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Dating a married woman can be a very stressful experience. You have to be comfortable lying, sneaking around, and dealing with the constant danger of getting caught by her husband.
But if you have the right attitude, there can also be a lot of advantages as well. There’s much less commitment than in a “regular” relationship, the danger can be exciting, and the sex will probably be fantastic.
In this article, I’ll help you understand everything you need to know about dating a married woman so you can decide if it’s the right move for you.
Why do married women cheat?
Almost everyone will say yes if you ask them whether cheating is wrong. But the truth is that up to 40% of married couples are affected by some form of cheating.
Men and women cheat and have affairs for many different reasons, including boredom, revenge, unmet sexual needs, and low self-esteem.
However, most women cheat because they feel emotionally disconnected from their husbands. They have drifted apart over time and feel neglected and lonely, and cheating is a way to fulfill their need to be appreciated and loved.
Why you shouldn’t date a married woman
1. She’s using you
Whether you like it or not, a married woman is using you to fulfill something missing in her marriage. She’d be unlikely even to give you a second glance if she was happily married.
Her husband may have cheated on her, and she’s using you to get revenge. Perhaps she has low self-esteem, and you give her the validation and attention she’s craving. Or she might just be bored in her marriage, and fooling around with you is a way to inject a little danger and excitement into her life.
Being used by an attractive married woman might be just what you’re looking for. But if you’re interested in a serious relationship, remember that she has her own agenda, and you’re not likely to be her top priority.
2. She still sleeps with her husband
It might feel like you’re the only man in her life, but that’s not true. After she’s spent time with you, she goes home and sleeps in the same bed as her husband.
When people have affairs, they often have more sex with their partners. It sounds counterintuitive, but there are a few reasons why:
Having sex with you might increase her libido and desire to have sex with her husband. She might also be having more marital sex to reduce suspicion that she’s having an affair. Or perhaps you’ve shown her some new things in the bedroom, and she’s trying these out at home to help improve the sex in her marriage.
3. You can never completely trust her
The fact that she’s lying to her husband means you can never be sure she’s being honest with you. She might be lying about how she feels about you, her motivations for having an affair, or whether she will ever leave her husband for you.
And if she does end up leaving her husband, how can you be sure that she won’t do the same thing to you when she gets bored or frustrated?
4. She can end it at any time
Most affairs eventually fall apart, and dating a married woman means accepting that your relationship might end at any moment. She might have a close call and almost get caught, decide that her marriage is more important to her than you, or get sick of all the lying and sneaking around.
The bottom line is that she has all the power in your relationship because she’s the one taking all the risks.
5. Your relationship is based on deception
Your relationship with a married woman might feel normal in many ways, but don’t forget that it’s built on a lie. She’s lying to her husband, you’re probably lying to your friends and family, and you’re hiding your relationship from the world.
Even if she does leave her husband for you, your connection will always have that dark cloud of deception hanging over it.
6. Her husband will find out eventually
There’s a good chance her husband will eventually find out about your affair. It might be through a misplaced text or email, a suspicious credit card bill, or simply because he notices a change in her behavior.
When that happens, the whole web of lies and deception you’ve built will come crashing down. Her husband will feel angry and betrayed and may come looking for revenge. If the affair becomes public, the reputation damage could severely affect your career and social life. And if you still want to be with her, you’ll have to deal with a messy divorce and a lot of drama.
7. You’re breaking up a marriage
Even if she is deeply unhappy, you have to accept the possibility that you’re destroying a marriage. And if they have children, you’re breaking up a family and causing them a lot of pain and heartache for years to come.
Think carefully about whether you’re willing to accept all that responsibility before you get involved with a married woman.
8. Your family and friends will judge you
Your family and friends will probably judge you harshly for dating a married woman. They will question your moral judgment and character and worry about all the potential consequences if you get caught. And more than anything else, they’ll wonder why you can’t find a decent, single woman to date instead.
9. She’ll complain about her marriage
If you’re dating a married woman, she’ll likely confide in you about all the problems in her marriage. This might make you feel justified in being with her, but make sure you don’t become her sounding board or emotional dumping ground. If your relationship is going to work, it needs to be based on more than just her venting about her unhappy marriage.
10. You’ll never be a big part of her life
One of the most challenging aspects of having a relationship with a married woman is knowing that you’ll never be a big part of her life. Even though you’re technically in a relationship, you’ll always feel like her dirty little secret.
She’ll rarely be able to spend the night with you, and you’ll constantly be saying goodbye as she sneaks back to her real life. You’ll never be able to introduce her to your family and friends and probably never meet any of the important people in her life. Even texting and calling each other will be difficult because she’ll have to be careful not to let her husband find out.
How to make any woman want you

In a recent study, women were shown pictures of men and asked to rate their attractiveness on a scale of 1 to 10.
But the researchers did something sneaky: they included multiple pictures of the same men standing and sitting in different positions with slightly different facial expressions.
Amazingly, women rated the same man very differently based on how he held himself. One way of standing would get him a rating of 5 or 6, and a minor adjustment would get him scores of 8 or 9.
How is this possible?
In ancient times, before spoken language existed, men had to seduce women without saying a single word. Body language was a man’s only tool to turn a woman on and convince him to sleep with her. As a result, the sexual part of a woman’s brain is much more responsive to the signals your body is giving off than to anything you say.
Relationship coach Kate Spring can show you how to use these body language signals to tap into any woman’s primal, biological desires and make her attracted to you.
These psychological body language techniques are so powerful that they bypass the logical part of a woman’s brain and compel her to think sexual thoughts about you. It doesn’t matter if she already has a boyfriend or has put you in the friend zone. She might even hate you, and she still won’t be able to resist.
And the best part is that these female mind hacks work for any guy. It doesn’t matter how attractive, wealthy, or confident you are talking to girls.
It sounds like a big claim, but Kate Spring is the real deal. She’s developed her methods using Harvard research and scientifically-validated psychological techniques.
Check out Kate’s free video presentation here.
You’ll be amazed at how differently women treat you and see you once you unlock the secret to body language attraction.
The advantages of dating a married woman
1. There’s less commitment
Dating a married woman can be a great way to have some fun and excitement without all the drama and commitment of a traditional relationship. You’ll never have to worry about all the usual relationship milestones like meeting the parents, getting to know her friends, or moving in together. You can just enjoy her company without any strings attached.
And if you feel like you’re getting too emotionally attached, you can walk away without feeling guilt or remorse because you never made any promises to each other.
2. You can still play the field
As long as you’re honest with her, there’s no reason why you can’t date other people while you’re seeing a married woman. She can hardly expect you to be monogamous when she’s not being faithful herself.
3. It’s exciting and thrilling
For some guys, the illicit nature of dating a married woman is exactly what makes it so exciting and thrilling. It can feel like you’re getting away with something, which adds to the allure. Knowing that you’ve managed to attract and seduce a married woman can also be a real ego boost.
Just remember that there are real people and emotions involved, so treat her with respect and be aware of all the consequences.
4. The sex is amazing
If her husband isn’t giving her what she wants in the bedroom, she might be very open to exploring her sexuality with you. She’s likely to be passionate, intense, and up for all kinds of things in the bedroom that will blow your mind.
Signs a married woman will leave her husband for you
1. She’s in love with you
If she tells you that she loves you and wants a serious relationship, it’s a good sign that she’s considering leaving her husband for you. However, don’t get your hopes up too much because there might still be a lot stopping her from taking the plunge and walking out on her marriage.
2. She talks about the future with you
She sees you as a long-term partner if she’s making plans and discussing building a future with you. It’s one thing to fantasize about a future together, but making concrete plans shows commitment and serious intent.
3. She has a plan in place
The most unmistakable sign that she’s ready to leave her husband is if she already has a plan. She knows exactly when she wants to do it and how she will make it happen. Perhaps she’s already consulted with a lawyer or figured out where she will live after she leaves.
Making a plan means that she’s not just fantasizing about a future with you but is taking active steps to make it happen. If she’s already made up her mind, there’s a good chance she’ll leave her husband for you.
How to successfully date a married woman
1. Decide whether you can handle it
Before you contemplate dating a married woman, you must be honest about whether you can handle the stress. Are you prepared for all the lying, secrecy, and the possibility of getting caught? Can your conscience take the fact that you’re playing a part in destroying a marriage?
If you’re worried about the consequences or feeling like a bad person, it might be best to avoid married women altogether.
2. Be very discreet
Discretion is absolutely essential when you’re dating a married woman. You need to be able to keep your relationship a secret and not let anyone find out about it – especially her husband.
Find a safe place where you can meet up, and make sure there’s no risk of anyone you know seeing you together. For example, don’t meet up at her place where there’s a chance a nosy neighbor might see you. When you contact her by phone or email, make sure you delete all the messages, and she does the same.
3. Establish ground rules
Before getting too emotionally involved, sit down with her and establish clear ground rules. Ask her what she is looking for from the relationship, and be honest about your needs as well.
Are you just looking for a casual fling? Or is this something more serious? Are you both okay with keeping things discreet? What will happen if her husband finds out? These are all critical questions that need to be answered before you take things further.
4. Figure out a schedule
The best way to make your relationship successful is to find a regular time and place where you can safely spend time together. For example, she might be able to invent a fake class or work project that gives her an excuse to be out of the house during the day or home late from work.
It might be a few times a week, or even just a few hours every couple of weeks. The important thing is to have some regularity to keep the flame alive without getting too caught up and risking discovery.
5. Don’t trash talk her husband
If she talks negatively about her husband, give her sympathy and understanding but resist the urge to badmouth him. It won’t do you any favors and might even make her want to defend him. Just focus on your relationship and being the man she needs you to be.
6. Don’t buy her gifts
Buying her gifts is not worth the risk of her husband finding the physical evidence and putting two and two together. If you feel like you must give her something, stick to small, inexpensive items that can be easily hidden or explained away.
7. Avoid her social media
It goes without saying that you should avoid being active on her social media, and it’s probably best if you don’t follow her at all. Any connection you have is another thread her husband can follow if he gets suspicious she’s having an affair.
8. Don’t contact her at home
Never text or call her at home when there’s a chance her husband will see your messages and get suspicious. Leaving the room to take calls or being secretive with her phone is the fastest way to arouse his suspicions.
9. Be patient and understanding
Dating a married woman comes with all kinds of baggage, and you’ll need to be patient and understanding to make it work. For example, she might have to cancel plans at the last minute or not be able to see you as often as you’d like. There’s also a good chance she’ll go through many stages of feeling guilty about cheating on her husband.
10. Don’t pressure her to leave her husband
Even if you know she’s unhappy, don’t pressure her to leave her husband. If you want your exclusive relationship to start the right way, she needs to be the one who decides when and if she’s ready to leave her marriage.
How can I make a married woman fall in love with me?
The best way to make a married woman fall in love with you is to understand her situation and be the man she needs you to be. Be patient, understanding, and supportive, and don’t pressure her to leave her husband.
Is it wrong to date a married woman?
There’s no easy answer to this question. Most people agree that cheating is wrong, but if you’re not married, she is technically the only one cheating in your relationship. However, you need to ask yourself whether you’re comfortable playing a part in destroying a marriage.
How can I make my affair with a married woman last?
The best way to make your affair with a married woman last is to give her what she’s missing in her marriage. This might be attention, affection, or simply feeling wanted and desired. Be understanding of her situation and be the man she needs you to be, and you’ll have a good chance of making things work.
How can you date a married woman secretly?
You can do a few things to help keep your relationship a secret, such as avoiding social media, being selective about when and how you contact each other, and not buying her gifts. Finding a safe place where you can regularly spend time together without the risk of getting caught is also essential.