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Has your boyfriend or husband stopped making an effort to make you feel special? Maybe he’s been distant lately, or he’d rather hang out with his friends than spend time with you. Even worse, you might have caught him flirting or checking out other women.
Guys often get complacent and feel like they don’t need to make an effort to keep you interested. When this happens, a little jealousy is a great way to make him realize that you have options, and he needs to lift his game if he wants to keep you around. Here are 24 ways to make any guy jealous so he wants you even more.
1. Tell him when other guys hit on you
Letting your man know when other guys hit on you reminds him that other guys are interested in you. If you play your cards right, it will give him a wake-up call and encourage him to step up his game.
Keep your tone light and casual, and don’t give him too many details. Something simple like “this cute guy from work asked me out” is enough to make him jealous without freaking him out.
Use your judgment, and don’t go overboard with this one. Too many reminders that other guys want to sleep with you will make him insecure instead of jealous.
2. Share your celebrity fantasies
Sharing your celebrity fantasies will show him your wild side and make him realize that sometimes you think (and dream) about other guys.
Again, the important thing is to avoid making him feel insecure. For example, saying “I’d love to sleep with Brad Pitt” might make him feel like you’re rejecting him. Instead, try something like, “Last night, I had this really sexy dream about Brad Pitt.”
The trick is to be subtle and give him just enough sexy details to get jealous. If you take it too far, he’ll think you’re comparing him to Brad Pitt and feel insecure.
3. Talk about your ex
Casually reminiscing about an old flame is a great way to make your man jealous. For example, sharing a funny story about a past relationship will subtly remind him that you’ve enjoyed happy and meaningful relationships in the past.
Never compare your ex and partner in any way, and always make it clear that you’re satisfied with your current relationship. The last thing you want him to think is that you still have feelings for your ex. The goal is to give him a little nudge, not make him feel ranked against your ex-boyfriends.
4. Flirt with a stranger
When your partner sees you flirting with other guys, it will trigger his natural desire to protect and defend you. There’s also a good chance he’ll feel a twinge of jealousy, which is exactly what you want.
So how do you flirt without taking things too far? The trick is to be subtle. Touch another guy’s arm or smile at him during conversation and watch how fast your man runs to your side to make it clear you’re spoken for.
Never completely ignore your partner when you’re flirting with someone else. If he feels ignored, it will make him angry instead of jealous.
Also, avoid saying anything too forward that will make him feel insecure. A simple compliment like “I love your sense of style” is fine, but don’t go overboard with compliments that are too intimate or personal.
5. Get some male friends
Having some close guy friends in your life is an excellent way to make your partner jealous in a healthy and positive way. Even though he knows you’re just friends, seeing you laughing and having fun with other guys will remind him he has a lot to lose if he doesn’t treat you right.
6. Be the life of the party
Whenever you’re in a group situation, try to be the girl everyone wants to be around. Be friendly and engaging, and let your natural charisma shine through.
When your man sees how much attention you get from other guys (and girls), he’ll see you as a hot commodity that he needs to keep in his life.
7. Take someone else’s side
Don’t be afraid to disagree with your man and take someone else’s side in a discussion. Seeing you side with someone else will make him a little jealous and remind him that you’re a high-value woman with your own opinions.
Don’t be mean to him and disagree for the sake of it, or he’ll start to think you’re always against him. But a little healthy disagreement now and then is an excellent way to keep things interesting in your relationship.
8. Let him see you check out other guys
The next time you’re out with your partner, take a good look at another hot guy when he walks by and give him an appreciative once over. Let your man see that you find other guys attractive, and he’ll worry he has some competition.
9. Be mysterious
Your man may have become lazy and stopped trying because he thinks he knows everything about you, and there’s no mystery left to solve. Being a little mysterious will show him that he doesn’t know you as well as he thinks, and it will reignite his curiosity.
The best way to be mysterious is to hold back some details of where you’ve been and what you’ve been doing. For example, if you’ve been out for a night on the town with your girlfriends, don’t tell him everything that happened but give him plenty of subtle clues that it was a wild night.
The trick is to give him a thrill that he doesn’t know everything about your life. It will keep his interest level high and make him feel like he has something to work for.
The secret weapon to make him obsessed with you

All men feel a powerful urge to compete. It comes from ancient times when every day was a fight for survival to protect their tribe and provide for their families.
The stakes are much lower today, but the competitive urge remains deeply rooted in male biology. Instead of fighting saber-toothed tigers, men channel their competitive energy into work, fitness, acquiring wealth, or earning the respect of their peers.
Imagine if you could harness all this competitive energy and make a man obsessed with winning your love?
You can. And all you need to do is trigger a biological switch inside him that will make him see you as the ultimate prize.
Relationship psychologist James Bauer calls this switch the “hero instinct,” and it explains why some women have men falling all over them while others struggle to find lasting love.
Triggering a man’s hero instinct taps into his competitive spirit and makes him see your relationship as an opportunity to prove himself as a man. Making you happy gives him purpose and a “game” to win.
Instead of you chasing him, he will jump through hoops to impress you and win your approval. In a matter of days, he’ll become more protective, committed, and attracted to you than you ever dreamed possible.
And the best part is that you can do all this without playing hard to get or acting like a damsel in distress.
This free video presentation from James Bauer will show you exactly what to say, what texts to send, and what to ask your man to trigger his hero instinct and make him utterly obsessed with you.
It sounds almost too good to be true, but it’s the real deal. James’ techniques use simple yet powerful psychology to help you tap into the deepest desires that all men feel.
10. Don’t always be available
Men are biologically wired to compete and want what they can’t have. Playing hard to get and making a man work for your attention triggers his competitive side and makes him want you even more.
Try filling up your schedule with lots of events (they don’t even need to be real). And when he calls during these times, act like you’re busy and can’t talk for long.
Don’t take it too far by appearing disinterested in him. The goal is to make him think about you when you’re not around, not to push him away.
11. Post photos on social media
Nothing will make a guy more jealous than seeing photos of you having fun with other guys on social media. It lets him know you have options and other guys in your life besides him.
12. Prioritize your hobbies
Make your hobbies and interests a priority in your life, and don’t be afraid to say no when your man wants to see you.
He needs to realize you have a life outside of the relationship, and you don’t just sit at home waiting for him to call. The more independent you seem, the more he’ll want to be with you.
Of course, if you blow him off too often, he’ll eventually get bored and give up trying to spend time with you. But if you make it clear that your hobbies are important to you, it will make him see you in a new light.
13. Dress up when you go out
When you head out to party with your girlfriends, dress up and look fantastic. It will make him think about all the other guys who will be hitting on you all night long.
Be careful not to take the sexy look too far, or he’ll assume you’re trying to impress other guys a bit too much. The goal is to make him jealous, so he starts paying more attention to you.
And don’t forget to take lots of photos and post them on social media so he can see how much fun you’re having without him.
14. Compliment his male friends
Complimenting your man’s guy friends is a subtle way to spark some jealousy. I’m sure he knows you’d never cheat on him, but it will still make him uneasy knowing that you find his friends attractive.
Don’t flirt too hard because that will start all kinds of drama you don’t need. A simple compliment like “I bet all the girls are lining up to go out with you” is the perfect balance between flirty and innocent.
15. Laugh at his friend’s jokes
Laughing at his friend’s jokes is another excellent way to make your man jealous. He’ll start to wonder if you find them funnier than him.
Again, don’t take it too far, or he’ll get the wrong idea. The goal is to let him see that other guys can make you laugh, and he might need to step his game up if he wants to keep your attention.
16. Make plans without him
Make fun plans with your girlfriends and leave him at home. When he asks why you didn’t invite him, tell him you need some girl time.
He may not like to be left out, but he’ll start to make you a priority in his life when he sees how much fun you have without him. It will also make him realize that he’s not the center of your universe.
17. Take your time replying to his texts
Waiting an hour or two before replying to his messages will make him wonder what you’re doing and who you’re with. It’s a helpful reminder that you have a life outside of him and that you’re not just sitting around waiting for his next message.
18. Ignore his texts and calls
It’s also okay to completely ignore some of his texts and calls. It will give him a taste of what life would be like without you and make him appreciate you more.
19. Make yourself seem in demand
Get your friends to send you a bunch of texts while you’re with him. It doesn’t matter what they send – the point is to make him think you’re popular. When your phone keeps going off, it will make him feel like he’s not the only one vying for your attention.
20. Send him a fake accidental text
The fake accidental text is a classic move to make a guy jealous. All you need to do is send him a message about a hot guy at work or a celebrity crush you can’t get out of your mind.
As soon as you hit send, immediately send a follow-up text apologizing for sending it to the wrong person. He’ll laugh it off, but it will remind him that you find other guys attractive, and he needs to make an effort if he wants to keep you around.
21. Prioritize your own needs
Work on your career, start a new hobby or take a trip by yourself.
When your man sees that you love yourself and can be happy without him, it will make him want to be a part of your life even more. He’ll also appreciate the time you spend apart, which will make your relationship even stronger.
Doing your own thing will show him that you’re not one of those girls who need a man to be happy. You’re an independent woman, and that’s a major turn-on for most guys.
Does making a guy jealous actually work?
Yes, it does!
If you feel like your man is starting to lose interest or take you for granted, making him jealous is a great way to get his attention back on you. It will make him work harder to please you and keep you happy.
It sounds counterintuitive, but it’s simply human nature. If we think we might lose something, we suddenly realize how much we want it.
However, jealousy is a delicate emotion that needs to be handled with care. If you overdo it, you could end up pushing him away and damaging your relationship beyond repair. The key is maintaining his trust and respect while getting a rise out of him. If you can do that, then you’re on the right track.