
Five of Pentacles tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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Tarot cards are a form of divination used to gain insights into various aspects of life, from love and relationships to career and personal growth. The Five of Pentacles resonates with the themes of hardship, struggle, and anxiety. But don’t be too quick to judge; this card also serves as a catalyst, pushing you to confront challenges and seek positive change.

Five of Pentacles keywords & concepts

Upright keywords 

  1. Poverty
  2. Struggle
  3. Anxiety
  4. Insecurity

Reversed keywords

  1. Recovery
  2. Charity
  3. Improvement
  4. Seeking help 

Five of Pentacles tarot card description & symbolism

The Five of Pentacles is a complex card that often gets a bad rap for its associations with hardship and scarcity. When this card appears in a reading, it frequently points to a time when you’re grappling with challenges that can be financial, emotional, or even spiritual in nature. Imagine walking through a cold, snowy night with only the clothes on your back, seeking warmth and solace. You might feel isolated, burdened by struggle, and unsure of where to turn for help. It serves as a symbol of the rough patches in life that test your mettle. However, it’s also a card that nudges you to confront these issues head-on, encouraging you to seek the support and resources you need to get through this challenging phase.

Five of Pentacles upright meanings

1. Poverty

When you pull the upright Five of Pentacles, it often screams financial hardship or lack. But remember, poverty isn’t just about empty pockets; it can be emotional or spiritual too. It’s like when you go to the grocery store and debate whether to buy brand-name cereal or the store’s cheaper, less exciting version. Your resources, whether they’re money, time, or emotional bandwidth, feel stretched thin. Maybe you’re even questioning your self-worth, like you’re not “enough” in some way. This card pushes you to confront scarcity in your life, asking you to find a way to navigate through lean times.

2. Struggle

This card brings the energy of uphill battles and grinding effort. You might feel like you’re pushing a boulder up a hill with no summit in sight. Everything feels hard, like you’re trudging through knee-high snow, making every step a chore. You could be dealing with obstacles at work, tense dynamics in relationships, or personal challenges that weigh you down. The Five of Pentacles invites you to confront your struggles head-on. What’s blocking your path? Instead of skirting around it, put in the work to overcome it. Think of struggle as a refiner’s fire, a chance to build resilience and grow stronger.

3. Anxiety

You know that knot in your stomach when you’re not sure how you’re going to make it through the month? Or that racing heart when you’re waiting for an important email? That’s the anxiety the Five of Pentacles often hints at. It’s like your mind is a hamster wheel of “what-ifs” and worst-case scenarios, making it hard to focus on anything else. This card nudges you to face your anxieties. Is what you’re worrying about really likely to happen, or is your mind playing tricks on you? Consider finding coping mechanisms like meditation or talking to someone you trust to help ease that mental load.

4. Insecurity

Insecurity is like that voice in your head that keeps questioning every decision you make, telling you that you’re not good enough or that you’re going to fail. The Five of Pentacles often shines a light on these shadowy thoughts. Maybe you feel inadequate in your job, or you’re unsure about where a relationship is going. You compare yourself to others and always find yourself lacking. This card encourages you to challenge those insecurities. Why do you feel less than? Most of the time, those insecurities aren’t based on facts, but on fears. Confront them, and you’ll likely find they lose much of their power.

Five of Pentacles reversed meanings

1. Recovery

When the Five of Pentacles shows up reversed, it’s like the sun finally breaking through the clouds after a storm. Things might have been tough, but you’re entering a phase of recovery, emotionally, financially, or even spiritually. You might start seeing a positive uptick in your bank account, or maybe you’ve found a way to heal emotionally. It’s not just about bouncing back; it’s about thriving. It’s your comeback story. The card urges you to keep going, because you’re on the right path toward healing and replenishing what you once lost.

2. Charity

The reversed Five of Pentacles suggests that generosity and kindness are coming your way—or it might be you extending a helping hand to others. Either way, charity plays a pivotal role. Perhaps someone offers you a job or financial help when you least expect it. Maybe a friend lends you an empathetic ear or advice when you’re struggling. Or you could be the one sharing your resources with someone in need. This card serves as a reminder that giving or receiving help makes the world a kinder place and creates a cycle of goodwill.

3. Improvement

This card reversed signals that you’re leveling up. You’ve been grinding, and finally, the universe is like, “Alright, let’s throw you a bone.” The struggles you’ve been facing are easing up, and you’re making tangible progress. You’re learning from the hardships and using those lessons to improve your situation. Maybe you’ve optimized your budget, and you’re finally saving money. Or perhaps you’ve gained skills that make you more confident at work. The card suggests that now’s the time to build on this momentum; don’t just rest on your laurels.

4. Seeking Help

When you see the Five of Pentacles reversed, it often suggests that you’re opening up to the idea of seeking help. Let’s face it, asking for help can be tough; it’s like admitting you can’t do everything on your own. But this card says it’s okay, even admirable, to reach out. Whether it’s financial advice, emotional support, or professional guidance, seeking help can be the game-changer you need to turn things around. It’s about recognizing that two heads are often better than one, and collaborative effort can elevate your situation from grim to great.

Five of Pentacles meaning for love & relationships


In love and relationships, pulling the upright Five of Pentacles might signal a period where you or your partner are feeling emotionally or even physically distant. You could be grappling with issues of insecurity or anxiety, questioning the strength and stability of your relationship. Communication seems to dry up, and you might feel like you’re both treading on thin ice. It’s a wake-up call that things aren’t going smoothly, urging you to address these hardships directly to find a way to improve the emotional health of the relationship.


On the flip side, when you get the reversed Five of Pentacles, it typically means a shift for the better is on the horizon in your love life. Maybe you and your partner are emerging from a rough patch, finding new ways to connect and understand each other. You’re not just surviving; you’re learning how to thrive together. This card could also indicate a newfound openness to seeking relationship advice or counseling. It’s a sign that the door is opening for more warmth, communication, and connection, encouraging you to walk through it hand in hand with your partner.

Five of Pentacles meaning for work & career


In the context of your career, the upright Five of Pentacles typically signifies a tough stretch ahead. You might be feeling underappreciated at work, or even fearing job loss or demotion. It’s like you’re navigating a professional labyrinth with no map, not sure if your efforts are getting you anywhere. Financial strains could be part of the mix, making you question your value and capabilities. This card urges you to not lose hope but to find ways to adapt and grow through these challenges.


When you pull the Five of Pentacles reversed in a career reading, it’s usually a sign that you’re about to turn a corner. The hardships you’ve been facing—be it unemployment, a stagnant role, or work-related stress—are beginning to dissipate. New opportunities might start to appear on your radar, or perhaps you’re gaining a fresh perspective that enables you to tackle old problems with renewed energy. It’s a phase of professional rejuvenation and improvement, suggesting that your efforts to rise above challenges are starting to pay off.

Five of Pentacles meaning for wealth & prosperity


In a financial context, the upright Five of Pentacles typically indicates a period of scarcity or monetary struggle. It’s like that sinking feeling you get when you check your bank account and the numbers don’t add up the way you hoped. You might be facing unexpected expenses, debts, or feeling the pinch of living paycheck to paycheck. While it serves as a cautionary note, it’s also a prompt to reassess your financial habits and seek out resources or advice to help you weather this tight spot.


When you see the Five of Pentacles reversed in a financial reading, it’s like the first sign of spring after a long, harsh winter. Your financial burdens start to feel lighter and the constraints you’ve been dealing with are loosening up. Maybe you’ve found a new source of income, or perhaps you’ve finally paid off a debt that’s been hanging over you. This card suggests it’s a good time to capitalize on this upward swing. You’re encouraged to take this moment to invest in something meaningful or save for the future, essentially making smart moves to solidify this newfound financial stability.

The meaning of the Five of Pentacles in different spreads

In different spreads, the Five of Pentacles offers nuanced insights tailored to specific aspects of your life. In a past, present, future spread, it could indicate lingering past hardships affecting your current situation or foreshadow challenges ahead. In a love spread, it might spotlight emotional distance or insecurity within the relationship. For career and finance spreads, it usually serves as a warning flag for possible struggles or setbacks. Regardless of its position, the card essentially calls your attention to areas where you may feel lacking or challenged, urging you to take proactive steps for improvement.

Final thoughts

The Five of Pentacles is a complex card that often signals a phase of hardship, be it emotional, financial, or even spiritual. Whether upright or reversed, it serves as a mirror reflecting your challenges and how you’re dealing with them. But it’s not all doom and gloom; this card also pushes you to seek the resources and support you need to navigate tough times. Essentially, it’s a call to action, encouraging you to face your struggles and actively work toward better days.

A complete guide to the suit of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

Six of Pentacles tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)