
15 easy ways to make a guy miss you

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Are you worried your man is becoming more distant and starting to pull away from your relationship?

Maybe he doesn’t seem as excited to see you anymore. Or perhaps he’s not texting you as often as he used to. Even worse, he might be starting to cancel plans and make excuses for why he’s not spending as much time with you.

If that sounds like you, don’t worry. You’re not alone, and there is a solution. You need to make him miss you like crazy. You need him to be thinking about you every moment he’s not by your side.

Once you learn how to make a guy miss you, I guarantee your relationship will be completely transformed. The passion he felt when you first met will be reignited, and he’ll be more committed and devoted to you than ever before.

1. Treat him mean to keep him keen

If you want a guy to miss you, it’s time to start playing hard to get and saying “no” a lot more.

When he feels like you’re always available to him, he feels no urgency to see you, impress you, or go out of his way to make you happy. But as soon as he feels like he has to compete for your time, attention, and affection, everything will change.

The simple fact is, we want what we can’t have, and we value things a lot more when they’re harder to get. When he can’t have you whenever he wants, he’ll start seeing you as a prize again and desire you more than ever. When you’re not around, he’ll be thinking about you and missing you more than ever before.

So, how can you start saying “no” a lot more?

The most effective way is to simply not run to him every time he calls. Don’t be afraid to tell him you’re too busy or too tired to see him. Even if you can’t stop thinking about him, make him miss you for a few days before he gets to see you (and touch you) again.

The same goes for sex. As much as you both might want it, make him miss it like crazy so that the anticipation builds. It will keep him excited and ensure he never gets bored or complacent.

2. Be mysterious

Giving yourself an air of mystery makes you seem exciting, unpredictable, and challenging. Men love the challenge of a mysterious woman because it makes them feel like a winner when they crack another piece of your code.

When he’s not around, he’ll be trying to figure out what makes you tick and how he can impress you. He’ll never lose the anticipation of seeing you again and uncovering the next layer of your sexy puzzle box.

How do you act more mysterious in a relationship?

There are lots of subtle ways you can inject a little mystery and feminine allure into your personality.

Don’t share too much about yourself and your past. Make him do the work to get it out of you and make it seem like a privilege when he finally discovers some new facet of your personality.

Be vague about what you’re up to and who you’re with when he’s not involved. His imagination will run wild, and you’ll become a much more intriguing woman in his eyes. Is she with another guy more interesting than me? How can I get her attention focused back on me?

Always keep your emotions in check, and don’t be an open book about how you feel. If he always knows what makes you upset, happy, or horny, you’re more predictable, and he’s more likely to get bored.

While he’s waiting to see you again, you want him thinking about what he can try to make you happy and earn your appreciation.

3. Have a busy social life (or fake it)

A man is much more likely to miss you when he knows that you’ve got a busy social life and you’re not hanging around waiting for his call.

He doesn’t need to know that your big plans for the evening actually involve binging Netflix shows. Just be vague about what you’re up to and keep him guessing.

He’ll even feel a little anxiety when you’re out and about having fun without him. It will make him feel like he has to compete to show you a good time.

He wants to be the one who makes you smile, laugh, and enjoy life. This will motivate him to think about how he can make you happy the next time he sees you.

4. Make him chase you

There’s no doubt that guys love to chase women. It gives them a thrill and makes them feel like they’re the pursuer in the relationship.

When you make him chase you, you’re making him work hard for your attention and affection. When he’s not around, he’ll be thinking about you and focused on his next move to keep you excited and interested in him.

A great way to keep him chasing you is to let him think you have plenty of options. Don’t be afraid to flirt a little with other guys and get him riled up with jealousy. If he wants to be the only guy on your radar, he’s going to have to work hard for it.

Don’t be easy to please and make him earn your praise and admiration. He needs to realize that just because he bought you flowers or took you out for dinner doesn’t make him a god among men.

5. Make special memories with him

One of the best ways to make sure he misses you is to fill his head with memories of all the exciting and fun times you’ve had together.

A great way to do this is to plan dates that include new and exciting activities that he’s never tried before. If he’s never rock climbed before, make plans to go on a weekend trip and try it out. Just make sure he’s the adventurous type, so he doesn’t forever associate you with being terrified.

Even if he’s not into adrenaline, there are many unique and interesting things you can do together that will create exciting memories. Even trying a new cuisine at a local restaurant can be exciting.

It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as it’s new and fresh for him, so he thinks about how much fun he’s having with you when you’re not around. This will ensure that the next time he sees you, his eyes light up just thinking about all the things to come.

6. Leave reminders of yourself everywhere

Leaving reminders of yourself everywhere is guaranteed to keep him thinking about you and missing you.

The most obvious way to do this is to leave plenty of your stuff at his house. It might be clothes, toiletries, or any other personal items you use when you’re there.

Give him gifts that belong on a shelf or hang on the wall so whenever he looks at them, he’ll be reminded of you. Framed pictures of the two of you having fun are a perfect way to constantly remind him of how much fun you have together.

In a similar vein, pack your social feeds with plenty of photos of you both so he’ll always get a reminder of you while he’s scrolling through.

7. Use a signature scent

Our sense of smell is very closely linked to memory. Choosing a single perfume that you always wear will teach him to associate that scent with you.

If it’s a popular scent, whenever he smells it on someone else, he’ll instantly think of you and start missing you.

If you leave some clothes at his house, make sure they smell like you by spraying them with your signature perfume. Every time he picks them up, he’ll be greeted with your sexy scent.

A little spray of perfume on his bed pillows is another way to make sure he smells you and has his memories triggered. When he wakes up in the morning, he’ll instantly think of you and wish you were with him.

8. Share inside jokes with him

Developing inside jokes that only the two of you understand is a great way to strengthen your bond and make him miss you.

Maybe it’s a funny saying you have in response to a sound or a phrase that you hear. Or perhaps it’s a silly dance you do as soon as you hear a particular song.

No matter how weird or random, these little quirks are things the two of you share and nobody else. Every time he hears it or sees it happen, he’ll think of you and miss you if you’re not there.

9. Use body language to make him crave you

Touch flirting is by far the most potent body language tool you can use to make him miss you.

When you’re talking to him, gently touch him on the arm or the hand when he says something funny or to show that you’re interested in what he’s saying.

Also, try ‘accidentally’ touching him by brushing up against him when you walk by or grazing your leg against his under the table. Over time, he’ll come to crave your touch and associate being around you with feeling appreciated, validated, and happy. This will make him miss you even more when you’re not with him.

If your relationship is at a stage where physical contact isn’t appropriate, using eye contact is another excellent way to worm your way into his memories. Hold eye contact with him for just a little longer than is strictly necessary, and he’ll feel a rush of attraction. A quick glance followed by looking away is also a great way to make him crave you without making it too obvious.

Related post: The body language of a man in love: 16 signs he’s falling for you

10. Make his friends and family miss you

Getting close to his friends and family isn’t going to work for everyone because there are lots of reasons you might not get along with them.

All you can do is be open and friendly and don’t try to pretend to be anyone you’re not.

But if you can make it work, the benefits are enormous. His loved ones will encourage him to bring you to more events, complain when you’re not around, and constantly remind him how amazing you are and how lucky he is to have you.

11. Show him how much fun you’re having on social media

Posting plenty of pictures of you having fun with your friends on social media is a great way to make a man miss you.

Not only will seeing you in his social feed remind him of you, but it will also give him a glimpse into the life you have without him. He’ll see how happy and fulfilled your life is when he’s not in it, which will make him work even harder to become part of your happy memories.

It also doesn’t hurt if you’re hanging out with other guys in your social media posts. He’ll feel a little pang in insecurity and jealousy and instantly miss you more.

Posting photos of yourself having fun on social media is also one of the best ways to make your ex miss you. When your ex sees how much fun you’re having, he’ll instantly miss you and start wondering whether he made a mistake breaking up with you.

The secret weapon to make him obsessed with you

All men feel a powerful urge to compete. It comes from ancient times when every day was a fight for survival to protect their tribe and provide for their families.

The stakes are much lower today, but the competitive urge remains deeply rooted in male biology. Instead of fighting saber-toothed tigers, men channel their competitive energy into work, fitness, acquiring wealth, or earning the respect of their peers.

Imagine if you could harness all this competitive energy and make a man obsessed with winning your love.

You can. And all you need to do is trigger a biological switch inside him that will make him see you as the ultimate prize.

Relationship psychologist James Bauer calls this switch the “hero instinct,” and it explains why some women have men falling all over them while others struggle to find lasting love.

Triggering a man’s hero instinct taps into his competitive spirit and makes him see your relationship as an opportunity to prove himself as a man. Making you happy gives him purpose and a “game” to win.

Instead of you chasing him, he will jump through hoops to impress you and win your approval. In a matter of days, he’ll become more protective, committed, and attracted to you than you ever dreamed possible.

And the best part is that you can do all this without playing hard to get or acting like a damsel in distress.

This free video presentation from James Bauer will show you exactly what to say, what texts to send, and what to ask your man to trigger his hero instinct and make him utterly obsessed with you.

It sounds almost too good to be true, but it’s the real deal. James’ techniques use simple yet powerful psychology to help you tap into the deepest desires that all men feel.

How to make a man miss you via text

1. Send him sexy photos

Sending him sexy photos is a great way to make him miss you because it stimulates his imagination and keeps him wanting more.

Sending him photos also allows you to completely control what he sees and how his imagination goes wild. You can highlight your best features, choose the lighting and take your time to make it perfect.

The best thing to do is send him photos that are sexy but not pornographic. You just want to give him just a taste of what he’s missing until the next time you’re together.

Including a cute or sexy text along with the image is a great way to seal the deal. If there’s a hot photo attached, even saying, ‘OMG, I miss you so much! Can’t wait to see you again’ will drive him wild.

When it comes to sending sexy photos, there are a few simple rules you should always follow. The most important one is to never send any images that you’re not prepared for other people to see. As much as you might trust him, you never know what can happen in the future.

2. Make him wait for your reply

If you want to make him miss you, don’t always respond immediately to his text messages. When you leave him hanging for a while, he’ll constantly be checking his phone to see if you’ve replied and thinking about what you’re up to.

Another trick is to respond but tell him you’re busy and can’t talk right now. This will make him realize that he’s not the center of your universe, and he’s going to have to work for your time and attention.

The key here is balance. You don’t want to come across as cold or disinterested because this will just drive him away. The idea is to keep him on his toes and keep him thinking about you and missing you.

3. Cut off the conversation first

Don’t be afraid to be the one who ends the conversation if you’re texting or chatting on the phone. You don’t need to be abrupt or rude. Just tell him that you’re busy and you’ll chat to him later when you’ve got more time.

This is another way of seeming less available to him, so he spends plenty of time thinking about how to compete for your time and attention.

4. Be vague about what you’re up to

When texting him, don’t always give him every detail of what you’re doing and who you’re with. For example, if he asks you what you’re up to, just say, ‘I can’t talk now, I’m out with friends.’ He won’t be able to help spending all afternoon wondering who the friends are and what you’re doing.

It gives you even more of an air of mystery and makes it clear that you have a fun and fulfilling life, whether he’s in it or not.

Why do guys pull away?

1. Difficulty dealing with emotions

A lot of guys have trouble dealing with strong emotions. This often comes from being raised in an environment where emotional expression wasn’t encouraged because it’s not “manly.” When you push him to express himself, it makes him feel weak and vulnerable and causes him to pull away and become emotionally unavailable.

2. Fear of intimacy

Fear of intimacy isn’t usually about sex – it’s about being emotionally close to someone. Being in a close, intimate relationship can make some guys feel like you will see them as flawed or inadequate. Deep down, he may be scared that you won’t accept him if he shows you his true self. This fear can cause him to push away and retreat into himself.

3. Need for space

Everyone needs a certain amount of space to make sure they don’t lose themselves in the relationship. Perhaps he just needs some more time alone to help maintain his sense of independence and personal identity. This has nothing to do with how he feels about you, and once he feels like he’s gotten enough space, he will come back to you.

4. Conflict avoidance

Sometimes guys don’t want to deal with disagreements because it makes them feel uncomfortable and powerless. They would rather avoid the issue than risk a possible argument that could damage the relationship.

5. Commitment issues

There are several reasons why a guy might have commitment issues. He might be trying to keep his options open or concerned about some aspect of your relationship he doesn’t feel comfortable expressing. Or perhaps he’s afraid of getting hurt or overwhelmed by the intensity of his feelings.

Final thoughts

Making a guy miss you is a great way to add a little excitement and mystery to your relationship. It gives him a chance to appreciate the time he spends with you and deepens your connection. The key is to find a balance between being mysterious and available, so he doesn’t start feeling neglected or unappreciated. As soon as he senses that you’re deliberately trying to manipulate him, he’ll begin to resent you and pull even further away.

Finally, don’t forget that communication is key. If something isn’t working, have an honest conversation with your partner and let him know how you’re feeling. This will help you both better understand each other, which is essential for any strong relationship.

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