
Seven of Swords tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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The Seven of Swords is a complex tarot card that often pops up as a cautionary signal in readings. With its themes of deception, cunning, and resourcefulness, this card urges you to be extra vigilant. Whether you’re dealing with love, career, or finances, the Seven of Swords prompts you to dig deeper, question motives, and make clever, ethical choices. It’s a card that calls for both caution and strategic smarts.

Seven of Swords keywords & concepts

Upright keywords 

  1. Lies
  2. Deception
  3. Cunning
  4. Resourcefulness

Reversed keywords

  1. Confession
  2. Discovery
  3. Unmasking
  4. Rethinking

Seven of Swords tarot card description & symbolism

The Seven of Swords is a complex card that often appears when situations aren’t as straightforward as they seem. At its core, this card revolves around themes of deception, cunning maneuvers, and the potential for hidden agendas. It serves as a cautionary signal, urging you to be vigilant about the people and circumstances surrounding you. Whether someone is attempting to deceive you or you’re contemplating a secretive course of action, the card calls for careful consideration and heightened awareness. 

However, it also highlights the power of resourcefulness and cunning. Sometimes tricky situations require a bit of clever thinking and strategy to navigate successfully. In essence, the Seven of Swords encourages you to be alert and thoughtful, reminding you that not everything is as it appears on the surface.

Seven of Swords upright meanings

1. Lies

When you pull the upright Seven of Swords, it’s like the universe is nudging you to pay close attention to lies that might be surrounding you. It could be someone in your circle who’s not being honest, or maybe you’re the one skirting the truth. This card often pops up when there are hidden agendas or misinformation. Lies tend to weave a complicated web, and if you’re not careful, you might get tangled in it. So, this is your cosmic heads-up to sharpen your senses and verify things before you believe them. Trust but verify, as they say. You need to be on high alert for half-truths, white lies, or outright fabrications that could affect your life.

2. Deception

Deception’s another core theme of the Seven of Swords. This isn’t your everyday, run-of-the-mill deceit; we’re talking about premeditated, intentional trickery. When this card shows up, it advises you to keep your eyes peeled and your wits about you. You could encounter scams, manipulative tactics, or backstabbers out to get something from you. While it’s super uncomfortable to think about, acknowledging the potential for deception in your life lets you take preventive action. You’ll want to question what seems too good to be true and guard your vulnerabilities from those who might exploit them.

3. Cunning

Alright, so not everything about the Seven of Swords spells doom and gloom. Cunning can sometimes be seen in a positive light. You know, like being street-smart or strategically clever. It might suggest that you’ll need to use your wits to navigate a complex situation. When the going gets tough, it’s not just brute strength that’ll get you through; it’s your ability to think creatively and make savvy moves. This card essentially tells you that being a little cunning—without crossing ethical lines—can be your secret weapon to getting what you need. Take calculated risks and be a bit crafty; sometimes you have to play the game to change the game.

4. Resourcefulness

The Seven of Swords also gives a nod to your ability to think on your feet. Being resourceful is about using what you’ve got in the most efficient way possible to get to where you want to go. This card encourages you to take stock of your skills, tools, and connections—then use them creatively to solve problems or achieve your goals. You don’t always need a fully stocked arsenal to win a battle; sometimes a sharp mind and a well-executed plan do the trick. So if you’re facing limitations or obstacles, this card tells you to tap into your inner MacGyver. Craft a solution using the resources at hand, even if they seem insufficient. You might surprise yourself with what you can accomplish.

Seven of Swords reversed meanings

1. Confession

When you see the reversed Seven of Swords, it’s often signaling a moment of confession or coming clean. You know that weight of a secret or a lie you’ve been carrying around? It’s like the universe is telling you that it’s time to unload that burden. Confessing isn’t just about setting the record straight with others; it’s also about being honest with yourself. Whether you’re the one confessing or someone is confessing to you, this card marks a pivotal point in relationships and situations. It clears the air, cuts through the fog of deception, and offers a chance for renewal. But remember, a confession doesn’t magically fix things; it’s the first step toward mending what’s been broken.

2. Discovery

The reversed Seven of Swords can also point to a moment of discovery, usually of something that’s been hidden or kept under wraps. This isn’t just a casual reveal; it’s more like ripping off a Band-Aid. Prepare yourself because what you discover might shake your world a bit. The upside is, once something is out in the open, you can deal with it directly. No more dancing around issues or making decisions based on partial information. You’re now equipped with the full picture, and that’s a powerful place to be, even if it’s initially uncomfortable. Knowledge, as they say, is power.

3. Unmasking

Unmasking is another intense aspect of the reversed Seven of Swords. It’s the dramatic moment when the curtain gets pulled back, revealing someone’s true intentions or identity. This card is often a sign that someone can’t maintain their deceitful act any longer. Whether it’s you who gets unmasked or someone else, expect a game-changing moment. People might be shocked, relationships could shift, and the stakes usually get real high, real fast. But unmasking is crucial for moving forward authentically. It paves the way for more genuine interactions and helps you decide who or what deserves your trust.

4. Rethinking

Last but not least, the reversed Seven of Swords often nudges you to rethink your strategy or approach. Maybe your original plan wasn’t as foolproof as you thought, or perhaps you’re realizing that a shortcut you took wasn’t the best idea. It’s a pause button that urges you to reassess and reevaluate. Don’t just bulldoze ahead without taking a moment to reconsider your actions and their potential consequences. The beauty of rethinking is that it allows for course correction. You get the chance to align more closely with your values and objectives, even if that means admitting past mistakes and making tough adjustments.

Seven of Swords meaning for love & relationships


For the upright Seven of Swords in the context of love and relationships, this card often indicates a need for caution. There might be some unspoken truths, white lies, or even deeper deceptions at play either from your partner or possibly yourself. It’s like a cosmic warning to be vigilant and to open those lines of communication. Don’t ignore your intuition; if something feels off, it probably is. It’s a reminder to clarify misunderstandings and reevaluate your relationship dynamics. Trust issues might be surfacing, and they deserve your attention for the relationship to progress healthily.


In the reverse position, the Seven of Swords suggests a turning point in your love life. It often points to the exposure of hidden truths or the need to come clean about something that’s been weighing on you or your partner. This moment of revelation, while potentially uncomfortable or even painful, can actually serve as a catalyst for deeper intimacy and honesty. Whether you’re the one unmasking a hidden aspect of yourself or discovering something new about your partner, the atmosphere is ripe for a reset. It’s an opportunity to rebuild trust and make meaningful changes in how you relate to each other.

Seven of Swords meaning for work & career


In the context of your career, the upright Seven of Swords suggests that you should keep your eyes wide open. You might be dealing with workplace politics, hidden agendas, or even intellectual property concerns. It’s a signal to be cautious about who you trust with your ideas and plans. This card can also point to the need for strategic thinking; sometimes, you’ve got to be a little crafty to get ahead. However, always keep ethics in mind, as cutting corners could backfire on you.


When the Seven of Swords shows up in its reverse position, it’s often a sign that something hidden will come to light. You might discover that a project you’ve been working on has flaws you hadn’t noticed, or perhaps a colleague’s true intentions are revealed. This revelation, though unsettling, offers you a chance to course-correct. It’s an opportunity to reassess your strategies or professional relationships. Even though it may involve some tough realizations, it paves the way for more authentic and effective teamwork in the future.

Seven of Swords meaning for wealth & prosperity


When the upright Seven of Swords appears in a financial context, it’s a sign to tread carefully. You might encounter schemes or opportunities that promise quick riches but are really too good to be true. It could also mean that someone around you isn’t being fully transparent about financial matters, so double-checking contracts and agreements is advised. Essentially, this card urges you to be vigilant and think strategically about your financial decisions, especially if they involve other parties. Don’t take things at face value; do your due diligence.


In the reversed position, the Seven of Swords suggests a moment of realization or clarity regarding your financial situation. Maybe you’ve discovered an error in your budgeting, or perhaps you realize that an investment isn’t as promising as you initially thought. It’s a wake-up call to reassess and adjust. While uncovering financial pitfalls can be unsettling, knowing is half the battle. You’re now in a better position to rectify issues and make informed decisions moving forward.

The meaning of the Seven of Swords in different spreads

The meaning of the Seven of Swords can shift subtly depending on its placement within a tarot spread. If it pops up in a past position, it might indicate previous deceptions or tactical maneuvers that are influencing your current situation. In a future slot, it serves as a heads-up to be vigilant for upcoming complexities or possible deceit. When it appears in an outcome or advice position, it often suggests the need for strategic thinking or caution. Essentially, the card’s core themes of cunning, deception, and resourcefulness get nuanced by its contextual setting within the spread, offering you tailored insights.

Final thoughts

The Seven of Swords is a multifaceted card that serves as a cosmic caution sign, urging you to be vigilant and aware in various aspects of your life, be it relationships, career, or finances. It deals with themes like deception, cunning, and resourcefulness, challenging you to navigate complex situations skillfully. But it’s not all about caution; the card also celebrates your ability to be resourceful and strategically clever when needed. In essence, the Seven of Swords prompts you to be alert, thoughtful, and shrewd as you navigate your path.

A complete guide to the Suit of Swords

Six of Swords tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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