
The Tower tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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Tarot cards serve as a tool for gaining insights into various aspects of life, from love to career to personal growth. One of the most impactful cards you can pull is The Tower. Often greeted with apprehension, this card symbolizes significant change, disruption, and ultimately, transformation.

The Tower keywords & concepts

The Tower upright keywords 

  1. Sudden change
  2. Disruption
  3. Chaos
  4. Breakdown

The Tower reversed keywords

  1. Resistance to change
  2. Avoiding disaster
  3. Stagnation
  4. Fear of change

The Tower tarot card description & symbolism

The Tower tarot card is often viewed as a harbinger of upheaval and dramatic change, shaking the very foundations of your life. It’s like the universe’s way of saying, “Wake up! Time for a reality check.” Whether it comes in the form of a job loss, relationship breakdown, or some other unexpected event, the Tower throws you into a chaotic state where the old rules no longer apply. However, it’s not all doom and gloom.

The Tower also offers a silver lining, serving as a catalyst for transformation. Once the dust settles, you find yourself with a rare opportunity to rebuild on more authentic grounds. So, while the appearance of this card may initially unsettle you, it often signals the beginning of a much-needed, if involuntary, journey towards personal growth and greater understanding.

Upright The Tower meanings

1. Sudden Change

Imagine you’re building a Jenga tower, and just when you think it’s stable, you pull out a crucial block, and the whole thing topples. That’s what the Tower card embodies—a sudden upheaval that shakes up your world in an instant. You don’t see it coming, and it certainly doesn’t knock on your door before entering. Whether it’s a breakup, losing your job, or some other life-altering event, the Tower’s sudden change forces you to confront reality and adapt. It’s like a speed bump on your life’s path that you didn’t see coming. The good news? These abrupt changes often clear the way for something new and better, even if it doesn’t feel that way in the moment.

2. Disruption

If your life was a playlist, the Tower card would be that track that skips and interrupts the whole flow. Disruption doesn’t necessarily have to be disastrous, but it’s certainly not something you plan for. You might be cruising along, thinking you’ve got it all figured out, when BAM! The Tower card shows up, disrupting your plans, your thoughts, and maybe even your beliefs. This card asks you to break out of your old patterns and question the foundations you’ve built. Basically, it’s a cosmic reset button that messes up your game just enough to remind you that change is a part of life. It messes up your routine, your expectations, but it also opens up new avenues that you wouldn’t have explored otherwise.

3. Chaos

When the Tower card appears, it’s like someone just threw a wrench into the well-oiled machine of your life. Suddenly, all the rules and structures that kept things running smoothly no longer apply. It’s the sudden thunderstorm at your outdoor wedding, the unexpected twist in a movie, the plot thickening in the story of your life. Chaos often gets a bad rap, but think of it as a crucible for transformation. When everything is in disarray, that’s when you get the chance to reshuffle the deck and create a new order. You’re left scrambling to pick up the pieces, sure, but you also gain a fresh perspective on what truly matters.

4. Breakdown

When you’re confronted with the Tower card, you’re also staring down the possibility of a breakdown—either emotional, situational, or both. A breakdown is when things just fall apart, and you can’t go on operating as you have been. Your coping mechanisms fail, your strategies crumble, and you’re left in a state of collapse. It’s a “system overload” moment that forces you to stop, reassess, and rebuild. But here’s the thing: a breakdown often paves the way for a breakthrough. When things fall apart, you’re forced to look at the rubble and decide what to keep and what to discard. It’s a cleansing fire, eliminating what no longer serves you and making space for something new to emerge. So even if it feels like the end of the world at the moment, remember that breakdowns often set the stage for your next act.

Reversed The Tower meanings

1. Resistance to Change

When you pull the Tower card in reverse, it’s like getting a tap on the shoulder instead of a slap in the face. It suggests that you’re resisting the changes that are trying to make their way into your life. Think of it as standing at the edge of a diving board, knowing you need to jump but can’t bring yourself to do it. The universe is nudging you toward transformation, but you’re holding onto the guardrails for dear life. This resistance can keep you in a state of limbo, hovering between the comfort of the known and the potential of the unknown. Sure, change is scary, but resisting it often leads to missed opportunities and stifled growth.

2. Avoiding Disaster

When the Tower card shows up in reverse, it often signifies that you’ve narrowly avoided a crisis. Maybe you heeded the warning signs, or perhaps fate intervened on your behalf. Either way, disaster was on the menu, and you didn’t bite. While avoiding disaster can bring relief, it also serves as a wake-up call to reassess the vulnerabilities in your life. Are you prepared for future upheavals? Do you have a safety net? Take this moment to patch up any shaky foundations and reinforce your life’s structure, so the next time chaos knocks, you’re not left scrambling.

3. Stagnation

Ever feel like you’re stuck in a loop, doing the same things and expecting different results? When the Tower card is reversed, it’s a big red flag for stagnation. It’s like being on a treadmill—lots of movement but no progress. You’re clinging to outdated routines, relationships, or beliefs, effectively hitting the pause button on your growth. While this standstill may feel safe and comfortable, it doesn’t offer any room for development. The universe is a realm of constant change, and staying stagnant is like swimming against the current. If you’re not moving forward, you’re essentially moving backward. Time to shake things up a bit.

4. Fear of Change

The Tower in reverse is basically the embodiment of the saying, “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.” It represents your fear of change, a gripping anxiety that paralyzes you from making any moves. You know something needs to shift, but the uncertainty of what lies ahead keeps you tethered to your comfort zone. It’s like standing at a crossroad but being too afraid to take a step in any direction. The catch-22 is that this fear of change can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you’re too scared to embrace new opportunities or sever ties with what’s not working, you end up creating the very stagnation you’re afraid will result from change. Don’t let fear dictate your life; be the author of your own story.

The Tower meaning for love & relationships


When you pull The Tower card in its upright position in a love and relationships context, you’re probably in for a rollercoaster ride. This card suggests that something significant is about to shift, and it usually isn’t subtle. Perhaps you’ll have a revelation about your relationship that changes everything, or maybe an external event will shake the foundation of your partnership. If you’re single, this could mean an abrupt end to your single status, or a sudden realization about what you want in love. While the changes can initially feel shocking or even devastating, they often pave the way for more honest and fulfilling connections down the line.


If you pull The Tower card in its reversed position concerning love and relationships, it usually means you’re in a phase of resistance or delay regarding essential changes. Maybe you’re holding onto a relationship that’s already shown its cracks, or perhaps you’re resisting the idea of opening up to someone new. This card in reverse can also signal that you’re avoiding dealing with fundamental issues in your relationship, essentially delaying the inevitable confrontation or change. While things may seem stable for the moment, remember that avoiding the issues won’t make them disappear; it merely postpones the need for resolution.

The Tower meaning for work & career


When The Tower card pops up in an upright position in a career-oriented reading, you might want to fasten your seatbelt. This card often heralds major shake-ups that catch you off guard. It could be anything from a sudden layoff to a drastic change in company direction. It might feel like your professional world is falling apart, but try to view it as a necessary breakdown before a breakthrough. Once the dust settles, you’ll likely find that you’re in a better position to chase opportunities more aligned with your skills and ambitions.


In contrast, pulling The Tower in reverse when asking about your career generally signals that you’re in a period where changes are either being delayed or outright resisted. Maybe you’re hesitant about leaving a stagnant job, or perhaps you’re putting off decisions that could lead to career advancement. While this temporary pause may give you a chance to catch your breath, be cautious. Avoidance or delaying tactics often just postpone the inevitable, making the eventual transition harder when it does come.

The Tower meaning for wealth & prosperity


If The Tower shows up upright in a financial reading, it’s a heads-up that you’re in for some surprises, and they’re probably not the kind you’ll like. This could be an unexpected expense that throws your budget off balance or an investment that suddenly tanks. While this may seem like a financial disaster at first glance, the upheaval often serves a purpose. It forces you to re-evaluate your financial habits and strategies, pushing you towards a more solid and sensible approach to managing your money in the long run.


When The Tower appears reversed in the context of finances, it usually hints at a dodged bullet or delayed financial changes. Maybe an investment that looked shaky stabilizes, or you get a little more time to pay off a looming debt. But don’t get too comfy; this is usually a temporary respite. You’re being given extra time to get your financial affairs in order, so use it wisely. Ignoring this grace period can make the eventual changes more challenging to navigate.

The meaning of The Tower tarot card in different spreads

The Tower card’s significance can shift depending on its position in a tarot spread and the surrounding cards. For example, if The Tower shows up in the past position of a three-card spread, it likely indicates a major event that has already happened and sets the stage for your current situation. When it lands in a future position, brace yourself for upcoming changes that could shake up your life. 

In a Celtic Cross spread, if The Tower appears in the “Hopes and Fears” position, it could signify a dual feeling of fearing change yet hoping for liberation from current circumstances. The card’s energy and impact also get influenced by surrounding cards. If it’s near The Fool, for instance, the upheaval might lead to new adventures. On the other hand, if it’s close to The Devil, you may need to examine the toxic structures that are falling apart. Understanding The Tower in context helps you interpret its multifaceted meanings.

Final thoughts

The Tower tarot card is a jolt of cosmic electricity, disrupting your status quo and forcing you to confront change head-on. While its appearance can be unsettling, it’s a necessary shake-up that propels you toward growth. It demolishes your comfort zone and the shaky foundations you’ve built, leaving room for something new and more genuine. In essence, the Tower is not just about destruction; it’s about making space for a transformative new chapter in your life.

A complete guide to the Major Arcana tarot cards

  1. The Fool
  2. The Magician
  3. The High Priestess
  4. The Empress
  5. The Emperor
  6. The Hierophant
  7. The Lovers
  8. The Chariot
  9. Strength
  10. The Hermit
  11. Wheel of Fortune
  12. Justice
  13. The Hanged Man
  14. Death
  15. Temperance
  16. The Devil
  17. The Tower
  18. The Star
  19. The Moon
  20. The Sun
  21. Judgment
  22. The World

The Devil tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

The Star tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)