
The World tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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Tarot cards are a popular tool for gaining insight into various aspects of life, from love to career. Among these cards, The World stands as a powerful symbol of completion and fulfillment, acting as both a cosmic pat on the back for achievements and a guide for potential growth areas.

The World keywords & concepts

The World upright keywords 

  1. Completion
  2. Fulfillment
  3. Celebration
  4. Unity

The World reversed keywords

  1. Incompletion
  2. Stagnation
  3. Delay
  4. Disconnection

The World tarot card description & symbolism

The World tarot card serves as the grand finale of the Major Arcana, embodying a sense of wholeness, completion, and fulfillment that only comes after a long journey of discovery. When you pull this card, it’s like the universe is giving you a cosmic nod of approval, indicating that you’ve reached a significant milestone in your life. The challenges, lessons, and experiences you’ve gone through have all led you to this enriching point of closure and new beginnings.

But The World isn’t just about you; it also signifies a harmonious connection with others and the universe itself. There’s a strong element of unity and completeness, as if every piece of the puzzle has fallen into place. It’s a moment of deep satisfaction, where both your inner and outer worlds are in harmony. So, in essence, The World card encapsulates a fulfilling end to one chapter and a promising prologue to the next.

Upright The World meanings

1. Completion

When you draw The World card in an upright position, it’s like the universe giving you a high-five for finishing something significant. Maybe you’ve wrapped up a long-term project, or perhaps you’ve reached a personal milestone. Either way, this card signifies the end of a journey, and not just any journey—this is the kind of trip where you’ve learned, grown, and transformed along the way. It’s the final chapter in a specific book of your life, and you’ve earned that sense of closure.

2. Fulfillment

This isn’t about short-term happiness; fulfillment here means a profound sense of satisfaction that fills you from head to toe. You’re not just scraping by or ticking off boxes; you’re living a life aligned with your values and goals. It’s like finding the missing piece to a puzzle you’ve been working on for ages. Everything just clicks into place, and you get that warm feeling of, “Yes, this is exactly where I’m supposed to be right now.” The World card upright signals that your inner and outer worlds are in harmony.

3. Celebration

When this card shows up, grab your metaphorical party hat because it’s time to celebrate! It could be a big win at work, a personal achievement, or even the successful end to a complex chapter in your life. The World suggests that you not only deserve to celebrate but that acknowledging these milestones is essential for your growth and well-being. Parties and gatherings might be the obvious way to go, but the celebration can also be a quiet moment of reflection where you give yourself the kudos you deserve.

4. Unity

Unity in the context of The World card is like the universe’s way of saying, “Everything is in its right place.” You feel at one with yourself, but it goes beyond that—you also feel a sense of unity with others and even with the universe itself. It’s that inexplicable connection that makes you feel like you’re part of something much bigger than yourself. This sense of unity often brings a sense of peace and balance, grounding you as you prepare for the next big adventure life has in store.

Reversed The World meanings

1. Incompletion

Pulling The World card in reverse can be like that nagging feeling when you leave a task half-done. It signals that something in your life is incomplete, whether it’s a project, a relationship, or a personal goal. This isn’t about minor stuff either; it’s something that matters to you. Maybe you’ve been avoiding it, or you’ve hit a roadblock that’s tough to overcome. Either way, the card nudges you to face the unfinished business and figure out your next steps.

2. Stagnation

When The World shows up reversed, it often highlights a sense of being stuck or going nowhere fast. You might be in a situation where progress feels impossible, or perhaps your own fears and insecurities are keeping you grounded when you should be soaring. Stagnation can be a frustrating place to be, but it’s not a life sentence. The card serves as a wake-up call to identify what’s holding you back so you can find a way to get the wheels turning again.

3. Delay

If you’ve been waiting for that golden moment when everything falls into place, a reversed World card suggests you’ll have to wait a bit longer. This isn’t about small delays either, like a late bus; think more along the lines of a significant life event getting postponed. Maybe it’s a job opportunity that’s taking forever to materialize, or a relationship that’s not moving to the next stage as quickly as you’d like. The card advises patience and perhaps a reassessment of your plans.

4. Disconnection

Feeling out of sync? When The World is reversed, it often signals a disconnection from something important, whether that’s your own goals, people around you, or even your own self. It’s like watching a movie where the dialogue and the visuals are out of sync; something just feels off. This sense of disconnection can be isolating, but it also serves as a red flag that something needs realigning in your life.

The World meaning for love & relationships


For the upright The World card in the context of love and relationships, this card is like getting a big, celestial “YES!” It suggests that you’re in a phase where everything in your love life is coming together beautifully. If you’re in a relationship, this could mean that you and your partner are reaching a significant milestone, like an engagement or a deeper emotional connection. It’s a time when both parties feel fulfilled and united in their goals and values. If you’re single, The World suggests that you’re at a stage where you’re fully ready to accept love, having learned and grown from past experiences.


When you pull The World card in reverse regarding your love life, the message is a bit more complicated. It hints at unresolved issues or a lack of progression in your relationship. You might feel stuck or unable to move to the next level of commitment with your partner. There could be delays in plans you both had, like moving in together or taking a big trip. If you’re single, it may indicate that you’re not quite ready for a serious relationship, possibly because you have personal matters that require attention first. In both scenarios, the reversed World card serves as a prompt to reflect on what’s stalling your emotional growth and to take steps to address it.

The World meaning for work & career


When The World shows up upright in a career reading, it’s a strong signal that you’re hitting some serious career goals. You might be wrapping up a major project that gets you noticed by the higher-ups, or you could be stepping into a long-desired role that aligns perfectly with your skills and passions. This card is all about completion and achievement, so it signifies that you’re not just doing your job; you’re excelling at it and reaping the rewards of your hard work and dedication.


On the flip side, pulling The World card in reverse for your career isn’t an ideal situation. This could indicate stumbling blocks that keep you from reaching your full potential. Perhaps a project you’ve invested a lot in is stalled, or a promotion you were eyeing gets delayed. It’s like you’re so close to the finish line, but something’s holding you back. This is a moment to identify what’s causing the stagnation and actively work to get things moving again.

The World meaning for wealth & prosperity


When you pull The World card in an upright position regarding your finances, you’re likely in a pretty good spot money-wise. This card signals that your financial planning, investments, or savings have reached a stage of maturity and growth. You’ve come full circle from perhaps having struggled with money matters to now having a handle on them. It’s a green light from the universe that you’re doing something right financially, and you should feel a deep sense of satisfaction and security. It’s as if you’ve mastered the financial game, at least for the moment.


In contrast, drawing The World card in reverse in a financial context usually serves as a warning. It suggests that you might be facing setbacks or delays in reaching your financial goals. Maybe that investment you were counting on isn’t performing as expected, or an expected windfall gets delayed. It could even point to a sense of complacency; perhaps you’ve been ignoring your finances, assuming they’ll sort themselves out. Whatever the case, this card acts as a reminder to review and possibly adjust your financial strategies to get back on track.

The meaning of The World tarot card in different spreads

The meaning of The World card can shift subtly depending on its position in a tarot spread and the questions you’re asking. For instance, if it appears in a past position, it could point to a previous moment of achievement that has shaped your current circumstances. In the present position, The World often signals that you’re in a phase of completion and should embrace the fulfillment that comes with it. If it lands in a future position, it serves as a reassuring nod that you’re on the right path toward a satisfying conclusion to your current endeavors.

In spreads focused on specific areas like love, career, or finances, the card’s general theme of completion and fulfillment gets tailored to those sectors. So, in a career spread, it may signify a promotion or completion of an important project, while in a love spread, it might indicate reaching a new level of commitment or understanding in a relationship. The World card acts like a chameleon, adapting its rich symbolism to offer nuanced guidance in diverse situations.

Final thoughts

The World tarot card is like the universe’s seal of approval, signaling completion, fulfillment, and unity in various aspects of your life. Whether it’s a relationship milestone, a career achievement, or personal growth, this card embodies the rewarding sense of bringing something meaningful to its peak. Yet, when reversed, it serves as a cosmic alert, pointing out areas where there’s room for improvement or a need for reassessment. It’s the card that celebrates your victories and nudges you toward overcoming obstacles.

A complete guide to the Major Arcana tarot cards

  1. The Fool
  2. The Magician
  3. The High Priestess
  4. The Empress
  5. The Emperor
  6. The Hierophant
  7. The Lovers
  8. The Chariot
  9. Strength
  10. The Hermit
  11. Wheel of Fortune
  12. Justice
  13. The Hanged Man
  14. Death
  15. Temperance
  16. The Devil
  17. The Tower
  18. The Star
  19. The Moon
  20. The Sun
  21. Judgment
  22. The World

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