
Three of Swords tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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The Three of Swords tarot card is like your no-nonsense friend who tells it like it is, no matter how much the truth stings. Often depicting a heart pierced by swords, this card signals emotional challenges—be it heartbreak, disappointment, or conflict. Yet, when reversed, it becomes a beacon of healing and renewal. Either way, the Three of Swords prompts you to face emotional realities to grow and evolve.

Three of Swords keywords & concepts

Upright keywords 

  1. Heartbreak
  2. Sorrow
  3. Separation
  4. Grief

Reversed keywords

  1. Healing
  2. Moving on
  3. Forgiveness
  4. Recovery

Three of Swords tarot card description & symbolism

The Three of Swords tarot card is a vivid representation of emotional pain and upheaval, often pointing to experiences like heartbreak, sorrow, and separation. When you see this card, it’s like the universe is holding up a mirror to your emotional state, highlighting the difficult moments that have the power to shape you. The imagery—usually a heart pierced by three swords—doesn’t sugarcoat its message. It’s a card that encourages you to face your emotions head-on, as unpleasant as they may be. 

Though it might be tempting to look away and hope for a lighter card, the Three of Swords serves as a necessary prompt. It asks you to confront your pain, work through it, and ultimately grow from the experience. It’s a tough-love message, but one that offers the promise of greater emotional depth and resilience if you heed its lessons.

Three of Swords upright meanings

1. Heartbreak 

Heartbreak is an emotional tsunami that wipes out your well-being, self-esteem, and even your sense of reality for a while. Pulling the Three of Swords is signaling a rupture in your emotional world. Maybe you just found out some unsettling news or a relationship has ended. The point is, your heart is in tatters, and it feels like you’re carrying around a heavy weight. But here’s the thing: heartbreak teaches you something invaluable about your own resilience and what you genuinely value in relationships. It’s awful going through it, but you do come out stronger.

2. Sorrow

Sorrow is that quiet, lingering pain that seeps into your days, clouding even the happiest moments with a shade of gray. It’s not as loud or dramatic as heartbreak, but don’t underestimate its power to bring you down. When the Three of Swords indicates sorrow, you’re dealing with an underlying sadness that needs addressing. This could be due to a myriad of reasons—loss, regret, or a general sense of dissatisfaction. Unlike temporary sadness, sorrow hangs around and keeps you up at night, pondering the “what-ifs” and “if-onlys.” The key to navigating sorrow is to confront it head-on; don’t let it fester and poison your outlook on life.

3. Separation

Nothing feels as abrupt and disorienting as separation. It’s like you’ve been yanked out of your comfort zone, and now you’re free-falling with no safety net. Whether it’s a breakup, moving away from your hometown, or even distancing yourself from a toxic environment, separation brings a feeling of disconnection that’s hard to shake off. When the Three of Swords points to separation, it means a physical or emotional distance has created a void in your life. Now, this isn’t always a bad thing; sometimes, separation provides the much-needed space for growth and self-reflection. It can be a wake-up call that forces you to reevaluate your relationships or life choices, leading you down a path to something even better.

4. Grief

Grief is that gut-wrenching, soul-crushing emotion that hits you when you experience a significant loss. It’s not just about death; you can grieve the end of a relationship, the loss of a job, or even a missed opportunity. When the Three of Swords highlights grief, it’s urging you to acknowledge your pain and give yourself the space to heal. Grief isn’t linear; it comes in waves and at the most unexpected moments. One day you’re fine, and the next, you’re a sobbing mess. That’s okay. Grieving is a natural process that helps you come to terms with your loss, making way for eventual healing and acceptance. Don’t rush it, don’t belittle yourself for feeling the way you do. Just let yourself grieve.

Three of Swords reversed meanings

1. Healing

Healing is like the sunrise after a long, dark night. It’s a gradual process, so don’t expect immediate results. It’s about tending to those emotional wounds and allowing them to close up and scar over. When this card shows up in its reversed position, it’s hinting that you’re on the mend. You’re picking up the pieces, maybe even rediscovering parts of yourself you thought were lost forever. However, remember that healing isn’t just about erasing pain; it’s about learning from it, so you emerge wiser and more resilient.

2. Moving On

When the Three of Swords appears reversed, you’ve got a green light to leave the past behind. Moving on isn’t just a physical departure; it’s an emotional and mental journey too. You start to untangle your thoughts from past events, situations, or people that held you back. You begin to realize that clinging to what was only hampers your growth. Instead of dwelling on past mistakes or what could have been, you’re looking forward. You’re setting new goals, embracing fresh perspectives, and hey, maybe even taking some risks. Life’s a grand adventure waiting to happen; don’t let the past keep you anchored.

3. Forgiveness

Pulling a reversed Three of Swords can signal the transformative power of forgiveness. This isn’t just about saying, “I forgive you” and moving on. Forgiveness is a deeper, more intricate process that involves a lot of soul-searching. You’re not just letting someone off the hook or erasing the past; you’re reclaiming your peace of mind. Whether you’re forgiving someone else or yourself, this act removes the heavy burden of resentment and guilt that’s been bogging you down. It’s like you’ve been carrying this gigantic boulder, and forgiving allows you to finally set it down. You breathe easier, see clearer, and open up space for new possibilities.

4. Recovery

When you see the Three of Swords reversed, think of it as your emotional or even physical rehab. Recovery is the phase where you rebuild, one brick at a time. You’re out of the immediate crisis, and now it’s about getting back to your old self—or, even better, an upgraded version of yourself. This isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon. You take it one step at a time, perhaps adopting new coping mechanisms or healthier habits along the way. Maybe you’re going back to the gym, rekindling old friendships, or just dedicating more time to self-care. Whatever it is, recovery means you’re on an upward trajectory. Sure, there might be setbacks, but remember: progress, not perfection, is the goal.

Three of Swords meaning for love & relationships


When the upright Three of Swords shows up in your love and relationships reading, brace yourself. This card signals some emotional turbulence ahead. You might be grappling with feelings of betrayal, heartbreak, or disillusionment. This could manifest as a difficult breakup, a momentary lapse in trust, or just a general sense of sadness creeping into your relationship. It’s a wake-up call that shouldn’t be ignored. Although it’s painful, this moment is an opportunity to reassess what you’re really looking for in love and how you connect emotionally with others.


On the flip side, pulling the reverse Three of Swords in a reading about your love life is like a rainbow appearing after a storm. The worst is likely behind you, and you’re entering a phase of healing and renewal. Maybe you’re finally moving on from an old flame, or you and your partner are finding your way back to each other after a disagreement. Either way, this card is a sign that it’s time to let go of past heartaches and start looking forward to a more harmonious chapter in your love life.

Three of Swords meaning for work & career


When you pull the upright Three of Swords in the context of your career, it usually isn’t the best news. This card hints at setbacks or disappointments on the job front. You might be dealing with conflicts at work, missed promotions, or even layoffs. It serves as a signal to prepare for some emotional or mental challenges related to your career. The goal here isn’t to make you feel hopeless but to get you to confront issues directly, learn from them, and bounce back even stronger.


On the other hand, if you draw the reverse Three of Swords while asking about your career, things are looking up! This card indicates a period of healing and improvement. Maybe you’re recovering from a failed project or a period of high stress. You could be reconciling with coworkers after a dispute or finally getting the recognition you’ve been craving. It suggests that the worst is behind you, and you’re on the path to regaining stability and positivity in your professional life.

Three of Swords meaning for wealth & prosperity


If you pull the upright Three of Swords while contemplating your finances, it’s a sign to brace for impact. This card warns of potential financial hardships like unexpected expenses or investment losses. You could be facing setbacks that hit you right in the pocketbook. While this may not be the most comforting message, it’s crucial to see it as a call to action. Use this heads-up to reassess your budget, look at your spending habits, and prepare for any financial bumps that may come your way.


Seeing the reverse Three of Swords in a financial reading usually means the tide is turning for the better. This card suggests that you’re moving out of a tricky financial situation and entering a phase of recovery. Maybe you’ve finally paid off a debt, or perhaps an investment has turned profitable after a shaky start. Whatever the case, the hardships are easing up, giving you the breathing room to reevaluate and stabilize your financial situation. Now’s the time to capitalize on this upward swing and make wise financial decisions for the future.

The meaning of the Three of Swords in different spreads

The Three of Swords is a card that wears its emotional intensity on its sleeve, but its specific meaning can shift depending on where it falls in a tarot spread. For instance, in a Celtic Cross spread, landing in the “present” position might flag an immediate emotional issue that needs attention. But if it’s in the “outcome” position, it could hint at potential heartache or conflict down the line. Similarly, in a love-focused spread, this card often rings alarm bells about relationship challenges, whereas in a career or financial spread, it warns of setbacks or disappointments. Understanding the Three of Swords involves more than just grasping its standalone meaning; you have to read it in relation to other cards in the spread and the questions you’re exploring.

Final thoughts

The Three of Swords tarot card serves as an emotional weather vane, pointing out the storms you may be facing or just getting through. Whether it’s love, career, or finances, this card doesn’t sugarcoat its message. It forces you to confront pain and challenges head-on, but it’s not all doom and gloom. In its reversed form, it brings tidings of healing and recovery. Ultimately, the card is a prompt for personal growth, asking you to delve deep into your emotional landscape.

A complete guide to the Suit of Swords

Two of Swords tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

Four of Swords tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)