
Eight of Wands tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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The Eight of Wands is a dynamic tarot card that represents speed, action, and quick developments. When this card appears, it’s like a bolt of energy that propels you to act fast and make decisions swiftly. Whether it’s in your love life, career, or personal projects, the Eight of Wands indicates that things are about to move at a breakneck pace. So buckle up—it’s going to be an exciting ride!

Eight of Wands keywords & concepts

Upright keywords 

  1. Rapid action
  2. Quick decisions
  3. Swift movement
  4. Travel

Reversed keywords

  1. Delays
  2. Sluggishness
  3. Lack of action
  4. Hasty decisions

Eight of Wands tarot card description & symbolism

The Eight of Wands tarot card embodies a whirlwind of activity, symbolizing a period where things are moving at a breakneck pace. It’s the card of rapid action, quick decisions, and swift changes, often indicating that now is the optimal time to make your move. Whether it’s a project, relationship, or any other endeavor you’re involved in, expect to see results or progress much sooner than you anticipated. This card can also hint at travel or a journey, either physical or metaphorical, that comes up unexpectedly but propels you forward in some significant way. In essence, when the Eight of Wands shows up, it’s the universe’s way of saying, “Ready, set, go!”

Eight of Wands upright meanings

1. Rapid Action

When the upright Eight of Wands shows up, hold onto your hat because things are about to get moving—fast! The card screams “go time,” making it the perfect moment to leap into action. Whatever project or situation you’ve been mulling over, now’s the time to get the ball rolling. Procrastination needs to take a back seat; you’ll find that actions you take now will quickly gain momentum. Whether it’s launching a business, confessing your feelings to someone, or starting a new workout routine, the energy of rapid action propels you forward. The universe aligns in your favor, so seize the moment. Don’t wait for the conditions to be perfect; they never will be.

2. Quick Decisions

The Eight of Wands urges you to trust your gut and make those snap judgments. If you’ve been humming and hawing, analyzing every little detail, this card tells you to stop overthinking and make a choice. Time waits for no one, and opportunities might slip through your fingers if you dilly-dally. Your intuition is your best friend right now; it can guide you to make decisions that may seem sudden but are spot-on. This is not a card of careful deliberation; it’s about the kind of decisions that feel like jumping off a diving board—scary but exhilarating.

3. Swift Movement

Think of the Eight of Wands as the Tarot’s sprinter—it’s all about fast progress and hurtling forward toward your goals. If you’ve been stuck in a rut or facing delays, expect the winds to change in your favor. Suddenly, barriers crumble, and obstacles step aside, as if the universe itself is saying, “Alright, you’re up!” Doors you didn’t even know existed might swing wide open, so be ready to step through them. Your plans start to materialize faster than you thought possible, and it feels like you’ve got a tailwind boosting you in just the right direction.

4. Travel

Whether you’ve got itchy feet or you’re yearning for a change of scenery, the Eight of Wands often heralds an upcoming trip or adventure. This isn’t the kind of leisurely, “let’s-see-where-the-road-takes-us” journey, though. Nope, this card indicates that you might suddenly find yourself jetting off for an important reason—maybe a last-minute business trip or an urgent family matter. Of course, it could also mean metaphorical travel, like soaring to new heights in your personal or professional life. Either way, pack your bags—physically or emotionally—because you’re going places, and you’re going there fast!

Eight of Wands reversed meanings

1. Delays

When the Eight of Wands shows up in reverse, brace yourself for some waiting time. That green light you were hoping for? Yeah, it’s stubbornly stuck on yellow or maybe even red. You’re revving your engine, ready to go, but external circumstances or even your own inner conflicts are throwing a wrench in your plans. You might encounter unexpected obstacles, paperwork snafus, or logistical headaches that keep you from moving forward at the speed you’d like. It’s frustrating, sure, but the universe might be telling you to slow down for a reason. Use this time to reassess and recalibrate, so when the path does clear, you’ll be better prepared.

2. Sluggishness

The reverse Eight of Wands embodies the spirit of the slowpoke. Where its upright version is all about speed and momentum, here you find yourself stuck in the mud, wheels spinning but going nowhere. It’s like you’ve lost your drive and enthusiasm, making even small tasks seem like monumental chores. You may even sense a sort of lethargy creeping into your actions or thought processes. This card suggests that you need to identify what’s sapping your energy. Once you pinpoint the culprits—be it emotional drains, lack of inspiration, or even physical health issues—you can start to address them and regain your zest for life.

3. Lack of Action

If you’re expecting a trumpet to sound and events to catapult into action, the reversed Eight of Wands is like a wet blanket on your enthusiasm. Things don’t just feel slow; they feel downright stagnant. Opportunities seem to dry up, and even your own motivation might wane. You might be itching to do something—anything!—but for some reason, you’re glued to your seat. This lack of action might be your own doing, or it could be the result of outside influences holding you back. Regardless, it’s a clear signal to reevaluate what’s keeping you immobile. Sometimes, understanding the ‘why’ can jolt you back into action.

4. Hasty Decisions

Ironically, even though the reversed Eight of Wands often indicates slow movement or delays, it can also warn against making too-quick decisions. In a situation where you feel stuck or impatient, you might be tempted to just do something for the sake of breaking the inertia. But beware: rash choices now can lead to regrets later. This card serves as a cautionary note that impulsive actions aren’t your friend. Instead of acting out of frustration or desperation, take a step back. Use the slowdown as a moment to breathe, weigh your options carefully, and then decide how to proceed.

Eight of Wands meaning for love & relationships


When the upright Eight of Wands appears in a love and relationship context, it usually spells excitement and rapid developments. If you’re single, someone could sweep you off your feet almost overnight, or a casual relationship might suddenly take a turn for the serious. For couples, it often indicates moving to the next stage at breakneck speed—maybe moving in together, getting engaged, or even starting a family. But it’s not just about milestones; it could mean a rejuvenation of emotional intimacy or passionate connection. The energy of the card encourages you to seize the moment and act on your feelings without hesitation.


If the Eight of Wands shows up reversed in a love reading, it suggests that things may be stuck or slowing down. Maybe those messages you sent are going unanswered, or plans you were excited about keep getting postponed. In committed relationships, it can point to a period of stagnation where things feel routine and the initial excitement has plateaued. This card advises you to not make hasty judgments or decisions based on this slow period. Take it as a chance to reflect on what you truly want and reassess the pace at which your relationship is going.

Eight of Wands meaning for work & career


When the upright Eight of Wands appears in a career reading, it’s usually a signal that you’re about to enter a busy, fast-paced period at work. Expect emails to flood in, deadlines to loom, and opportunities to pop up. It’s a great time for job seekers too, as applications might get rapid responses. The card’s energy indicates that your career is about to move forward in leaps and bounds, so get ready to hustle and make the most of this dynamic phase.


In contrast, pulling the Eight of Wands in reverse in a career context is a heads-up that things are likely to slow down. Projects might get stalled, promotions could be delayed, or job interviews may not yield quick results. It can be frustrating, but it’s often a sign to reevaluate your professional path. Use this downtime to hone your skills, clean up your resume, or reconsider your career goals. Sometimes, a pause gives you the clarity to make better long-term decisions.

Eight of Wands meaning for wealth & prosperity


When the Eight of Wands comes up upright in a financial context, it often means things are about to get rolling in a big way. You might see a quick return on an investment, or perhaps an unexpected windfall is coming your way. Job offers with better pay could also land on your lap. Whatever it is, your financial scene is set to move at a fast clip, so be prepared to act swiftly to take advantage of opportunities.


On the other hand, the reversed Eight of Wands in a financial reading can signify delays and sluggishness. Maybe that bonus you were expecting gets postponed, or an investment isn’t providing returns as quickly as you’d hoped. It’s a time to exercise patience and caution. Instead of making impulsive financial decisions out of frustration, use this slower period to review your budget, reassess your financial goals, and maybe even consult a financial advisor for long-term planning.

The meaning of the Eight of Wands in different spreads

The Eight of Wands can have varying nuances depending on its position in a tarot spread. For instance, if it appears in the past position, it might indicate a whirlwind period that has recently concluded, setting the stage for your current situation. In the present position, it signals that you’re in the midst of rapid changes or decisions, urging you to seize the moment. If it lands in the future position, it serves as a heads-up to prepare for a fast-paced series of events that will soon unfold. Regardless of its placement, this card tends to shake things up, infusing the reading with a sense of urgency and dynamism.

Final thoughts

The Eight of Wands is the tarot’s call to action, urging you to move quickly and seize the opportunities before you. Whether in love, career, or personal endeavors, this card is a signal that the universe is aligning in your favor for rapid development. However, when reversed, it serves as a cautionary tale, advising you to slow down and reassess your plans. In any position within a spread, it injects a sense of urgency and potential change into your life.

A complete guide to the Suit of Wands

Seven of Wands tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

Nine of Wands tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)