
The Devil tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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Tarot cards are a form of divination used to gain insights into various aspects of life, from love to career. The Devil tarot card, often misunderstood, delves into the realm of oppression, temptation, and obsession. It serves as both a cautionary tale and a catalyst for self-examination.

The Devil keywords & concepts

The Devil upright keywords 

  1. Oppression
  2. Materialism
  3. Temptation
  4. Obsession

The Devil reversed keywords

  1. Freedom
  2. Release
  3. Breaking Chains
  4. Enlightenment

The Devil tarot card description & symbolism

The Devil tarot card is often a symbol of bondage and limitation, but it’s important to note that these constraints are usually self-imposed. It represents situations where you might feel trapped or held back, but upon closer inspection, you often find that it’s your own choices or fears that have ensnared you. The card serves as a warning about materialism and the seductive power of instant gratification. It shines a light on destructive behaviors or thought patterns, usually pointing to areas like obsession, temptation, and unwise attachments. However, the Devil card also serves as a call to action, urging you to confront these limiting factors head-on and break free.

Upright The Devil meanings

1. Oppression

The Devil card in an upright position often symbolizes feeling trapped or oppressed, both emotionally and physically. You might feel like you’re stuck in a cycle you can’t break, whether it’s a dead-end job, a toxic relationship, or even a self-destructive mindset. This form of oppression usually doesn’t come from external forces but rather from your own choices and fears. It’s like you’ve built your own prison and thrown away the key. The thing to remember here is that oppression often feels bigger and more inescapable than it actually is. The power to break free is in your hands; you just need to recognize it.

2. Materialism

When the upright Devil card pops up, it’s like a big flashing warning sign about materialism taking over your life. You’re probably fixated on material gains, like money, possessions, or even social status. The focus on material success might give you a temporary high but remember, it’s like a mirage that doesn’t bring real, lasting happiness. Over time, this narrow view can distort your values and priorities, making you lose sight of what’s genuinely important in life. The Devil card is a wake-up call to reevaluate what you’re truly chasing and why.

3. Temptation

The Devil card is basically the poster child for temptation. It shows you’re facing choices or situations where the “easy” path, laden with immediate pleasures or gains, is right in front of you. These could be temptations of all kinds—food, sex, money, power—you name it. However, yielding to these temptations often comes with a hefty price tag in the long run. Whether it’s guilt, shame, or just consequences you didn’t foresee, giving in to temptation now could lead to a cycle of behavior that’s tough to break later. Be wary of short-term gains that promise a lot but deliver little in the end.

4. Obsession

When the upright Devil shows up, it’s a strong indicator that something in your life has moved past mere interest or concern and into the realm of obsession. This could be anything from a romantic infatuation that’s clouding your judgment to a career ambition that’s consuming all your time and energy. The issue with obsession is that it narrows your world view, making the object of your obsession the center of your universe, often at the expense of other important aspects of life. The intense focus and emotional investment make it difficult to see things objectively, which is why it’s often a destructive path to be on.

Reversed The Devil meanings

1. Freedom

When you see the Devil card reversed, it’s like a breath of fresh air signaling newfound freedom. Maybe you’ve finally broken free from a toxic relationship, left a job that was draining your soul, or conquered an addiction. Whatever was holding you back or keeping you down has lost its grip, and now you’re in the driver’s seat. This feeling of freedom isn’t just external; it also manifests internally as you shake off mental constraints or limiting beliefs that held you captive. It’s an empowering time to rediscover who you are without those burdens and take steps toward what truly makes you happy.

2. Release

The reversed Devil card is your green light for release—letting go of past traumas, unhealthy habits, or negative thoughts that have been weighing you down. It’s a signal that you’re in a phase where you can untangle yourself from whatever ropes were binding you. Emotional release is a big part of this. Maybe you’re finally able to forgive someone, or perhaps you’re releasing pent-up feelings you’ve bottled up for years. This card indicates that now is a moment for purging, so don’t hold back. Let go and make room for new opportunities and experiences to fill that space.

3. Breaking Chains

When the Devil shows up in reverse, it’s a metaphor for breaking chains that have been restricting you. You’re at a point where you can liberate yourself from any form of slavery—be it to a person, a situation, or a mindset. This might require a good deal of courage and effort on your part, but the rewards are immeasurable. Breaking these chains isn’t just about the act of freeing yourself; it’s about the realization that you had the key to your own chains all along. You’re seizing your power back, and that is a game-changer in how you’ll approach life moving forward.

4. Enlightenment

The reversed Devil card often marks a period of enlightenment, where you suddenly (or gradually) come to vital realizations about your life and your self. This card suggests that you’ve gained critical insights that have helped you lift the veils of illusion, deceit, or ignorance. Maybe you’ve had an epiphany about what truly matters in life, or perhaps you’ve realized the patterns of behavior that have been sabotaging your happiness. Either way, this enlightenment is like a mental and spiritual “level-up,” giving you the wisdom and strength you need to navigate your life more effectively from here on out.

The Devil meaning for love & relationships


In the context of love and relationships, the upright Devil tarot card often points to an unhealthy dynamic that needs attention. You might find yourself in a relationship that feels more like a trap than a partnership. This could manifest as codependency, emotional manipulation, or even addiction. Sometimes, it’s not about the other person but your own tendencies that have turned the relationship into a kind of emotional prison. Sexual chemistry might be strong, but if it’s all you’re focusing on, you’re ignoring deeper emotional or intellectual connections. The card serves as a red flag, asking you to evaluate what binds you and whether those ties are healthy.


When the Devil card appears in reverse in a love context, it’s a sign of a turning point. You’re starting to recognize the unhealthy patterns or limitations that have hindered your romantic relationships and taking steps to free yourself. Maybe you’ve just left a toxic relationship, or perhaps you’re in the process of working through issues in a healthier manner with your partner. This card indicates a moment of awakening, where you see the chains for what they are and decide to do something about it. It’s a call to reclaim your personal power and seek more balanced, respectful relationships.

The Devil meaning for work & career


In the realm of career, pulling the upright Devil card can signify that you’re feeling trapped or unfulfilled in your current job situation. You might be stuck in a monotonous routine, feeling like you’re just going through the motions without any real engagement or satisfaction. Alternatively, you could be consumed by the pursuit of material gains, like a high salary or office perks, at the expense of your personal happiness and work-life balance. The card suggests that you need to reassess your career path and priorities, and perhaps consider whether you’ve become ensnared by golden handcuffs.


On the flip side, the reversed Devil card in a career reading often signals a break from limiting circumstances. Maybe you’ve recently left a stifling job, switched career paths, or even started your own business. You’ve likely confronted the factors that were holding you back and are now making moves to gain more freedom and satisfaction in your professional life. This card signifies a renewed sense of autonomy and the realization that you don’t have to be confined by previous choices or circumstances. It’s a time for professional growth, fueled by newfound clarity and freedom.

The Devil meaning for wealth & prosperity


When the upright Devil card shows up in a financial reading, it often indicates a risky relationship with money. You might be overspending, accumulating debt, or focusing too much on materialistic pursuits. This card warns you that your current approach to finances is unsustainable and could lead to problems down the line. It’s a reminder to assess whether your financial choices are aligned with your long-term goals or if they’re more about immediate gratification at the expense of future stability.


In contrast, the reversed Devil card in a financial context signals a shift towards financial liberation. You’re likely taking steps to rid yourself of bad financial habits or oppressive debts. This card hints at newfound financial awareness, suggesting that you’re breaking free from reckless spending or other limiting behaviors. It’s a period where you regain control over your finances, making way for more mindful money management.

The meaning of The Devil tarot card in different spreads

The Devil card’s significance can vary considerably depending on its position in a tarot spread and the questions being asked. In a past, present, future spread, if the Devil appears in the past position, it may indicate that past addictions or unhealthy relationships have shaped your current situation. In the present spot, it often serves as a warning, alerting you to current behaviors or situations that are not serving you well. When it shows up in the future position, it could be a cautionary signal about potential pitfalls or temptations that lie ahead.

Similarly, in a love-focused spread, the Devil card might point to toxic dynamics or dependencies, urging you to evaluate the health of your relationship. In a career spread, it could signify a work situation where you feel trapped or unfulfilled, prompting you to rethink your professional trajectory. Overall, the Devil card serves as a mirror reflecting the less obvious or darker motivations and influences at play in your life, regardless of the spread it appears in.

Final thoughts

The Devil tarot card serves as a potent wake-up call, urging you to confront the self-imposed limitations, unhealthy attachments, or toxic behaviors that are holding you back. Whether it’s about love, career, or finances, this card challenges you to scrutinize what’s really chaining you down and why. In its reversed form, the Devil offers a glimmer of liberation, signaling that you’re on the cusp of breaking free and reclaiming your autonomy and well-being.

A complete guide to the Major Arcana tarot cards

  1. The Fool
  2. The Magician
  3. The High Priestess
  4. The Empress
  5. The Emperor
  6. The Hierophant
  7. The Lovers
  8. The Chariot
  9. Strength
  10. The Hermit
  11. Wheel of Fortune
  12. Justice
  13. The Hanged Man
  14. Death
  15. Temperance
  16. The Devil
  17. The Tower
  18. The Star
  19. The Moon
  20. The Sun
  21. Judgment
  22. The World

Temperance tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

The Tower tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)