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When you break up with someone, it can be tricky to figure out whether to block them on social media. It all depends on what kind of relationship you had, whether your breakup was hard, and whether you want to be friends in the future. You might even want to get back your ex and wonder if blocking them will ruin your chances. Hopefully, these 15 helpful tips will help you make the right call.
Is it childish to block your ex?
Blocking your ex isn’t childish at all! No matter how your relationship ended, you don’t owe your ex anything. If blocking them feels like the best decision for you, then do it without shame or guilt. There’s nothing wrong with giving yourself space and protecting your mental health and well-being. If your relationship was toxic you needed to end it, the last thing you need is to be reminded of your ex on a daily basis.
Of course, you can’t control what your ex thinks when you block them. They might be upset or think you’re childish, but it’s not your responsibility to make sure they’re okay. You need to focus on yourself and do what makes you feel most secure.
Will my ex know that I’ve blocked them?
Blocking someone means you can no longer see any of their posts, and they can’t see yours. Most social media platforms don’t notify the person that they’ve been blocked, but your ex will quickly figure it out because they won’t be able to see your posts anymore. But as we’ve discussed, don’t worry about what your ex thinks. Do what’s best for you and your mental health.
Reasons to block your ex
Here are the most common reasons blocking your ex is a good idea. If you’re worried about what they will think, it’s okay to let them know that you’re planning to block them, so they don’t wonder why you suddenly disappeared from their social feeds.
1. Your relationship was toxic
If you had an unhealthy relationship, it’s an excellent idea to block your ex. It can take a long time to deal with the emotional effects of a toxic relationship, and cutting off all contact is an integral part of the healing process.
Unfortunately, you might recognize that your relationship was toxic but still be tempted to get back together with your ex. Blocking them can help you avoid the temptation of reaching out and give you time to focus on yourself and move on.
2. You keep breaking up and getting back together
Constantly breaking up and getting back together with your ex is mentally exhausting and prevents you from finding true happiness. The next time you break up, blocking your ex might be a way to finally break the cycle and move on. If you’re not getting constant reminders on social media of all the things you like about being with them, it will be much easier to stay firm in your decision to go separate ways.
3. You need closure
If you know your relationship is over for good, blocking your ex will help give you closure. It’s a symbolic gesture that signals you’re ready to move on and start the next chapter of your life. Getting closure is especially important if you still have lingering feelings for your ex, but you know it’s not healthy to get back together.
4. You need time to heal
When a relationship ends, it’s natural to feel sad, hurt, bitter, or angry. Especially if you’re the one who got dumped. It takes time to recover after a difficult breakup, and blocking your ex can be an essential part of the healing process.
Even if you want to get your ex back, blocking them for a no-contact period can be incredibly helpful. It gives you time to get a handle on your emotions so you can make decisions from a place of strength and clarity.
5. You’re tempted to beg
Getting dumped is devastating, and it can be hard to accept that your relationship is over. You might even be tempted to beg and plead with your ex to take you back. Please don’t! It will only make you look desperate and needy and push them away even further. Blocking your ex will help you resist the urge to beg and give you space to come to terms with the breakup without destroying your dignity.
6. You feel guilty for breaking up
On the other hand, you might be the one who initiated the breakup. Even if you made the right decision, it can be hard to shake off feelings of guilt and regret – especially if your ex isn’t coping with the breakup. It’s not your responsibility to ensure they are okay, and blocking them can help you escape the emotional trap.
7. You’re stalking them
After a breakup, it’s natural to be curious about how your ex is doing. Are they seeing someone new? Do they seem happy without you? If you fall into a pattern of stalking your ex on social media, it’s a good idea to block them so you can move on and focus on your own happiness. Comparing yourself to them or feeling jealous will not help you heal.
8. You can’t stop thinking about them
If a few months have passed since your breakup, and you still can’t stop thinking about your ex, it’s probably a sign that you need to take drastic measures. Blocking them is very helpful to break the cycle of obsessive thinking and channel your energy into something positive and productive.
9. They cheated on you
Being cheated on is one of the most difficult things to recover from, and it’s understandable if you don’t want to have anything to do with your ex. Blocking them prevents any future interaction and sends a clear message that you don’t condone cheating and won’t stand for it in any way.
10. You have no desire to be friends
Being friends with your ex doesn’t have to be the end goal after a breakup. You have the right to decide what’s best for you and if being friends isn’t something that interests you, then blocking them is an effective way to make a clean break.
11. You have a new relationship
If you’ve recently started a new relationship, blocking your ex might be a good idea so you can start fresh without any distractions. It’s important for both of you to know that the relationship is over, and it can help to eliminate any confusion or temptation.
Reasons not to block your ex
There are also many good reasons you might decide not to block your ex. Here are some common examples.
1. You want to get back your ex
If you want to get back together with your ex, blocking them for good won’t do you any favors. It gives the impression that you’re bitter, angry, or don’t care about the relationship anymore.
However, if you want to get your ex back, it’s still a good idea to take a lengthy break and avoid contact for a while. Many people implement the no contact rule, which involves not talking or texting your ex for a certain period – usually 30 or 60 days.
The no-contact rule differs from blocking your ex because you let them know that you want to see them in the future but need time and space to work on yourself. The no contact rule allows you to heal, reflect on the relationship, and devise a plan to win them back.
Related post: 17 big mistakes to avoid when getting back your ex
2. Your breakup was amicable
If your breakup was mutual and you parted on good terms, there’s no reason to block your ex. Even if you don’t want to be friends, it costs you nothing to keep receiving their updates in your feed and maintain a friendly relationship. And if you change your mind in the future, you can unfollow or block them, and they probably won’t even realize.
3. You want to be friends in the future
Even if you’re feeling hurt and angry right now, you might know deep down that you want to stay friends with your ex. Perhaps you have a lot of friends in common, or maybe you just like them as a person and don’t want to lose touch. In this case, blocking them sends the wrong message. A better strategy is to use the no contact rule and let your ex know you’ll reach out when you’re ready.
4. You have friends in common
If you were together for a long time and have mutual friends, chances are you can’t avoid seeing your ex at social events. If you have to see them anyway, blocking them might make things more complicated and put a strain on your friendships. It’s better to accept the fact that you’ll be in each other’s lives and find a way to coexist peacefully.
5. You’re not sure how you feel
It’s natural to feel confused after a breakup. One minute you feel happy and optimistic about the future, and the next, you’re filled with regret and longing. If you’re unsure how you feel, it’s probably best to put off blocking your ex until you have some clarity. Take all the time you need to think about what’s best for you and your emotional well-being.
6. You don’t want to appear angry or upset
Blocking your ex sends a clear message that you’re upset or angry and can’t handle seeing any evidence of them in your life. If you want to appear cool, calm, and like you don’t care what they do, then muting their posts instead of blocking them is a better option. You won’t see their updates, but they won’t know you’re avoiding them.
The best way to get back your ex

If you’re looking for a step-by-step instruction manual that will show you exactly how to get back your ex, I recommend you check out the “Ex Factor Guide” by Brad Browning.
There are many ‘get your ex back’ products out there, but the Ex Factor Guide is by far the most practical and comprehensive guide ever written on the subject. No matter how unique your breakup was, I’m positive Brad will have helpful advice for your situation and answer all your questions in detail.
Even better, the Ex Factor Guide contains hundreds of real-world examples of Brad’s sneaky (but highly effective) psychological techniques that he has tested on real couples. For example, the section on text messages will give you dozens of example messages you can send to your ex to get a response and make them start to miss you.
Brad claims that over 90% of relationships can be successfully repaired. That’s a bold claim, but after reading The Ex Factor Guide, I think he’s legit. Brad is a certified relationship counselor and has spent over ten years helping men and women repair their broken relationships. His experience has helped him develop dozens of unique, groundbreaking ideas I’ve never seen anywhere else.
Check out Brad’s free video presentation to learn more about all his sneaky psychological techniques. If you apply his methods, there’s an excellent chance you’ll have your ex begging for a second chance.
Final thoughts
Deciding whether or not to block your ex is a very personal decision. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to remove all reminders of your ex from your life. On the other hand, if you want to remain friends or think there’s a chance of getting back together in the future, blocking them might not be your best option. Take some time to consider all your options and decide what’s best for your mental health and well-being. If you choose to block your ex, remember that you can change your mind at any point in the future.