
Four of Pentacles tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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Tarot cards are a fascinating tool for introspection and guidance, and each card packs its own unique set of symbols and meanings. Among these mystical cards, the Four of Pentacles stands out as a symbol of security and control, but also as a caution against possessiveness and stagnation.. Whether upright or reversed, it prompts you to consider what you’re holding onto tightly and why.

Four of Pentacles keywords & concepts

Upright keywords 

  1. Security
  2. Control
  3. Hoarding
  4. Ownership

Reversed keywords

  1. Insecurity
  2. Lack of control
  3. Generosity
  4. Loss

Four of Pentacles tarot card description & symbolism

The Four of Pentacles is like that guy who insists on triple-locking every door and counts his money twice, just to be sure. This tarot card often signifies a deep need for security and control, both emotionally and materially. It typically shows up when you’re holding onto something—be it money, a relationship, or a job—way too tightly. You might feel secure, but this card prompts you to ask yourself: At what cost? There’s a fine line between maintaining stability and becoming a control freak or hoarder. While this card affirms the importance of security and control, it also serves as a cautionary tale against going to extremes, warning you to avoid becoming isolated or overly possessive in the pursuit of stability.

Four of Pentacles upright meanings

1. Security

When the Four of Pentacles shows up, it’s often a nudge to consider your relationship with security. This card is like that comfort blanket you’ve had since you were a kid. It makes you feel safe, secure, and in a protected zone. Whether it’s financial stability, a reliable job, or a solid relationship, this card suggests you’ve got something you’re clinging to for security. But here’s the catch: Are you feeling genuinely secure or just trapped in a safety bubble? Sometimes, too much of a good thing can make you complacent. You might be avoiding risks that could actually propel you forward. While it’s good to cherish what you have, don’t let your need for security turn into a barricade that keeps new experiences at bay.

2. Control

You’re holding onto something tightly, maybe even with a vice grip. That might be your money, your emotions, or even people around you. You’re in the driver’s seat, dictating the terms and conditions. Having control makes you feel empowered, sure, but it can also limit your growth. Others might find it stifling to always be under your thumb. And let’s face it, life is pretty unpredictable. No matter how much you try, you can’t control everything. Maybe it’s time to loosen the reins a bit, learn to go with the flow, and trust that not everything needs your managerial skills.

3. Hoarding

The guy in the Four of Pentacles is often shown clinging to his coins like they’re going out of style. This card paints a pretty clear picture of hoarding. You might be stockpiling money, opportunities, or even relationships, keeping them all for yourself. It feels good to have a reserve, but hoarding can also alienate you from others. People start to see you as self-centered or miserly. Plus, hoarding can stem from a fear of loss, which isn’t exactly a joyful state of mind to be in. It’s a slippery slope from being prepared to becoming a full-blown hoarder. Take a moment to reflect: Are you collecting or are you cluttering? There’s a big difference.

4. Ownership

Ownership is another significant theme for the Four of Pentacles. This card screams, “Mine, all mine!” You’ve worked hard for what you have, and you’re not keen on sharing or letting go. The idea is that if you own it, you control it, and that makes you secure. But ownership is a double-edged sword. While it gives you rights, it also gives you responsibilities. You have to manage, maintain, and protect what you own. And sometimes, the things you own end up owning you, because you invest so much time and energy into them. Ownership can be liberating, but it can also be a chain that ties you down. So, it’s worth asking yourself what you truly want to own and why.

Four of Pentacles reversed meanings

1. Insecurity

When the Four of Pentacles is in reverse, the secure fortress you’ve built might start showing cracks. Now we’re talking about insecurity, and it’s got its grip on you. Financially, you might be dealing with instability or unpredictability. Emotionally, you could be feeling like you’re walking on quicksand, uncertain about your relationships or self-worth. This card in reverse is a call to action. You can’t just paper over the cracks and hope for the best; you have to address the root cause of your insecurity. It’s time to get real with yourself, maybe even seek guidance, and put plans in motion to regain that sense of security.

2. Lack of Control

Lack of control is the theme here, and it can be super disorienting. Your once meticulous plans are either falling apart or being commandeered by others. It’s easy to feel frustrated or even helpless in such situations. But this isn’t the end of the world. In fact, sometimes giving up control can be a good thing. It can teach you to adapt, be more flexible, and accept that it’s okay not to micromanage every aspect of your life. Sometimes the best opportunities come from chaos, so try to ride the wave instead of fighting it.

3. Generosity

When you see the Four of Pentacles in reverse, it might be nudging you to open up your clenched fist and share a bit. This doesn’t just apply to money; it could be your time, your skills, or your emotional support. This kind of openness can lead to stronger relationships and even personal growth. Generosity isn’t just about giving stuff away; it’s about fostering a mindset of abundance. When you give freely, you acknowledge that there’s enough to go around. It can be a liberating experience to shift from a mindset of scarcity to one of abundance, and this card might be urging you to make that shift.

4. Loss

Whether it’s a dip in finances, the end of a relationship, or missing an opportunity, loss is a big theme here. Naturally, nobody likes to lose, but sometimes loss is an essential part of growth. It helps you reassess your priorities, realize what truly matters, and often makes space for something new and even better. It can be painful, sure, but it can also be enlightening. Use this period to reflect on what you’ve lost, mourn it if you must, but then set your sights on what you can gain in the future.

Four of Pentacles meaning for love & relationships


In the realm of love and relationships, the upright Four of Pentacles often indicates a desire for stability and control. You’re likely in a relationship that you see as a “safe bet,” something you can depend on. That’s good to an extent; everyone wants to feel secure in love. However, the card warns against becoming too possessive or controlling. Your desire for emotional or relational security might make you clingy or even smother your partner, potentially stifling the growth and spontaneity that keeps love fresh and exciting. So, while it’s good to value stability, make sure you’re not putting your relationship in a chokehold.


In contrast, the reverse Four of Pentacles in a love context signifies letting go and relaxing your grip. This can be both liberating and a little nerve-wracking. Maybe you’re learning to trust your partner more, or perhaps you’re opening up emotionally. This newfound openness can rejuvenate your relationship, making space for growth and deeper connection. However, there’s a flip side: a loss of control may expose vulnerabilities or bring issues to the surface that you’d rather not deal with. So, even as you embrace a more laid-back approach, be mindful of the balance between freedom and security in your love life.

Four of Pentacles meaning for work & career


When it comes to your career, the upright Four of Pentacles suggests that you’re in a pretty stable position. You might have a job that pays well and offers security, but it could be a double-edged sword. While it’s great to have financial stability and a sense of control in your professional life, this card cautions against becoming too complacent or rigid. You might be clinging to your current role so tightly that you miss out on new opportunities for growth and advancement.


The reverse Four of Pentacles in a career context often indicates a shake-up. This could manifest as either relinquishing control over a project or even a job change that takes you out of your comfort zone. While it may seem unsettling, this disruption isn’t necessarily bad. It could provide you with the chance to reassess your career goals and open yourself up to new opportunities. Sometimes, it’s only when you let go that you can move forward.

Four of Pentacles meaning for wealth & prosperity


In the financial realm, the upright Four of Pentacles often heralds a period of stability. You might have a steady income, some savings, and a sense that you’ve got a good handle on your financial situation. While this is definitely something to celebrate, the card also nudges you to consider whether your approach is too conservative. Are you missing out on investment opportunities because you’re too afraid of risk? Are you hoarding your money to the point that you’re not enjoying your life? The Four of Pentacles prompts you to balance financial prudence with a willingness to experience life’s pleasures.


On the flip side, the reverse Four of Pentacles could indicate a shift in your financial mindset. Perhaps you’re moving from a focus on saving and control to a more open approach, willing to invest or spend more freely. While this can bring about some beneficial changes, like the growth of your investments or a more enjoyable lifestyle, it also comes with a warning. The card suggests that you shouldn’t go too far in the opposite direction, throwing all caution to the wind. This is a time to be mindful, ensuring that your newfound financial openness doesn’t lead you into reckless decisions or unmanageable debt.

The meaning of the Four of Pentacles in different spreads

The Four of Pentacles can take on varied shades of meaning depending on its position in a tarot spread. In a past position, it could indicate a previous phase of life where security and control were paramount for you. In the present, it could be a snapshot of your current craving for stability or perhaps a warning against becoming too guarded. If it appears in a future position, this card might be foreshadowing a coming phase where you’ll need to focus on financial or emotional security. Context matters, so always consider the cards around it to get a fuller understanding of its implications for you.

Final thoughts

The Four of Pentacles is a complex card that nudges you to examine your relationship with security, control, and material possessions. While it often signifies stability, it also serves as a cautionary tale against becoming too rigid or possessive in your pursuits. It challenges you to find a balanced approach, whether in love, career, or finances. Whether you draw it in an upright or reversed position, this card invites reflection on how tightly you’re holding onto various aspects of your life.

A complete guide to the suit of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

Five of Pentacles tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)