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In this article, I’ll show you how to tell if a girl likes you over text. It can be pretty tricky because you can’t read her body language or facial expressions over text. You have to carefully analyze her messages and read between the lines to see if she is interested in you.
The good news is, there are plenty of signs you can look for that will tell you either way. And once you know for sure that she likes you, it’ll be a lot easier to take things to the next level.
1. She starts the conversation
This first sign seems pretty obvious, but it’s important. She had no particular reason to text you in the first place, but she chose to start a conversation anyway. At the very least, this means she’s been thinking about you, and she wants to get to know you better.
To be even more confident that she likes you, you need to look at the content of her messages. If they’re flirty, or she’s asking personal questions, then it’s a good sign she’s interested in you. But if she’s just asking about the weather or texting you for directions, then she’s probably not interested.
Leading questions are a great way to spot if she’s into you. Leading questions are open-ended, and they get the other person talking. For example, “What’s your favorite restaurant?” is a leading question because it opens up many possibilities for discussion. If she starts asking you these questions, it’s a good sign she wants to chat and get to know you more.
2. She texts you all the time
This is another pretty obvious sign she likes you, but it’s worth mentioning. If she’s always texting you, it means she’s thinking about you, and she wants to keep in touch. After all, you can’t text someone unless you’re thinking about them, right?
But just because she texts you often, it doesn’t necessarily mean she’s into you. She could just be a friendly person who likes to stay in touch with her friends. One way to test this out is to text her short replies without too much detail. If she keeps texting you back to try and get a conversation going, it means she’s trying to build a deeper emotional connection with you.
3. She texts you first thing in the morning or at night
You can be pretty confident a girl likes you if she texts you first thing in the morning or late at night. The time just after waking up is one of the most intimate and vulnerable times of her day. She’s still sleepy, and her mind is free to wander wherever it likes before the stress of the day begins.
She’s probably still relaxing in bed, looking at her phone, and she straight away thought of texting you. You’re the first thing on her mind. Even if she just texts to say ’good morning,’ it’s still a great sign she likes you.
When you reply, ask her what her plans are for the day and see what happens. You’re giving her an excellent opening to ask you to hang out.
After a few morning texts in a row, you can also tell her how much you enjoy chatting to her when you wake up. This is a great way to let her know that you like her as well.
The same is true if she texts you at night. She’s in bed, winding down for the day, and you’re the last thing she’s thinking about before she goes to sleep.
If this happens regularly, you can start adding flirty comments into your texts and see where it goes.
4. She texts you little details about her day
If she’s texting you with little facts about her day, it means she wants you to feel included in her everyday life, even when you’re not around. She’s starting to show you the more intimate and personal side of her life, not just the exciting part of her life that she posts on social media.
All these texts about her everyday life are signals of familiarity and trust. She’s trying to build a relationship with you where she can feel comfortable opening up. If she’s doing this, it means she really likes you and wants to get closer to you.
It means she’s also looking for return signals from you that let her know you’re interested in her too. So if you can, try and reply with a bit of detail about your day as well. It’ll make her feel special that you’re taking the time to connect with her.
5. She often replies quickly
If she often replies quickly to your texts, it means she’s excited to talk to you, and she’s looking forward to hearing from you. She’s impatient to listen to what you have to say, and she wants to keep the conversation going.
Not only that, but she’s making you a priority in her life by dropping everything else to text you back. This is especially true if she replies quickly while she’s busy at work or school, and it shows she’s willing to drop everything she’s doing to talk to you.
However, don’t be surprised if you get shorter texts or no reply at all if she’s busy with something important. She’s not trying to ignore you; she’s just too busy to text you back right away.
6. She sends you long and detailed replies
When you’re talking to a friend, you mainly send short texts that are just enough to keep the conversation going. But if a girl takes the time to send you long and detailed replies, it means she’s interested in getting to know you better.
She’s thinking long and hard about every word in her text because she wants to make sure she says the right thing to you. She wants to build a strong connection with you, and she knows that the only way to do that is by communicating with you in detail.
This is an excellent opportunity for you to return the favor and send her long and detailed replies too. It’ll show her that you’re equally interested in getting to know her better.
Another advantage of sending detailed texts is that it starts to build a shared history of conversation topics. Having a history makes it much less awkward to find things to talk about when you’re hanging out in person or on a date.
7. She wants to keep the conversation going
If she’s always trying to keep the conversation going, it means she’s enjoying talking to you. She doesn’t want the conversation to end, and she’s constantly looking for new topics to talk about.
For example, if you text her about your day, she’ll reply with questions about what you did, and she’ll want to know more. If you mention a TV show or movie you watched, she’ll ask for your opinion on it. She’s always looking for new things to talk about so the conversation can keep going.
8. She tells you if she’s busy and can’t reply
Everyone has a lot going on in their lives, and a girl can’t always reply to your texts right away. If she tells you she’s busy and can’t answer, it means she’s still interested in talking to you. She’s letting you know that she wants to have a proper conversation, but she’s too busy and might get fired if she’s always glued to her phone.
This also means that she’s a considerate person who doesn’t want to keep you waiting. She knows you’re waiting for a reply, and she doesn’t want you to worry that she’s forgotten about you or she doesn’t care.
If this happens, just be patient and wait for her to reply. She’ll get back to you as soon as she can.
9. She gets worried when you don’t reply
Does she get worried when you don’t reply for a long time? This is a clear sign that she’s interested in you and she’s waiting for your text.
If she sends you a text and you don’t reply, she might send you another text or call you to see if you’re okay. She’s just making sure that you’re not ignoring her, and she’s worried that you might be in trouble.
Just imagine if the roles were reversed. What would you think if you liked a girl and she didn’t reply to your text for hours or even days? You’d probably get worried too.
If you want to reassure her, just send her a quick text to let her know that you’re okay and you can’t chat right now. She’ll especially like it if you give her a rough time estimate of when you’ll be able to talk.
10. She teases you in a cute way
Teasing over text is different from teasing in person because you can’t see the other person’s reaction. Teasing in person also often gives you an excuse to touch the other person in a flirty way, whereas teasing over text doesn’t allow for that.
If a girl is teasing you over text, she might make fun of you, but she won’t do it in a mean or hurtful way. She’s just trying to get a reaction out of you, and she’s doing it in a playful and fun way. She’s building a connection with you by sharing inside jokes and showing you that she knows your quirks. And she’s also testing you to see if you’re on her wavelength and you share her sense of humor.
Teasing is also a way for her to protect her feelings. She can get to know you better while still keeping things from getting too serious. If it turns out that you don’t like her back, she can always tell herself that she was just having fun, and it’s no big deal.
Also, don’t immediately get offended if she says something wrong when she’s teasing you over text. Texts can easily be taken the wrong way because you can’t see the other person’s facial expression or hear the tone of their voice. So, if she says something that you don’t like, just give her a coy reply and tease her back. That’ll show her that you can take a joke.
How to make any woman want you (without saying a word)

In a recent study, women were shown pictures of men and asked to rate their attractiveness on a scale of 1 to 10.
But the researchers did something sneaky: they included multiple pictures of the same men standing and sitting in different positions with slightly different facial expressions.
Amazingly, women rated the same man very differently based on how he held himself. One way of standing would get him a rating of 5 or 6, and a minor adjustment would get him scores of 8 or 9.
How is this possible?
In ancient times, before spoken language existed, men had to seduce women without saying a single word. Body language was a man’s only tool to turn a woman on and convince him to sleep with her. As a result, the sexual part of a woman’s brain is much more responsive to the signals your body is giving off than to anything you say.
Relationship coach Kate Spring can show you how to use these body language signals to tap into any woman’s primal, biological desires and make her attracted to you.
These psychological body language techniques are so powerful that they bypass the logical part of a woman’s brain and compel her to think sexual thoughts about you. It doesn’t matter if she already has a boyfriend or has put you in the friend zone. She might even hate you, and she still won’t be able to resist.
And the best part is that these female mind hacks work for any guy. It doesn’t matter how attractive, wealthy, or confident you are talking to girls.
It sounds like a big claim, but Kate Spring is the real deal. She’s developed her methods using Harvard research and scientifically-validated psychological techniques.
Check out Kate’s free video presentation here.
You’ll be amazed at how differently women treat you and see you once you unlock the secret to body language attraction.
11. She flirts with you every chance she gets
Some people are just naturally very flirty, which can make it hard to know if they like you or they’re just being friendly.
However, being flirty over text takes much more effort than in person, so if a girl is flirting with you over text, she’s definitely interested in you. She wants you to see her sexy side, and she’s giving you an opportunity to flirt back.
There are lots of ways to flirt via text. She might compliment your looks, tell you what she’s wearing, or use a lot of sexy emojis to get your attention. If she’s doing this, it means she’s attracted to you, and she’s trying to get your attention.
When you reply, make sure you keep the flirtation going. Keep your replies at the same level of flirtiness as hers and see what happens. You want to avoid coming across as too keen or desperate at this stage of the game.
Women are hypersensitive to the signals guys put out. And they are much more attracted to guys who put out specific signals. I learned this from relationship coach Kate Spring.
In her latest video, she’ll show you how to use these signals to tap into the primal desires of any woman and make her attracted to you. Kate has helped thousands of guys understand how women think and get the girl of their dreams.
12. She laughs at all your dumb jokes
If she’s sending you a lot of laughing emojis when you text her, it could be a signal that she’s attracted to you. She probably doesn’t think that all your texts are that hilarious, but laughing at your jokes is her way of letting you know that she’s enjoying your company and wants you to keep texting her.
In fact, a study has shown that the more times a man successfully makes a woman laugh when they meet, the more interested the woman will be in dating him.
Making a girl laugh over text is much more complicated than in person because you can’t see her reaction or use body language to make yourself funnier.
To make it easier, this video has some great tips on how to make a girl laugh over text.
13. She asks you personal questions
Once a girl starts asking you personal questions over text, it’s clear that she wants to get to know you on a deeper level. She’s curious about your life and what you’re into. And she’s also interested in finding out if you two have any common interests.
She’s also inviting you to open up and be more vulnerable with her. This is your chance to prove to her that you’re an interesting guy with a lot to offer. So, make sure you come up with some good answers to her questions. It also shows that you trust her with your personal thoughts and feelings.
Related post: 300 questions to ask a girl (flirty, funny & romantic)
14. She tells you personal details about herself
In the same way, if a girl starts telling you personal details about herself, it means that she’s trying to build a deeper connection with you. She wants you to know her better, and she’s hoping that you’ll do the same.
She might tell you about her family, hobbies, or dreams for the future. If she’s opening up to you, it means she trusts you, and she sees you as a potential boyfriend or partner.
Make sure you listen attentively to what she says and don’t just reply with a one-word answer. Show her that you’re interested in her life and you’re taking the time to get to know her.
15. She remembers everything you tell her
Does she seem to remember every little thing you tell her? If she brings up random things you texted weeks ago, it means she’s paying very careful attention to everything you say. After all, how many details of the texts you send do you remember?
She might even be enjoying scrolling back through your old conversations to see what you’ve talked about. Look, she might just be really smart and have a great memory, but it’s much more likely that she likes you, and she’s trying to build rapport and keep the conversation going.
16. She gives you lots of compliments
Getting a compliment from a girl is always a good sign that she likes you. But you can tell a lot more by the type of compliments she gives you.
If she’s complimenting your looks, it means she’s attracted to you physically. If she’s complimenting your personality or your sense of humor, it means she likes you for who you are. Either way, it’s a good thing, and you should definitely take her compliments as a sign that she’s into you.
You can also tell a lot by how specific her compliments are. For example, if a girl texts “you’re hot,” it’s a pretty generic compliment, and you could imagine her sending that to any guy if she’s a naturally flirty person. But if she texts you something like “I like your brown eyes,” that’s more specific, and it shows she’s noticed a detail about you.
17. She asks for your opinion and advice
Does she often text you for your opinion on things? This shows that she values your opinion, and she trusts your judgment. She wants to include you in her life, and she trusts that you’ll have some valuable input to offer.
18. She shares what she’s listening to with you
Music is a great way to connect with someone because you can instantly share an emotion or feeling with the other person. So if a girl shares what she’s listening to with you, it means she’s trying to create a deeper connection with you.
She might ask your opinion on the song or tell you why she likes it. Or perhaps she suggests you both listen to the same playlist while you’re chatting. Share your thoughts and feelings about the music and see where the conversation goes.

19. She seems concerned when you’re feeling down
If a girl likes you, she’ll be concerned when you’re feeling down. She’ll want to know what’s wrong, and she’ll do her best to make you feel better.
If something is bothering you, open up to her and tell her how you feel. A lot of guys think that talking about their feelings makes them look weak, but this isn’t true at all. She’ll like you even more for being vulnerable and honest with her, and it will bring you even closer together.
20. She sends you cute or sexy selfies
Getting a cute selfie from a girl over a text is a dream for any guy, and it’s an obvious sign she likes you.
Even if she posts heaps of pics of herself on social media, she took this one just for you, making it much more special. What is she wearing in the photo? If she’s chosen something that shows lots of skin or accentuates her body, then she trusts you enough to show you her sexy side.
Another thing to look out for is sending you selfies when she’s not looking her best. Like when she first wakes up before she’s done her hair or even gotten out of bed. It means she wants you to start seeing the real her, and not just the glammed-up version that she posts on social media.
21. She texts you sexy mental images
There’s little doubt that when a girl sends you a flirty selfie, she wants you to be thinking about her romantically. But she might also use a much more subtle way to get your attention, by sending you texts designed to give you a sexy mental image of her.
For example, she might text you that she’s in bed, or just come out of the shower, or about to try on a new swimsuit. These all sound pretty innocent on the surface, but of course, you can’t help thinking about her naked in the shower or wearing a bikini. And that’s precisely what she wants.
22. She’s interested in having deep conversations
I’ve already mentioned the importance of personal conversations when telling if a girl likes you over text. Deep discussions are similar, and they give her a chance to see how you react when she brings up serious or emotional topics that are important to her.
You don’t have to agree with her on everything (that would be boring), but having deep and meaningful conversations with her shows that you can think beyond just the surface level. You’re interested in her as a person, not just someone you want to hook up with.
Related post: 143 thought provoking questions that will make you think
23. She’s very interested in your love life
There’s a lot a girl can learn about you by asking about your love life. If she likes you, the first thing she’s interested in is whether you’re dating anyone else or whether you like anyone apart from her. How else is she going to size up the competition?
She might also ask you about your relationships with your exes. What were they like? Are you still friends? She’s trying to understand what kind of girls you like and the reasons why your past relationships failed. It will tell her a lot about you and what you’re looking for in a girlfriend.
24. She’s curious about your future plans
A girl who likes you will also want to know about your plans for the future. This might be as simple as asking you what you’re up to on Friday night, but she might also be interested in knowing your long-term plans.
What do you want to do with your life? Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years? Do you want to travel the world or buy a house and settle down?
She’s not just asking out of curiosity – she wants to know if you’re compatible with her. If you see yourself having a very different future from the one she envisions for herself, then it’s probably not going to work out between you.
25. She fishes for compliments
Everyone likes to get compliments and positive feedback on how they look or something they’ve achieved. If a girl is fishing for compliments from you over text, it doesn’t necessarily mean she likes you, but it’s a positive sign.
The most common way she’ll fish for a compliment is by putting herself down, hoping that you’ll correct her. For example, she might text, “I’m not the hottest girl, but…..” It’s obvious she’s hoping that your reply will be, ‘‘No way, you are the hottest girl!”
Fishing for compliments might sound like she has low self-esteem or a big ego, but that might not be true at all. She might like you and be looking for a little positive reinforcement that you like her back.
26. She starts saying “we” instead of ‘I’
When a girl starts saying “we” instead of “I,” it’s usually a sign that she’s thinking about a future with you. It means she’s starting to see you as a very important part of her life, not just someone she’s casually texting.
She might also start talking about things you could do together in the future. For example, “We should go out on Friday night,” or “We should go to the beach this weekend.”
27. She mirrors your texting style
Psychologists call it mirroring when someone subtly copies your movements, expressions, or body language. It’s a way to show familiarity and trust with another person, and it’s also wholly subconscious, which makes it a powerful sign of attraction.
If a girl likes you, she might even start mirroring the way you text. So if you notice that she changes her emojis to reflect yours or starts using the same slang, she could be subconsciously telling you that she likes you.
28. She uses lots of cute emojis
Emojis are a great way to show your emotions and intentions without saying anything. If a girl is using a lot of cute emojis, it usually means she’s trying to flirt with you. She wants you to know that she’s interested in you, and she’s trying to make things more playful and flirty.
Many different emojis could mean she likes you – for example, the heart eyes emoji, the winking emoji, or the kissing emoji. So if you see a girl sending a lot of these emojis your way, it’s probably a sign that she likes you!
29. She gives you a cute pet name
A lot of people use pet names as a way of showing intimacy and affection for the person they’re talking to. So if a girl starts calling you “Babe,” “Honey,” or “Sweetie,” it means she’s trying to create a closer bond with you.
30. She wants to video chat
If a girl likes you, she might eventually want to move from texting to Facetime or video chat. She wants to see your face and hear your voice in real life because that’s the next best thing to seeing you in person.
Obviously, the stakes are a lot higher once you start talking to someone on video. You need to think about your appearance, tone of voice, and how you come across. Just play it cool and be yourself, and you’ll be fine!
31. She asks to do more than just text
Once a girl starts asking to do more than just text, it’s a clear sign that she’s interested in you. If she starts suggesting things like meet up for coffee, or go for a walk, it means she’s ready to take the relationship to the next level. At this point, you should just ask her out on a date and see what happens!
Related post: 51 fun & unique first date ideas (for all budgets)
What do you say if a girl tells you she likes you over text?
If a girl tells you she likes you over text, the best thing to do is just be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you’re not because that will make things more confusing for both of you. If you don’t feel the same way, just let her know and be very respectful of her feelings. But if you like her back, then make a move and ask her to hang out or go on a date. At this point, you have absolutely nothing to lose!
How can you tell a girl likes you over text but is hiding it?
If a girl likes you but is trying to hide it, she might start sending a lot of emojis your way. A lot of girls use emojis as a way of showing their interest in the person they’re talking to. So if you see a girl sending a lot of heart eyes, winking, or kissing emojis your way, it’s probably a sign that she likes you. Teasing and using pet names are also good signs that she’s into you.
How can you tell a girl is flirting with you over text?
Teasing is a classic way of flirting with someone over text. If a girl starts making fun of you or sending you provocative messages, it’s probably a sign that she’s interested in you. Another good indicator is if she starts using pet names for you. So if she starts calling you “Babe” or “Honey,” it’s a sign that she’s into you. If she starts sending sexually suggestive messages, then it’s definitely time to make a move!
How do you ask a girl if she likes you over text?
The best way to ask a girl if she likes you over text is to be straightforward and honest. You could say something like, “Hey, I really like you, and I’m wondering if you feel the same way. Do you want to hang out or go on a date?” If the girl doesn’t feel the same way, she’ll let you down easy, and you can move on. But if she likes you back, then congrats! You’ve got a great chance of starting a relationship with her.