
The Lovers tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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Tarot cards are a form of divination used for gaining insights into various life situations, from love and career to personal growth. One of the most intriguing cards in the deck is The Lovers, which often appears when you’re facing important decisions, especially those revolving around relationships and personal values.

The Lovers keywords & concepts

The Lovers upright keywords 

  1. Love
  2. Choice
  3. Partnership
  4. Balance

The Lovers reversed keywords

  1. Indecision
  2. Imbalance
  3. Separation
  4. Conflict

The Lovers tarot card description & symbolism

The Lovers tarot card serves as a powerful symbol of connection, choice, and balance. Often appearing during pivotal moments in your life, it nudges you to make significant decisions rooted in your deepest values and beliefs. While the card is most commonly associated with romantic love, it actually casts a wider net, encompassing all kinds of partnerships. From friendships to business relationships, The Lovers highlight the importance of mutual respect, shared goals, and emotional intimacy.

The card also speaks to the idea of balance, urging you to harmonize different aspects of your life and relationships. It calls on you to create a fulfilling dynamic where you not only make choices aligned with your true self, but also engage in partnerships that are mutually beneficial and enriching.

Upright The Lovers meanings

1. Love

When you pull The Lovers card, the first thing that probably jumps to mind is love, and for good reason. This card embodies romantic love in a really powerful way. But it’s not just about the gushy, heart-throbbing type of love; it digs deeper into emotional intimacy and connection. This card nudges you to open your heart and be vulnerable, to share the real you. Love, as depicted here, isn’t just a fleeting emotion; it’s a force that drives you to unite with someone or something on a deep, soulful level. So, if you see The Lovers card, get ready to either deepen an existing relationship or prepare for a new one that could be transformative.

2. Choice

The Lovers card often pops up when you’re at a crossroads and need to make a significant decision. This isn’t about choosing between trivial things like what to eat for dinner; it’s about life-altering choices that impact you and others around you. Think about choosing between career paths, relationships, or moral dilemmas. This card encourages you to weigh your options carefully. Don’t just flip a coin and call it a day, but really tune into your values, beliefs, and what you genuinely want for your life. Your choice often requires a blend of head and heart, so take your time and pick the path that aligns most closely with your true self.

3. Partnership

The Lovers card doesn’t just highlight romance; it also speaks volumes about partnerships of all kinds, including friendships and business relationships. Here, the focus is on equal give-and-take, shared goals, and mutual respect. If you’re entering a new partnership or looking to strengthen an existing one, this card nudges you to be transparent about your expectations and to align your values with those of your partner. In a partnership, both parties should feel like they’re gaining something valuable, be it emotional support, professional growth, or personal development. A balanced partnership promotes individual growth while strengthening the bond between the two entities involved.

4. Balance

You know that sense of harmony when everything just clicks? That’s the kind of balance The Lovers card signifies. It urges you to find equilibrium in various aspects of your life, be it personal or professional. It’s not just about balancing your own wants and needs, but also harmonizing them with those of people around you. When it comes to relationships, for instance, balance means understanding when to speak and when to listen, when to give and when to take. The same holds true in other areas of life like work or personal growth. This card serves as a reminder that balance doesn’t mean a 50-50 split all the time; it means creating a dynamic where all elements can co-exist in a fulfilling and enriching way.

Reversed The Lovers meanings

1. Indecision

When you pull The Lovers card in reverse, it often screams indecision. You’re probably feeling stuck, like you’re at a fork in the road but have no clue which path to take. Unlike the upright Lovers, which pushes you to make a choice based on your values, the reversed position suggests you’re avoiding making that crucial decision. Maybe you’re afraid of the consequences, or perhaps you’re not even sure what you really want. This indecision can put you in a sort of limbo, stalling progress in your life. The reversed Lovers card advises you to confront your fears and uncertainties, get clear on your priorities, and finally make that decision you’ve been dodging.

2. Imbalance

When The Lovers card shows up in reverse, it often signals imbalance in your life. This could be an off-kilter relationship where the give-and-take has become more like take-and-take. Or maybe your work-life balance is out of whack, affecting your well-being and relationships. Unlike the upright Lovers, which promotes harmony and balance, the reversed position indicates that something’s not adding up. It’s like you’re trying to juggle too many things but keep dropping the ball. This is your cue to reassess your priorities and readjust. You need to restore that equilibrium, not just for peace of mind, but also for the health of your relationships and your overall life.

3. Separation

Seeing The Lovers card in reverse might give you a gut punch if you’re in a relationship because it often signals separation or emotional distance. This doesn’t necessarily mean a break-up is imminent, but it does imply that you and your partner are not on the same page. Maybe you’re physically apart due to circumstances, or perhaps you’re emotionally disconnected even when sitting next to each other. This card tells you it’s time to confront the issues causing this separation. Open up the lines of communication and get to the root of the problem, because sweeping things under the rug isn’t going to make them disappear.

4. Conflict

Pulling The Lovers card in reverse can also indicate conflict, either with others or within yourself. This isn’t just petty bickering; it’s more like deep-seated issues that create tension and discord. Unlike the upright Lovers, which symbolizes harmony and partnership, the reversed card warns of conflicts that could seriously damage your relationships or inner peace. Whether it’s a clash of values with your partner or a struggle between your head and your heart, this conflict won’t resolve itself. You need to actively address it. Engage in honest conversations, reassess your values, and make necessary compromises to resolve these conflicts and find a middle ground.

The Lovers meaning for love & relationships


In the context of love and relationships, the upright position of The Lovers card often signals a deepening emotional bond or the potential for new love to blossom. This card encourages you to make heartfelt commitments and choices, emphasizing mutual respect, understanding, and a harmonious balance between you and your partner. It’s a sign to embrace love fully, while also considering the long-term implications of your relationship choices.


When The Lovers card appears reversed in the context of your love life, it’s often a red flag indicating confusion, imbalance, or indecision within your relationships. This could manifest as emotional distance, unreciprocated feelings, or even a period of separation. The card advises you to reevaluate your relationships and consider whether they align with your core values and emotional needs. It’s a signal to tread carefully and seek clarity before making any significant decisions.

The Lovers meaning for work & career


For your career, pulling The Lovers card in its upright position can signify a meaningful alignment between your work and your personal values. You may be at a crossroads, considering a new partnership or career path that deeply resonates with you. It’s a sign to go after what truly fulfills you professionally, seeking roles or collaborations that allow for emotional as well as financial growth.


On the other hand, if you draw The Lovers card reversed in a career context, it suggests a mismatch between your job and your personal ethics or goals. You might be facing tough decisions, perhaps questioning your current role, business partnership, or a project you’re involved in. The card warns you to tread carefully, urging you to align your professional choices with your core values for long-term satisfaction.

The Lovers meaning for wealth & prosperity


When The Lovers card shows up upright in a financial context, it often signals that you’re at a crucial decision-making point. This could be about a significant purchase, investment, or even entering into a business partnership. The card advises you to align your financial choices with your long-term goals and values. It’s a reminder to balance both practicality and passion in your financial dealings, aiming for decisions that bring not just monetary gains but also emotional satisfaction.


A reversed Lovers card typically suggests that you’re at risk of making poor choices due to confusion or imbalance. Whether it’s being unsure about an investment or experiencing a disparity in financial contributions within a partnership, the card urges caution. Take a step back to evaluate and realign your financial decisions with your overall goals and values before moving forward. It’s a wake-up call to avoid hasty financial commitments that don’t serve your long-term interests.

The meaning of The Lovers tarot card in different spreads

The meaning of The Lovers card can vary significantly depending on its position in a tarot spread and the cards surrounding it. In a past-present-future spread, for instance, when The Lovers appear in the past position, it might indicate a past relationship or choice that still influences you today. In the present position, it could be highlighting a current decision you’re wrestling with, especially in love or career. And in the future position, it often suggests an impending relationship or significant choice on the horizon. Context matters, so it’s crucial to read The Lovers card in conjunction with other cards to get a comprehensive understanding of its implications for your life at that moment.

Final thoughts

The Lovers tarot card is a multifaceted symbol that goes beyond just romantic love to encompass choice, partnership, and balance. It appears to guide you during critical junctions in your life, urging you to make decisions rooted in your deepest values. Whether you’re facing a crossroads in a relationship, contemplating a new partnership, or striving for balance, The Lovers card serves as a profound reminder to align your choices with your true self for a more fulfilling and harmonious life.

A complete guide to the Major Arcana tarot cards

  1. The Fool
  2. The Magician
  3. The High Priestess
  4. The Empress
  5. The Emperor
  6. The Hierophant
  7. The Lovers
  8. The Chariot
  9. Strength
  10. The Hermit
  11. Wheel of Fortune
  12. Justice
  13. The Hanged Man
  14. Death
  15. Temperance
  16. The Devil
  17. The Tower
  18. The Star
  19. The Moon
  20. The Sun
  21. Judgment
  22. The World

The Hierophant tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

The Chariot tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)