
Eight of Swords tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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The Eight of Swords tarot card is a symbolic snapshot of feeling trapped, confused, and powerless. Often depicting a blindfolded and bound figure, this card dives deep into the emotional and mental constraints you might be facing. But don’t be fooled; it’s also a wake-up call. The Eight of Swords challenges you to break free, hinting that the real barriers are often the ones you’ve put up yourself.

Eight of Swords keywords & concepts

Upright keywords 

  1. Restriction
  2. Confusion
  3. Lack of freedom
  4. Imprisonment

Reversed keywords

  1. Freedom
  2. Self-acceptance
  3. Breaking free
  4. Clarity

Eight of Swords tarot card description & symbolism

The Eight of Swords tarot card often portrays a sense of entrapment or confinement, like you’re caught in a situation you can’t easily escape from. Picture yourself surrounded by swords, blindfolded and bound, symbolizing various forms of restriction, be it emotional, physical, or intellectual. However, it’s crucial to remember that many of these limitations are often self-imposed. The card serves as a wake-up call, urging you to reassess your beliefs and attitudes. You may think you’re stuck, but more often than not, the power to break free lies within you. By changing your perspective, you can turn your limitations into stepping stones, opening up new pathways that you never knew existed.

Eight of Swords upright meanings

1. Restriction

When you pull the upright Eight of Swords, the universe is sending you a not-so-subtle hint that you’re feeling restricted, like you’re stuck in a tight spot. Maybe external forces are holding you back, or maybe it’s all in your head. Either way, you’re feeling like you’ve been wrapped up, bound, and blindfolded. But here’s the kicker: These restrictions often aren’t as inflexible as they seem. You’ve got choices, even when you think you don’t. Most of the time, your perception is the one thing that’s got you tied up. You have the power to break free; you just need to change your mindset.

2. Confusion

The Eight of Swords screams confusion. You’re in a maze, blindfolded, and you’ve got no idea which way to go. Information is either too much or too little, making decision-making feel like an impossible task. Your thoughts might be swirling, creating a cloud of doubt that hangs over you. This isn’t just “where did I put my keys?” level confusion; it’s the existential “what am I doing with my life?” kind. The card nudges you to gain clarity and perhaps seek guidance. Break problems down into smaller pieces and tackle them one at a time.

3. Lack of Freedom

When this card shows up, it’s like a mirror reflecting your feelings of being trapped. You crave freedom, but it’s like there are invisible walls closing in on you. Whether it’s a job you can’t stand, a relationship that’s stifling, or social obligations that are draining you, the lack of freedom can feel soul-crushing. You want to stretch your wings, but you feel weighed down. This card tells you to examine what’s keeping you shackled. Sometimes the keys to your freedom are right there; you just have to reach out and grab them.

4. Imprisonment

Imprisonment is the Eight of Swords at its most intense. This is not just about physical confinement; it can be an emotional or mental prison too. Maybe you’re caught in a cycle of negative thoughts, or perhaps your circumstances make you feel like you’re serving a life sentence without parole. It’s the sensation of being held captive by something or someone, and it’s stifling your growth and happiness. But remember, imprisonment often starts in the mind. Challenging your thoughts and beliefs can crack open the door to your cell, letting in the light and hope you need to break free.

Eight of Swords reversed meanings

1. Freedom

The reversed Eight of Swords is like that moment when you rip off the blindfold and see you weren’t surrounded by swords after all. Ah, freedom, sweet freedom. The constraints you thought held you captive suddenly seem much more manageable or even non-existent. You’ve got room to breathe, move, and make choices. It feels liberating, like throwing open the windows on the first warm day of spring. This card often shows up when you’ve either physically escaped a constraining situation, or you’ve shifted your mindset enough to see new possibilities. You’re reclaiming your power, and it feels amazing.

2. Self-acceptance

When this card pops up in its reversed position, it’s giving you a high-five for getting to a point of self-acceptance. You’re finally recognizing that you’re the one who’s been judging yourself the harshest and that those imaginary chains were your own self-doubt and criticism. Self-acceptance is like balm to your soul. It allows you to drop that heavy load of self-judgment and make peace with who you are, flaws and all. By accepting yourself, you’re laying down those swords of self-criticism and picking up a shield of confidence instead.

3. Breaking Free

Breaking free is the rallying cry of the reversed Eight of Swords. It’s the action movie escape scene of the tarot deck. This card celebrates the moment you pick the lock, kick down the door, and make your grand exit. Whether you’re breaking free from a toxic relationship, a dead-end job, or a cycle of negative thinking, you’re actively liberating yourself. You’re not just sitting around, hoping for a change; you’re the one making it happen. It’s an empowering experience, realizing you had the key to your own chains all along.

4. Clarity

With the reversed Eight of Swords, the fog lifts, and suddenly everything is crystal clear. Clarity is like turning on the lights in a dark room; you can finally see everything for what it is. No more stumbling around, no more second-guessing. Whether it’s a situation, a relationship, or an inner dilemma, clarity brings you the much-needed perspective to see the bigger picture. With this newfound understanding, you can make decisions with confidence and act with purpose. It’s a refreshingly liberating feeling, knowing exactly what you want and how to get it.

Eight of Swords meaning for love & relationships


In the context of love and relationships, pulling the upright Eight of Swords can indicate feeling trapped or restricted. Maybe you’re in a relationship where communication has broken down, or perhaps you’re single but find yourself paralyzed by fears or insecurities. Whatever the case, the card suggests that you’re holding yourself back emotionally. The swords that surround you could be your own doubts or external pressures that you’re letting get to you. The card challenges you to confront what’s really holding you back in love, rather than blaming external circumstances.


On the flip side, the reversed Eight of Swords in a love reading often signals a positive shift, like you’ve finally broken down some emotional walls. Whether you’ve recently gotten out of a stifling relationship or managed to overcome some personal insecurities, the card suggests newfound freedom and clarity. You’re ready to move forward, now seeing the potential where you once saw barriers. It’s like you’ve taken off the blindfold and are finally ready to pursue love with a sense of courage and self-assuredness, knowing what you want and not being afraid to go for it.

Eight of Swords meaning for work & career


When it comes to your career, the upright Eight of Swords can signal a challenging phase where you feel boxed in or limited. Maybe it’s a project that’s not going your way, or perhaps you’re stuck in a job that doesn’t allow for growth. You might feel like you’re just going through the motions, trapped by your circumstances. But keep in mind that many of these barriers may be self-imposed. The card suggests the need to reassess your situation and think outside the box.


In contrast, the reversed Eight of Swords in a career reading often heralds a time of liberation and newfound clarity. Maybe you’ve finally broken free from that dead-end job or successfully navigated a tricky work situation. The sense of constraint lifts, and you feel empowered to make decisive career moves. This card suggests you’ve shaken off what was holding you back, and you’re ready to seize new opportunities with both hands.

Eight of Swords meaning for wealth & prosperity


When the upright Eight of Swords shows up in a financial context, it’s like a red flag signaling that you might feel trapped or restricted financially. You could be dealing with debts, struggling with bills, or simply feeling like there’s never enough to go around. But remember, this card often suggests that your mindset plays a big part in these constraints. Perhaps you’re missing out on opportunities to improve your financial situation because you feel stuck or overwhelmed. The card encourages you to reevaluate your financial habits and attitudes to find a way out.


On the other hand, the reversed Eight of Swords in a financial reading is a sigh of relief. It indicates that you’re breaking free from financial limitations that have been weighing you down. Whether you’ve paid off a debt, found a new stream of income, or simply changed your approach to money management, this card heralds newfound financial freedom. You’ve gained clarity on your financial situation and are now better equipped to make smarter choices moving forward.

The meaning of the Eight of Swords in different spreads

The meaning of the Eight of Swords can shift subtly depending on its position in a tarot spread. If it appears in a past position, it might indicate old patterns of self-limitation that have influenced your current situation. When it shows up in a present position, it’s a strong nudge to look at how you might be trapping yourself right now, either mentally or emotionally. In a future position, it serves as a cautionary tale, warning you to break free from your self-imposed shackles to avoid future entanglements. Context matters, so consider the card’s position carefully to gain a more nuanced understanding.

Final thoughts

The Eight of Swords is a complex card that often points to feelings of entrapment, limitation, and self-imposed barriers. Whether upright or reversed, it serves as a mirror reflecting your internal and external struggles. However, its main message is empowerment. It urges you to take off the blindfold, assess your situation, and realize that you often hold the keys to your own freedom. In essence, this card is a call to action, inviting you to reclaim control and break free.

A complete guide to the Suit of Swords

Seven of Swords tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

Nine of Swords tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)