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When a guy wants you badly, he spends hours imagining your naked body and fantasizing about sleeping with you. It’s not his fault – he’s a guy, and he can’t help himself.
So how can you figure out what’s going through his dirty mind? Here are 33 signs he desperately wants to get into your pants and what to do about it.
1. He can’t stop checking out your body
A guy who wants you badly can’t help checking you out. His eyes will constantly be roaming around your body and lingering on all the features he likes best. Don’t be surprised if it feels like he’s having a conversation with your cleavage instead of your eyes.
Related post: 19 signs he only wants you for your body
2. He can’t stop touching you
Touch is one of the most important non-verbal signs of sexual attraction. If he can’t keep his hands off you, it’s a good indication that he wants to jump your bones. For example, he might touch your arm when he’s making a point or brush his leg against yours under the table.
Offering to massage your shoulders or back is another way he might touch you without it being overtly sexual. And if he frequently finds excuses to put his arm around you or hug you, that’s also a good sign.
Related post: 23 body language signs he’s falling in love with you
3. He asks about your sex life
Why would he ask about your sex life? He’s trying to figure out your general attitude toward sex and whether he has any chance of sleeping with you. If you’re willing to talk openly about your sexual adventures, he can learn whether you’ve had lots of experience, whether you’re into one-night stands, or if committed relationships are more your style.
4. He jokes about seeing you naked
When a guy casually jokes about wanting to see you naked, he’s trying to achieve two things at once. Firstly, he’s making it clear that he’s interested in you and really does want to see you naked. Second, he’s trying to gauge your reaction and see if you’re open to getting flirty and taking things further.
5. He fishes for compliments
Fishing for compliments is a major sign that he’s looking for validation from you. He wants to know that you think he’s attractive, funny, smart, or whatever else he’s trying to project.
Why? Because if you take the bait and tell him what he wants to hear, it will give him more confidence that he has a chance of sleeping with you, and he can kick his charm offensive into high gear.
6. He brings up sexual fantasies
Once he knows you’re open to discussing sex, he might take things further and start a flirty conversation about sexual fantasies. Even if it’s a fun and light-hearted conversation, it will still give him lots of delicious clues about what turns you on.
7. He wants you to notice his body
If he’s a fit guy, he’ll want you to notice how hard he works on his body. Openly flexing in front of you might be a bit much, but he’ll wear tight clothing and stand in certain positions to show off his muscles.
And, of course, he’ll take every opportunity to take his shirt off in front of you – whether it’s at the beach, during a game of basketball, or even just because it’s a warm day.
8. His flirting is way more than innocent
Some guys are naturally flirty and don’t mean anything by it. A flirty guy might casually touch your arm when you make him laugh or give you a nice compliment.
But if a guy is really into you, his flirting will become next level. He’ll touch you a lot more and try to escalate the physical contact as much as possible. Every move he makes is designed to get him closer to you.
The secret weapon to make him obsessed with you

All men feel a powerful urge to compete. It comes from ancient times when every day was a fight for survival to protect their tribe and provide for their families.
The stakes are much lower today, but the competitive urge remains deeply rooted in male biology. Instead of fighting saber-toothed tigers, men channel their competitive energy into work, fitness, acquiring wealth, or earning the respect of their peers.
Imagine if you could harness all this competitive energy and make a man obsessed with winning your love.
You can. And all you need to do is trigger a biological switch inside him that will make him see you as the ultimate prize.
Relationship psychologist James Bauer calls this switch the “hero instinct,” and it explains why some women have men falling all over them while others struggle to find lasting love.
Triggering a man’s hero instinct taps into his competitive spirit and makes him see your relationship as an opportunity to prove himself as a man. Making you happy gives him purpose and a “game” to win.
Instead of you chasing him, he will jump through hoops to impress you and win your approval. In a matter of days, he’ll become more protective, committed, and attracted to you than you ever dreamed possible.
And the best part is that you can do all this without playing hard to get or acting like a damsel in distress.
This free video presentation from James Bauer will show you exactly what to say, what texts to send, and what to ask your man to trigger his hero instinct and make him utterly obsessed with you.
It sounds almost too good to be true, but it’s the real deal. James’ techniques use simple yet powerful psychology to help you tap into the deepest desires that all men feel.
Here’s the link to the free video again.
9. All his compliments are about your looks
A guy romantically interested in you will focus on more than just your looks. He’ll notice little details about your personality and give thoughtful compliments that show you he’s really paying attention.
But a guy who wants to have sex with you badly will probably only focus on your appearance. He might tell you how hot you look in those jeans, how much he loves your eyes, or how much he wants to see you naked. It doesn’t mean his compliments aren’t genuine – he just has one thing on his mind.
10. He makes intense eye contact
Making eye contact with someone is a powerful and intimate gesture, and it’s an excellent way for a guy to signal his interest. However, this only works for confident guys who know how to hold eye contact without looking creepy.
If a guy intentionally avoids eye contact, he might still want you. He’s just nervous, shy, or playing it cool and doesn’t want to seem overly interested.
11. He tells you what you want to hear
If a guy genuinely likes you, he’ll enjoy having meaningful conversations and listening to your point of view. On the other hand, if he desperately wants to sleep with you, he might just tell you what you want to hear to speed up the process of getting into your pants.
12. He looks for common ground
If you’ve just met a guy who wants to sleep with you, one of the best things he can do is try to find common ground with you.
How does this work? If you tell him something about yourself, he’ll somehow try to relate to it. For example, if you’re a fan of a particular band, he might exclaim that he’s also a huge fan. Or if you mention that you love hiking, he’ll tell you about the time he went hiking and got lost for hours.
In most cases, finding common ground with someone is a natural part of getting to know them. But there’s always a chance he might lie or exaggerate to encourage you to let your guard down more quickly.
13. He gets jealous when you flirt
If a guy wants you badly, nothing will drive him crazier than seeing you flirt with another guy. No matter how confident he feels, the competition will get to him, and it will take all his willpower not to insert himself into the conversation or pull you away from the other guy.
14. He tries to ‘neg’ you
If you’re not familiar with negging, it’s an immature pickup tactic some guys use to try and get women to sleep with them. The idea is to give you soft insults and backhanded compliments that undermine your self-confidence and make you crave their attention and validation.
At the end of the day, negging is emotional manipulation, and it’s a huge red flag if a guy is doing it to you. Unfortunately, it does work on some girls, so please don’t fall for this underhanded tactic!
15. He buys you heaps of drinks
Beware any guy who’s buying you drink after drink. He might be trying to get you drunk, so he can take advantage of you – especially if you tell him no and he keeps buying them anyway. After too many drinks, your decision-making skills go out the window, and you might agree to sleep with him and severely regret it later.
16. He drunk dials you
On the other side of the coin, a guy might have too many drinks and decide it’s a good idea to drunk dial you and beg for sex. Even though he’s being sincere, a drunk guy is not someone you want to invite over unless you really know him, trust him, and enjoy the smell of stale beer.
17. He tries to get you alone
If you’re at a packed club or bar, it will be hard for him to work his magic unless he can get you alone and find a nice quiet spot to talk. This might be a perfectly innocent move, but be aware that separating you from your friends is also a tactic that pickup artists often use.
18. He instantly responds to your texts
If you like someone and instantly reply to every text they send, there’s a chance you might come off looking desperate. The trick is to mirror the other person’s texting habits. So if they take a while to text you back, don’t immediately reply the second they send a message.
But a guy desperate to sleep with you won’t care how he looks. He only cares about getting you to respond so he can continue the conversation and (hopefully) get you into bed.
Related post: How to not be a dry texter (24 useful tips & examples)
19. He likes all your hot photos on social media
Have a look through your social feeds and see which photos he likes. Do they happen to be the ones where you’re looking hot or wearing skimpy clothes? If so, it’s pretty obvious he wants you badly.
20. He sexts you
If you’ve been living under a rock, sexting involves sending explicit text messages and nude or semi-nude pics to your partner or someone you want to hook up with.
If a guy is sexting you, there’s no doubt that he wants you badly. Sexting can be fun, but it’s also risky. Always assume that other people will see any picture you send. Even if you trust the guy right now, who knows what will happen in the future?
Your best move is to ensure you can’t be identified in photos by leaving out your face and avoiding any distinguishing features. Even then, there’s always a chance that someone will figure out it’s you in the photo.
21. He only texts you late at night
Why would a guy only text you late at night? He might be bored, lonely, or a workaholic. But it’s much more likely that he’s looking for a booty call. He badly wants to sleep with you, but he’s trying to avoid a long conversation and get straight to the sex.
22. His voice gets lower when he talks to you
Studies have shown that when people speak to someone they’re sexually attracted to, their voice gets subtly lower. So if you notice that he’s talking in a deeper voice when he’s around you, it could be a sign that he wants to sleep with you.
23. He keeps smelling you
There is some evidence that body odor is connected to sexual attraction. Scientists are skeptical whether humans have similar pheromones to animals, but smell is still a powerful sense that can trigger all kinds of emotions.
He might have learned to associate your scent with positive sexual feelings, and he can’t get enough of it. So if you catch him leaning in to get a better whiff of your perfume or shampoo, it could be a sign he’s attracted to you.
24. All your dates are at home (near a bed)
If you find that all your “dates” are just at-home hangouts, it’s probably a sign that he’s only interested in one thing. Netflix and chill is fun every once in a while, but if he liked you, he would make an effort to take you on an actual date.
25. His bed is freshly made
Most guys aren’t known for their housekeeping skills, but if his bed is freshly made when you come over to his place, you know he’s been planning ahead and wants to get lucky.
26. His bathroom is squeaky clean
The same goes if his bathroom looks suspiciously clean. He’s hoping to see you naked in his bathroom and doesn’t want the usual hair and grime to ruin his chances of scoring.
27. He’s thought about the mood
Has he lit some scented candles? Lowered the lights? Put on some soft music? If he’s going out of his way to make things romantic, it’s a sure sign he wants to get you in the mood.
28. He’s acting alpha male
Some guys think acting like an alpha male is the best way to show a woman he will make a worthy mate. Typical alpha male behaviors include acting tough and aggressive, competing for your attention, and confidently stepping up to take charge of situations.
If your guy is exhibiting these behaviors, it may be a sign that he’s trying to impress you and make you want him. Some women like the alpha male vibes, but don’t be surprised if you find his arrogance a huge turn-off.
Related post: 15 reasons a beta male is an amazing boyfriend
29. His friends make it pretty obvious
If you want to know if he wants you badly, look at his friends. He’s told them about you, and it will be impossible to miss all the sly glances, nudges, and whispered comments. Even if he’s sworn them to secrecy – they’re guys and can’t help themselves.
30. He dresses up for you
Is he suddenly making a big effort with his appearance? If he usually rocks jeans or sweatpants and now he’s trying out a new style or wearing nice clothes, it’s a good sign he wants to impress you.
31. He cancels plans to see you
If he’s ditching his friends or canceling plans to see you, it means you’re definitely on his mind. He’s taking every opportunity to see you in the hope that he’ll finally get to see what’s under that tight sweater he loves so much.