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Are you struggling to attract women because you think you’re ugly, shy, awkward, or overweight? Do you lack the confidence to talk to girls and feel like they always ignore you in favor of more confident, better-looking guys? Or maybe you’re doing fine with the ladies but want to take your game to the next level.
If any of this sounds like you, Kate Spring promises she’s got the solution. Her new eBook, The Obsession Method, is designed to help you get any woman you want, regardless of how good-looking, rich, or confident you are.
It’s a big claim, but does it actually work? In this honest review of The Obsession Method, I’ll show you how it works, what you get for your money, and go through all the pros and cons of the program.
What is the The Obsession Method?
The Obsession Method is a program designed specifically for guys by Canadian dating coach Kate Spring.
Her goal is to teach you how to get literally any woman you want, no matter how hot and out of your league you think she is.
In this review, I’m going to take you through how the program works, explain what you get for your money and be honest about the pros and cons. By the end, you should have all the information you need to decide whether the program is right for you.
I’ll go into much more detail on exactly how the program works in the next section, but at its core the The Obsession Method teaches you how to psychologically hack the female mind to give you complete control over how much a woman desires you.
Even if she has a boyfriend, doesn’t like you or you’re in the dreaded friend-zone.
Sound too good to be true?
I thought so as well at first, but the massive difference with The Obsession Method is that Kate Spring has developed her program using real Harvard scientific research and scientifically validated psychological and language techniques.
What’s even better is the fact that these techniques work for any guy, regardless of how attractive you are, how tall you are, how much you weigh, or how much money you have.
Just a note to make sure there’s no confusion between The Obsession Method and His Secret Obsession.
His Secret Obsession is a groundbreaking book written by psychologist James Bauer, but it’s primarily designed to help women improve their long-term relationships.
If you’re interested in learning more, I’ve written a detailed review of His Secret Obsession you can check out.
How does The Obsession Method work?
The techniques you’ll learn in The Obsession Method are body language techniques, phrases, and other psychological brain hacks that tap into the sexual center of the female brain and make it almost impossible for a woman not to be attracted to you.
Here’s a summary of some of the techniques the program covers.
Precision Tactics
These are an easy-to-learn set of rules that show you exactly when to make a move. You’ll never have a doubt when to ask her out on a date, kiss her, or initiate full-on sex.
Knowing when to make a move and having confidence that she’ll be totally into it is a massive confidence booster. It completely removes the fear of rejection and embarrassment that makes it so hard to try again.
Story Mode
You’ll learn a special story that will plant the seeds of desire in any woman’s mind and make her subconsciously want and desire you.
I tried this story out to see what would happen and I can tell you that it 100% works.
Body Messages
The Body Messages section teaches you how to use body language signals to make any woman want to sleep with you on the spot.
Body messages are one of the most powerful tools in the program and are backed up by a lot of scientific research. This makes sense when you realize that a large part of human communication is nonverbal.
Being able to read body language and use it to make a woman desire you almost feels like a superpower. Using body language is so much more powerful than just acting confidently or using pick-up lines.
As one simple example, touching a girl whenever she laughs delivers a Pavlovian response that trains her mind to mentally associate your touch with fun and excitement.

Unstoppable Pickup
In Unstoppable Pickup, you’ll learn the Direction Approach. This is a fool-proof method that makes it easy to pick up any girl you want.
Knowing you have the confidence to successfully pick up the hottest girl in the room has to be one of the best feelings in the world.
And remember, this doesn’t just apply to hitting on girls in a bar. The direction approach works anywhere, including that smoking hot girl you saw on the train, or the girl that works in the café you’ve been fantasizing about for months.
Turn Her On
The Spring Seduction System is a simple technique you’ll use over and over again to make any girl instantly horny and want to have sex with you. All it requires is an understanding of how female psychology works.
Desire Protocol
The Desire Protocol teaches you how to make a girl feel a deep and long-term desire for you that’s more than skin deep. This part of the program is all about turning the perfect 10 you’re having sex with into your loving girlfriend.
Subliminal 3’s
The Subliminal Seduction section teaches you how to use subliminal messaging to make a woman instantly want to sleep with you.
Subliminal messaging is very well researched and a powerful psychological phenomenon that is often used in advertising. The amazing thing is, these same techniques can be used on any woman to make her want to have sex with you!
Text Seduction
There’s nothing worse than spending hours trying to write the perfect text to a girl, just to have it completely ignored.
In Text Seduction, Kate Spring teaches you the 3 kinds of text messages you can send a girl that is guaranteed to turn her on and make her want to instantly text you back.
I really liked this part of the program because texting is a nice low-risk way to use your new powers of seduction on Tinder and other dating apps.
The text seduction techniques alone make the entire program worth it and will up your Tinder game 1000%.
Marriage Man
Marriage Man works alongside the Desire Protocol section and teaches you how to get your girl dreaming about marrying you and how to keep her faithful and committed to you forever.
Who is Kate Spring?

Kate Spring is a best-selling author and highly respected dating coach who has a hugely successful blog where she teaches guys how to attract the women of their dreams.
I was initially a little unsure whether a female relationship coach was the right fit for me.
However, I quickly realized that getting dating advice from a female perspective is awesome. It’s like having a secret window into the female mind.
If you check out The Obsession Method website, you’ll learn the story of how Kate’s friend James asked the hottest girl at work out on a date. To cut a long story short, she ended up having sex with their boss in a back alley at the end of the night!
James was so devastated by the experience that Kate vowed to teach him how to become irresistible to women so he’d never have to experience the same brutal rejection ever again.
Her advice was so successful that she decided to turn her knowledge into The Obsession Method to teach other guys the same skills.
What do you get for your money?
I was really surprised how much content you get when you buy The Obsession Method.
The Obsession Method eBook and video series
The core of the program is an eBook and a 28 part video series. This alone is a lot of content that’s going to take you a while to get through.
The videos are great (and Kate Spring is really hot so watching them is easy on the eyes), but I personally prefer the eBook because you can easily re-read sections and use it as a reference manual.
How to Make Her Approach YOU bonus eBook
The How to Make Her Approach YOU’ eBook teaches you how to sit back and make your dream girl come to you.
Sex Texts (Get Her Into Bed) bonus eBook
The Sex Texts eBook is awesome because it’s ideal for easily hooking up with hot girls on dating apps like Tinder.
Sexual Wordsmith: How to Have Sexual Conversations With Women bonus eBook
Sexual Wordsmith teaches you how to have sexual conversations with women.
I personally think this is one of the best parts of the entire program because it’s where a lot of shy guys really struggle.
Pros and Cons of The Obsession Method
One of the best aspects of The Obsession Method is that it gives you an easy-to-learn set of techniques that completely takes away the stress of talking to women. As you build up more confidence and see the success it all quickly becomes second nature.
The program is available as an instantly downloadable eBook and video series and there’s a 60-day money-back guarantee so you can try it out with no risk.
All the techniques Kate Spring has developed are based on sound psychological research so you know they’re going to work if you put in the effort.
Kate Spring is a well-respected relationship coach who knows what she’s talking about. I personally also really liked getting the perspective of a woman.
The eBooks are all very well written and Kates gives heaps of practical and easy-to-follow examples.
Some of the techniques in the program will work pretty much instantly, but others require you to practice and put yourself out of your comfort zone.
The program is only available as an eBook so if you’re the sort of person who prefers old-school paper books then you’ll be disappointed.
The tone of writing has a tendency to sometimes feel a little manipulative towards women. This may or may not bother you, but I would guess most guys are willing to look past this because of the amazing skills the program teaches.
How much does The Obsession Method cost?
The Obsession Method (including all the bonus content) is $69.95.
Kate Spring has so much confidence in the program that she offers a 60-day money-back guarantee so you can try it out risk-free.
Does The Obsession Method work?
After reading all the eBook content and watching many of the videos, I’m convinced that The Obsession Method is the real deal.
It’s all based on sound psychological principles and is specifically designed to make your looks, height, weight, and wealth completely irrelevant when it comes to the dating game.
Even though some of the tools and techniques will require some practice to master, once you embrace them you WILL see life-changing results that open up a whole new world of possibilities and make your fantasies are reality.