
Six of Swords tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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The Six of Swords is a compelling Tarot card that often appears when you’re in a state of transition or change. With its themes of movement, healing, and letting go, this card can serve as both a beacon of hope and a call to action. Whether you’re navigating emotional waters or seeking clarity in your career or relationships, the Six of Swords offers guiding insights to steer you in the right direction.

Six of Swords keywords & concepts

Upright keywords 

  1. Transition
  2. Healing
  3. Distance
  4. Moving on

Reversed keywords

  1. Stagnation
  2. Resistance
  3. Refusal to move on
  4. Emotional baggage

Six of Swords tarot card description & symbolism

The Six of Swords is a Tarot card that encapsulates the essence of movement and change, often signaling a transition from a challenging period to a more peaceful or stable one. When this card appears in a reading, it serves as a symbolic journey, akin to crossing a river to reach calmer shores. This is not just a physical or situational shift, but also a deep, emotional and mental transformation. The card embodies the act of letting go, encouraging you to leave behind old attitudes, conflicts, or worries that have been hindering your progress. Essentially, the Six of Swords is a beacon of hope, promising smoother waters ahead as you navigate the complexities of life. It nudges you toward healing, renewal, and growth, assuring you that you’re on the right path, even if the journey ahead is still shrouded in mystery.

Six of Swords upright meanings

1. Transition

When the Six of Swords shows up in your reading, it’s giving you the heads-up that you’re in a phase of transition. Imagine yourself on a boat, gently sailing from choppy waters into calmer seas. It’s not just about the physical move, but also the internal shifts that are happening within you. This card indicates that you’re learning to leave behind the baggage of your past experiences and thought patterns. It’s a movement from a state of turmoil to a more stable, hopeful situation. But remember, transition involves change, and change can sometimes feel uncomfortable. Yet, that discomfort is a sign that you’re heading in the right direction.

2. Healing

Healing is a potent theme with the Six of Swords. You’re not just moving from Point A to Point B; you’re undergoing a healing process. If you’ve faced struggles, traumas, or emotional pain, this card assures you that you’re entering a stage where healing becomes possible. You’re putting in the work, whether that’s through therapy, self-care, or merely giving yourself the space to breathe and reflect. It’s like applying a salve on a wound; it takes time to absorb and start making a difference. As you move forward, you’re not only distancing yourself from the sources of your wounds but also growing stronger and more resilient.

3. Distance

The notion of distance in the Six of Swords isn’t just geographical. Sure, you might be moving to a new place, but it’s also about emotional and mental distance. You’re separating yourself from situations, people, or mindsets that no longer serve you or are harmful to you. Sometimes distance provides the necessary perspective to see things more clearly. It helps you assess what’s working in your life and what needs restructuring. Gaining distance can be incredibly liberating; it creates the room for new opportunities and experiences to enter your life.

4. Moving On

Last but not least, the Six of Swords screams “moving on.” But let’s get this straight: moving on doesn’t mean forgetting or pretending that your past experiences never happened. Instead, it’s about acknowledging them and deciding that they won’t dictate your future. You’re steering your own boat now, consciously choosing the path ahead. In doing so, you’re taking charge of your destiny and embracing growth. Moving on is that act of courage that allows you to say, “I’m ready for what comes next,” even if what comes next is unknown.

Six of Swords reversed meanings

1. Stagnation

When the Six of Swords shows up reversed, it often screams “stagnation.” It’s like you’re stuck in a loop, unable to move forward, even though you know you should. This card suggests that instead of flowing through life, you’re in a stagnant pond. You’re not progressing, whether it’s in your personal development, relationships, or career. Stagnation can feel frustrating because deep down, you know you’re capable of more. The key takeaway here is to recognize this phase as a signal that something needs to shift for you to grow.

2. Resistance

The reversed Six of Swords is big on the theme of resistance. You might be resisting changes that you know are essential for your well-being. It’s like standing in a river and trying to push against the current. Your reluctance to embrace new circumstances or let go of outdated beliefs is holding you back. Resistance often comes from fear—fear of the unknown, fear of failure, or even fear of success. Acknowledging your resistance is the first step in overcoming it, allowing you to flow with life’s currents rather than against them.

3. Refusal to Move

When this card comes up in reverse, there’s often a refusal to move forward emotionally, mentally, or physically. It’s like you’ve anchored your boat and thrown away the key. Maybe you’re clinging to a job that doesn’t fulfill you or holding onto a relationship that’s long past its expiration date. Whatever it is, your refusal to move is essentially a refusal to evolve. Sometimes this refusal is not a conscious choice; it’s just easier to stay in your comfort zone. But realize this: comfort zones rarely bring growth. The card asks you to muster the courage to unanchor that boat and sail.

4. Emotional Baggage

The reversed Six of Swords often talks about emotional baggage that you’re carrying around. Unlike the upright version, where you’re moving away from past traumas and pains, the reversed version indicates that you’re lugging these issues around like an oversized suitcase. This emotional baggage weighs you down, making it incredibly difficult to move forward. It can manifest as unresolved issues, lingering resentments, or deep-seated fears. The card invites you to acknowledge this baggage, work through it, and eventually let it go.

Six of Swords meaning for love & relationships


In the realm of love and relationships, the upright Six of Swords signifies a transformative phase. If you’ve been going through rough patches with your partner, this card indicates that you both are headed toward smoother waters. You’re learning to communicate better, resolve conflicts, and let go of any negativity that has been pulling you down. For singles, this card often means you’re moving past old wounds and making room for something new and meaningful. Essentially, it’s a card of hope, pointing to an emotional transition that paves the way for deeper connections and greater happiness.


On the flip side, when the Six of Swords shows up in reverse, it’s signaling some bumps in the road for your love life. You may be clinging to an unhealthy relationship or refusing to let go of past hurts, which is causing stagnation. This card warns that resistance to change and emotional baggage is inhibiting your growth and potentially damaging your relationships. If you’re single, it could mean you’re sabotaging new connections by clinging to the past. Overall, the reversed Six of Swords suggests that some soul-searching is required to understand why you’re holding back, so that you can break free and invite love and intimacy into your life.

Six of Swords meaning for work & career


When it comes to your career, the upright Six of Swords is a welcome sight. It indicates that you’re transitioning from a period of difficulty or uncertainty into a more stable and rewarding phase. You may be shifting roles, moving to a new company, or even changing career paths altogether. Whatever the change, it’s likely a positive one that will bring about more peace and satisfaction. Essentially, the card suggests you’re navigating your way toward professional growth and better opportunities.


In contrast, pulling the reverse Six of Swords in a career reading is a signal to pause and reflect. You might be feeling stuck in your current role or facing resistance when trying to make necessary changes. This card suggests that you’re not moving forward, possibly due to fear or complacency. It’s a nudge to assess what’s holding you back professionally and take action to overcome these obstacles. Whether it’s old habits, workplace drama, or fear of taking on new responsibilities, it’s time to confront and resolve these issues to progress in your career.

Six of Swords meaning for wealth & prosperity


In a financial context, the upright Six of Swords suggests that you’re moving from a period of instability or worry to a more secure position. Maybe you’ve just paid off a debt, or perhaps you’ve found a new job that’s more lucrative. Whatever the change, it seems you’re heading toward a more comfortable and stable financial situation. The card acts as a positive sign that you’re taking the right steps to improve your financial health.


On the other hand, when the Six of Swords appears reversed in a financial reading, it indicates a lack of progress. You might be stuck in a cycle of debt or bad spending habits that you’re struggling to break free from. This card suggests that you need to confront the issues that are keeping your finances stagnant. Whether it’s an unwillingness to budget or a fear of taking on new opportunities that could be financially beneficial, the card advises you to tackle these obstacles head-on to move toward financial stability.

The meaning of the Six of Swords in different spreads

The meaning of the Six of Swords can vary depending on its position in different Tarot spreads, adding nuance to its core themes of transition and change. In a past, present, future spread, it might indicate that you’ve moved on from a challenging past and are now in a phase of growth. In a Celtic Cross spread, its position can illuminate what’s currently crossing you or what might come into play in the near future. If it appears in the outcome position of a love spread, it could signify a relationship moving toward a better, more harmonious state. The card’s essence remains the same, but its significance deepens, offering tailored insights into your specific situation.

Final thoughts

The Six of Swords is a multi-faceted Tarot card symbolizing movement, transition, and change. Whether upright or reversed, it acts as a navigational aid, guiding you through the complexities of life, relationships, career, and finances. In its upright form, it promises smoother waters ahead, pointing to healing and growth. When reversed, it serves as a wake-up call, urging you to confront stagnation and resistance. Overall, the Six of Swords offers valuable insights for anyone looking to navigate life’s challenges and opportunities.

A complete guide to the Suit of Swords

Five of Swords tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

Seven of Swords tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)