
Temperance tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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Tarot cards are a tool for introspection and guidance, often revealing underlying themes or challenges in your life. Among these cards, the Temperance card stands out as a symbol of balance and harmony. It serves as a compass, guiding you toward equilibrium in various facets of your existence.

Temperance keywords & concepts

Temperance upright keywords 

  1. Balance
  2. Harmony
  3. Moderation
  4. Patience

Temperance reversed keywords

  1. Imbalance
  2. Extremism
  3. Impatience
  4. Disharmony

Temperance tarot card description & symbolism

The Temperance tarot card serves as a symbol of equilibrium and the importance of finding balance in various facets of life. Often depicted as an angel mixing water between two cups, Temperance encourages you to harmonize your emotional, physical, and spiritual selves. The card whispers the wisdom of moderation into your ear, urging you to avoid extremes and make thoughtful choices that bring you closer to a state of well-being. Beyond that, Temperance is a call for patience, reminding you that lasting growth and meaningful achievements usually unfold over time. So, when this card appears, consider it a gentle nudge to assess where in your life you could cultivate more balance, harmony, and patience.

Upright Temperance meanings

1. Balance

When the Temperance card shows up upright, it’s really nudging you to look at the various aspects of your life that could use some equilibrium. Balance isn’t just about juggling work and play; it also dives into emotional balance, like not letting your fears overshadow your ambitions or letting one aspect of life consume you entirely. This card nudges you to find a sweet spot between your needs and wants, your emotional and rational sides, and even between solitude and socializing. It’s about finding that middle ground that keeps you stable and content.

2. Harmony

Harmony is like the sweet music that plays when all the elements in your life are in sync. When Temperance appears, it’s telling you that harmony should be your goal, whether in relationships, at work, or within yourself. It’s not just about avoiding conflicts; it’s also about actively seeking ways to create peace and mutual understanding. You’re encouraged to blend differing perspectives to create a more comprehensive outlook. Just like mixing different notes produces a melody, mixing your energies and abilities with those around you leads to a harmonious life.

3. Moderation

The Temperance card puts a spotlight on the concept of moderation. This isn’t about denying yourself pleasures or experiences, but rather about enjoying them in a way that’s sustainable and doesn’t tip you into excess. Whether it’s spending, eating, or even immersing yourself in work or a hobby, Temperance wants you to avoid going to extremes. By doing so, you maintain a sense of control and freedom, instead of becoming enslaved by your own impulses. In a world of more-is-better, Temperance tells you that sometimes less is actually more fulfilling.

4. Patience

Last but not least, we’ve got patience. Let’s face it, we live in an instant-gratification world. But Temperance comes along and reminds you that some things are worth the wait. Patience isn’t just a virtue; it’s an essential skill that enables you to evaluate situations more clearly, make more informed decisions, and let things unfold in their own time. Rushing often leads to mistakes or missed opportunities. So, when you draw this card, consider it a sign that slowing down might just speed up your progress in the long run.

Reversed Temperance meanings

1. Imbalance

When Temperance shows up reversed, one of the first things to consider is that you might be out of whack somewhere in your life. You could be pouring too much energy into one area, like work or a relationship, at the expense of others. This imbalance often leads to stress, dissatisfaction, and a sense of being overwhelmed. The card nudges you to reassess your priorities and redistribute your time and efforts. You know, give a little less here and a little more there, so you can find that sweet spot of equilibrium again.

2. Extremism

Reversed Temperance raises a red flag about going to extremes. You might be digging your heels in over an opinion, or maybe indulging too much in something that’s not good for you in the long run. Extremism can manifest as dogmatic beliefs, overindulgence, or even an all-or-nothing mindset. When you’re caught up in such extremes, you limit your growth and potential for happiness. This card is your wake-up call to reel it in and find a more moderate path. After all, life usually thrives in the gray areas between black and white.

3. Impatience

Impatience usually signals that you’re itching for change or results, like, right now. When Temperance is reversed, it’s a strong sign that impatience might be clouding your judgment or causing you unnecessary stress. It’s like you’re driving with one foot on the gas and one on the brake—going nowhere fast. The card advises you to take a step back, breathe, and give things time to develop naturally. Instead of forcing outcomes, let them unfold. Remember, patience can often yield better results than rushing through just to get something done.

4. Disharmony

Lastly, let’s talk about disharmony. When Temperance appears reversed, it could point to a lack of cohesion either within yourself or in your relationships with others. Conflicting emotions, contradicting thoughts, or interpersonal tension—it all disrupts the flow of positive energy. Disharmony is like a static noise that drowns out any possibility of peace or constructive dialogue. This card is telling you to address the discord head-on. Whether it’s self-reflection or open communication with others, the goal is to turn that static noise into a harmonious tune.

Temperance meaning for love & relationships


In the context of love and relationships, pulling the upright Temperance card signifies a moment to embrace balance and harmony. This card encourages you to build bridges, not walls, between you and your partner. It’s all about merging your energies and perspectives in a way that’s harmonious and mutually beneficial. Think of it as blending the ingredients of your lives to create a relationship smoothie that’s rich and fulfilling. If you’re single, Temperance advises you to seek emotional balance within yourself first; it’s only when you’re centered that you can attract the sort of relationship that’s equally balanced.


On the flip side, if you draw the Temperance card reversed in a love reading, it might point to some turbulence ahead. Disharmony and imbalance could be creating friction between you and your significant other. Maybe one of you is giving more than the other, or perhaps there are unresolved issues that keep disturbing the peace. This card nudges you to address these imbalances before they fester into something more detrimental. If you’re single, the reversed card suggests that impatience or emotional extremes may be hindering your love life. Slow down and recalibrate; finding love often requires a balanced approach.

Temperance meaning for work & career


In a career context, if you pull the upright Temperance card, it’s telling you that balance and moderation are key to your success right now. You’re encouraged to maintain a healthy work-life equilibrium, taking care not to burn out by overcommitting. This card also highlights the power of collaboration and blending different skills or viewpoints for greater workplace harmony. If you’re thinking about a career change or advancement, Temperance advises you to take a measured, patient approach. Rushing into decisions or taking extreme actions might not serve you well. Instead, focus on building a stable foundation and letting things evolve organically over time.


When you encounter the Temperance card in a reversed position related to your career, it’s a sign that something is off-balance. This could manifest as workaholism, neglecting your personal life, or even conflicts with coworkers due to differing viewpoints. It’s a wake-up call to reassess and recalibrate. If you’ve been pushing too hard or putting all your eggs in one career basket, you risk burning out or creating tension in your professional relationships. The reversed Temperance card advises you to pull back a bit, reevaluate your goals and approaches, and aim for a more balanced and moderate path to career success.

Temperance meaning for wealth & prosperity


When you see the upright Temperance card in a financial context, it’s a strong signal to manage your resources wisely. It’s like the universe saying, “Hey, be mindful of where your money’s going.” Temperance advises you to find a comfortable middle ground between saving and spending. This is not the time for high-risk financial gambles; instead, look for steady, long-term investments or savings plans. By balancing your financial actions with foresight and prudence, you set yourself up for greater financial stability and peace of mind in the long run.


If the Temperance card shows up reversed in a financial reading, be cautious. This card warns you that financial imbalance or risky behavior could lead to trouble. Maybe you’re leaning too much into splurging and not saving enough, or perhaps you’re contemplating a high-risk investment that promises quick returns. The reversed Temperance card is a reminder to steer clear of extremes and focus on creating a more balanced financial portfolio. Take it as a sign to reassess and adjust your financial plans.

The meaning of the Temperance tarot card in different spreads

The placement of the Temperance card in a tarot spread can shift its focus, but the core themes of balance, harmony, and moderation usually stay constant. In a past, present, future spread, if Temperance appears in the past position, it might indicate that a balanced approach has set the stage for your current situation. In the present position, it’s a direct call to find equilibrium in your life right now. In the future slot, it serves as advice to maintain or seek balance as you move forward. In a love spread, it often speaks to the emotional give-and-take in a relationship, while in a career spread, it could advise you to blend your skills for career growth or to maintain work-life balance. Overall, the card’s location gives nuance to its fundamental message: find your middle ground and aim for harmony.

Final thoughts

The Temperance tarot card serves as a timeless reminder of the power and necessity of balance, harmony, moderation, and patience in your life. Whether it’s your relationships, career, or finances, this card nudges you to find that sweet middle ground that fosters growth and well-being. It’s all about making thoughtful choices and blending different elements of your life in a harmonious way. Whether upright or reversed, Temperance offers valuable insights to navigate life’s complexities with grace.

A complete guide to the Major Arcana tarot cards

  1. The Fool
  2. The Magician
  3. The High Priestess
  4. The Empress
  5. The Emperor
  6. The Hierophant
  7. The Lovers
  8. The Chariot
  9. Strength
  10. The Hermit
  11. Wheel of Fortune
  12. Justice
  13. The Hanged Man
  14. Death
  15. Temperance
  16. The Devil
  17. The Tower
  18. The Star
  19. The Moon
  20. The Sun
  21. Judgment
  22. The World

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