
Six of Wands tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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The Six of Wands tarot card is all about basking in the glory of success. When this card shows up, it’s a sign that you’re not just making progress, you’re actually winning. It’s a high-five from the universe, signaling achievement, public recognition, and sometimes even a little fame. But flip it upside down, and it serves as a cautionary tale, nudging you to stay humble and aware. 

Six of Wands keywords & concepts

Upright keywords 

  1. Success
  2. Public recognition
  3. Achievement
  4. Victory

Reversed keywords

  1. Failure
  2. Lack of recognition
  3. Disrepute
  4. Downfall

Six of Wands tarot card description & symbolism

The Six of Wands tarot card is a beacon of success, triumph, and public recognition. Imagine you’ve been through a challenging journey, faced obstacles, and now you’ve emerged victorious. This card embodies that elation you feel when crossing the finish line, knowing you’ve accomplished something significant. It’s not just about personal achievement; it also emphasizes the aspect of being celebrated by others. It represents the moments when your community or peers acknowledge your hard work and talents. In essence, the Six of Wands gives you a snapshot of a glorious moment where you not only win but also get to bask in the applause and admiration that come with victory.

Six of Wands upright meanings

1. Success

The Six of Wands embodies the sweet taste of success, the moment when your hard work finally pays off. It’s not just about winning; it’s about realizing that you’ve overcome obstacles, faced down challenges, and emerged victorious. Imagine crossing a finish line and feeling that intense wave of relief and joy wash over you—that’s the essence of this card. It’s a bright green light signaling that your efforts have put you ahead, whether that’s in your career, personal life, or any endeavor you’re passionate about.

2. Public Recognition

Now, let’s talk about the applause, the cheers, and the high-fives you’re getting. This can manifest as a promotion, an award, or even just well-deserved praise from people whose opinions matter to you. It’s that moment when you’re in the spotlight, and everyone around you acknowledges your talents and hard work. It’s incredibly validating, right? And it adds an extra layer of sweetness to your success. After all, what’s a victory without a little celebration?

3. Achievement

The Six of Wands also zeros in on the concept of achievement, which is a bit more nuanced than just winning or succeeding. Achievements are milestones, significant markers in your journey that prove you’re making progress. Maybe you’ve closed a big deal, aced a tough exam, or reached a personal goal you’ve been chasing for years. These accomplishments are like badges of honor; they show your growth, skills, and capabilities. You’ve got evidence that your strategy, dedication, and effort have been worth it. And even if nobody else knows the whole story behind your triumph, you do, and that’s what makes the achievement even more special.

4. Victory

Victory is the crowning glory of the Six of Wands. It’s not just about making it through; it’s about coming out on top. When you pull this card, it’s a signal that you’re not just surviving the battle—you’re winning it. You’re conquering those obstacles and declaring, “I own this!” Victory means you’ve found a way to outmaneuver the competition, solve the problem, or break through a personal limitation. It’s like the universe is waving a giant “V for Victory” flag just for you. It’s empowering, energizing, and it gives you a confidence boost to tackle even greater challenges ahead. So go ahead and savor the moment; you’ve earned it.

Six of Wands reversed meanings

1. Failure

When you pull the reversed Six of Wands, it’s like the universe is saying, “Hey, don’t get ahead of yourself.” This card signals failure, but it’s not the end-of-the-world, doomsday kind. Think of it as a reality check, a moment where you realize your approach isn’t working or that you’ve hit a stumbling block. Maybe you didn’t land that job, or your project didn’t go as planned. It’s disappointing for sure, but it’s also a chance for some serious reflection. This card nudges you to reassess, regroup, and maybe even re-strategize. Failure here isn’t your final destination; it’s a detour that gives you a chance to reroute your journey toward success.

2. Lack of Recognition

Alright, so you’ve been grinding away, putting in the effort, but where’s the applause? The reversed Six of Wands can highlight those frustrating times when you’re not getting the recognition you feel you deserve. It’s like you’ve been shouting from a mountaintop, but your echo isn’t coming back. People around you might not notice your hard work, or worse, they might attribute your achievements to someone else. Yeah, it stings, but don’t let it derail you. Use this experience as fuel. If your efforts aren’t getting noticed now, reassess how you can make an impact that’s impossible to ignore.

3. Disrepute

Now, let’s get into the murkier waters of disrepute. Unlike the upright Six of Wands, where you’re the toast of the town, the reversed card suggests you might be the subject of gossip, scandal, or negative attention. Ouch. This card is a warning that your actions or decisions could tarnish your reputation. If you’ve been cutting corners or acting without integrity, the universe is saying, “Hold up, reconsider.” Your actions are under scrutiny, and you might need to do some damage control. Reputation is often hard-won and easily lost, so tread carefully and make amends where you can.

4. Downfall

When you’re flying high, a downfall feels like you’ve had the rug pulled out from under you—fast and hard. The reversed Six of Wands highlights a potential downfall as a result of overconfidence, poor choices, or maybe even just rotten luck. It’s the moment you realize you’re not invincible. Whether it’s a dramatic turn of events in your career, a project falling apart, or a personal situation taking a turn for the worse, this card signals a low point. But remember, a downfall isn’t a life sentence; it’s a wake-up call. It challenges you to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and figure out your next move with greater wisdom and humility.

Six of Wands meaning for love & relationships


For the upright Six of Wands in the context of love and relationships, this card signifies a period of harmony, success, and mutual recognition. Imagine you and your partner have overcome a challenge, like resolving a big argument or navigating a tricky situation, and now you’re in that glow of accomplishment together. It’s a time when the love between you is not just felt but also celebrated. Maybe your social circle starts noticing how great you two are together, or perhaps you’re receiving compliments as a couple. This card heralds a time of enjoying the relationship and feeling secure in your emotional investment.


In the reverse position, the Six of Wands can signal disappointments or setbacks in your love life. Maybe you or your partner aren’t getting the emotional recognition you crave, leading to feelings of unfulfillment or neglect. It could also indicate that the relationship has hit a bump, like an argument that didn’t resolve well or an issue that’s been swept under the rug. The public image of the relationship might not align with the private reality, causing tension. This card serves as a warning to not ignore these signs but rather address them before they escalate.

Six of Wands meaning for work & career


When the upright Six of Wands pops up in a career-focused reading, it’s pretty much a high-five from the universe. This card suggests that you’re about to enjoy a career milestone, like nailing a project or getting that promotion you’ve been eyeing. Your colleagues and superiors are noticing your efforts, and you’re likely to receive praise or recognition for it. Essentially, it’s a sign that you’re on the right track, and you can expect some well-deserved kudos for your hard work.


Pulling the reversed Six of Wands in a career reading signals potential setbacks or a lack of recognition at work. You might be pouring in effort and skill but feeling like it’s all going unnoticed. Or perhaps a project you’ve been invested in fails to take off, leaving you questioning your next moves. It’s a call to reevaluate your strategies and figure out how to regroup or recalibrate your efforts to get back on the path to success.

Six of Wands meaning for wealth & prosperity


If the upright Six of Wands shows up in a financial reading, it’s basically like hitting a mini-jackpot. You’re in for a financial upswing, and it’s one you’ve probably earned through smart decisions or hard work. Maybe you’re finally getting that bonus, or an investment pays off in a big way. Whatever it is, people might even commend you for your financial savvy. It’s a period where not only do you feel secure money-wise, but you also gain a boost in financial confidence.


Pulling the reversed Six of Wands in a financial context could indicate some challenges ahead. This isn’t the time for a victory lap; instead, you might be facing setbacks like unexpected expenses, investments not panning out, or a financial opportunity slipping through your fingers. The card serves as a cautionary note to reassess your financial plans and strategies. It’s a reminder to not take success for granted and to stay vigilant in monitoring your financial health.

The meaning of the Six of Wands in different spreads

The meaning of the Six of Wands can vary depending on its position in a tarot spread and the surrounding cards. In a past position, it might indicate a previous victory or achievement that has shaped your current circumstances. When it appears in the present, it’s usually a sign that you’re currently enjoying success or about to experience a win. If you find it in the future position, get ready for good times ahead; it’s a strong indicator that your efforts will pay off. The essence of the card stays the same—triumph, recognition, and victory—but its timing and influence can differ based on its placement in the spread.

Final thoughts

The Six of Wands tarot card is a symbol of triumph, a celebration of your accomplishments and victories. Whether it’s in love, career, or finances, pulling this card in a reading often signals that you’re on the right track and that recognition is coming your way. But remember, its reversed position serves as a cautionary note, urging you to stay humble and vigilant. In either orientation, the card prompts you to reflect on your journey, appreciate your wins, and learn from setbacks.

A complete guide to the Suit of Wands

Five of Wands tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

Seven of Wands tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)