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There are lots of advantages to dating an older woman. She’s more likely to be mature, experienced, and know what she wants from a relationship. Older women are also less inclined to play mind games and more open and honest about their feelings.
But how can you tell if an older woman is interested in you? Some of the signs are different because a more mature woman is in a different place in her life. Read on to learn all the signs an older woman wants you.
1. She’s honest and direct
Age and experience mean that an older woman is more likely to be upfront about her feelings and desires. She knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to say it. It makes a refreshing change from the typical dating games you might be used to playing.
She’ll quickly let you know if she’s just after some casual fun. But if she’s interested in something more long-term, she’ll also be honest about that. Either way, you’ll always know where you stand with an older woman.
2. She makes the first move
An older woman is more likely to take the initiative in dating and will often make the first move. Instead of stealing glances at you all evening and waiting for you to come over, she’ll have the confidence and experience to approach you and start a friendly conversation.
She’s not afraid of rejection because experience has taught her that not everyone will be a perfect match. If you don’t seem interested in her, there will be no hard feelings – she’s happy to wait for the next guy who raises her interest.
3. You’re her only focus
Once an older woman gets you in her sights, she’ll ignore other guys and give you her undivided attention. Even if she’s only after some casual fun, she’ll be less interested in juggling multiple guys or going on dates with several different guys in one week. If she likes you, she’ll want to give your relationship a chance to see if there’s potential for something more.
4. She talks about her age
Women have an arsenal of tricks to make themselves look more youthful, but an older woman can’t completely hide her age. And I’m sure she doesn’t want to. She knows she still looks incredible, and she’s proud of it.
She might hint at her age in conversation or explicitly tell you how much older she is than you. She’s not trying to make you uncomfortable; she just knows that some guys are intimidated by older women, and talking about her age is a way to weed out men who aren’t interested (or confident enough) to date her.
5. She talks openly about her past
Instead of trying to hide her past, an older woman will be open and honest about her past relationships. She’s testing you to see if you can handle the fact that she’s probably had many more sexual partners and committed relationships than you.
She’s also trying to gauge your reaction to find out if you’re the jealous type. If you can handle her past without getting insecure or jealous, she’ll know that you’re a confident and secure man worth dating.
6. She lets you know she’s available
Instead of playing hard to get or making you wait for her to return your calls, an older woman will let you know that she’s interested and available. She won’t play games with you or make you jump through hoops to win her over.
7. She asks you lots of personal questions
An older woman who likes you will ask you much more directly about your goals in life and what you’re looking for in a relationship. She’s not afraid to get personal and ask the tough questions that most people avoid.
If she feels like her biological clock is ticking, she might be more upfront about asking you if you want to settle down and have children. She knows that there’s no point in wasting time on a man who isn’t looking for the same things that she is.
8. She talks openly about sex
An older woman is more likely to be comfortable talking about sex than a younger woman. She’s not afraid to be open and honest about her sexual desires, so you won’t have to guess what she’s thinking or feeling.
She won’t be shy about initiating sex, and she’ll tell you exactly what she likes and how to please her. Over the years, she’s also figured out what men want too. Once you’ve made love with a sexy and confident older woman, you might find it very hard to go back.
9. She takes the lead
An older woman is a great option if you’re looking for a partner who will take charge and make things happen. She knows she has nothing to lose by initiating wind sex, asking you out on a date, or even just introducing herself and offering to buy you a drink.
This simple technique will make any woman want you

In a recent study, women were shown pictures of men and asked to rate their attractiveness on a scale of 1 to 10.
But the researchers did something sneaky: they included multiple images of the same men standing and sitting in different positions with slightly different facial expressions.
Amazingly, women rated the same man very differently based on how he held himself. One way of standing would get him a rating of 5 or 6, and a minor adjustment would get him scores of 8 or 9.
How is this possible?
In ancient times, before spoken language existed, men had to seduce women without saying a single word. Body language was a man’s only tool to turn a woman on and convince him to sleep with her. As a result, the sexual part of a woman’s brain is much more responsive to the signals your body is giving off than to anything you say.
Relationship coach Kate Spring can show you how to use these body language signals to tap into any woman’s primal, biological desires and make her attracted to you.
These psychological body language techniques are so powerful that they bypass the logical part of a woman’s brain and compel her to think sexual thoughts about you. It doesn’t matter if she already has a boyfriend or has put you in the friend zone. She might even hate you, and she still won’t be able to resist.
And the best part is that these female mind hacks work for any guy. How attractive, wealthy, or confident you are talking to girls doesn’t matter.
It sounds like a big claim, but Kate Spring is the real deal. She’s developed her methods using Harvard research and scientifically-validated psychological techniques.
Check out Kate’s free video presentation here.
You’ll be amazed at how differently women treat you and see you once you unlock the secret to body language attraction.
10. She has more energy when she’s around you
You might notice that an older woman who likes you becomes more energized and spontaneous when you’re around. She wants to let you know that she can still party just as hard as a younger girl, but your youth and energy are also rubbing off on her. That’s a big part of why she’s attracted to you in the first place!
11. She shows off her physical assets
A mature woman knows she’s not getting any younger. But she also knows how to make the most of her best physical features to turn you on. If she’s got amazing legs, she’ll wear a shorter skirt to show them off. If she’s got great cleavage, she might choose a lower-cut top.
Most older women take a more sophisticated and subtle approach to looking sexy, but she’ll make sure that you know exactly what you have to look forward to.
12. She doesn’t play games
Younger men and women often enjoy playing games to keep things exciting. They might make each other jealous, play hard to get, or act mysterious to keep the other person guessing.
An older woman has usually been there and done that, so she’s no longer interested in playing games. She knows what she wants from a relationship and isn’t afraid to go after it. If she wants you, she’ll let you know.
13. She’s open and honest with you
Older women are usually more comfortable in their own skin, so they’re more likely to be open and honest with you about what they’re thinking and feeling. They’re not afraid to have difficult conversations or to express their genuine opinions on controversial topics.
14. She calls you instead of texting
In today’s world, it’s common for people to communicate mainly through text messages. But an older woman might still prefer to pick up the phone and have a real conversation with you. This is a good sign that she’s interested in you and wants to get to know you better.
15. She knows how to compliment you
An older woman knows what makes guys tick, so she knows how to give compliments that will make you feel good about yourself. She’s also more likely to look beyond the physical and notice things about you that you didn’t even realize were attractive.
16. She spends money on you
An older woman isn’t going to wait for you to buy her a drink or expect you to pay for everything. If she wants you, she’ll probably make the first move and offer to buy you a drink as an excuse to talk to you and get to know you better. Even better, she’ll likely be very generous with her money and spend it on you without expecting anything in return.
17. She knows how to listen
The ability to really listen and focus on what someone else is saying is often neglected these days because everyone’s attention is so scattered and divided. But if an older woman likes you, she’ll be more likely to put her phone away and give you her undivided attention. She genuinely wants to hear what you say and is interested in getting to know you better.
Body language signs an older woman wants you
18. She mirrors your body language
Mirroring is when someone subconsciously copies the mannerisms of another person during a conversation. It’s a way to create a feeling of familiarity and make the other person feel more comfortable.
If an older woman likes you, she might start mirroring your body language in subtle ways. For example, she might do the same if you cross your arms. Or if you tilt your head to the side when you’re listening, she might do the same. You might even notice her subtly change the pitch of her voice to match yours or start using some of the same slang expressions as you.
19. She finds reasons to touch you
Touch is the most potent non-verbal form of communication, so it’s no surprise that someone who likes you will find lots of excuses to touch you. If a woman is interested in you, she might brush your arm with hers when she’s talking to you or lightly touch your leg when you make her laugh.
She might also find reasons to hug or stand close to you so that her body touches yours. These are all subtle ways to flirt with you and show that she’s interested and wants to be physically close to you.
20. She turns towards you and leans in
When someone is interested in what you’re saying, they’ll tend to face you and lean in slightly when listening. Also, look at the direction her feet are pointing. If they point towards you, it’s a sign that she’s interested and engaged in the conversation.
21. She plays with her hair
Men and women often play with their hair when they’re attracted to someone. It’s a way of subconsciously drawing attention to themselves and their physical appearance. So, if you notice an older woman playing with her hair while talking to you, it’s likely that she’s attracted to you and wants you to notice her.
22. She licks her lips
The mouth is a very sensual part of the body, and licking her lips is a way for a woman to draw your attention to her mouth and signal that she’s interested in kissing you.
23. She exposes or touches her neck
The neck is one of the most vulnerable parts of the body. Exposing or touching the neck is an evolutionary submissive gesture that signals that she trusts you and is interested in being physically close to you.
24. She makes intense eye contact
An older woman is likely to be less afraid of making strong eye contact than a younger woman. She’s decided that she wants you, and making strong eye contact is one of the most powerful ways to signal her interest.
25. She pushes out her chest
Pushing out the chest draws attention to the breasts, which are another very sensual part of the body. So, if an older woman is interested in you, she might subtly (or not so subtly) push out her chest when she’s talking to you to accentuate her cleavage.
What attracts an older woman to a younger man?
There are several reasons why an older woman might be attracted to a younger man.
She might be fresh out of a long-term relationship or marriage and is looking for some no-strings-attached fun with a younger guy who’s full of youthful energy and enthusiasm.
Or maybe she’s tired of dating men her age who always try to take the lead and make all the decisions. A younger man might be less controlling and more willing to learn from her experience in and out of the bedroom.
She might also be attracted to a younger guy’s youthful looks and body. A lot of guys her age have let themselves go a little bit, and she’s looking for a more fit and attractive partner.
Dating a younger guy is also the perfect way for an older woman to feel more youthful and beautiful. It reminds her that she’s still got it and can attract any guy she wants.
Or perhaps she just doesn’t see age as a factor in who she chooses to date. If she’s attracted to you and you make her feel good, that’s all that matters.