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Have you got a guy in your head, and you can’t stop thinking about him? I’ve been there. The constant distraction and the rushes of emotion can almost drive you crazy.
You finally get a few minutes of peace to concentrate on something else, and then bam! He rushes back into your thoughts, and you’re on the emotional roller coaster again. And it’s even worse during the quiet times, like when you’re trying to go to sleep or just waking up. He’s the first thing that pops into your mind in the morning and why you lie away tossing and turning every night.
There are many reasons to explain why you can’t stop thinking about him. Some are potentially fun and exciting, but others are more serious. One thing is for sure – they’re all emotionally draining, and you need to get some balance back in your life.
This article will explain all the potential reasons you can’t stop thinking about a guy. I hope you find a cause that resonates with you and gives you some perspective. Even more importantly for some readers, I’ll also give you some tips on how to stop thinking about him and get your life back.
1. You’re infatuated with him
When you’re infatuated with a guy, all you can think about is how amazing he is and how he makes you feel. You completely ignore all his negative qualities, and you don’t know (or care) what they are. You have no idea if he’s right for you or if you even have anything in common. All you know is you want him, need him, and can’t stop thinking about him.
It’s easy to see why infatuation is often confused with love, but there are some key differences. Love is characterized by feelings of long-term attachment, commitment, and devotion. In contrast, infatuation is pure emotion with no substance to back it up.
Everyone feels a little infatuated with their partner during the honeymoon phase. But eventually, the infatuation dies, and the relationship fizzles out or evolves into meaningful love.
But you can also be infatuated with a guy you barely know. Your mind creates a fantasy around him that has nothing to do with reality. Deep down, you know it’s not based on anything real, but you still can’t stop thinking about him all day long.
Being infatuated with a guy is fine, as long as he returns your feelings. If he does, you can enjoy the ride together, and it might eventually turn into a long-term loving relationship. But if he’s with someone else or barely knows you exist, it’s time to make a move and try and take things to the next level – or get him out of your head.
2. You’re physically attracted to him
Sometimes you meet a guy, and he just does it for you. Your heart rate increases whenever you’re around him, and you get a little sweaty. All he has to do is brush your arm, and you get turned on hard.
Maybe his body is exactly what you’ve been fantasizing about. Or perhaps it’s his sophisticated personal style you can’t resist. Whatever it is, all you can think about is getting him naked, which makes it even more impossible to get him out of your mind.
Physical attraction is uncomplicated because it’s simply about lust, and it doesn’t have the emotional attachment of love or the obsession of infatuation. The only way to get rid of these feelings is to either act on them or try and find a physical release elsewhere.
3. You’re in love with him
It’s almost impossible to stop thinking about a guy if you’re falling in love with him, especially in the early days of your relationship when everything is new and exciting.
You can tell if you’re in love with a guy if your thoughts and feelings go deeper than just pure physical attraction. You care about his well-being, and you want to make him happy, even if it means sacrificing your own needs.
When you love someone, you think about the future and start making long-term plans together. Perhaps you’re even daydreaming about your wedding or having kids together. And most importantly, you feel a sense of commitment, and you know that when things get tough, you’ll be there for each other no matter what.
If you’re in love with a guy who feels the same way, you’re lucky enough to be experiencing one of the most amazing things life has to offer. Just enjoy the ride and savor every moment together.
4. You’re lonely
When you’re feeling lonely, your mind will latch onto anyone who seems remotely interested in you, even if there’s no real connection. You’ll start to see potential where there is none, and you’ll convince yourself that he’s the one for you, even though you barely know him.
Maybe you’ve recently suffered a breakup, and you’re having trouble figuring out how to move on. As soon as you see a guy who seems like he could be a potential partner, your mind starts spinning out of control, and you start thinking about all the ways he could make you feel better.
It’s also possible to feel lonely while you’re in a relationship, and in some ways, this can make you feel even more lonely than being single. Perhaps you’re feeling neglected by your partner, or all the intimacy and affection is gone from your relationship. Or maybe you’re in a long-distance relationship and struggling to keep the connection alive.
When you’re lonely, you might idealize a guy and believe he’s perfect for you, even if he’s completely wrong. You might also be more clingy and needy than usual because you desperately want to find someone to fill the void in your life.
If you’re feeling lonely, it’s essential to try and find ways to fill the void in your life, so you’re not relying on a guy to make you happy. Spend time with friends and family, pursue your hobbies, and make an effort to meet new people.
5. You’re obsessed with him
If you can’t stop thinking about a guy, it might be because you’re suffering from an unhealthy obsession.
An obsession is different from being in love because it involves intense feelings of jealousy, insecurity, and anxiety. You might find yourself constantly checking his social media to see whether he’s mentioned you, and you might even go through his phone to see if you can find any clues that he’s cheating on you.
Obsession is very unhealthy, and it can quickly spiral out of control. If you think you might be obsessed with a guy, it’s important to seek professional help to learn how to deal with your feelings in a healthy way.
6. You’re bored
If you feel bored with your life, you might start constantly thinking about a guy you know who seems exciting and different.
When you’re bored, your mind is always looking for something new to fixate on, and a guy who’s exciting or different from your usual type can be very appealing. You might even find yourself daydreaming about a relationship with him, even if you know it would never work out in real life.
If you’re feeling bored with life, it’s time to prioritize making your life more exciting and fulfilling. Pursue your hobbies, travel to new places, and try new things. Getting your life together is the best way to get rid of any guy-related thoughts caused by boredom.
7. You have low self-esteem
If you have low self-esteem, you doubt your worth, and you think that you’re not good enough for anyone. As a result, you might start obsessing over a guy you think is too good for you.
Instead of getting to know him or asking him out, you spend hours imagining what it would be like to be in a relationship with him. You create an elaborate fantasy in your head, and you make yourself believe he’s the perfect guy for you.
The problem is, you don’t think you’re good enough for him, so you never take any action to make your fantasy a reality. You just assume that he would never be interested in you or end up cheating on you or leaving you for someone else.
Low self-esteem is a serious issue that can hurt every area of your life. If you think you might be suffering from low self-esteem, it’s important to learn to love yourself and give yourself the respect you deserve.
8. You’re looking for a way to escape
Sometimes, you can’t stop thinking about a guy because he represents an escape from your current reality.
Maybe you’re not happy with your life, and you’re looking for a way out. Or perhaps you’re facing some difficult challenges, and you’re hoping he’ll be the one to help you through it. Whatever the case may be, you need to understand that a guy is not a solution to your problems.
If you’re looking for a way to escape, try and find a healthy outlet for your feelings. Maybe you can talk to a friend or therapist about what you’re going through or find a new hobby that gives you satisfaction. Whatever you do, don’t allow a guy to be your only source of happiness.
9. He’s giving you mixed signals
Getting mixed signals from a guy can be confusing and frustrating. It’s no wonder you’re constantly thinking about him because you’re trying to figure out if he’s interested in you or not.
One day he’s warm and friendly, and the next day he’s cold and distant. He says he wants to be with you, but then he ignores you for days on end. You can’t figure him out, and it’s driving you crazy.
If a guy is giving you mixed signals, take a step back and assess the situation. Is he really worth your time and energy? Is he actually interested in you, or is he just playing games? If he’s not giving you the respect and attention you deserve, it’s probably time to move on.
10. You’re using him to ignore your problems
When things aren’t going so well, it’s tempting to look for a distraction to take your mind off more significant problems. And this distraction can easily take the form of a hot guy that you just can’t stop thinking about.
It could be someone you’ve just met and barely know or a colleague at work that you’ve never thought about in that way before. Or, more worryingly, it could be an ex that you haven’t thought about in months or even years.
Either way, you’re going way too far down the rabbit hole of fantasy, thinking about how much better your life would be if you were with them. The problem is that none of it is real, and no guy will make all your problems magically disappear.
11. He’s not interested in you
You’ve met the perfect guy. He’s hot and intelligent, and you have an incredible emotional connection. You’re perfect for each other, and you can’t stop thinking about how amazing your life together will be.
There’s only one problem. He’s not interested in you romantically. Not even a little bit. Why can’t he see that you’re meant to be together? He’s throwing away a rare chance for true love because he’s too blind to see how happy you’ll make each other.
No matter what you say or do, nothing changes his mind. The feeling of rejection and loss is eating you up inside and consuming your every waking thought. You can’t stop thinking about him because you want him so badly, but he doesn’t want you back.
It hurts, but you need to accept that he’s not interested and move on. It’s not easy, but there are plenty of other guys who would love to be with you.
12. He’s mysterious
A mysterious guy who keeps you guessing can capture your attention and make it hard for you to think about anything else.
He’s introverted but quietly calm and confident. He seems to know things about you without you saying a word. And he barely talks, which makes you hang on to every word he says. He feels exciting, unpredictable, and utterly different from the boring guys you usually meet.
It’s easy to get caught up in trying to figure him out, and you constantly think about what he’s doing. You have no idea whether he likes you, but you’re desperate to solve the riddle and figure out what makes him tick.
I can assure you that fantasy is more appealing than reality. If you can’t stop thinking about him, you’re probably idealizing him and seeing him as something he’s not. He’s just a guy, and he’s probably not nearly as interesting as you think he is.
13. You’re rebounding
You’ve just suffered a horrific breakup, and you’re doing your best to move on and pick up the pieces. And then this guy walks into your life and makes you completely forget about the pain of your breakup.
Instead of obsessing over what you’ve lost, you’re now spending all day thinking about how amazing your new man makes you feel. The problem is that you’re rebounding. You’re using him to replace your ex, and you’re not giving yourself the time or space to heal properly.
It might feel good at the moment, but it’s not going to end well. When the high of the rebound wears off, there’s a chance you’ll be left feeling even worse than you did before.
14. You can’t have him
You’ve met a guy, and he’s everything you’ve ever wanted in a partner. He’s kind, funny, and attractive, and you know that you’d be perfect together. There’s just one problem. He’s with someone else.
It doesn’t matter how often you tell yourself that you need to forget about him and move on. He’s constantly on your mind, and you can’t stand the thought of never being with him.
It’s an impossible situation, and you’re torturing yourself by dwelling on it. The best thing you can do is accept that you can’t have him and focus on finding someone who is available.
15. You’re fantasizing about a future with him
Fantasizing about a future with someone you’re attracted to is only natural. It’s fun to imagine what life would be like if you were together, and it can help you feel closer to him.
You might daydream about your wedding day, what your kids would look like, or your dream home. Or perhaps he’s more adventurous, and you imagine all the new and exciting places you’ll visit.
It’s all harmless fun, but it can become a problem if you start getting too attached to the fantasy. No matter how perfect he seems, he can never live up to your unrealistic expectations.
16. You’re addicted to the chase
Chasing after a guy can be fun and exciting and give you a much-needed ego boost. It’s a rush to finally catch his attention and win his affections, and it feels good to know that you’re the one he wants.
But the chase can also be addictive, and it’s easy to get caught up in trying to win him over. If you find yourself constantly thinking about him, it’s probably because you’re addicted to the high of the chase. You’re always trying to dream up new ways to get his attention and keep him interested, and soon it starts to take over your life.
It’s important to remember that the chase is only fun as long as it’s leading somewhere. If you’re not careful, you’ll chase after a guy who will never give you the love and respect you deserve. The best thing you can do is focus on your own life and remember that you don’t need a man to make you happy.
17. You’re not sure if he’s right for you
If you’re feeling on the fence about a guy, it can be tough to stop thinking about him. Every day you second guess whether you should be with him, and you don’t know whether to break up or keep trying to make it work.
Perhaps you’re worried that you’ll want different things from life. Or maybe he’s perfect for you in pretty much every way, but he’s not doing it for you sexually. Or even worse, perhaps you think he’s fantastic, but all your friends and family think he’s not right for you and will end up hurting you.
18. He’s your soulmate
A soulmate is someone you connect with on a deep, spiritual level. You feel an instant connection the moment you meet, and it feels like you’ve known them forever.
If you think you’ve met your soulmate, it’s no wonder you can’t stop thinking about him. But even if he is your soulmate, that doesn’t mean that you’re meant to be together. Sometimes soulmates meet at the wrong time and can’t make a relationship work.
If you’re convinced that he’s your soulmate, the best thing you can do is enjoy the time you have with him and see where it leads. But don’t put your life on hold waiting for him to realize that you’re meant to be together.
19. He reminds you of your ex
It’s only natural that you start thinking about a guy if he reminds you of an ex. Especially if your ex broke your heart or your relationship ended before it was time.
Be careful not to fixate on this guy and see him as a replacement for your ex. It’s not fair to either of you, and it will only lead to disappointment. Instead, focus on the present and get to know him as an individual. If it works out, great, but let him be his own man and don’t try to turn him into someone he’s not.
How to stop thinking about a guy

So now that you know some of the reasons you can’t stop thinking about him, how do you stop thinking about him?
1. Don’t get frustrated when you think about him
Beating yourself up when you think about him will only make the problem worse. It will make it harder to stop thinking about him and make you feel even crazier.
When you find yourself thinking about him, gently try to focus your mind on something else. Don’t try to force it, and don’t get frustrated when your mind doesn’t obey. Just let the thoughts come and go, and eventually, they will start to slow down on their own.
2. Focus on something else
Training yourself to focus on something else is hard, but you can do it with practice. When you find your mind starting to wander back to thoughts of him, make a conscious effort to think about something else.
It doesn’t matter what you focus on, as long as it takes your mind off him. You can focus on work, school, hobbies, or anything else you’re passionate about. The more you focus on something else, the less you’ll think about him.
3. Talk to someone
If you’re struggling to stop thinking about him, talking to someone can help. Talk to a trusted friend or family member about what you’re going through. They can offer you support and advice and help take your mind off of him.
It’s also a good idea to talk to a therapist if you’re having a hard time. They can help you understand your thoughts and feelings and give you the emotional tools to deal with them.
4. Work on yourself
Spending time focusing on your happiness is a great way to stop thinking about him. When you’re happy with yourself, you won’t feel the need to think about him all the time.
Work on your goals and dreams, and do things that make you feel good. Spend time with friends and family, and take up new hobbies. The more time you spend focusing on yourself, the less time you’ll think about him.
5. Structure your days
Structuring your days and building a routine is a great way to stop thinking about him. It will stop you from daydreaming, moping around, and procrastinating on all the things you know you should be doing.
Get up at the same time every day, even if you don’t want to. Invest yourself in all the little routines of life, so there’s less time for you to be distracted thinking about him. Commit to exercising and eating healthy food every day. These two activities alone can fill hours in the day and are a positive way to focus on something that’s not him.
6. Focus on your interests and goals
If you’ve always had a dream to do something, now is the time to focus on making it happen. Maybe you’ve always wanted to write a book, turn your hobby into a business, or travel the world. Whatever it is, now is the time to focus on making it happen.
The more you focus on your goals, the less time you’ll think about him. You’ll be too busy working towards something you’re passionate about, and you won’t have time to dwell on him or what he’s doing.
7. Take a break from social media
Social media can be a great way to connect with friends and family, but it can also be a significant distraction. If he’s all over your social media feed, it will make it a lot harder for you to stop thinking about him.
Try taking a break from social media, or at least unfollowing him. Delete any pictures of the two of you together, and don’t stalk his profile or check up on what he’s doing all the time.
8. Get out and meet new guys
If you can’t stop thinking about a guy you can never be with, the best way to get over him is to meet some new guys.
It might not be easy to put yourself out there, especially when you’re feeling fragile, but it will be worth it. You’ll realize that there are plenty of fish in the sea, and your obsession with this particular fish was a waste of your mental energy.
9. Be mindful and stay in the moment
Thinking about a guy all the time means that you’re focused on memories of the past or a future that isn’t real. Try to focus on the present and experience all the little moments in your day. This mindfulness will help pull you out of the fantasy world and back into reality, and it will remind you that there’s a whole world of actual reality happening all around you.
Final thoughts
It’s tough when you can’t stop thinking about a guy, especially if you know he’s not right for you. But it is possible to get over him and move on with your life. Focus on taking care of yourself and doing things that make you happy. Spend time with friends and family, and take up new hobbies. Work on your goals and dreams, and get out and meet new guys. Be mindful and stay in the moment, and eventually, you’ll be able to stop thinking about him altogether.