
19 signs he only wants you for your body

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It’s a sad fact that some guys will pretend to care about you when they’re only interested in getting into your pants. When you really like a guy, it’s easy to ignore all the red flags, and they are often very good at hiding their true intentions.

Here are 19 telltale signs that he only wants you for your body.

1. All his compliments are about your body

If a guy genuinely cares about you, he’ll compliment you on more than just your looks. He’ll notice and appreciate your intelligence, sense of humor, and all the other qualities that make you special.

Even more importantly, he’ll give you specific compliments about little things that most people wouldn’t even notice. For example, he might love the way you always know just what to say to make people feel better or the way you always laugh and cry at the same time when you’re watching a sad movie.

Compliments like these show that he’s paying attention to who you are as a person and not just what you look like on the outside. They’re the words that really matter, and if he’s only focusing on your physical appearance, it’s a pretty clear sign that he doesn’t care about anything else.

2. He doesn’t take any interest in your life

It feels good to know that a guy is thinking about your body. The anticipation of hot sex is a big part of what makes the early days of a new relationship so exciting!

But if you want to have a meaningful relationship, he has to show you that he’s interested in more than just hooking up. If he doesn’t take an interest in any other aspects of your life beyond sex, it’s a major red flag that he’s not interested in anything serious.

If he really cared, he’d be interested in more than just your favorite sex position or whether you’d be up for a threesome. He’d want to know everything about you – your likes, dislikes, hopes, and dreams.

3. He gets annoyed when you refuse sex

How does he react when you politely tell him you’re not in the mood for sex? A guy who really likes you will never get annoyed or irritated when you say “no” to sex.

He won’t demand to know why you’re refusing him, and he’ll be happy just to enjoy your company, chilling on the couch, or chatting about your day.

On the other hand, a guy who only wants you for your body might get sulky, irritated, or outright annoyed if you knock him back. The only reason he’s spending time with you because he thinks it will lead to sex. In his mind, cuddling on the couch is just a boring waste of his time.

4. He only wants to hang out at home

There’s nothing wrong with hanging out at home and having heaps of sex. Let’s be honest – it’s one of the most fun ways you can spend an evening.

However, an important part of starting a new relationship is going out on fun dates together. It helps you learn more about each other and builds shared memories and experiences that you can talk and laugh about in the future.

If staying home for Netflix and Chill is literally the only thing he ever wants to do, then you’re not in a real relationship. It’s obvious he has no interest in getting to know anything about the real you beyond what you can do for him in the bedroom.

5. He’s only affectionate to get sex

Does he try to initiate sex every time he shows you affection? Perhaps he immediately starts trying to get you naked every time he hugs or kisses you. Or maybe he only compliments you when he thinks there’s a chance it will lead to something more.

You might be totally fine with this in the early days because you can’t keep your hands off each other. But he should start showing you affection at some point without it leading to sex. A stolen kiss as he walks past you, a cuddle on the couch, or a compliment that lets you know how amazing you are.

These little gestures of affection are what deepen your connection and let you know that he really cares about you.

6. He never talks about anything serious

Avoiding serious conversations is one of the telltale signs that he’s only interested in your body. He’s not interested in getting to know you on a deeper level or figuring out if you have anything in common.

Instead, he talks about surface-level topics like what time he should come over, what you’re wearing, or how hot you look. If you try to discuss your relationship, talk about the future, or even just ask him how he’s going, he quickly shuts down or changes the subject.

In fact, if you didn’t make an effort to engage him in conversation, you’d probably never even know he had a personality.

7. He pressures you to try things in bed

There’s nothing wrong with trying new things and experimenting in the bedroom. Exploring your sexual desires and boundaries is an exciting part of deepening your bond.

However, you should never feel pressured to do anything in bed that makes you feel uncomfortable. If you really like a guy, you might be tempted to do what he wants rather than risk disappointing him or appearing like a prude.

Please don’t do this. If he asks you for something in bed that doesn’t feel right, tell him “no,” and let him know that you mean it. If he cares about you, he will respect your boundaries. If he keeps applying pressure, it’s a clear sign that he only wants you for your body, and you should kick him to the curb.

8. He doesn’t introduce you to his friends or family

If he doesn’t want to introduce you to the important people in his life, ask yourself why? Either he’s embarrassed to be seen with you, or he’s only interested in sex, and he doesn’t want to give his friends and family the impression that he cares about you.

It’s much more convenient for him to keep you hidden away so he doesn’t have to answer awkward questions when he’s done having fun and moved on to the next girl.

The same is true if he avoids meeting your friends and family. The thought of all that aimless small talk fills him with dread because all he’s interested in is what’s under your skirt.

9. He gives you mixed signals

Hot and cold behavior and mixed signals are very common signs that a guy is only interested in your body.

He’s loving and affectionate when he wants to get down your pants, but as soon as he gets what he wants, he becomes cold and distant or ignores you. After a few days (or even a few hours), he warms up again and starts to show interest again.

This cycle continues time and time again until he eventually gets bored of sleeping with you, or you realize what’s going on and call him out on his behavior.

10. He only texts you late at night

There’s one reason he only texts you at night and never during the day. Even if he doesn’t come straight out and ask for a booty call, you can tell that he’s fishing for an invitation to come over for sex.

Texting you at night means he never has to deal with the hassle of taking you out on a date, meeting your friends, or even having a conversation with you that doesn’t involve sex. He can get straight down to business without any of the boring stuff in between.

If you want to test him out, just text him during the day and ask him to hang out. If he doesn’t respond until bedtime – you’ll have your answer.

11. He avoids relationship labels

When you first start dating, it’s okay if a guy doesn’t want to put a label on your relationship. You’re both still getting to know each other and have no idea whether you have a long-term future together.

But if you’ve been dating for a while and he still resists being called your “boyfriend” or “partner,” it’s a red flag that he’s avoiding any kind of commitment. He may have a genuine reason for not wanting a serious relationship, but you should also consider whether he’s just using you for your body.

12. You don’t know much about him

How much do you actually know about him? If you can’t answer simple questions about his job, friends, hobbies, or ambitions, then he’s probably intentionally keeping you at arm’s length.

You would be surprised how skillfully some people avoid talking about themselves. They are masters of changing the subject, turning a question back onto you, and making up excuses. If you find yourself in a relationship with a guy like this, chances are he’s not interested in getting to know you on a deeper level – he’s only interested in your body.

13. He’s always asking for nude pics

If he constantly asks you to send him nude pics, it’s pretty obvious that he’s obsessed with your body and not much else.

Sending sexy photos can be fun, but it’s also very risky. You should always assume that the entire world will see them. Don’t believe him even if he promises he won’t show anyone else. You can pretty much guarantee that he’ll at least show his friends and nude pictures always seem to have a habit of ending up online.

And what happens if your relationship ends badly? He can use the photos however he likes to embarrass you or get revenge. If you really want to send him some pics, do yourself a favor, and don’t include anything (like your face) that could be used to identify you.

14. He brags about you to his friends

Some guys will fake interest in a hot girl purely so they can sleep with her and brag to their friends. There’s no way to know for sure if your guy is doing this, but if you meet his friends and they all start smirking and high-fiving, you can be pretty sure you’re a notch on his bedpost.

15. He uses you as arm candy

If he’s constantly dragging you to parties or events and showing you off like a prize, it might be because that’s all you are to him. He doesn’t care about your personality or interests; he just wants a beautiful girl by his side to increase his social status and make all his friends or co-workers jealous.

16. He doesn’t care if you enjoy sex

Sex is something that should be shared and enjoyed by both partners. It doesn’t matter if you’re making passionate love or getting down and dirty with no attachments – the point is that everyone should come away satisfied.

A guy who’s only interested in your body might show a complete lack of interest in whether you’re enjoying yourself. You’re just a hot body to him, and all he cares about is using you for his own personal pleasure.

If a guy ever makes you feel used and disregarded during sex, you should kick him out of bed immediately. You deserve to be treated with respect in all areas of your life – including your sex life.

17. He leaves straight after sex

Just to be clear – not all sex needs to be followed by hours of cuddling and chatting in bed. Sometimes you just want to get the job done and get a good night’s sleep.

But if he’s always got one foot out the door the second you’re done – it’s not a good sign. He obviously has no interest in staying over and spending quality time with you outside of sex, and he’s just using you for his own pleasure.

18. He doesn’t make you feel special

At the end of the day, a guy who genuinely cares about you will make you feel wanted and special. Of course, sex is an important part of the equation, but there’s much more to a real relationship than physical attraction. If your guy isn’t going out of his way to make you feel loved and appreciated, it’s probably because he doesn’t care about you beyond the physical.

19. Your friends warned you about him

It can be hard to take advice when it goes against what you want to believe, but your friends only have your best interests at heart. If they’re telling you that a guy is using you and only wants you for your body, it might be worth taking them seriously.

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