
Five of Cups tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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Tarot cards offer a rich tapestry of symbolism and meaning, serving as a tool for introspection and guidance. The Five of Cups is one such card that dives deep into the emotional realm, highlighting periods of loss, grief, and disappointment while also nudging you toward potential healing and new beginnings.

Five of Cups keywords & concepts

Upright keywords 

  1. Loss
  2. Grief
  3. Regret
  4. Disappointment

Reversed keywords

  1. Healing
  2. Acceptance
  3. Forgiveness
  4. Moving on

Five of Cups tarot card description & symbolism

The Five of Cups tarot card serves as a mirror reflecting a moment in life characterized by loss, grief, and emotional turmoil. When you encounter this card in a reading, it’s often a sign that you’re going through a difficult period, dealing with setbacks or losses that have left you emotionally drained. The imagery usually depicts a figure staring at spilled cups, oblivious to the upright cups behind them, which symbolizes opportunities and emotional gains that are still possible but currently overlooked. Essentially, the card prompts you to confront and process these negative emotions, because only through acknowledging your pain can you begin to heal and move forward. It acts as a reminder that while sorrow is a part of life, it’s not the entire picture.

Five of Cups upright meanings

1. Loss

When you pull the Five of Cups, it often signals you’re going through a time of loss or have recently experienced one. This could be anything from losing a job, a relationship ending, or maybe even a missed opportunity. It’s like the universe took something away, and you’re left holding the empty bag. The card nudges you to acknowledge this loss rather than pretend it’s all good. You may feel like you’re enveloped in darkness, but the card also suggests that there’s more to the picture than just what you lost. It hints at the potential for a new beginning once you’ve processed your feelings.

2. Grief

Grief isn’t just sadness; it’s a whole cocktail of emotions like anger, confusion, and despair mixed in. The Five of Cups encapsulates this range of feelings, telling you it’s okay to grieve. It’s a process, not a one-time event. You might be in a state where you’re continuously revisiting memories, asking “what if,” or maybe even blaming yourself. This card helps you realize that it’s a natural part of healing. Grieving lets you release those heavy emotional burdens so you can eventually find peace.

3. Regret

Regret can be a real bummer, and the Five of Cups lets you know that you might be dwelling on past actions or inactions. You may be kicking yourself for what you did or didn’t do, and it’s eating you up inside. This card wants you to be aware that holding onto regret serves no one, especially not you. Instead of replaying the past in your head, it’s time to take stock of your life now. Learn from your mistakes, forgive yourself, and use that wisdom to navigate future challenges.

4. Disappointment

Life didn’t go as planned, huh? The Five of Cups captures that feeling of utter disappointment when your expectations crash and burn. Maybe you didn’t get that job promotion, or a friend let you down. Whatever it is, the card says, “Hey, it’s alright to feel this way.” But it also nudges you not to get lost in this emotion. Disappointment often serves as a reality check. It pushes you to reassess your goals, your relationships, and even your own abilities. While it’s a tough pill to swallow, that sense of disappointment can fuel your desire for a more fulfilling future.

Five of Cups reversed meanings

1. Healing

When you see the reversed Five of Cups, it’s like a cosmic pat on the back, saying, “You’re getting there.” Healing is in progress, and the emotional wounds that once felt like they’d never close are finally starting to mend. This card signifies that you’re actively engaging with your pain instead of running from it, which is a huge step in the right direction. You’re probably using tools like therapy, self-reflection, or even the support of friends and family to navigate through this phase. It’s your green light that emotional recovery is well underway.

2. Acceptance

The reversed Five of Cups also carries a message of acceptance. You’re no longer swimming in a pool of “what ifs” or “if onlys.” You’re coming to terms with the reality of your situation, and that alone is incredibly liberating. It’s like finally exhaling after holding your breath for too long. This acceptance doesn’t mean you’re okay with what happened, but you’re acknowledging it as a part of your journey. The card says, “You’ve got this,” giving you the courage to face whatever comes your way with newfound resilience.

3. Forgiveness

Ah, forgiveness. Easier said than done, right? But when this card appears reversed, it’s a strong indication that you’re working towards forgiving either yourself or someone else, maybe even both. This is a tough process; it involves peeling back layers of hurt, resentment, and anger. Yet, forgiveness is crucial for your emotional well-being. The card signifies that you’re dropping that heavy baggage you’ve been lugging around and clearing the air for something better. You’re cutting the chains of past misdeeds or misunderstandings, making room for more positive experiences.

4. Moving On

The reversed Five of Cups practically screams, “Onwards and upwards!” You’re done wallowing in your past sorrows or clinging to what could’ve been. The focus has shifted from the spilt milk to the cups still standing. You’re now eyeing the future and ready to take new steps in your life. Whether it’s pursuing a new job, entering a new relationship, or simply adopting a healthier mindset, this card indicates you’re gearing up for a fresh start. It’s like you’ve loaded the GPS, set your destination to “New Beginnings,” and you’re hitting the gas pedal.

Five of Cups meaning for love & relationships


When you pull the upright Five of Cups in the context of love and relationships, it typically points to emotional challenges or turbulence. Maybe you’re going through a breakup, facing trust issues, or dealing with feelings of abandonment. 

This card acts as a kind of emotional weather report, indicating that you’re currently focused on what’s going wrong rather than what might be going well. It nudges you to examine your feelings deeply, even if they’re painful, and to open up about them with your partner or a trusted friend. While the immediate outlook may seem bleak, the card implies that this is a phase, and like all phases, it too shall pass. With honest reflection, you might even find that these challenges serve as a catalyst for deeper emotional connection and growth in the long run.


In contrast, when the Five of Cups appears reversed in a love reading, it’s like the first rays of dawn after a long, dark night. You’re finally coming out of a period of emotional upheaval or distress. Maybe you’ve healed from past wounds, or perhaps you and your partner have successfully navigated through rocky terrain. 

This card signifies a shift towards emotional reconciliation, forgiving past grievances, and accepting each other’s flaws. You’re now ready to move past the issues that once weighed you down, revitalizing the emotional foundation of your relationship. It’s a hopeful sign that you’re putting the emotional turmoil behind you and are willing to invest in a more harmonious future together.

Five of Cups meaning for work & career


If you pull the upright Five of Cups while pondering your career, brace yourself. This card usually indicates a challenging phase where you’re likely grappling with setbacks or losses at work. Maybe you didn’t land that promotion you were aiming for, or perhaps a project you’ve been toiling over has fallen through. Whatever it is, the card tells you to face these disappointments head-on. Ignoring them won’t make them disappear. Instead, view this period as an opportunity for introspection and growth. While it may feel like you’re stuck in a rut, this card implies that this is a temporary situation and suggests you take time to regroup and plan your next steps carefully.


When the Five of Cups shows up reversed in a career reading, it’s a sign that the storm clouds are finally dispersing. You’ve been through a rough patch, maybe dealing with job insecurity or project failures, but things are starting to look up. This card indicates that you’re moving past the disappointments and setbacks, with a newfound sense of optimism. You’re no longer dwelling on the ‘failures,’ but rather, you’re focusing on opportunities and what you can do to improve your professional life. It’s as if you’ve turned a corner, shifting your mindset from a focus on loss to one of potential gain and future growth.

Five of Cups meaning for wealth & prosperity


When the upright Five of Cups shows up in a financial context, it’s often a red flag signaling financial disappointments or setbacks. Maybe you made a poor investment, had an unexpected expense that threw off your budget, or missed out on a lucrative opportunity. The card pushes you to face these financial troubles directly, rather than sweeping them under the rug. It’s not pleasant, but acknowledging your financial woes is the first step toward resolving them. The Five of Cups also serves as a reminder that while you may be focusing on what you’ve lost, there are still resources or opportunities available to you that you may be overlooking.


In contrast, pulling the reversed Five of Cups in a financial reading can be quite reassuring. It suggests that you’re starting to recover from previous financial missteps or losses. Perhaps you’re getting out of debt, making wiser investment choices, or simply gaining better control over your spending habits. This card signals a shift in perspective, from dwelling on past financial mistakes to focusing on future opportunities for growth. You’re finally adopting a more positive outlook toward your financial situation, realizing that past setbacks were learning experiences rather than defeats. This newfound attitude can serve as the fuel you need to take charge of your finances and build a more stable and secure financial future.

The meaning of the Five of Cups in different spreads

When the Five of Cups appears in various tarot spreads, its meaning can take on different nuances depending on its position and the surrounding cards. In a past-present-future spread, for instance, appearing in the ‘past’ position may suggest that a previous loss or disappointment has a lingering influence on your current situation. 

In a love spread, the card could indicate emotional challenges or a sense of dissatisfaction in a relationship. In a career-oriented spread, it might point to recent setbacks at work or a missed opportunity that you’re still ruminating over. Essentially, the Five of Cups amplifies the emotional undertone of a situation, highlighting the feelings of loss, regret, or disappointment that need addressing. 

However, regardless of the spread, this card also carries a subtle message of hope. It suggests that, even amidst challenges, there are still untapped opportunities and emotional resources that can be explored to bring about healing and improvement. So while it serves as a flag to stop and assess, it also nudges you to look beyond the obvious setbacks.

Final thoughts

The Five of Cups is a complex tarot card that captures the essence of human emotions like loss, grief, and disappointment. While it may seem like a downer at first glance, it actually offers a nuanced perspective on emotional challenges. By forcing you to confront these feelings, it sets you on a path toward healing and growth. Whether upright or reversed, the card serves as both a warning and a catalyst, urging you to look for untapped opportunities and fresh starts even in difficult times.

A complete guide to the Suit of Cups

Four of Cups tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

Six of Cups tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)