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Are you wondering if a guy likes you? Trying to decipher if he has feelings for you can be confusing and complicated. Some guys are very open about their feelings – but let’s be honest – a lot of guys try way too hard to keep their emotions under wraps. It can be difficult to tell what’s going on in his head without being able to read his mind!
Luckily, there are plenty of subtle signs you can look for that will give you an idea of how he really feels. Here are 27 signs that a guy likes you – even if he’s trying to hide it.
1. He keeps glancing at you
If a guy likes you, he’ll find an excuse to stare at you. The problem is, staring at you for more than a few seconds will make him look like a total creep. So instead, he stares as much as he can and then quickly glances away when you meet his gaze. The first time you catch his eye, it feels like an accident, but after the fourth or fifth time, it’s pretty clear that he likes you. At this point, you should probably go talk to him and give him an excuse to stare.
2. He can’t stop touching you
I’m not talking about full-on groping – that would be a huge red flag. But there are lots of innocent ways a guy who likes you can flirt with touch without seeming creepy. He might lightly touch your arm when he’s talking or put his hand on the small of your back to guide you through a crowd. Or perhaps his leg keeps “accidentally” brushing against yours under the table. These are all signs that he’s interested in getting closer to you.
3. His body language speaks volumes
Body language can give you all sorts of clues about what a guy is feeling. If he likes you, his body will naturally face toward yours, and he’ll lean in close when he talks to create a more intimate atmosphere. He might also play with his hair, adjust his shirt, or fidget with his hands – all signs that he’s feeling nervous and excited to be around you. A manly man will also stand up extra straight and puff out his chest to look taller.
4. He dresses up to impress you
If your guy is normally rocking sweatpants and a hoodie and suddenly switches to collared shirts, he must be in love. They say the clothes make the man, but it’s more likely that his friends told him to lift his game if he wants any chance with you.
5. He gets jealous when you talk to other guys
You can admit it – watching him get jealous when you flirt with other guys is kind of fun. It’s also a sure sign that he likes you and hates the idea of someone else getting all your attention. If you’re feeling evil, you can go out of your way to make him jealous so he wants you even more. Just remember that with great power comes great responsibility – don’t take it too far and make him feel insecure if you want him to stay interested.
6. He remembers everything you tell him
He probably can’t remember what he ate for breakfast yesterday, but he can tell you what you wore three weeks ago on Sunday. How has he suddenly developed the memory of an elephant? He’s desperate to know everything about you and hangs on your every word. If he spent the same amount of time studying for his exams as he does trying to learn about you, he’d be at the top of every class or the next CEO.
The secret weapon to make him obsessed with you

All men feel a powerful urge to compete. It comes from ancient times when every day was a fight for survival to protect their tribe and provide for their families.
The stakes are much lower today, but the competitive urge remains deeply rooted in male biology. Instead of fighting saber-toothed tigers, men channel their competitive energy into work, fitness, acquiring wealth, or earning the respect of their peers.
Imagine if you could harness all this competitive energy and make a man obsessed with winning your love?
You can. And all you need to do is trigger a biological switch inside him that will make him see you as the ultimate prize.
Relationship psychologist James Bauer calls this switch the “hero instinct,” and it explains why some women have men falling all over them while others struggle to find lasting love.
Triggering a man’s hero instinct taps into his competitive spirit and makes him see your relationship as an opportunity to prove himself as a man. Making you happy gives him purpose and a “game” to win.
Instead of you chasing him, he will jump through hoops to impress you and win your approval. In a matter of days, he’ll become more protective, committed, and attracted to you than you ever dreamed possible.
And the best part is that you can do all this without playing hard to get or acting like a damsel in distress.
This free video presentation from James Bauer will show you exactly what to say, what texts to send, and what to ask your man to trigger his hero instinct and make him utterly obsessed with you.
It sounds almost too good to be true, but it’s the real deal. James’ techniques use simple yet powerful psychology to help you tap into the deepest desires that all men feel.
Here’s the link to the free video again.
7. He keeps asking you to hang out
It might seem like he’s just casually asking you to hang out and watch a movie – but trust me – there’s nothing casual about it. He’s probably been freaking out for the last two hours and has already changed his outfit three times. If it looks like a date and feels like a date – it’s definitely a date.
8. He texts or calls for no particular reason
Most guys aren’t in the habit of calling or texting just to check in and say hey. It’s more likely they’re looking for a booty call or need to borrow your car. Any guy who is genuinely interested in calling to see how your day is going is worthy of your attention. He’s clearly trying to stay in your life and build a connection.
9. He gets possessive or protective when you’re around
Don’t be too alarmed if a guy starts acting protective around you. All guys have a primal urge to protect and provide for the women they love – it comes from ancient times when men had to protect their tribe at all costs. It’s a sign that he values you and wants to make sure you’re safe – even if it means going into alpha-male mode with any poor soul who dares to cross you.
10. He mirrors your body language and behaviors
One of the most subtle signs that a guy likes you is when he starts to copy your body language and mannerisms. He might start sitting with his legs crossed as you do or even use the same hand gestures as you when he talks. This unconscious behavior shows that he feels comfortable around you and wants to connect with you on a deeper level.
11. He gives you unique compliments
Some compliments are so bland and unoriginal that you’d rather the person had said nothing. Seriously – how many times can you hear “you look nice today” before it gets old? But if your guy gives you meaningful compliments that make you feel special, it shows that he really knows you. He pays attention to the details and notices all the wonderful and unique things about you that most people miss.
12. He cares about how your feeling
Shock horror – this guy actually cares about how you’re feeling! It might sound obvious, but it’s a sure sign that he likes you. Most guys would never think to ask about your emotional well-being unless you clearly looked upset or depressed. If he takes the time to ask how you’re feeling or how your day has been, it shows that he really cares about you.
13. He makes you feel special
What does feeling loved and appreciated mean to you? Whether it’s kind words, thoughtful gifts, or helping you through a tough time – if he makes you feel like the most special person in the world, then he’s definitely into you. A guy willing to go out of his way for you and make an effort to show how much he cares is a keeper.
14. He cancels plans to spend time with you
All his buddies are going out to party, but he bails on them so he can spend more time with you – what could be more obvious? If a guy is happy to sacrifice time with his friends, it’s a surefire sign that you’ve gotten under his skin.
15. He tries to get you alone
When you’re in a group, does he try to separate you from your friends so he can get more one-on-one time? It’s a smart move because he knows that the only way to really deepen your connection is to spend time alone with you. It’s also a convenient way to get rid of any competition and let him show his vulnerable side without being teased by all his friends.
16. He puts his phone away when he’s with you
There is pretty much nothing in this world that can convince a guy to stop playing games on his phone or scrolling through his social feeds. There could be a fire in the room, and he’d still be glued to his phone. If you’ve been chatting to him for more than five minutes and he still hasn’t picked up his phone, you can be sure he’s seriously into you.
17. He takes an interest in things that are important to you
Showing an interest in what matters to you – that’s real love right there. If he takes the time to learn things about your life, family, and goals, it shows that he respects you and wants to understand what makes you tick. Not only is it incredibly sweet – it also shows that he values you as a person.
18. He gets nervous or flustered around you
Has he gotten all sweaty? Is he blushing from root to tip? What about stumbling over his words when he tries to say hello? If he looks like a deer in headlights when you’re around, it’s a sure sign he’s got it bad for you. The poor guy is doing everything he can to keep it together, but he’s so nervous his body can’t help but give away the game.
19. He starts acting weird
Some guys can’t handle being around a girl they like. They don’t know how to process complex emotions and start acting crazy and completely out of character. A guy who likes you might start being mean to you, act hot and cold, or even completely ignore you. It would almost be funny if it weren’t so immature and annoying.
20. He tries to make you laugh
Studies have shown that women love men who can make them laugh. If he’s always trying to crack jokes and make you smile, then he wants to show off his best side and impress you. It’s also a great way to break the ice and ease any tension or awkwardness between you.
22. He goes out of his way to help you out
Guys love to do things for the women they love because it gives them purpose and makes them feel needed and useful. It goes back to caveman times when a man’s sole purpose in life was to provide and protect. As long as he doesn’t make you feel like a damsel in distress, then let him have the honor of making your life easier.
23. He’s extra nice to your friends
A wise man knows that your friends have the power to make or break his chances with you. If they decide he’s not worthy to date you, there’s a good chance you’ll listen and kick him to the curb.
24. He gives you a pet name
If a guy gives you a pet name, he’s trying to be affectionate and bring you closer together. Pet names can be adorable or downright condescending, depending on your point of view – I hope you find them cute for his sake.
25. He wants to know if you’re single
If a guy has his eye on you, there’s no point in making a move unless he knows you’re single! In most cases, he’ll just come straight and ask you, but if a shy guy likes you, he might fish for information from your friends.
26. He introduces you to his family
Most guys have friends for years and never bother introducing them to their families. If he’s proud enough to want to show you off, it’s a sure sign that his feelings run deep. Introducing someone to the people closest to him is a big step and not something he’d do lightly.
27. He never talks about other girls around you
Have you ever wondered why he never talks about other women when you’re together? Simple – he doesn’t want to give you any reason to think he likes anyone else.
Final thoughts
Figuring out if a guy likes you can be tricky, but it’s not impossible. His body language, behavior, and conversations can all give away his true feelings. Pay attention to the telltale signs, and you should have no problem uncovering the truth.
Once you know how he feels, what happens next? Are you bold enough to make the first move, or would you rather let him take the lead? If you want him, I say go for it! Life is too short to sit around and wait for love to find you.
How do you know if a guy is into you or just wants to hook up?
The best way to tell if a guy is only interested in casual sex, or something more meaningful, is to look at how he treats you when you’re alone.
If he’s a decent guy who likes you for real, it will show through during your private time together. He’ll be genuinely interested in talking to you, getting to know you, and discovering what you’re all about.
How do you know if a guy is into you long-distance?
It’s much harder to tell if a guy likes you when your relationship is long-distance. Most of your interactions are online, and it’s more difficult to get a real sense of his feelings. However, there are still plenty of clues that he’s serious.
- His texts are long and detailed, and he always wants to keep the conversation going.
- You often get texts from him late at night or early in the morning. This shows you’re on his mind a lot during the most personal times of the day.
- He tells you lots of personal things about his life and asks you lots of questions in return.
- He’s not just focused on the next time he gets to sleep with you.
- He’s very active on your social media accounts. This is an excellent way for him to stay connected with you when you’re apart.