
Nine of Swords tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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The Nine of Swords often triggers a negative reaction, as it’s closely associated with emotional turmoil, nightmares, stress, and worry. But don’t be too quick to dread its appearance. This card serves as both a mirror and a catalyst, reflecting your inner fears while urging you to tackle them head-on. Whether upright or reversed, it provides valuable insights into your mental and emotional landscape.

Nine of Swords keywords & concepts

Upright keywords 

  1. Anxiety
  2. Despair
  3. Nightmares
  4. Worry

Reversed keywords

  1. Hope
  2. Reaching out
  3. Overcoming despair
  4. End of worry

Nine of Swords tarot card description & symbolism

The Nine of Swords tarot card is often dubbed the “nightmare card,” and for good reason. It encapsulates those feelings of dread, anxiety, and despair that hit you hard, often in the middle of the night when you’re alone with your thoughts. The card typically depicts a person sitting up in bed, hands on their face, surrounded by swords. It’s like a snapshot of that moment when your fears and worries become overwhelming. The card serves as a potent reminder that your mental state can be just as binding as any physical restraint. While it brings uncomfortable emotions to the forefront, it also nudges you to confront these feelings. By doing so, it provides an avenue to understand your fears and anxieties better, paving the way for healing and growth.

Nine of Swords upright meanings

1. Anxiety

The Nine of Swords often symbolizes anxiety in its most intense form. You might find yourself dwelling on things that haven’t even happened yet or are out of your control. This card embodies that 3 a.m. feeling when you’re staring at the ceiling, thinking about everything that could go wrong. It’s like your mind is playing a highlight reel of your worst fears, looping it over and over. The problem with anxiety is that it paralyzes you; it doesn’t let you act, just react. Even if nothing is physically holding you back, the mental chains feel just as restrictive. The card serves as a reminder that your anxieties, while real and potent, shouldn’t dominate your life.

2. Despair

When the upright Nine of Swords shows up in a reading, it often points to an overwhelming sense of despair. You’re probably feeling like you’re at the end of your rope, unable to see any light at the end of the tunnel. The weight of the world feels like it’s crashing down on you, and you might think there’s no way out. It’s a soul-crushing emotion, draining you of any hope or enthusiasm. However, the card also nudges you to confront these feelings head-on. Only by acknowledging this despair can you begin to find a path out of it.

3. Nightmares

This card literally has the image of someone waking up from a bad dream, so nightmares are a big theme here. But we’re not just talking about the monsters-under-the-bed kind. These are the nightmares that seep into your waking life: haunting thoughts, dark premonitions, or recurring fears that disrupt your peace of mind. These nightmares serve as manifestations of your deepest fears and insecurities. They can be unsettling and disorienting, wreaking havoc on both your sleep and your waking moments. Yet, they also offer a clue, a window into the things that trouble you the most, things you might need to face to find inner peace.

4. Worry

With the Nine of Swords, worry takes on a life of its own. It’s not just a nagging thought; it’s an insidious, persistent loop that traps you. You might find yourself preoccupied with what-ifs and worst-case scenarios, replaying them constantly in your mind. It’s like you’re caught in a maze where every turn leads you further away from peace of mind. The incessant worrying skews your perception, making minor issues look like major catastrophes. When this card shows up, it’s urging you to break the cycle. Worrying won’t solve your problems; it’ll only amplify them. Recognize the loop you’re in and strive to step out of it.

Nine of Swords reversed meanings

1. Hope

When the Nine of Swords appears reversed, it’s like the first ray of sunlight breaking through a dark night. Hope is the name of the game here. You’re finally starting to see things in a new light, realizing that maybe, just maybe, things aren’t as bad as you initially thought. This shift in mindset doesn’t mean your problems magically disappear, but a glimmer of optimism makes all the difference. Harness that hope and use it as fuel to start taking positive actions. The card suggests that it’s time to replace dread with possibility and gloom with potential. Trust that things can get better; allow yourself to believe it.

2. Reaching Out

The reversed Nine of Swords often signifies that you’re in a position to seek help, or you’ve already taken that step. The weight of your troubles doesn’t have to be yours alone to bear. Whether it’s talking to friends, consulting with mentors, or seeking professional guidance, this card is a nod to the power of collective wisdom and emotional support. Don’t underestimate how therapeutic it can be to share your worries and fears with someone you trust. Reaching out can provide fresh perspectives on your problems and introduce coping strategies you might not have considered.

3. Overcoming Despair

This card in its reversed position is a strong indicator that you’re on the path to overcoming the despair that’s been gripping you. The clouds are starting to part, and you’re finding the inner strength to climb out of that emotional pit you’ve been stuck in. You’ve started to realize that your despair was but a phase, not a life sentence. Focus on building resilience; identify the coping mechanisms that work for you. Whether it’s physical activity, mindfulness practices, or simply surrounding yourself with loved ones, continue doing what lifts you up.

4. End of Worry

The reversed Nine of Swords often heralds the end of incessant worrying. You’re finally breaking free from the cycle of negative thoughts that have been holding you captive. It’s like a mental exhale, a release of pent-up tension and stress. Take this opportunity to reset. Understand that most of the things you worry about never actually happen. Try to let go of the need to control every outcome. Instead, focus on what you can control: your reactions, your attitude, and your actions moving forward. Celebrate this newfound peace of mind; you’ve earned it.

Nine of Swords meaning for love & relationships


For the upright Nine of Swords in the context of love and relationships, it often signals a period of emotional turmoil or anxiety. You might be dealing with insecurities, fears of abandonment, or perhaps doubts about the relationship itself. This card emphasizes the mental agony you’re going through, which can cloud your judgment and create distance between you and your partner. It’s a cue to open up about your fears and address the elephant in the room. Ignoring these issues won’t make them go away; communication is the key to navigating this rough patch.


In contrast, the reversed Nine of Swords indicates a turning point for the better in your love life and relationships. This card suggests you’re starting to move past the worries and fears that have been clouding your judgment and affecting your connections. Maybe you’ve had a heart-to-heart talk that cleared the air, or perhaps you’ve come to some personal revelations that help you see your relationship in a more positive light. Whatever the case, you’re on the path to healing. The reversed card marks a release from emotional baggage, letting you approach love with a clearer, more optimistic viewpoint.

Nine of Swords meaning for work & career


In the realm of career, the upright Nine of Swords often points to work-related stress and anxiety reaching a boiling point. You might be feeling overwhelmed by deadlines, responsibilities, or challenging workplace dynamics. The card serves as a warning that your mental well-being is at risk. While it’s easy to internalize the stress, this card advises you to take a step back and reassess your situation. Your mental health is crucial, and it might be time to consider setting boundaries or seeking support.


On the flip side, the reversed Nine of Swords in a career context signals a shift away from stress and worry. Maybe you’ve recently overcome a significant obstacle at work, or perhaps you’re beginning to manage your workload more effectively. This card suggests that the worst is likely behind you, and you’re moving toward a more manageable and less stressful professional life. It’s a sign to acknowledge your progress and maybe even pat yourself on the back for weathering the storm so well.

Nine of Swords meaning for wealth & prosperity


When the upright Nine of Swords shows up in relation to finances, it often points to extreme worry or anxiety over money matters. Maybe you’re drowning in debt, dealing with unexpected expenses, or stressed about unstable income. This card acts like a red flag, urging you to address your financial fears rather than letting them fester and grow. While the emotional toll is high, the card’s presence suggests that taking action is crucial. Seek advice, make a budget, or consider other ways to gain control over your financial situation to alleviate the mental stress.


In contrast, the reversed Nine of Swords brings a sigh of relief when it comes to financial matters. This card usually indicates that your worst fears about money are starting to dissipate. Perhaps you’ve found a way to pay down debt, or maybe an unexpected source of income has appeared. While it doesn’t mean you’re entering a period of immense wealth, it does suggest a lessening of financial stress. It’s a nudge to keep doing whatever you’re doing to improve your financial health, because it’s working.

The meaning of the Nine of Swords in different spreads

The meaning of the Nine of Swords can shift subtly depending on its placement in a tarot spread. For example, if it shows up in the past position, it could indicate a period of intense worry or anxiety that you’ve recently emerged from. In a present position, it serves as a real-time snapshot, pointing out that you’re currently grappling with heavy emotional burdens. When it lands in the future position, it serves as a warning, suggesting that you might soon face a challenging period emotionally or mentally. In any case, the card urges you to confront these troubling feelings directly. How you tackle the issues it raises will largely depend on its context within the overall reading.

Final thoughts

The Nine of Swords tarot card is a complex symbol that often signifies emotional and mental distress, whether it’s anxiety, worry, or despair. However, it’s not just a harbinger of doom; it also serves as a call to action. By confronting your fears and anxieties, you open the door to growth and healing. When reversed, the card offers a glimmer of hope, suggesting a move towards relief and a lessening of emotional burdens. It’s a card that asks for your awareness and urges proactive change.

A complete guide to the Suit of Swords

Eight of Swords tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

Ten of Swords tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)