
23 signs you’ve met your platonic soulmate

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When you think of a soulmate, you probably automatically think of a romantic partner. But the truth is, a soul connection doesn’t have to be sexual. You can also have a platonic soulmate relationship with a friend or family member that is just as profound and meaningful.

Some people also assume you can only have one soulmate in your life, but this isn’t the case. The point of a soulmate is to help you grow and evolve into the best version of yourself, and you might have different soulmates for different stages of your life who appear when you most need them.

Here are 23 signs you’ve been lucky enough to find your platonic soulmate.

What is a platonic soulmate?

A soulmate is someone who you have a deep and spiritual connection with. You share a mutual understanding and communication that goes beyond the physical level.

In most cases, you feel a strong connection with your soulmate from the instant you meet them. You intuitively know you’ve found someone special who will play an essential role in your life. Many people describe the feeling of meeting their soulmate as a sense of familiarity, like coming home.

A platonic soulmate is the same as a regular soulmate but without the romantic component. They provide you with emotional and spiritual support rather than physical intimacy.

You might not even realize you’ve met your platonic soulmate until you reflect on your relationship and realize how rare and unique it is. This person is someone you can trust implicitly and who understands and accepts you for who you are.

A platonic soulmate relationship is built on mutual respect, trust, and support. You might share the same values and have similar tastes in hobbies and interests. But most importantly, you click with this person deeply and can be yourself around them without feeling judged or misunderstood.

Can you be in love with your platonic soulmate?

By definition, a platonic relationship is one without any sexual or romantic feelings. So technically, you cannot be in love with your platonic soulmate in the traditional sense of the word.

However, the bond you share with your platonic soulmate can be just as intense and passionate as any romantic relationship. You might even say you’re “in love” with your soulmate, but it’s more about the depth of your friendship and connection rather than any sexual desire.

There is no one-size-fits-all definition of love, so if you feel a deep and profound love for your platonic soulmate, that is what matters.

Signs you’ve met your platonic soulmate

Okay, now that you understand what a platonic soulmate is and how this type of relationship differs from a romantic one, let’s look at some signs that you’ve found yours.

1. You felt an instant connection

When you first met your platonic soulmate, you may have felt an instant connection to them. It might have been a feeling of recognition or like something was missing in your life that they suddenly filled.

This feeling of immediate connection is one of the most tell-tale signs of meeting a soulmate. Many people describe it as a feeling of familiarity and comfort, which must be very strange when you’ve just met someone!

2. They came into your life when you needed them

Soulmates often appear in your life when you need them the most. They might show up during a difficult time to provide support and understanding or help you through a challenging situation.

Even though a soulmate can help you to learn and grow, it’s different from a twin flame relationship. Soulmate relationships are stable and loving, while twin-flame relationships are often very tumultuous. The main point of a twin flame is to reflect your issues back to you so you can heal them, whereas a soulmate is there to help support you through thick and thin.

Contrary to popular belief, you can have more than one soulmate. So if you’ve already found your romantic soulmate, your platonic soulmate may still be out there waiting to enter your life.

3. Your friendship feels different

A platonic soulmate friendship will feel more profound and richer than any other friendship you’ve ever had. You’ll be able to share everything with this person and feel completely understood.

Your platonic soulmate will also challenge you in a loving way, pushing you to grow and develop as a person. This type of friendship is based on mutual respect and a deep understanding of each other. It’s the kind of friendship that grows over time and will last a lifetime.

4. You are a constant in each other’s lives

Your platonic soulmate will be a constant in your life. Your romantic relationships might come and go, but your friendship with your soulmate will always be there.

However, your soulmate doesn’t need to be an active part of your life for you to feel their presence. Even if you only see each other once a year or every few years, the bond you share will still be strong.

It’s not uncommon for platonic soulmates to drift apart and come back into each other’s lives when the time is right. If you’ve lost touch with your platonic soulmate, don’t worry – they’ll always be there for you when you need them.

5. You can read each other’s minds

The soulmate connection is so strong that you often feel like you can read each other’s minds. You finish each other’s sentences and know what the other person is thinking without them having to say a word.

This telepathic connection is one of the most amazing things about having a soulmate. It’s like you share one mind, and it’s almost impossible to keep secrets from each other.

If you’ve ever had the experience of saying something out loud and then realizing that your platonic soulmate was thinking the exact same thing, then you’ll know what I’m talking about.

6. You bring out the best in each other

Your platonic soulmate believes in you and sees your potential, even when you don’t see it yourself. They will push you to be the best version of yourself and give you the motivation to achieve your dreams.

Unlike a romantic partner, your platonic soulmate isn’t afraid to tell you the truth, even when they know it will hurt you. They will guide you back to the light if you’re going down the wrong path or being unrealistic.

Their goal is to help you grow and develop as a person, not to control or manipulate you. Their feedback is always given with your best interests at heart, and you know that they will never lead you astray.

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7. You grow and change with each other

Because a soulmate friendship can last a lifetime, you will grow and change together over the years. Your platonic soulmate knows you better than anyone, and they will be there to support you through all your ups and downs.

Even when you’re not in each other’s lives, you will continue to grow and change as people. When you eventually reconnect, it will be like picking up where you left off, even though years may have passed.

8. Your friendship feels effortless

A platonic soulmate friendship is one of the most effortless relationships you will ever have. You don’t have to try hard to impress each other or put on a show – you can just be yourself.

The connection between you is so strong that it doesn’t require any work to maintain. Even when you’re not talking, you know that the friendship is still there, and you can pick up right where you left off whenever you speak again.

9. You don’t get jealous of each other

Jealousy is common in romantic relationships, but it’s almost nonexistent in platonic soulmate friendships. The success of your soulmate doesn’t threaten you because you know that their success doesn’t take away from your own.

You celebrate each other’s accomplishments and are genuinely happy for their happiness. You don’t need to compete or one-up each other because you know there is room in the world for both of you to shine.

10. You have deep conversations

Platonic soulmates can talk about anything and everything. You can have long, meandering conversations that cover every topic under the sun.

One of the beautiful things about a platonic soulmate is that you can tell them things you could never tell your partner. If you’re having trouble in your romantic relationship, your soulmate is the perfect person to confide in and give you a fresh perspective.

11. You know you’ll always be friends

Even if you’re not in each other’s lives now, you know the friendship is still there. You can go months or even years without talking, but it will be like no time has passed when you finally reconnect.

12. You give each other honest advice

Because you want the best for your soulmate, you’re always honest with them. If they are dating someone you disapprove of, you won’t hesitate to tell them.

You know that they would do the same for you, and that’s one of the things you love about your friendship. You can always count on each other for honest feedback and constructive criticism.

13. You support each other through hard times

No matter what happens in life, you know that your soulmate will always be there for you. They will support you through breakups, job losses, and family tragedies.

And you return the favor by being there for them when they need you. You know you can always rely on each other, no matter what happens.

14. You accept each other’s flaws

Having someone in your life that knows all your flaws and still loves you is a rare and unique thing. Your platonic soulmate knows your deepest, darkest secrets, and they still love and accept you.

You don’t try to change each other because you know that the friendship is perfect just the way it is. You accept each other – flaws and all – and that’s one of the things that makes your relationship so special.

15. You have a secret language

Because you understand each other so well, you’ve almost developed a secret language. You have inside jokes and references that only the two of you understand, and you can communicate with a look or just a few words.

This shared language is one of the things that bind you together and makes the friendship so unique. It’s like you’re speaking your own private dialect that no one else can understand.

16. You feel close even when you’re apart

Even if you live on the opposite side of the world, you still feel close to your platonic soulmate. You can always feel the magnetic pull of the friendship, no matter how far apart you are.

17. You complement and balance each other

You and your soulmate are the perfect balance for each other. You have a lot in common, but your differences are a source of inspiration and learning.

If you have a problem, your soulmate can help you see things from a different perspective. They understand you perfectly and know how to push you in the right way to help you grow and learn.

18. You share in each other’s success

Your soulmate friendship is one of the few relationships in your life that is genuinely free from jealousy and envy. When your soulmate succeeds, you feel like you’ve succeeded too. You are genuinely happy for their accomplishments and know that you’ve helped them (in some small way) get to where they are.

19. You can be yourselves with each other

One of the most extraordinary things about your friendship is that you can be yourselves with each other. You don’t have to put on a show or pretend to be someone you’re not. Your soulmate sees through all your masks, and they love you for who you really are.

20. You feel recharged after seeing them

Even if you’re not arguing, being around certain people can leave you emotionally and mentally drained. They sap the joy out of life with their attitude, negativity, or just plain old selfishness.

But your friendship with your soulmate is the opposite. Spending time with them leaves you feeling refreshed, recharged, and invigorated. You always come away from your time together feeling like a better person.

21. They make you feel truly heard and valued

There aren’t too many people in the world who genuinely listen and hear you. But your platonic soulmate is one of them. They listen to you with their whole heart, and they validate your feelings and experiences.

You never have to worry about being judged or misunderstood by your soulmate. You can say anything and everything, and you know that they will hear you and support you. They just “get” you in a way that no one else does.

22. Other people assume you’re together

Other people often assume you’re together when you’re out in public with your soulmate. They see how you interact and feel the special bond between you.

It’s almost as if they can see your love and connection, even though it’s not romantic love. People are drawn to the energy and intensity of your friendship, and they can’t help but wonder what it would be like to have a bond like that in their own lives.

23. You haven’t felt lonely since you met them

Loneliness isn’t just about whether you physically see someone or not. It’s a lack of connection, a feeling of not being understood or valued. In fact, many people in relationships feel lonely because they don’t have that deep level of connection with their partner.

But since meeting your platonic soulmate, you haven’t felt lonely at all. You finally feel like you’ve found someone who understands you and values you for who you are. And that feels pretty amazing.

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