
The Moon tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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Tarot cards are a centuries-old tool for divination, self-reflection, and gaining insights into various aspects of life. One of the most enigmatic cards in the deck is The Moon, a symbol of intuition, clarity, understanding, and the unconscious mind. It’s a card that navigates the blurry lines between reality and illusion.

The Moon keywords & concepts

The Moon upright keywords 

  1. Intuition
  2. Confusion
  3. Illusion
  4. Subconscious

The Moon reversed keywords

  1. Clarity
  2. Truth
  3. Unveiling
  4. Understanding

The Moon tarot card description & symbolism

The Moon tarot card serves as a cosmic nod to the complexities and mysteries of life, particularly those occurring within your own inner landscape. When this card shows up in a reading, it’s like the universe is shining a light—albeit a dim, ethereal one—on your intuition, emotions, and subconscious mind.

The Moon often appears during times of uncertainty, urging you to rely on your inner senses to navigate through the fog. While it does offer a connection to your intuitive abilities, it also introduces an element of illusion and confusion. It challenges you to discern what’s real from what’s imagined, pushing you to question your own perceptions and the situations around you. It’s a card that invites deep self-reflection, asking you to explore the hidden recesses of your mind and soul.

Upright The Moon meanings

1. Intuition

When you draw The Moon card upright in a tarot spread, you’ve basically got the universe’s permission slip to trust your gut. This card tells you that your intuition is your most reliable GPS right now. Think of intuition as that inner voice that whispers secrets only you can hear. It’s like a sixth sense that works behind the scenes, helping you navigate situations where logic alone falls short. You know those “aha” moments that come out of nowhere? That’s your intuition talking. So, when The Moon shows up, it’s urging you to tune into that inner guidance system. Listen to your gut feelings and emotional signals because they’re leading you where you need to go.

2. Confusion

The Moon often brings in a bit of a fog, doesn’t it? This card highlights times when you’re feeling lost or confused, like you’re navigating through a maze with no clear exit. When you draw this card, it’s basically saying, “Hey, you might not have all the answers right now, and that’s okay.” Maybe you’re unsure about a relationship or confused about your career path. You might find that the usual landmarks and cues you rely on just aren’t there. You’re not alone in this. The Moon indicates that a little bit of uncertainty is part of the journey. Embrace it and know that clarity will eventually come.

3. Illusion

The Moon can be a bit of a trickster when it comes to what’s real and what’s imagined. It’s like when you see something out of the corner of your eye, and you’re not sure if it’s real or just a shadow. When this card shows up, it’s a heads-up that not everything is as it seems. Maybe someone’s intentions aren’t clear, or perhaps a situation looks one way on the surface but is completely different underneath. It tells you to question things a little more, and not to take everything at face value. Peel back the layers to find what’s actually going on, because right now, illusions might be messing with your perception.

4. Subconscious

The Moon has deep ties with your subconscious, that hidden treasure trove of dreams, fears, and untapped potential. When this card makes an appearance, it’s nudging you to dive deeper into yourself. What are the dreams you haven’t acknowledged? What fears hold you back? This is the time to dig into those hidden corners of your mind, where your conscious self rarely visits. Your subconscious often communicates through symbols, dreams, or even unexpected emotional reactions. Pay attention to those cues. By exploring your subconscious, you’ll gain insights that help you move forward in more conscious, intentional ways.

Reversed The Moon meanings

1. Clarity

When The Moon card shows up in reverse, it’s like someone just turned on the lights in a dark room. All that foggy, murky uncertainty you’ve been wading through? It starts to clear up. Now you can see things for what they really are. This card reversed signals that you’re moving out of a period of confusion and into a phase where things just make more sense. The path ahead of you is becoming visible, and the obstacles that once tripped you up are fading into the background. It’s a moment where you can finally say, “Ah, I get it now,” and plan your next steps with confidence.

2. Truth

The reversed Moon card is your cosmic sign that the truth is coming out. Forget about those illusions and deceptions; they don’t stand a chance now. Maybe someone finally reveals their true intentions, or perhaps you discover the facts about a situation that seemed uncertain before. You might even find that the truth comes from within you, as you finally admit to yourself what you really want or need. Regardless of where it comes from, the truth sets you free from the Moon’s usual maze of mystery and ambiguity. It’s like an emotional or intellectual reset button that helps you start anew with a clean slate.

3. Unveiling

When you see The Moon in reverse, get ready for some unveilings. This is the time when masks come off, secrets get spilled, and hidden aspects of situations—or even yourself—come into the open. Maybe you’ve been holding back your true feelings in a relationship, or perhaps you’ve been unsure about someone else’s motives. The reversed Moon card indicates that the stage is set for these hidden elements to be exposed. It’s like the universe is lifting the veil for you to see what’s been hiding in plain sight. This revelation can be liberating, and it equips you with the knowledge to make informed decisions.

4. Understanding

Understanding is the gift you receive when The Moon card flips upside-down. After wrestling with confusion and navigating through illusions, you finally grasp what’s been eluding you. The reverse Moon card shines a light on your inner workings, helping you understand why you feel the way you do or why you’ve acted in certain ways. But it’s not just about self-awareness; it’s also about understanding others and the dynamics of various situations you’re involved in. As everything starts to make sense, you gain a profound awareness that allows you to move forward with wisdom and discernment. In essence, you get a deeper, more nuanced view of your world, and that’s a pretty empowering place to be.

The Moon meaning for love & relationships


For love and relationships, pulling the upright The Moon tarot card can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, it symbolizes a deep, almost psychic connection with your partner. Your emotional and intuitive bonds could be so strong that you feel you understand each other without even speaking. On the other hand, this card can signify confusion, illusions, or misunderstandings clouding your relationship. You might be seeing what you want to see, rather than what’s actually there, or you may be keeping secrets from each other, intentionally or not. The Moon suggests a need to confront any uncertainties or insecurities you’ve been skirting around. Time for some real talk and maybe even some self-reflection to get to the root of any emotional or relational fog.


In the reversed position, The Moon in a love context often signals a moment of revelation or clarity. If you’ve been feeling lost or confused about your relationship, things might suddenly click into place. Maybe you realize that a partner is more committed than you thought, or perhaps you discover that what you took for signs of disinterest were merely misunderstandings. This card nudges you towards truth and greater understanding in your relationship. It’s like finally finding a lighthouse after sailing in dark, choppy waters. The reversed Moon is a call to ground yourself in reality, laying the foundation for a more straightforward and honest emotional connection with your partner.

The Moon meaning for work & career


In a career context, drawing the upright The Moon tarot card can be both a cautionary tale and a source of inspiration. This card may indicate that the path ahead is not as clear as you’d like it to be. You might be dealing with workplace politics, ambiguous job responsibilities, or even doubts about your career path. It’s a call to rely on your intuition to navigate through the foggy landscape. The card also opens up a window for creativity. If you’re in a creative field or facing a problem that requires innovative solutions, now’s the time to let your imagination run wild.


When The Moon appears reversed in a career reading, it often signals a breakthrough moment where things that were once unclear become clear. This could mean finally understanding the nuances of your job, having a project that was stuck in limbo get the green light, or finding out the real deal about office politics. The reversed Moon is your cue that the ambiguity or confusion you’ve been experiencing is beginning to lift, allowing you to proceed with a clearer vision and a more practical approach.

The Moon meaning for wealth & prosperity


When you draw the upright The Moon card concerning your finances, it’s a signal to tread carefully. This card often suggests that things might not be as they appear. Perhaps there’s a catch in a deal that seems too good to be true, or maybe you’re not seeing the full picture of your financial situation. The Moon advises you to trust your gut feelings when making financial decisions, especially when you don’t have all the facts. However, the card also nudges you to seek professional advice and gather more information to avoid making decisions based solely on emotion or incomplete information.


Pulling The Moon card in its reversed position often suggests that clarity is coming your way. If you’ve been confused about your budget, investments, or financial decisions, you’re likely to find answers and insights that make things a lot clearer. Maybe you finally understand the fine print of an investment, or perhaps a financial advisor provides a strategy that makes sense for your life. Whatever the case, the reversed Moon card is a sign that the fog is lifting, and you’re better positioned to make well-informed financial choices.

The meaning of The Moon tarot card in different spreads

The meaning of The Moon tarot card can shift depending on its position in a spread and the cards surrounding it. In a past-present-future spread, if The Moon appears in the past position, it often indicates a period of confusion or emotional turmoil that has shaped your current situation. If it lands in the present spot, you’re likely navigating through uncertain waters right now, guided by your intuition and grappling with hidden variables. When The Moon shows up in the future position, prepare for a phase where you’ll need to rely heavily on your gut instincts and face potential illusions or confusions ahead.

In a love or relationship spread, The Moon can highlight emotional highs and lows, as well as the need to clarify misunderstandings. In career-focused spreads, it might indicate a period of uncertainty regarding your job or a need for creative problem-solving. The Moon card acts like a mirror, reflecting back the unconscious undercurrents affecting your life, and its specific meaning becomes sharper when interpreted in the context of other cards in the spread.

Final thoughts

The Moon tarot card is your cosmic guide through the murky waters of intuition, emotions, and the subconscious. It appears to illuminate the hidden, whether that means trusting your gut or questioning your perceptions. While it offers the gift of insight, it also brings challenges like confusion and illusion, making it a complex yet enriching card. Ultimately, The Moon encourages you to dive deep into yourself, unearthing the wisdom you need to navigate life’s complexities.

A complete guide to the Major Arcana tarot cards

  1. The Fool
  2. The Magician
  3. The High Priestess
  4. The Empress
  5. The Emperor
  6. The Hierophant
  7. The Lovers
  8. The Chariot
  9. Strength
  10. The Hermit
  11. Wheel of Fortune
  12. Justice
  13. The Hanged Man
  14. Death
  15. Temperance
  16. The Devil
  17. The Tower
  18. The Star
  19. The Moon
  20. The Sun
  21. Judgment
  22. The World

The Star tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

The Sun tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)