
Eight of Cups tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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Tarot cards are a tool for introspection, guidance, and self-discovery, and the Eight of Cups is no exception. This intriguing card often appears when you’re at a crossroads, urging you to evaluate your life’s path. It’s all about making conscious choices, be it in love, career, or personal growth.

Eight of Cups keywords & concepts

Upright keywords 

  1. Withdrawal
  2. Soul-searching
  3. Abandonment
  4. Transition

Reversed keywords

  1. Hesitation
  2. Fear of change
  3. Avoidance
  4. Stagnation

Eight of Cups tarot card description & symbolism

The Eight of Cups is a complex tarot card that serves as a mirror reflecting back moments of introspection and transformation in your life. When you pull this card, it’s a signal that you’re at a turning point. Often, it encourages you to walk away from situations, relationships, or endeavors that no longer serve your higher good. It’s like a cosmic nudge telling you to do some soul-searching and figure out what genuinely fulfills you.

By withdrawing and abandoning what’s not working, you make room for new opportunities and experiences. This card isn’t about running away; it’s about consciously choosing to move toward something better. The Eight of Cups represents a journey—both physical and emotional—toward a deeper understanding of who you are and what you want from life. It’s a card of transition, pushing you to leave behind the familiar to explore the great unknown.

Eight of Cups upright meanings

1. Withdrawal

When this card shows up, it’s like the universe is telling you it’s time to take a step back from something in your life. This ain’t about quitting; it’s about knowing when something’s not serving you anymore. Maybe that job is sucking the life out of you, or perhaps a relationship is going nowhere fast. This card nudges you to cut those strings and make room for something better. Pulling away gives you the space to evaluate your life, your goals, and your emotional well-being. So yeah, think of withdrawal as your personal timeout to regroup and reevaluate.

2. Soul-searching

When the Eight of Cups pops up, it’s a call for some deep soul-searching. You know, that inward journey where you get to know yourself beyond surface-level stuff. This card encourages you to ask tough questions like, “What makes me happy?” or “What’s my purpose?” You can’t just skim through these questions like a beach read; you need to dive deep. This is the time to tune out the noise and listen to your inner voice. No shortcuts, no sugar-coating. Soul-searching can be a solitary process, but it’s essential for growth and self-discovery.

3. Abandonment

Now, don’t get freaked out by the term “abandonment.” In the context of the Eight of Cups, it’s not about being left in the dust by someone else. It’s about willingly leaving behind what doesn’t work for you anymore. Maybe you’ve outgrown certain relationships, or perhaps your career path doesn’t excite you as it once did. The card says, “Hey, you know that thing you’re clinging to? It’s okay to let go.” Abandonment in this sense is liberating. It clears the stage for new actors to come into play—opportunities, relationships, and passions that align better with who you’ve become.

4. Transition

Last but not least, let’s talk about transition. The Eight of Cups says you’re in the midst of change, my friend. This isn’t some light switch moment; it’s more like a sunrise—a gradual process where the darkness fades as light takes over. You’re moving from one phase of your life to another, and transitions can be both exciting and terrifying. But remember, you’re evolving. Just like how a caterpillar doesn’t stay a caterpillar forever, you too are bound for some transformative magic. Embrace the change, even if it feels uncomfortable at first, because this transition is your ticket to a more fulfilling life.

Eight of Cups reversed meanings

1. Hesitation

When the eight of cups is upside-down, hesitation takes center stage. You’re probably second-guessing yourself a lot, standing at the crossroads but not really moving. Maybe you’re overwhelmed by the options or scared of making the “wrong” choice. It’s like you’re at the edge of the diving board but can’t bring yourself to jump. The thing is, hesitation won’t get you anywhere. This card is basically shouting, “Come on, make a decision!” It’s a reminder that you can’t discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

2. Fear of Change

The reverse Eight of Cups is practically a billboard for this fear. You know you need a change, but man, it’s scary to leave what’s comfortable, even if “comfortable” isn’t making you happy. You’re clinging to the familiar because the unknown feels like this vast, dark abyss. But avoiding change means you’re also avoiding growth. And let’s be real, life doesn’t come with a pause button. This card serves as a wake-up call to confront that fear and break the cycle.

3. Avoidance

The reverse Eight of Cups also speaks volumes about avoidance. You’re dodging issues rather than facing them, aren’t you? Maybe you’re avoiding a tough conversation or procrastinating on making an important life choice. This card isn’t subtle; it’s pointing out that you’re in denial and doing the emotional equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and going “la la la.” But let’s get real: avoidance is a temporary fix, like putting a Band-Aid on a broken leg. Eventually, you’ll have to deal with the stuff you’re skirting around. The sooner you do, the quicker you’ll move forward.

4. Stagnation

Last up, we’ve got stagnation. When the Eight of Cups is in reverse, it’s highlighting that you’re stuck in a rut. Life feels like a never-ending loop of the same-old, same-old. You’re not moving forward, but you’re not going backward either—you’re just kind of there, floating in limbo. The card is your wake-up call to snap out of it. Stagnation happens when you avoid change, dodge decisions, and let fear rule your actions. This card is practically yelling at you to shake things up. You won’t find what makes you happy by staying in your comfort zone. It’s time to break free and get the wheels turning again.

Eight of Cups meaning for love & relationships


For the upright Eight of Cups in the context of love and relationships, this card often indicates a period of deep reflection about where your relationship stands. If you’re feeling unfulfilled or sensing that something’s missing, the card nudges you to confront these feelings rather than brushing them under the rug. It might be time to ask yourself whether the relationship is helping you grow or holding you back. In some cases, the card could signify the need to walk away from a relationship that’s not serving your emotional or spiritual well-being. It’s a call to make the tough decisions that align with your true self, even if that means venturing into the unknown.


If you’ve got the reverse Eight of Cups, it’s hinting at hesitations or fears that are stalling your relationship’s progress. Maybe you’re avoiding serious conversations about the future or tiptoeing around issues that need addressing. This card warns you that avoidance can lead to stagnation. Are you hanging on to a relationship due to fear of being alone or fear of change? These issues won’t solve themselves. The reverse Eight of Cups serves as a cautionary signal, urging you to face whatever you’ve been avoiding for the sake of a healthier, more honest relationship.

Eight of Cups meaning for work & career


When it comes to your career, pulling the upright Eight of Cups is like a neon sign telling you it’s time for some changes. This card suggests you’re not entirely satisfied with your current job situation. Maybe it’s the work culture, or perhaps the job itself doesn’t align with your long-term goals. Either way, the card suggests it might be time to reevaluate. It prompts you to ask if you’re staying for the right reasons or merely clinging to comfort and familiarity. It’s all about moving toward a career that genuinely fulfills you, even if that means leaving behind what you’ve known.


On the flip side, if you pull the reverse Eight of Cups in a career reading, it often suggests that you’re feeling stuck but aren’t taking action to change things. You might be aware of your dissatisfaction at work but are avoiding the steps needed for improvement, maybe because of fear or uncertainty. This card tells you that your hesitations and avoidance are only digging you deeper into a rut. It’s like a red flag warning you that staying in this limbo won’t lead you to a satisfying career. It’s time to confront those fears and make a move.

Eight of Cups meaning for wealth & prosperity


In the realm of finances, the upright Eight of Cups suggests you may be questioning your current financial strategies or investments. Perhaps you’ve been sticking to a certain budget, or you’ve invested in something that seemed promising, but now you’re having second thoughts. The card serves as a reminder to tune into your instincts and really examine if your current financial path aligns with your goals and values. It may be time to walk away from certain financial commitments or habits that aren’t beneficial anymore. Consider this a phase of financial soul-searching, leading you to better, more lucrative opportunities.


When you pull the reverse Eight of Cups in a financial context, it often indicates a resistance to change that could actually be beneficial for you. You might be sticking with the same old savings account that gives minimal interest or holding onto investments out of fear, even though they’re not performing well. This card shines a spotlight on your hesitations and the financial opportunities you might be missing out on as a result. Instead of avoiding financial decisions or fearing the unknown, the reverse Eight of Cups advises you to face those fears head-on. The card implies that only by addressing what you’re avoiding can you break free from financial stagnation.

The meaning of the Eight of Cups in different spreads

The Eight of Cups is one of those cards that can adapt its meaning depending on its position in a tarot spread. For example, if it shows up in the past position, it might point to a significant departure or shift that you’ve already made, affecting your present situation. In a present position, it’s often a strong indicator that you’re currently facing a situation that requires deep introspection or even a significant change, be it in love, career, or personal development. If it lands in the future position, consider it a heads-up that you’ll soon need to make a weighty decision about letting go of something that no longer serves you.

Final thoughts

The Eight of Cups is your cosmic cue for introspection and transformative change. Whether upright or reversed, this card nudges you to evaluate different facets of your life—relationships, career, or finances—and consider whether they align with your true self. It’s not just about walking away; it’s about moving toward something better. The card challenges you to leave the comfort zone, face your fears, and embrace the unknown. Ultimately, it’s a call to action for personal growth and self-discovery.

A complete guide to the Suit of Cups

Seven of Cups tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

Nine of Cups tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)