
25 signs the universe wants you to be with someone

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Searching for love can be a long, lonely, and heartbreaking experience. There’s nothing worse than thinking you’ve found “the one,” only to realize they are completely wrong for you.

But what if there was a way to know that you’re meant to be with someone?

Many people believe that we are all in constant spiritual communication with the universe throughout our journey through life. And more importantly, the universe has your back and wants you to find love and happiness.

The key is to open your mind and spirit and be receptive to all the signs the universe is sending you. Unfortunately, a lot of these signs don’t involve a big flashing arrow that points to your soulmate. Instead, they are often small and subtle things that you can easily overlook in your daily life. Here are 27 signs the universe wants you to be with someone:

1. You dream about them

Dreams are powerful and mysterious, and many people believe they allow you to form spiritual connections with the people you love. There’s also no doubt dreams can tell you a lot about your hidden desires, fears, and goals in life.

So it’s no surprise that dreaming about someone is one of the clearest signs the universe wants you to be together. Maybe you’ve been dreaming about your wedding day or what your life will be like together in the future. Or perhaps you’ve had erotic dreams that make you wake up feeling flushed and breathless.

There are many different ways to interpret dreaming about someone, so think carefully about the context of your dreams. What are you doing in the dream? How do you feel? Are there any other symbols in the dream that could offer clues about its meaning?

2. You keep running into them

Do you keep running into the same person at your local coffee shop, the gym, or the grocery store? Random coincidences happen all the time, but when it comes to love, they can take on a much more significant meaning.

The universe wants you to meet the guy or girl of your dreams, so it might subtly push you together and give you a chance to meet.

Where do you keep running into them? Does it create a natural opportunity to ask them out or start a conversation? If the universe is working for you, there’s a good chance they will be receptive to your advances.

3. Things keep reminding you of them

When you think about someone a lot, your brain constantly searches for ways to bring them back into your thoughts. This can manifest in different ways, such as hearing one of their favorite songs on the radio or seeing someone that looks like them in a crowd.

These reminders might seem like innocent coincidences, but ask yourself if they could mean something more. Perhaps the universe has decided you’re meant to be together. Until you take the opportunity to find out, these reminders will continue to pop up in your life.

4. You keep seeing repeating number patterns

Some people believe that specific number sequences contain messages or warnings from the divine realm. They are known as angel numbers, and seeing them signifies that your guardian angels are trying to communicate with you.

For example, you might keep seeing the number 11:11 or 12:12 on clocks, billboards, or car license plates. These numbers are often associated with twin flames or soulmates, so you might see them when someone special is about to enter your life.

Angel numbers are very open to interpretation, so it’s important to consider what’s happening in your life when you see them. If you’re looking for love, the universe may be trying to guide you toward your perfect match.

5. Your connection was instant

Sometimes you meet someone and feel an instant and powerful connection. It’s like a magnetic force drawing you together, and no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to stay away from each other.

This connection might not make sense to anyone else, but to you, it feels like the most natural thing in the world. You share a similar vibrational energy which allows you to connect on a deep level. Is it possible you’ve just met your soulmate or twin flame?

Don’t let the opportunity slip away if you feel this way about someone. The universe has brought you together for a reason, so see where the relationship takes you.

6. It feels like you’ve known them forever

Feeling like you’ve known someone forever is weird, especially if you’ve just met them. It’s like you can see into their soul and understand them as one else does.

Perhaps they’ve shared very similar life experiences to you, or maybe you just feel a profound understanding that you can’t explain. Whatever the reason, you feel totally comfortable in their presence and can be yourself without any fear of feeling embarrassed or judged.

This level of spiritual understanding is usually only found in long-term relationships. But sometimes, the universe recognizes a special connection and conspires to bring you together. Is it possible you’ve known them in a previous life?

7. You keep hearing their name

You’re thinking about your crush, and suddenly, you hear someone say their name. Perhaps it’s a group of strangers talking or a radio playing in the background. It instantly shocks you out of your reverie and makes you look around to see if they’re there.

Is it random coincidence or divine synchronicity? Perhaps the universe is telling you to pay attention because this person is important to you. Keep looking out for their name and see if it pops up again in unexpected places.

8. Talking to them feels effortless

Do you find yourself getting lost in conversation with them for hours at a time? Time seems to fly, and the conversation effortlessly flows. Even if you don’t have much in common, you still feel like you could talk to them about anything and everything.

A connection this strong doesn’t come along very often, so don’t let them go. The universe is telling you that this relationship will stand the test of time.

9. They make you feel safe and secure

Being close to someone who makes you feel safe and secure is a beautiful feeling. You know you can trust them with your heart, and they will never do anything to hurt you intentionally.

They’re always there for you without judgment if you have a problem or need help. They want to see you happy and will go out of their way to help your dreams come true. This is the kind of love and support that everyone deserves.

If you have found someone who makes you feel this way, cherish them and never let them go. The universe has brought you together to nurture and support each other on your journey.

10. Your differences complement each other

Sometimes the universe pushes you together with someone who is your complete opposite. At first, it might seem like you have nothing in common and that the relationship will never work.

But often, these differences are what makes the relationship so unique. You complement each other and help each other grow in ways you never thought possible.

If you’re with someone who challenges you and forces you to see things from a different perspective, embrace the opportunity. The universe is telling you that this person will help you expand your horizons.

11. You’re drawn to their energy

Everyone you meet vibrates with a particular energy. Some people make you feel happy and light, while others leave you drained and heavy.

When you meet someone special, you’re drawn to their energy like a moth to a flame. The connection is almost magnetic, and you want to be around them all the time.

This is because they’re your spiritual match. Their energy resonates with yours, and you feel totally in sync with them. They understand you on a soul level and vice versa.

If someone’s energy makes you feel good, it’s probably because the universe wants you to be with them. Even if you can’t explain it, trust your gut, follow your heart, and see where the relationship takes you.

12. You share a similar past 

Sharing similar life experiences can provide a strong foundation for a lasting relationship. The shared history makes it effortless to understand each other and form a deep connection.

Perhaps you’ve both been hurt in the past and looking for someone who understands your pain. Or maybe you come from similar backgrounds and faced similar challenges in life.

If you meet someone with a very similar past, think about whether it’s a coincidence. Could the universe be putting you together to help each other heal and grow?

13. You remember everything they tell you

Most people can barely remember what they had for breakfast yesterday, but when you meet someone special, it’s like you suddenly gain fifty IQ points overnight.

You remember every single thing they’ve ever told you, and you can replay entire conversations in your head. You spend hours analyzing your time together, looking for hidden meanings and clues they like you. And you still feel a flush of embarrassment when you think about that one time you accidentally said the wrong thing.

The universe has given you this gift of total recall to let you know they are important to you. Keep hanging on to their every word and see where the relationship takes you.

14. There’s no rush

If the universe really wants you to be with someone, you can relax and take your time. There’s no need to rush into anything or play games.

The relationship will develop naturally and organically, and you’ll be drawn to each other without even realizing it. Perhaps you keep running into each other at events or get thrown together on work projects. Or maybe you just keep thinking about them all the time until you can’t resist reaching out.

15. You see happy couples everywhere

Being surrounded by happy couples can be a sad reminder of what’s missing in your life. But it might also be a sign from the universe that love is in your future too.

Always keep your mind open to the possibility of meeting someone special. Get out of your comfort zone and take every opportunity to meet new people. You never know where or when love will find you.

And if you see a happy couple, instead of feeling envy or resentment, take it as a good sign. The universe is trying to tell you that your time is coming too.

16. You feel comfortable being alone

Too many people start relationships because they’re afraid of being alone. They try to convince themselves that they’re happy when deep down, they know that their partner is completely wrong for them.

If you’re content with your own company and don’t need anyone to complete you, the universe will take notice. It will know that you’re ready for a mature, healthy relationship and send someone your way. So cherish your alone time and wait patiently for love to find you.

17. You’ve stopped thinking about other people

In the past, you might have been a bit of a player or had a long list of exes. But now you only have eyes for one person. You can’t imagine your life without them, and the thought of being with anyone else doesn’t even cross your mind.

If you’ve stopped thinking about other people, the universe might be signaling that you’ve finally found “the one.” It’s brought you together for a reason, so follow your heart and see where things lead.

18. You keep fantasizing about a future with them

When you feel strongly attracted to someone, it’s perfectly natural to daydream about a future together. Even if you barely know them, imagining your wedding day, the beautiful babies you’ll have, and the wonderful life you’ll lead together is fun.

Of course, it’s essential to stay grounded and not get ahead of yourself. But if you keep fantasizing about a future with someone, it might signify that the universe intends for you to be together. So go ahead and let your imagination run wild.

19. You feel happy for no reason

When you’re in love, you sometimes feel happy for no reason. You might be walking down the street or doing your daily routine when suddenly you feel a wave of joy and contentment wash over you.

These moments are the universe’s way of telling you that you’re on the right path. The person you’re with makes you happy, and the universe wants you to stay with them. So savor these happy moments and enjoy being in love.

20. You feel ready for commitment

If you’ve been hurt in the past, you might be hesitant to open yourself up to love again. But if you’re finally feeling ready for a committed relationship, it might be a sign that the universe wants you to jump back in.

Don’t force yourself into anything, and take your time getting to know potential partners. But if you’re serious about finding love, the universe will eventually answer your prayers.

21. You understand why your past relationships failed

To enjoy a happy and successful relationship, you must learn from the past and avoid repeating the same mistakes. Knowing why your previous relationships failed means you’re ready to move on and find lasting love.

The universe will take notice of your progress and bring someone into your life who is compatible with you. So don’t dwell on your past failures, and focus on finding someone who makes you truly happy.

22. You’ve discarded your emotional baggage

If you’re carrying a lot of emotional baggage from your past, it won’t be easy to open yourself up to the possibility of love. You might be scared of getting hurt again or have trust issues that make it hard to let someone in.

Working on yourself is a lifelong journey, and you should trust that the universe wants to help you along the way. If you’ve been making progress, the universe will take notice. It will know that you’re finally ready for a healthy, loving relationship and send someone your way. So don’t be afraid to let go of the past and embrace the future.

23. They make you want to be a better person

When you meet the right person, they’ll inspire you to be the best version of yourself. They’ll challenge you to grow, learn, and improve in all areas of your life.

This is a good sign that the universe wants you to be with this person. They’re pushing you to reach your full potential and become the best possible version of yourself. So embrace the challenge and see where things lead.

24. You feel comfortable being vulnerable with them

It takes a lot of trust to be vulnerable with someone. You have to let your guard down and be completely honest with them, even if it means revealing your deepest fears and insecurities.

If you meet someone you can be completely open with, it’s a sign that the universe wants you to be with them. They’re safe and trustworthy and will help you grow as a person. So don’t be afraid to let them see the real you.

25. Your intuition tells you

A big part of your spiritual journey is learning to trust your intuition. This is the voice of your higher self, and it will never lead you astray. If you get a gut feeling that someone is special, go with it.

Your intuition is the universe’s way of communicating with you. It knows what you want and needs, so you should listen if it’s telling you to be with someone.

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