
The Magician tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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Tarot cards are a popular form of divination, offering insights into various aspects of life. Among the 78 cards, The Magician stands out as a symbol of skill, resourcefulness, and power. This card often signifies a powerful moment to manifest your desires and showcases your innate abilities.

The Magician keywords & concepts

The Magician upright keywords 

  1. Manifestation
  2. Skill
  3. Resourcefulness
  4. Power

The Magician reversed keywords

  1. Deception
  2. Manipulation
  3. Poor planning
  4. Unreliability

The Magician tarot card description & symbolism

The Magician tarot card serves as a powerful symbol of creation and manifestation. At its core, it’s all about taking control of your destiny by tapping into your unique skills and resources. When you encounter this card, it’s a sign that the universe is aligning to give you a platform to shine. It’s not just about potential; it’s about action. You’re encouraged to harness all the tools at your disposal—be it your intelligence, creativity, or emotional insight—and use them to shape your future. It’s as if the card is saying, “You have everything you need; now make something incredible happen.” With the Magician in your corner, the idea is not to wait for your life to change but to be the change-maker yourself.

Upright The Magician meanings

1. Manifestation

When you draw the Magician in an upright position, think of it as a big, flashing neon sign that says, “Your dreams? Yeah, you can totally make ’em happen.” This card is all about taking the abstract—ideas, goals, or plans—and making them concrete and real. The Magician tells you that you’ve got all the tools you need to bring your vision to life. Whether you’re aiming for a new job, a relationship, or any kind of change, this card empowers you to manifest it. But remember, manifestation isn’t just wishing really hard; it’s about combining your intent with action. So, if you want to manifest something, don’t just daydream—get out there and make it happen.

2. Skill

If the Magician were a LinkedIn profile, the Skills section would be off the charts. This card shows up to remind you that you’re not an amateur in your life’s journey; you’ve got some serious skills. Whether it’s your ability to communicate, your knack for problem-solving, or your artistic talents, the Magician says, “Hey, you’ve got what it takes.” Now is the time to lean into those skills and use them actively. You’ve practiced, you’ve learned, and now it’s time to show the world what you can do. Don’t hold back; put your expertise into play and let it guide you toward your goals.

3. Resourcefulness

Ever seen someone make something incredible out of almost nothing? That’s the energy of the Magician when it comes to resourcefulness. This card nudges you to look around and see what you’ve got to work with—even if it doesn’t seem like much. Maybe you don’t have all the resources you wish you had, like money or connections. But the Magician tells you to use what you do have in smart, creative ways. If you’ve only got a lemon, some sugar, and water, well then, it’s time to make some lemonade. The point is, you’re capable of doing a lot with a little, so tap into that innate resourcefulness of yours.

4. Power

The Magician holds a wand pointing to the heavens and the earth, showing that he’s a conduit for the power that flows through the universe. When this card pops up, it’s a sign that you, too, have that kind of power within you. But we’re not talking about the ‘rule-the-world’ kind of power. This is personal power: the ability to influence your own life and make decisions that serve you. The Magician wants you to know that you’re not powerless in your situation; you have the ability to shape your path. Own your choices, act with intention, and remember that you hold the wand in your own life’s story.

Reversed The Magician meanings

1. Deception

When the Magician card flips to its reverse position, it’s like the magician’s trick gone wrong—now everyone can see the strings and smoke. Deception becomes a focal point. If this card appears in a reading for you, take it as a red flag to watch out for dishonesty, either from others or even within yourself. Maybe someone is not being completely upfront with you, or perhaps you’re fooling yourself about the reality of a situation. This isn’t the time for self-deception or turning a blind eye. Keep your wits about you, ask the hard questions, and peel back the layers to get to the truth.

2. Manipulation

Ah, manipulation—the dark side of the Magician’s skill set. In its reversed position, this card warns that someone might be using their talents or charisma for less-than-honorable purposes. It could be that someone is trying to influence you in a way that serves their interests, not yours. On the flip side, you might be the one tempted to manipulate a situation to your advantage. Either way, it’s crucial to recognize this energy for what it is. Don’t allow yourself to be led astray, and also make sure you’re not the one pulling the strings in a way that’s unfair to others.

3. Poor Planning

When the reversed Magician shows up, your blueprint for success might as well be a sketch on a cocktail napkin. This card suggests that your planning might be lacking, haphazard, or even totally nonexistent. Now is not the time for winging it or relying solely on charm and luck. You’ve got to go back to the drawing board and outline a more thought-out approach. Take this as a wakeup call to reassess your strategy. Are you overlooking important details? Have you considered all the steps you need to reach your goal? Get organized and make a solid plan.

4. Unreliability

If the upright Magician is the guy who says he’ll do something and then makes it happen like clockwork, the reversed Magician is the flaky friend who always bails at the last minute. When you see this card in reverse, it’s time to think about issues of trust and dependability, either in others or in yourself. Are you making promises you can’t keep? Or perhaps someone else is letting you down repeatedly? Either way, the reversed Magician cautions you to be skeptical of shaky commitments and to be honest about your own capabilities. Stick to what you can realistically handle, and don’t invest too much in those who can’t do the same.

The Magician meaning for love & relationships


In the context of love and relationships, pulling The Magician card in an upright position often signifies a magnetic attraction or a potent connection. This card suggests that you have the ability to manifest the love life you desire through intention and action. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, The Magician encourages you to use your charisma, communication skills, and emotional intelligence to deepen bonds and attract the right kind of energy into your life. It’s a time of possibility, so seize the moment to create the romantic reality you’ve been dreaming of.


When The Magician shows up reversed in a love reading, it’s often a cautionary signal. This could point to manipulation, deception, or even emotional games within the relationship. It suggests that all may not be as it seems. Whether it’s you or your partner, someone might not be fully invested or could be hiding their true intentions. If you’re single, watch out for charismatic individuals who seem too good to be true—they just might be. In either case, this card advises you to exercise caution and scrutinize the authenticity of romantic situations before diving in headfirst.

The Magician meaning for work & career


n a career reading, the upright Magician signals a potent time for growth and opportunities. This card implies that you’ve got the skills, creativity, and willpower to not only excel in your job but also to manifest new opportunities. Whether it’s clinching a deal, impressing the boss, or launching a new project, The Magician gives you a thumbs-up to proceed with confidence. It’s like the universe is saying, “You’ve got this, now go make it happen.” So, don’t hold back; capitalize on this favorable energy to advance your professional life.


When The Magician card appears reversed in a career-oriented reading, it’s often a warning sign. This could indicate that you’re lacking focus, or perhaps you’re not as skilled or prepared as you thought for a particular project or job role. Sometimes, it can also signal deception or manipulation at the workplace. You might need to be cautious about whom you trust. Essentially, the reversed Magician suggests you pause and reevaluate. It’s a call to polish your skills and to tread carefully, especially when new opportunities present themselves or when dealing with colleagues and superiors.

The Magician meaning for wealth & prosperity


When The Magician appears upright in a financial reading, it’s like a nod from the universe saying you have the tools to improve your financial situation. This card suggests that now is a great time to focus on creating new streams of income or managing your money more effectively. Your resourcefulness and skills could very well lead you to financial growth, so don’t shy away from taking calculated risks or pursuing new opportunities. It’s as if you have a magic wand to manifest financial security and abundance—use it wisely.


On the flip side, if The Magician shows up reversed in a financial context, it’s time to exercise caution. This card warns you that things may not be as straightforward as they seem. Whether it’s a too-good-to-be-true investment opportunity or some form of deception around your finances, you need to tread carefully. This card also signals a lack of focus in money matters. Maybe you’re not paying enough attention to your budget, or you’re scatterbrained about your financial goals. Use this as a cue to reassess your financial strategy and avoid making hasty decisions that could lead to loss.

The meaning of The Magician tarot card in different spreads

The Magician’s significance can shift subtly depending on its position in a tarot spread. In a past position, it may indicate that a past opportunity or period of potential has influenced your current situation. When it appears in the present, it usually serves as a sign to take action now, telling you that you’ve got all you need to make things happen. If The Magician shows up in a future position, it often foreshadows a time when you’ll need to harness all your skills and willpower to manifest a desired outcome. Regardless of its position, The Magician generally aims to empower you, urging you to use your abilities wisely and effectively.

Final thoughts

The Magician tarot card is a compelling nudge to recognize your own power and potential. It calls you to take action, channeling your skills, resources, and personal magic to manifest your desires. Whether upright or reversed, this card serves as a mirror, reflecting either your ability to make things happen or the pitfalls to avoid, like deception or poor planning. Ultimately, the Magician reminds you that you’re the architect of your own destiny, holding all the tools you need to build it.

A complete guide to the Major Arcana tarot cards

  1. The Fool
  2. The Magician
  3. The High Priestess
  4. The Empress
  5. The Emperor
  6. The Hierophant
  7. The Lovers
  8. The Chariot
  9. Strength
  10. The Hermit
  11. Wheel of Fortune
  12. Justice
  13. The Hanged Man
  14. Death
  15. Temperance
  16. The Devil
  17. The Tower
  18. The Star
  19. The Moon
  20. The Sun
  21. Judgment
  22. The World

The Fool tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

The High Priestess tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)