
Nine of Wands tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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The Nine of Wands tarot card is a symbol of resilience, grit, and the final push towards your goals. Whether upright or reversed, this card dives deep into themes of persistence and caution, offering valuable insights into various aspects of your life. From love and relationships to career and finances, the Nine of Wands challenges you to harness your inner strength and move forward with wisdom.

Nine of Wands keywords & concepts

Upright keywords 

  1. Persistence
  2. Resilience
  3. Close to success
  4. Grit

Reversed keywords

  1. Stubbornness
  2. Defensiveness
  3. Lack of compromise
  4. Inflexibility

Nine of Wands tarot card description & symbolism

The Nine of Wands tarot card is often seen as a symbol of resilience, determination, and the nearing end of a difficult journey. It captures that moment when you’re almost at your goal but still have that final, often challenging, stretch ahead of you. You’re battle-weary, sure, but you’re also wiser and stronger for having faced the trials that came your way. This card serves as both an acknowledgment of the hardships you’ve endured and a nudge to keep pushing forward. It’s a reminder that you have the inner strength and resourcefulness to overcome whatever obstacles still stand in your path. So, when you draw the Nine of Wands, know that it’s cheering you on, encouraging you to gather your energy for that last push towards success.

Nine of Wands upright meanings

1. Persistence

This card practically screams, “Keep going!” When you pull the Nine of Wands, it’s telling you that you’re on the right path, but you’ve got to stay committed. You might feel like you’re running on fumes, but don’t give up. You’re close to achieving what you’ve been working so hard for. In life, roadblocks are guaranteed, but this card assures you that your persistence will pay off. So, put on your metaphorical hiking boots and trudge through the last stretch of your journey. Your persistence isn’t just fuel for yourself; it’s also an inspiration for those watching you fight the good fight.

2. Resilience

Resilience isn’t just about weathering storms; it’s about coming out stronger on the other side. The Nine of Wands symbolizes that resilient spirit within you, the one that refuses to break no matter how tough things get. You’ve been through hardships and setbacks, but here you are, still standing and still striving for your goals. This card gives you a little nod, acknowledging your ability to adapt and recover. So, flex those resilience muscles. Show the world that you’re made of sterner stuff and you have the mental toughness to keep bouncing back.

3. Close to Success

When you see the Nine of Wands, know that you’re almost at the finish line. It’s like you’ve climbed up 90% of the mountain and now only the peak remains. The air might be thin, and your legs are probably shaking, but success is just around the corner. It’s not the time to slack off or think about quitting. This card encourages you to make that final push. Use whatever energy and resources you’ve got left to get yourself over that last hurdle. You’re so close to grabbing that victory, so don’t lose focus now.

4. Grit

The Nine of Wands is all about the grit—the raw endurance and passion that keeps you pushing forward even when the odds are stacked against you. Grit is like this inner fire that refuses to be extinguished, no matter how much water life throws on it. When you’re gritting your teeth and holding onto your wand, like in the card, you’re demonstrating an unyielding spirit that’s determined to succeed. This card tells you to channel that grit into overcoming obstacles, even when you’re battered and bruised. It’s your secret weapon, so wield it proudly and let it fuel your journey to greatness.

Nine of Wands reversed meanings

1. Stubbornness

You might be digging in your heels, refusing to budge on an issue, or simply sticking to your guns even when it’s not in your best interest. While tenacity is often a good thing, in this context, it’s a bit of a red flag. Your stubbornness might be blocking progress or causing unnecessary friction with others. Listen, being steadfast is great, but when it transforms into pigheadedness, you’re likely doing more harm than good.

2. Defensiveness

Ever feel like the world’s out to get you? Well, a reversed Nine of Wands suggests you might be putting up your emotional armor a little too hastily. It’s like you’re building walls so high that no one can climb them, not even those who genuinely want to help you. Being on the defensive can alienate you from others and make communication tougher. The key here is to recognize that not everyone is an enemy, and not all criticisms are attacks. Lower that shield a bit and try engaging in open dialogue. You might find that the world isn’t as hostile as you thought.

3. Lack of Compromise

If you’re pulling the reversed Nine of Wands, chances are you’re finding it hard to meet people halfway. Whether it’s in relationships, at work, or even in daily life situations, your refusal to compromise could be hampering your progress. Life isn’t a solo journey; sometimes, you’ve got to collaborate to get where you want to go. A lack of compromise can lead to stalemates that benefit no one and could even set you back. Take a step back and assess the situation. A little give-and-take can sometimes open doors you never knew existed.

4. Inflexibility

Inflexibility is the rigid cousin of stubbornness, and it’s another trait highlighted by the reversed Nine of Wands. This card warns you that your lack of flexibility could be a stumbling block on your path. Maybe you’re sticking to outdated methods, or perhaps you’re resisting change because it feels uncomfortable. But remember, growth often occurs in those uncomfortable zones. Loosen up a bit, adapt to new circumstances, and be willing to explore alternative routes. Life rarely goes as planned, and your ability to adapt will make the unpredictable journey a lot smoother.

Nine of Wands meaning for love & relationships


When you pull the upright Nine of Wands in a love and relationships context, it generally signifies a phase where you or your partner might be feeling a bit defensive or guarded, but for a reason. Perhaps you’ve been through some tough times together or are overcoming personal issues. This card encourages you to let your walls down just enough to let love in but also to trust that the strength you’ve built up can see you through any challenges. It’s a time for both emotional bravery and caution, finding that sweet balance between vulnerability and self-protection.


On the flip side, if you draw the reversed Nine of Wands in relation to your love life, it’s a cautionary note about letting stubbornness or defensiveness overtake the relationship. You might be holding on too tightly to past hurts, making it hard for the relationship to breathe and grow. Alternatively, it might indicate a pattern of avoiding compromise, leading to tension and misunderstandings. This card nudges you to reconsider your approach. Are you standing in the way of your own happiness by refusing to budge or open up? It’s worth some reflection to find the harmony you seek.

Nine of Wands meaning for work & career


In a career context, the upright Nine of Wands tells you that you’re in the home stretch. You’ve put in the hard work and faced numerous challenges, but now you’re almost there. It’s like being on the final lap of a marathon. This card encourages you to muster your remaining energy, stay persistent, and push through. Keep your eyes on the prize because your resilience and hard work are about to pay off. Now’s not the time to slack; it’s the time to finish strong.


When the Nine of Wands appears reversed in a career reading, it’s waving a caution flag about potential pitfalls like stubbornness and inflexibility. You might be clinging too tightly to old ways of doing things, or maybe you’re resisting collaborative efforts at work. Either way, this card serves as a wakeup call to reassess your approach. If you’re not willing to bend, adapt, or make compromises, you risk isolating yourself and stalling your professional progress. It’s a reminder to be more open to change and collaboration.

Nine of Wands meaning for wealth & prosperity


When the upright Nine of Wands appears in a financial context, it suggests that you’re nearing the end of a financially challenging period. You’ve probably had your fair share of ups and downs, but you’ve also learned valuable lessons along the way. This card advises you to continue exercising the same level of financial discipline and caution that got you this far. Your prudent decisions are about to bear fruit, so keep going and stay the course; your financial stability is within reach.


Drawing the reversed Nine of Wands in a financial reading is a sign to examine your current financial habits and attitudes. Maybe you’re being too rigid about investment options, or perhaps you’re stubbornly clinging to a financial strategy that isn’t working anymore. This card prompts you to loosen your grip a bit and consider alternative paths to financial wellness. Be open to change and willing to reassess your financial plans. It’s a good time for a little fiscal flexibility.

The meaning of the Nine of Wands in different spreads

The meaning of the Nine of Wands can shift subtly depending on its position in a tarot spread. In a past position, it often reflects the trials and challenges you’ve already navigated, highlighting your resilience. When it lands in the present position, it serves as a nudge to stay vigilant and disciplined, especially if you’re in the middle of a challenging period. If it appears in a future position, consider it a heads-up that you’ll need to summon your inner strength for challenges ahead. In any position, this card calls for a mix of tenacity, caution, and courage to navigate what lies before you.

Final thoughts

The Nine of Wands is a complex tarot card that embodies the spirit of resilience, persistence, and caution. Whether upright or reversed, it offers valuable insights into your emotional, relational, and even financial state. It serves as both a mirror and a guide, reflecting your current challenges while also showing you the way forward. Drawing this card is a call to summon your inner strength, reassess your strategies, and press on toward your goals with renewed energy and focus.

A complete guide to the Suit of Wands

Eight of Wands tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

Ten of Wands tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)