
Two of Swords tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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The Two of Swords is a tarot card that encapsulates the essence of indecision and dilemma. Often depicting a blindfolded woman holding two balanced swords, this card pops up when you’re at a crossroads in life, be it in relationships, career, or your personal life. It pushes you to face uncomfortable truths and make difficult decisions, urging you to break free from a state of indecision or stalemate.

Two of Swords keywords & concepts

Upright keywords 

  1. Hard choices
  2. Stalemate
  3. Denial
  4. Hidden truths

Reversed keywords

  1. Indecisiveness
  2. Delay
  3. Hesitation
  4. Truth revealed

Two of Swords tarot card description & symbolism

The Two of Swords tarot card is often a messenger of dilemma, signaling a point in your life where you’re standing at a crossroads, unsure which path to take. The card usually features a blindfolded woman holding two swords in a defensive posture, emphasizing not only the difficulty of the decision ahead but also a certain level of emotional or intellectual blindness to the situation. It’s like you’re caught in a tug-of-war, either with other people or within yourself, creating a sense of stalemate or deadlock. The card prompts you to weigh your options carefully but warns against staying in a state of indecision for too long. Ultimately, it pushes you to take off the blindfold, face the uncomfortable truths, and make a decision to move forward.

Two of Swords upright meanings

1. Hard Choices

When the Two of Swords shows up, you’re usually at a crossroads, faced with a decision that doesn’t offer an easy answer. It’s like choosing between two equally appealing job offers or deciding whether to end a long-term relationship. Each option has its pros and cons, and you feel stuck because there’s no clear winner. You might want to consult others, but ultimately, you have to be the one to make the choice. No one said adulting would be easy, right? Sometimes you just have to pick a path and roll with it. You can weigh the options, list the benefits and drawbacks, but eventually, you’ll have to take the plunge. This card pushes you to take responsibility for your decision, for better or worse.

2. Stalemate

The Two of Swords often indicates a stalemate situation where neither you nor the other parties involved are willing to budge. You’re at an impasse, and it feels like a tug-of-war with no one gaining any ground. This could be a heated argument with your partner, a standoff with a coworker, or even an internal conflict where you’re torn between two opposing views. The problem is, the longer you remain stuck, the more energy you waste. At some point, you’ve got to decide if holding your ground is really worth it or if a compromise could break the deadlock. It’s all about assessing the true value of sticking to your guns versus finding middle ground.

3. Denial

When this card shows up, it could be a red flag that you’re in denial about something in your life. Maybe you’re ignoring mounting debt, turning a blind eye to relationship issues, or simply refusing to face a hard truth about yourself. Denial is a coping mechanism, but it doesn’t solve anything in the long run. If you keep avoiding reality, you’ll only delay the inevitable, and things may even get worse. The Two of Swords nudges you to remove the proverbial blindfold and confront what you’ve been avoiding. It’s scary, sure, but facing the truth is the first step toward meaningful change.

4. Hidden Truths

The woman on the Two of Swords card is often depicted with a blindfold, symbolizing hidden truths or information that’s not yet revealed. You might be missing key details about a situation, or perhaps someone isn’t being completely honest with you. It’s also possible that you’re keeping secrets from others or even from yourself. Hidden truths can be unsettling, but they can also be liberating when brought to light. The card suggests that you dig a bit deeper, do your due diligence, and ask the hard questions. Once you uncover what’s hidden, you’ll be in a much better position to make informed decisions and move forward.

Two of Swords reversed meanings

1. Indecisiveness

When you pull the Two of Swords in reverse, it often screams indecisiveness. You’re stuck, hovering over multiple choices like a bee that can’t decide which flower to land on. Maybe you’re constantly second-guessing yourself or flipping back and forth between options. The problem here is that your indecisiveness isn’t just stalling you; it’s likely frustrating those around you and creating unnecessary complexity. While it’s good to be thoughtful and careful, too much dilly-dallying can lead to missed opportunities. So if you see this card in reverse, consider it a wake-up call to stop sitting on the fence and make a choice, any choice, just to get the ball rolling.

2. Delay

The reverse Two of Swords can indicate a delay, but not the kind caused by external factors. No, this delay is self-inflicted, born out of your own indecisiveness or reluctance to move forward. It’s like you’re waiting for the perfect moment to act, but spoiler alert—that perfect moment rarely comes. Meanwhile, deadlines loom, and opportunities slip away. The card serves as a reminder that time waits for no one. If you’re waiting for a sign to act, consider the appearance of this card to be it. Don’t let procrastination be the thief of your time.

3. Hesitation

If you’ve pulled the Two of Swords reversed and you’re feeling hesitant, that’s not a coincidence. Hesitation is like quicksand for your goals; the more you stall, the deeper you sink into a rut. Maybe you’re hesitating because you’re afraid of failure or rejection, or maybe you’re just overwhelmed by the magnitude of the decision ahead. Either way, your hesitation is holding you back. This card urges you to shake off that indecision and take action—even if it’s a small step, it’s better than standing still. The trick is to break down the bigger picture into manageable chunks and tackle them one at a time.

4. Truth Revealed

The reverse Two of Swords often symbolizes a moment where the blindfold comes off, and the truth is revealed. Finally, the fog clears, and you can see things for what they really are. Whether it’s someone else’s true colors coming to light or a personal revelation about yourself, the unveiling of this truth can be both liberating and unsettling. This moment of clarity can offer you a chance for a fresh start or at least give you the information you need to make a better decision. Remember, the truth might be hard to swallow at first, but it’s a necessary pill if you want to move forward in any meaningful way.

Two of Swords meaning for love & relationships


When the upright Two of Swords appears in a love and relationships reading, it often signals a period of indecision or a crossroads in your relationship. You may find yourself at a stalemate with your partner, struggling to find a middle ground on important issues. Alternatively, you might be avoiding a difficult decision, like whether to commit more deeply or perhaps go your separate ways. The card suggests that you’re reluctant to confront these dilemmas, possibly because you’re afraid of the consequences. The Two of Swords calls for open dialogue and honest introspection to break the deadlock and move forward.


In the context of love and relationships, pulling the Two of Swords in reverse often signifies a time of revelation or breaking through previous indecisiveness. Perhaps you’ve finally made up your mind about a relationship issue, or maybe a hidden truth has come to light, altering the dynamics. This card encourages you to seize this moment of clarity, even if it feels uncomfortable or shakes up the status quo. While the truth can sometimes sting, it’s a crucial step toward resolving lingering issues and fostering greater intimacy or, alternatively, realizing that it’s time to part ways.

Two of Swords meaning for work & career


In a career reading, the upright Two of Swords often indicates a tricky decision you need to make. Maybe you’re contemplating switching jobs, negotiating a contract, or having a difficult conversation with a colleague. Whatever the scenario, you’re at a point where you can’t just coast; you have to make a choice. This card suggests taking the time to weigh your options carefully but also warns against paralysis by analysis. At some point, you’ll need to make your move.


When the Two of Swords appears in reverse in a career context, it usually suggests a breakthrough or a resolution to an ongoing issue. Maybe you’ve finally made a decision you’ve been agonizing over, or perhaps new information has come to light that clarifies a confusing situation. This card encourages you to act on this newfound clarity. Take the moment as an opportunity to break free from the indecisiveness or inertia that may have been holding you back and step boldly into your next career phase.

Two of Swords meaning for wealth & prosperity


When you pull the upright Two of Swords in a financial context, it’s like the universe is tapping you on the shoulder and saying, “Hey, you’ve got a money decision to make, and it’s not going to be easy.” Maybe you’re deciding whether to invest in a risky venture, or perhaps you’re torn between paying off debt and saving for the future. It’s like you’re juggling two equally appealing or unappealing options, and making the wrong choice could have repercussions. While it’s important to think things through, the card warns against letting indecisiveness paralyze you. You’ll have to face the issue head-on to move forward.


In financial matters, the reverse Two of Swords usually indicates a moment of decision or clarity. Maybe you’ve been stuck in indecision about a financial investment or career move, and now the fog has cleared. Suddenly, you see the best path to take, or you’ve obtained enough information to make a more informed choice. This card nudges you to act on this newfound clarity, as hesitation can cost you valuable opportunities. Even if the situation is complex, this is your chance to break free from indecisiveness and take control of your financial destiny.

The meaning of the Two of Swords in different spreads

The Two of Swords can manifest differently depending on its position in a tarot spread. In a past position, it might indicate a crucial decision or stalemate that has shaped your current situation. When it appears in the present position, you’re likely facing an immediate dilemma that requires your attention. And if it pops up in the future position, brace yourself for an upcoming choice or confrontation. Regardless of its place in the spread, this card challenges you to remove your blindfold and face the situation head-on. It’s a call to carefully weigh your options but also to act decisively to resolve the issue at hand.

Final thoughts

The Two of Swords tarot card serves as a metaphorical mirror, reflecting periods of indecision, dilemmas, or stalemates in your life. Whether it’s in love, career, or finances, this card nudges you to confront the difficult choices you’ve been avoiding. While it advises careful consideration, it also warns against becoming paralyzed by indecision. In its reversed form, the card often signals breakthroughs and revelations, urging you to act on newfound clarity. It’s a complex card that pushes you toward decisive action and greater self-awareness.

A complete guide to the Suit of Swords

Ace of Swords tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

Three of Swords tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)