
Page of Cups tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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Tarot cards are a form of divination used to gain insights into various aspects of life, from love to career and everything in between. The Page of Cups is one of these powerful cards, often seen as a messenger of imagination and curiosity. Whether upright or reversed, this card opens doors to self-exploration, urging you to tap into your intuition and emotional depths.

Page of Cups keywords & concepts

Upright keywords 

  1. Intuition
  2. Curiosity
  3. Open heart
  4. Imagination

Reversed keywords

  1. Cynicism
  2. Emotional immaturity
  3. Doubt
  4. Insecurity

Page of Cups tarot card description & symbolism

The Page of Cups is like your emotional cheerleader, urging you to tune into your intuitive senses and embrace the emotional landscape of your life. This card is often linked with qualities of emotional openness, curiosity, and a vivid imagination. Picture it as the embodiment of your inner artist or your inner child, calling you to explore new emotional territories without fear or restraint. When this card appears, it’s an invitation to dive deep into your feelings, to listen to your intuition, and to allow your imagination to run wild. It acts as a gentle nudge to remain open-hearted and to approach life with a sense of wonder, making it a significant card for emotional growth and creative expression.

Page of Cups upright meanings

1. Intuition

When the Page of Cups shows up in your reading, it’s like your inner psychic is getting a wake-up call. This card encourages you to tap into your gut feelings, to pay close attention to your dreams, and to listen to that little voice inside your head. Unlike logic and reason, intuition operates on a different frequency, offering you insights that you can’t always put into words. If you’ve been ignoring your sixth sense, this card is a reminder to trust your intuitive hits. They’re often the universe’s way of guiding you toward the right path.

2. Curiosity

This card practically radiates curiosity. The Page of Cups is like that wide-eyed kid in a candy store, fascinated by the world’s colors, shapes, and flavors. It nudges you to be inquisitive, to ask questions, and to explore new interests. If you’ve been stuck in a routine, feeling like every day is a carbon copy of the last, this card is your cue to shake things up. Maybe it’s time to pick up a new hobby, read a book on a subject you know nothing about, or simply engage in conversations that challenge your current perspectives.

3. Open Heart

The Page of Cups is a beacon of emotional openness. It represents a heart untainted by cynicism or past hurts, a heart willing to love and be loved. When this card surfaces, it’s a signal to approach relationships with a pure and open heart. Even if you’ve been burned before, this is not the time to build emotional walls. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and open to receiving love and kindness, not just from others but also from yourself. An open heart can attract positive relationships and create emotional bonds that nourish your soul.

4. Imagination

Imagine the Page of Cups as the daydreamer of the tarot deck. When this card pops up, your imagination gets the green light to run wild. Whether you’re an artist looking for inspiration or someone stuck in a rut, tapping into your imaginative powers can open doors you didn’t even know existed. This is the time to let your creativity flow, to brainstorm ideas, and to daydream without limits. It’s like giving yourself permission to build castles in the air, because who knows? Those flights of fancy might just be the first step toward manifesting your dreams into reality.

Page of Cups reversed meanings

1. Cynicism

When the Page of Cups turns up reversed, it’s like your inner optimist has been shoved aside by a cynic. This card’s appearance often suggests a skepticism that may have you second-guessing intentions, doubting sincerity, or even dismissing emotional connections as superficial. It’s like you’ve got a rain cloud hovering over every silver lining. This cynicism can act as a defense mechanism to avoid getting hurt, but it also prevents you from experiencing genuine emotional connections and can alienate those around you.

2. Emotional Immaturity

The reversed Page of Cups is like the poster child for emotional immaturity. You might be dealing with mood swings, impulsive actions, or even a tendency to throw emotional tantrums when things don’t go your way. This card warns that you might be reacting instead of responding, letting your emotions steer the ship without consulting your rational mind. It’s a sign to check your emotional reactions and ask yourself if you’re being fair to yourself and others. Emotional growth often requires self-awareness, and this card’s presence indicates you’ve got some work to do in that department.

3. Doubt

Imagine having a nagging voice in your head that keeps questioning your every move. That’s what the reversed Page of Cups signifies when it comes to doubt. You could be doubting your feelings, your intuition, or even the feelings of others toward you. This self-doubt can serve as a major roadblock, making it hard to commit to a course of action or trust your inner voice. The page of cups shows up to flag this paralyzing doubt, suggesting that it’s time to confront these insecurities, maybe even seek outside perspectives, so you can move forward with more confidence.

4. Insecurity

Insecurity is a prominent theme with the reversed Page of Cups. It’s like you’re looking at yourself through a distorted mirror, focusing on perceived flaws while ignoring your strengths. This can manifest as low self-esteem, jealousy, or an overwhelming fear of rejection. When you feel insecure, you might find it challenging to open up and be vulnerable, which can put a strain on your relationships and even your own emotional wellbeing. The card is a wake-up call to start rebuilding your self-esteem, possibly through self-compassion, affirmations, or even professional help.

Page of Cups meaning for love & relationships


When the upright Page of Cups appears in a reading focused on love and relationships, it’s like a breath of fresh air. This card indicates a phase of emotional openness and vulnerability, which can lead to deeper connections with your partner. If you’re single, it could signify that you’re entering a time when you’re particularly receptive to new romantic possibilities. The energy here is one of fresh starts, be it in a new relationship or a revitalizing spark in an existing one. This card is all about letting love in, listening to your intuition when it comes to matters of the heart, and not being afraid to wear your emotions on your sleeve.


Flip the card, and the reversed Page of Cups paints a different picture for your love life. This position can indicate emotional immaturity or insensitivity that may be hindering your relationships. Whether you’re coming off as aloof or diving into drama unnecessarily, the card advises a closer look at your emotional behavior. If you’re single, this card might suggest that your emotional unavailability or immature attitudes are keeping love at bay. It’s a call to action to grow emotionally if you want to cultivate healthy, fulfilling relationships.

Page of Cups meaning for work & career


When the upright Page of Cups shows up in a career-focused reading, you’re being nudged to tap into your creative and intuitive sides at work. This card is like getting the green light to bring your whole self to your job, not just the parts that fit neatly into a corporate box. If you’ve been contemplating a career change, especially into a more artistic or emotionally fulfilling field, this could be a sign that you’re on the right track. Even if you’re staying put, this card encourages you to find innovative ways to inject creativity and emotional intelligence into your daily tasks.


On the flip side, a reversed Page of Cups in a career reading could be signaling that you’re facing some challenges, like creative blocks or emotional disconnect in your work environment. It’s like hitting a roadblock that hampers your ability to express yourself fully or hinders your creative flow. This card advises you to be cautious about letting your emotions get the better of you, as it might not be received well in a professional setting. It’s a prompt to get those creative juices flowing again and to address any emotional issues that might be holding you back.

Page of Cups meaning for wealth & prosperity


When the upright Page of Cups shows up in a reading focused on finances, it’s encouraging you to approach your monetary matters with an open heart and a dash of intuition. This card isn’t about playing it safe or sticking strictly to the rulebook. Instead, it nudges you to consider alternative routes to financial well-being that you might not have thought about before. Maybe there’s an investment opportunity that feels risky but aligns with something you’re passionate about, or perhaps it’s time to fund a creative endeavor that could turn profitable. It’s like your financial intuition is getting a boost, so tune in and take note.


Pull the reversed Page of Cups in a financial context, and you’re looking at a caution flag. This card warns against making impulsive decisions based on fleeting emotions or half-baked ideas. You might feel tempted to invest in something that seems like a golden opportunity but isn’t well thought out. This card advises you to double-check those intuitive hits and perhaps seek out some solid financial advice before making big moves. It suggests that emotional impulsivity could be your downfall here, so it’s crucial to add a little logic and careful planning into the mix to balance things out.

The meaning of the Page of Cups in different spreads

The meaning of the Page of Cups can shift subtly or dramatically depending on its position in a tarot spread and the questions you’re seeking answers for. In a past-present-future spread, if it lands in the past position, it might highlight a time when your intuition or creativity played a significant role in shaping your current situation.

In a love spread, the Page of Cups in a future position could signify the potential for deeper emotional bonding or even the arrival of a new love interest.

In a career-focused Celtic Cross spread, this card might encourage you to infuse more creativity into your job or trust your gut in making career choices. Essentially, the card acts like a multifaceted gem, revealing different aspects of its energy depending on its placement and the context of the reading.

Final thoughts

The Page of Cups is a multifaceted card that serves as a beacon for emotional openness, intuition, and creative potential. Whether upright or reversed, it offers valuable insights into different aspects of life, from love and relationships to career and finances. This card encourages you to tune into your inner world and to approach life with the curiosity and wonder of a child. In its reversed form, it acts as a cautionary note, urging emotional maturity and thoughtful decision-making.

A complete guide to the Suit of Cups

Ten of Cups tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

Knight of Cups tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)