
King of Pentacles tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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The King of Pentacles is the epitome of worldly success and stability. This tarot card embodies qualities like business acumen, leadership, and a knack for turning plans into reality. When it shows up in your reading, you’re likely dealing with themes of financial security, long-term success, or a deeply rooted relationship. But be cautious; when reversed, this king can flip his virtues into vices like stubbornness and materialism.

King of Pentacles keywords & concepts

Upright keywords 

  1. Successful
  2. Business minded
  3. Security
  4. Leader

Reversed keywords

  1. Inflexible
  2. Stubborn
  3. Unreliable
  4. Materialistic

King of Pentacles tarot card description & symbolism

The King of Pentacles is the embodiment of material and emotional prosperity, a symbol of achieving not just success but also a balanced, well-rounded life. This isn’t a guy who got lucky; he’s someone who knows how to strategize, invest wisely, and turn plans into tangible results. When you encounter this card in a reading, it often serves as a nod to your own potential for success, urging you to harness your business acumen and leadership qualities. Beyond that, it represents a life built on solid foundations, where you have not only wealth and comfort but also emotional and spiritual security. The King of Pentacles reminds you that a prosperous life is within reach, but it requires foresight, effort, and a touch of that entrepreneurial spirit.

King of Pentacles upright meanings

1. Successful

When you pull the King of Pentacles, you’re looking at a card that screams success in pretty much every way. This guy didn’t get his throne by being lazy or indecisive; he made smart moves and invested wisely. If this card shows up in a reading for you, it suggests you’ve got the Midas touch—or you will soon. You’re reaching a point in your life where not only do you achieve your goals, but you also sustain them. This isn’t a one-hit-wonder scenario; it’s about long-term accomplishments. The King of Pentacles calls you to embody success not just in material wealth, but also in a balanced, well-rounded life.

2. Business Minded

This king knows how to play the game of thrones, but he also understands the game of coins. Business acumen doesn’t just mean knowing how to make a quick buck; it involves understanding long-term strategies, managing resources, and making wise decisions that benefit not just you but everyone involved. When this card comes up, it’s urging you to put on your thinking cap and view your situation—be it your job, a project, or even a relationship—from a business-minded perspective. Look at the ROI (Return on Investment) of your time, energy, and resources. Make decisions that offer long-term dividends, not just instant gratification.

3. Security

Security is this king’s middle name. Seriously, the King of Pentacles lives for stability. When you see this card, it often means that you’re either enjoying a stable phase in your life, or you’re craving it. This isn’t just about financial security; it extends to emotional and physical well-being too. Your actions are leading you toward a period where you can sit back and breathe easy, knowing you’ve built a life of stability and safety. It’s like building a fortress, but one that shelters your dreams, your ambitions, and your loved ones. This card nudges you to take active steps to secure what you value most.

4. Leadership

The King of Pentacles doesn’t just sit on his throne and order people around; he leads by example. Leadership, in this context, means taking responsibility not just for your life but also for those who look up to you. You have a natural ability to inspire trust and guide others. The card encourages you to embrace this role. You don’t have to be a CEO to be a leader; even in your family or group of friends, your counsel and actions can set the tone. So, step up and take charge, because people are more likely to follow a leader who not only talks the talk but also walks the walk.

King of Pentacles reversed meanings

1. Inflexible

When this card pops up, it often points to someone or a situation that just refuses to adapt. Rigidity can be a real downfall, especially when circumstances require a bit of give and take. The card nudges you to examine your own life: Are you sticking to your ways so much that you’re missing out on new opportunities or viewpoints? Inflexibility can keep you stuck in a rut, unable to move forward or adapt to change.

2. Stubborn

The reversed King of Pentacles has a stubborn streak a mile wide. When you draw this card, it’s a warning that you, or someone around you, might be digging their heels in about something. This kind of stubbornness doesn’t just slow down progress; it can derail it entirely. It’s like trying to push a boulder uphill. If it’s you who’s being stubborn, the card advises you to take a step back and ask if this is really the hill you want to die on. Sometimes, holding your ground is important, but make sure it’s for something truly worthwhile, not just to feed your ego.

3. Unreliable

If you’ve got plans with the reversed King of Pentacles, you might as well have a backup, because there’s a good chance he’s going to bail. This card flags up unreliability in spades. Whether it’s a project, a relationship, or a job, if this card surfaces, you’ve got some shaky foundations. People might promise the moon and deliver a handful of dirt, or you might be the one failing to follow through. The card nudges you to tighten up your own reliability factor and also to take a closer look at who you can genuinely depend on.

4. Materialistic

When the King of Pentacles turns upside down, his love for the finer things in life can turn into an all-out obsession. This guy gets so fixated on wealth and possessions that he loses sight of what’s truly important. Materialism is the name of the game, and it’s not a game anyone wins in the long run. If this card shows up for you, it’s a strong signal to reevaluate what you’re placing value on. Is it the new car, the big house, the designer clothes? Or is it love, health, and emotional well-being? Don’t let material desires overshadow your real treasures.

King of Pentacles meaning for love & relationships


In the realm of love and relationships, the upright King of Pentacles is all about stability and commitment. This card suggests a relationship that has depth, where both partners are invested not just emotionally but also in creating a secure future together. It indicates a partner who is reliable, supportive, and good with long-term planning. If you’re single, this card can hint that someone with these qualities may soon enter your life. It encourages you to aim for relationships that offer not just love but also a sense of lasting security.


On the flip side, the reversed King of Pentacles is a cautionary tale when it comes to relationships. This card often points to someone who is stuck in their ways, unwilling to compromise or adapt, which can spell trouble in love. It warns of a relationship where materialistic concerns may outweigh emotional connections, or where one partner might be unreliable when it comes to maintaining the relationship. If you’re already in a partnership, this could signal that one of you is too focused on work or material gains at the expense of the relationship. If you’re single, it serves as a warning to avoid falling for surface-level attractions that lack emotional and spiritual depth.

King of Pentacles meaning for work & career


When the upright King of Pentacles appears in a career-oriented reading, it’s a fantastic sign. This card suggests that you’re either already in a stable, fulfilling job or that you’re on the path to achieving such a position. It reflects someone who knows how to make smart business decisions, invest wisely, and lead with authority. You’re either already respected in your field or well on your way to earning that respect. It’s a green light for ambitious projects and leadership roles.


On the other hand, drawing the reversed King of Pentacles in a career context isn’t so rosy. This card could signify that you’re being too rigid or stubborn in your professional life, which isn’t winning you any favors. It might also point to an overly materialistic focus, where you’re chasing the money but neglecting your actual job satisfaction or work-life balance. Watch out for unreliable business partners or opportunities that seem good on paper but lack substance. It serves as a reminder to reevaluate your career goals and approaches.

King of Pentacles meaning for wealth & prosperity


When the upright King of Pentacles shows up in a financial reading, you can practically hear the cash register sound. This card is a strong indicator of financial stability and even abundance. It suggests that you’ve been making wise investment choices and managing your money in a way that not only meets your current needs but also sets you up for future prosperity. You’re in a phase where you have the financial security to live comfortably, and possibly, to help others as well.


If you get the reversed King of Pentacles in a financial context, you might want to hit the brakes. This card can point to poor money management or being too focused on accumulating wealth that you lose sight of its true purpose. You might be taking financial risks without adequate planning, or perhaps you’re becoming miserly and too concerned with material gains. This card serves as a warning to reassess your financial priorities and strategies. It calls for a balanced approach to money, reminding you that wealth is a tool, not an end in itself.

The meaning of the King of Pentacles in different spreads

The meaning of the King of Pentacles can shift slightly depending on its position in different tarot spreads and the questions you’re seeking answers for. In a past-present-future spread, if it lands in the past position, it might indicate a foundation of stability or wise decisions that have set you on your current path. In the present slot, it could signify that you’re in a phase of abundance or at the cusp of achieving some significant goal. When it appears in the future position, it often acts as a reassuring sign, signaling long-term stability and success ahead. 

Similarly, in a love spread, this card could represent a stable, committed partner or the qualities you should aim for in a relationship. In a career spread, it might symbolize job security or the potential for climbing up the ladder. The King of Pentacles is like a Swiss Army knife in tarot; its core meaning remains, but its specific application can vary widely.

Final thoughts

The King of Pentacles is a powerhouse tarot card that speaks to themes of stability, success, and well-rounded prosperity. Whether it appears in a spread focused on love, career, or finances, it generally brings good tidings, highlighting your capabilities for strong leadership and wise decision-making. However, when reversed, it serves as a cautionary note, warning you against rigidity, materialism, or neglecting important aspects of life. It’s a card that encourages a balanced, thoughtful approach to achieving your goals.

A complete guide to the suit of Pentacles

Queen of Pentacles tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

Ace of Swords tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)