaning for wealth & prosperity


When it comes to your finances, the upright Five of Wands signals a period of financial friction or struggle. Perhaps you’re competing for a lucrative job, trying to outbid someone on a property, or maybe you’re at odds with a partner about how to manage joint funds. This card nudges you to assess your financial strategies critically. You might feel compelled to defend or adapt your choices amidst this financial unrest. Although it feels turbulent now, navigating through this challenging period can equip you with the skills and insights you’ll need for better financial planning in the future.


In the reverse position, the Five of Wands suggests that a financial struggle or competition you’ve been grappling with is starting to resolve. This could mean you’ve finally secured that job after a competitive interview process or settled a financial dispute. The tension eases, and you can look forward to a period of greater financial stability. This resolution opens the door for you to rebuild or reorganize your financial life. However, remember to take lessons from the challenges you’ve faced, so you can make more informed and strategic financial decisions moving forward.

The meaning of the Five of Wands in different spreads

The meaning of the Five of Wands can shift subtly depending on its placement in different tarot spreads. For instance, in a past-present-future spread, if the card falls in the past position, it suggests you’ve recently emerged from a period of conflict or competition that still influences you today. In a career-focused Celtic Cross spread, the card might pinpoint the core challenge you’re facing at work, like a competitive environment or a project causing team friction. Similarly, in a love spread, this card could highlight relationship dynamics marked by arguments or tension. The spread’s focus and surrounding cards help tailor the Five of Wands’ general theme of struggle and conflict to specific areas of your life.

Final thoughts

The Five of Wands tarot card serves as a symbol for life’s conflicts, competitions, and tensions, whether in relationships, career, or finances. While the upright card warns of upcoming struggles, it also encourages growth through challenge. The reversed position, on the other hand, signals a resolution or the easing of tension. In any form, the Five of Wands nudges you to confront issues head-on, offering a chance for personal growth and a deeper understanding of your goals and relationships.

A complete guide to the Suit of Wands

Four of Wands tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

Six of Wands tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)