
Wheel of Fortune tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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Tarot cards are a mystical tool for insight and guidance, and among them, the Wheel of Fortune stands out as a symbol of life’s ever-changing cycles. This captivating card captures the essence of luck, change, and fate, serving as a cosmic mirror reflecting both opportunities and challenges.

Wheel of Fortune keywords & concepts

Wheel of Fortune upright keywords 

  1. Luck
  2. Change
  3. Opportunity
  4. Fate

Wheel of Fortune reversed keywords

  1. Bad luck
  2. Stagnation
  3. Missed opportunities
  4. Setback

Wheel of Fortune tarot card description & symbolism

The Wheel of Fortune tarot card is a symbol of the ever-changing cycles of life, capturing the ups and downs that everyone experiences. It’s like a cosmic game of roulette, where sometimes you’re riding high, and other times you find yourself hitting a low. When this card appears in a reading, it often signifies a pivotal moment of change or transformation. The Wheel doesn’t just spin randomly; it follows the laws of karma, hinting that what goes around, comes around. Whether upright or reversed, the card serves as a potent reminder that nothing in life stays the same forever. The key is to adapt and make the most of whatever phase you’re in, knowing that the Wheel will keep turning, bringing new opportunities or challenges. It encourages you to seize the moment, be it good or bad, as another twist in your ever-evolving journey.

Upright Wheel of Fortune meanings

1. Luck

When the Wheel of Fortune turns up in its upright position, luck is usually on your side. It’s like the universe is giving you a nod, saying, “Hey, good things are coming your way!” Whether you’ve been investing your time and energy into a project or taking a leap of faith, the appearance of this card suggests that fortune favors the bold. The luck element isn’t just random; it often arrives as a result of your previous efforts, attitudes, or even your mindset. It’s that sudden windfall, that unexpected promotion, or a chance meeting that could turn things around for you. The keyword “luck” embodies this cosmic push towards success.

2. Change

The Wheel of Fortune is synonymous with change. You know how life never stays static; it’s always moving, transforming, evolving. The upright Wheel of Fortune captures this sense of dynamic shift. Maybe you’re changing jobs, entering or exiting relationships, or moving to a new city. The card serves as a signpost, letting you know that these shifts are not only inevitable but generally positive. The Wheel turns up to say, “Embrace the change. Roll with it.” Even if you feel a bit uncomfortable with the shifts happening, this card reassures you that it’s all part of your journey.

3. Opportunity

The Wheel of Fortune doesn’t just hint at change; it usually brings along fresh opportunities. Imagine standing in front of multiple doors, and one suddenly swings wide open, inviting you in. That’s the essence of this card. Whether it’s a new job offer, an unexpected travel opportunity, or meeting someone who can help you climb another rung on the ladder, the Wheel signifies that a chance for growth or advancement is coming your way. The caveat? You have to seize it. Opportunities are only as good as your willingness to grab them.

4. Fate

Ah, fate—the grand concept that things are somehow predestined or meant to be. When the Wheel of Fortune shows up, it brings along a hint of destiny. But fate doesn’t mean you just sit back and let life happen to you. In the context of this card, fate implies that you’re aligning with your life’s purpose or your higher self. It’s a nudge, or sometimes a shove, from the universe, guiding you in a particular direction. While you still have free will to make choices, the upright Wheel of Fortune suggests that certain events or conditions are aligning in a way that you’re in sync with your destiny. It’s as if the stars are aligning just for you.

Reversed Wheel of Fortune meanings

1. Bad Luck

When the Wheel of Fortune flips upside down, it often signals a streak of bad luck. Maybe you’re facing unexpected setbacks, or things just aren’t panning out how you hoped. It feels like the universe threw a wrench into your plans, right? But remember, bad luck isn’t a life sentence; it’s more of a temporary hiccup. The reversed Wheel encourages you to be cautious and mindful during this phase. Take it as a period to reflect and recalibrate, rather than to act impulsively. Even though it seems like you’ve hit a rut, bad luck serves as a nudge to re-evaluate your strategies.

2. Stagnation

Stagnation is another keyword that pops up with the reversed Wheel of Fortune. Imagine you’re a hamster running on a wheel, going full tilt, but you’re just not getting anywhere. That feeling of being stuck, of not making progress despite your efforts, encapsulates the idea of stagnation here. You might be questioning whether you’re in a dead-end job, a stagnant relationship, or facing other areas in life where growth seems impossible. This card suggests that it’s time to shake things up. Stagnation can be frustrating, but it’s also an indicator that you need to reassess and make some changes.

3. Missed Opportunities

Ever had that moment when you look back and think, “I should’ve, could’ve, would’ve?” That’s the essence of “missed opportunities,” another concept tied to the reversed Wheel of Fortune. Whether you didn’t act quickly enough, or perhaps acted hastily without thinking, the result is the same: a chance slipped right through your fingers. The important thing is not to dwell on what you missed, but to focus on the lessons learned. Missed opportunities often serve as a wake-up call, reminding you to be more alert and proactive in the future. After all, the Wheel will turn again, and new opportunities will come—just make sure you’re ready to grab them.

4. Setback

The reversed Wheel of Fortune doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to setbacks. Maybe you were cruising along just fine, and then—bam!—something throws you off course. It could be anything from a sudden job loss to a failed project or a breakup. The thing about setbacks is they often feel like a giant roadblock, stopping you dead in your tracks. But they aren’t the end of the road; they’re more like detours. Sure, they force you to take the long way around, but sometimes that’s where you discover new vistas or acquire insights you wouldn’t have otherwise. In the context of the reversed Wheel, setbacks are a call to reassess, regroup, and prepare for the next leg of your journey. Instead of seeing them as failures, consider them as valuable lessons that provide you a chance to recalibrate your plans.

Wheel of Fortune meaning for love & relationships


When the Wheel of Fortune shows up upright in a love and relationships context, it often points to a season of positive change and growth. It’s as if the universe is sprinkling some magic dust on your love life. You might meet someone new who takes your breath away or experience a revitalization of passion in your existing relationship. The Wheel spins in favor of deep connections and serendipitous moments. The card encourages you to embrace the ebbs and flows, as they are opportunities for growth and greater intimacy. It’s a time to be optimistic and open to the possibilities that love presents.


On the flip side, when the Wheel of Fortune appears reversed in a reading focused on love and relationships, it suggests a period of challenges or setbacks. Perhaps you’re hitting a rough patch with your partner, where misunderstandings and miscommunications abound. Alternatively, you might feel like you’re stuck in a dating rut, where nothing seems to progress or evolve. The reversed Wheel serves as a reminder that every relationship has its down cycles. This is a time for introspection and for evaluating what needs to shift in your love life to turn that Wheel back around.

Wheel of Fortune meaning for work & career


When the Wheel of Fortune shows up upright in a career-focused tarot reading, you’re in for some good vibes. Think of it as the career lottery ticket you didn’t know you had. You might stumble upon a new job opportunity, nail that promotion you’ve been eyeing, or see your hard work finally pay off in a big way. This card signals that the professional cosmos is aligning in your favor, providing you with chances to advance and grow. It’s your cue to seize the moment and ride the wave of positive change.


When the Wheel of Fortune turns up reversed in your career reading, brace yourself for some bumps in the road. You might experience setbacks like project delays, or maybe even a missed promotion. It’s a period that calls for caution and reevaluation. While it can be frustrating, it’s also a wake-up call to reassess your professional path and make adjustments where needed.

Wheel of Fortune meaning for wealth & prosperity


When the Wheel of Fortune pops up upright in a financial reading, you’re looking at a promising phase. It’s like the universe is giving your bank account a high-five. You might find yourself with unexpected windfalls or lucrative investment opportunities. This card is a sign that your financial stars are aligning for growth and prosperity. However, it’s not just about sitting back and watching the money roll in; it’s an invitation to be proactive. Take calculated risks and make informed decisions to capitalize on this period of financial favor.


On the other hand, if the Wheel of Fortune shows up reversed in your financial reading, it’s a sign to proceed with caution. You could be facing some financial challenges like unexpected expenses, investment losses, or income setbacks. The reversed Wheel advises you to double-check your budget, reassess your spending, and maybe even postpone making any big purchases. Though this period might feel like a financial speed bump, it’s also a critical time for reflection. Use this phase to reevaluate your financial strategies, making sure you’re setting yourself up for long-term stability.

The meaning of the Wheel of Fortune tarot card in different spreads

The meaning of the Wheel of Fortune card can shift quite a bit depending on its position in a tarot spread and the surrounding cards. In a past-present-future layout, for instance, the Wheel in the past position might indicate a former period of luck or change that has set the stage for your current situation. If it shows up in the present, you’re smack dab in a season of change—brace yourself for new opportunities or challenges. In the future spot, get ready for a shift that’s coming your way. 

Likewise, in a love spread, the Wheel could indicate an impending romantic opportunity or the natural cycles in a relationship. The Wheel serves as a versatile messenger, its meaning nuanced by the cards around it and the questions at hand. It’s a reminder that life is always in motion, and how you adapt to its spins makes all the difference.

Final thoughts

The Wheel of Fortune tarot card serves as a cosmic snapshot of life’s ups and downs. Whether upright or reversed, it encapsulates the inevitable cycles of change, luck, and opportunity, sprinkled with a touch of fate. It urges you to adapt and roll with life’s twists and turns. Understanding its message in the context of various spreads can offer valuable insights, empowering you to make the most of whatever phase you’re in, whether in love, career, or finances.

A complete guide to the Major Arcana tarot cards

  1. The Fool
  2. The Magician
  3. The High Priestess
  4. The Empress
  5. The Emperor
  6. The Hierophant
  7. The Lovers
  8. The Chariot
  9. Strength
  10. The Hermit
  11. Wheel of Fortune
  12. Justice
  13. The Hanged Man
  14. Death
  15. Temperance
  16. The Devil
  17. The Tower
  18. The Star
  19. The Moon
  20. The Sun
  21. Judgment
  22. The World

The Hermit tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

Justice tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)