
Six of Pentacles tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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The Six of Pentacles is a tarot card that speaks volumes about the ebb and flow of resources and opportunities. Often depicting scales and coins, this card dives into the themes of generosity, balance, and reciprocity. Whether you find yourself giving or receiving, the Six of Pentacles urges you to navigate these roles with fairness and grace, reminding you that life operates in cycles of give-and-take.

Six of Pentacles keywords & concepts

Upright keywords 

  1. Generosity
  2. Charity
  3. Sharing
  4. Prosperity

Reversed keywords

  1. Selfishness
  2. Debt
  3. Greed
  4. Scarcity

Six of Pentacles tarot card description & symbolism

The Six of Pentacles is a multi-faceted tarot card that embodies the principles of balance, particularly in the realms of resources and opportunities. It showcases the joy and responsibility that come with having enough to spare. On one hand, it speaks to the act of giving—whether it’s money, time, or wisdom—and the transformative power this has on both the giver and the receiver. On the other hand, it also symbolizes receiving help when you need it, humbling yourself to accept aid gracefully. The card often serves as a reminder that life operates in cycles. Sometimes you’re in a position to offer help, and other times you find yourself on the receiving end. The key is to navigate these cycles with grace and fairness, understanding that what you put out into the world often comes back to you in one form or another.

Six of Pentacles upright meanings

1. Generosity

When the upright Six of Pentacles pops up in a tarot reading, it shines a spotlight on the power of generosity. It’s not just about giving away material things like money or gifts; it’s also about sharing your time, knowledge, and emotional support. This card nudges you to open up your hands and your heart, knowing that what you give out often comes back to you in unexpected ways. Generosity has a ripple effect. When you act generously, you not only uplift someone else’s spirits but also contribute to creating a more giving community. Basically, you set off a chain reaction of goodwill. So, next time you’re feeling a little closed off, remember the Six of Pentacles and make generosity your game plan.

2. Charity

The upright Six of Pentacles also echoes the concept of charity, but don’t get it twisted—charity isn’t just about dropping a coin into a donation box. It’s a deeper commitment to uplifting those who are struggling, be it through financial help, mentorship, or other means. The card invites you to look beyond your immediate circle and recognize the broader needs of your community. When you engage in charitable actions, you foster a sense of empathy and compassion, not just for the recipient but also within yourself. Charity urges you to step into another’s shoes, and in doing so, you grow as a person.

3. Sharing

Sharing is another theme illuminated by the Six of Pentacles, and it’s something we often learn as kids but sometimes forget as adults. Sharing isn’t just about dividing your last piece of cake with a friend; it’s about the fair distribution of resources, opportunities, and even emotional burdens. Whether you’re sharing a valuable piece of advice or offering to help with someone’s work, the act amplifies the sense of community and interconnectedness. Sharing encourages mutual growth and the building of trust. You find that by dividing what you have, you actually end up multiplying the benefits—for yourself and others.

4. Prosperity

Lastly, let’s talk about prosperity, which isn’t solely about amassing wealth. In the context of the Six of Pentacles, prosperity encompasses a fullness of life that includes not just material gains but emotional and spiritual richness as well. When you’re prosperous, you’re in a position to give, but the card also serves as a reminder that prosperity flows in cycles. Sometimes you’re up, and sometimes you’re down, but what remains constant is your ability to give in various ways throughout these cycles. Prosperity is not a solo journey; it thrives in environments where wealth—be it financial, emotional, or intellectual—is shared and redistributed. So don’t hoard your prosperity; spread it around and watch how it grows.

Six of Pentacles reversed meanings

1. Selfishness

When the Six of Pentacles flips upside down, its energy inverts, and one key theme that emerges is selfishness. Now, this isn’t just the garden-variety “I won’t share my candy” type of thing. This card reversed signals a more calculated form of holding back, like keeping resources or knowledge to yourself that could benefit others. Selfishness becomes a barrier to creating a supportive community, and it often stems from a fear of losing something—be it power, money, or status. But here’s the kicker: the more you close yourself off, the less likely you are to benefit from the generosity and insights of others. In a way, by being selfish, you end up cheating yourself out of a richer experience.

2. Debt

When it comes to debt, the reversed Six of Pentacles usually paints a less than rosy picture. Debt could mean a lot of things—owing money is the obvious one, but you could also be emotionally or energetically in the red. This card prompts you to take a hard look at your liabilities and to start planning your way out. Ignoring your debts won’t make them vanish; instead, they tend to pile up until they become this massive, stress-inducing mountain. The card essentially gives you a reality check, urging you to square up and find a way to balance your personal ledgers.

3. Greed

The reversed Six of Pentacles also explores the concept of greed, which isn’t just wanting more; it’s wanting more and not being willing to share. Greed drives you to accumulate resources, even when you already have plenty, simply because you’re worried they might run out someday—or worse, just because you don’t want anyone else to have them. This mentality creates a vicious cycle where the more you hoard, the more disconnected you become from your community, and the more you lose sight of what actually makes life fulfilling. Greed clouds your judgment and keeps you fixated on material gains, blinding you to the emotional and spiritual wealth that life offers.

4. Scarcity

Last but not least, the reversed Six of Pentacles often addresses the fear of scarcity. When you’re constantly worrying about not having enough, every decision becomes a battle for survival. This scarcity mindset can make you clutch your resources close and view everyone else as a competitor. But here’s the thing: operating from a place of scarcity actually attracts more scarcity. The card serves as a wake-up call to shift your mindset. Instead of fretting about what you could lose, focus on what you can gain—especially in terms of relationships and experiences. Once you break free from the scarcity loop, you open yourself up to opportunities you never saw coming.

Six of Pentacles meaning for love & relationships


For your love life, pulling the upright Six of Pentacles is generally a positive sign. This card points to a balanced, giving relationship where both parties feel valued. It suggests that you’re willing to support each other emotionally, perhaps even financially, without keeping score. You’re in a phase where both giving and receiving love feel natural and fulfilling. This doesn’t just apply to romantic relationships; friendships and family ties also benefit from this energy. It’s as if you’ve hit a sweet spot of mutual care and understanding that enriches everyone involved.


In contrast, the reversed Six of Pentacles in a love context could signal some imbalances or shortcomings. This card warns that one party might be giving too much while the other takes, creating a dynamic that’s far from equal. It might mean emotional debt, where you’re constantly catering to your partner’s needs without getting much in return. Or perhaps financial stress is causing tension between you and your loved one. This card nudges you to reevaluate how resources and emotions are distributed in your relationship. It’s a call to confront the uncomfortable truths and seek a more balanced, reciprocal love.

Six of Pentacles meaning for work & career


In your career, drawing the upright Six of Pentacles suggests a favorable environment where there’s room for growth and you’re rewarded for your efforts. You might be on the receiving end of bonuses, promotions, or even just some well-deserved recognition. The card also speaks to mentorship, either as the mentor or the mentee, fostering a healthy cycle of giving and taking in your professional life. It’s a stage where you can comfortably share your skills and also learn from others, contributing to a balanced and harmonious workplace.


On the flip side, if you pull the reversed Six of Pentacles in a career reading, you may be grappling with some professional imbalances or unfairness. This could manifest as feeling underappreciated, underpaid, or even exploited at work. You might be putting in a lot but not seeing the rewards you feel you’ve earned. Alternatively, the card could indicate office politics or favoritism that skews the distribution of opportunities. The reversed Six of Pentacles serves as a wake-up call to address these issues, either by negotiating better conditions or possibly considering whether your current role truly values your contributions.

Six of Pentacles meaning for wealth & prosperity


When it comes to your finances, pulling the upright Six of Pentacles is generally a sign of financial equilibrium or even abundance. This card suggests you’re in a position where your income and expenses are well-balanced, allowing you to both save and splurge a bit. You might also find yourself able to lend financial support to others, whether it’s helping a friend in need or donating to a charity. It’s a stable phase where you get to experience the joys of both having enough and being able to share.


If you draw the reversed Six of Pentacles in a financial context, it usually signals a need for caution. You may find yourself in a situation where you’re accumulating debt or struggling to balance income and expenditure. This card warns you against falling into financial traps, like lending money without thinking it through or making impulsive purchases. It’s a moment to review your financial habits and look for ways to restore balance.

The meaning of the Six of Pentacles in different spreads

In a tarot spread, the Six of Pentacles serves as a nuanced indicator that varies depending on its position and the surrounding cards. In a past position, it might reflect a history of generosity or financial stability that has influenced your current situation. When it appears in a present context, it often points to ongoing transactions—either you’re giving help or receiving it. In a future position, the card can be a sign that if you maintain a balanced approach to sharing and receiving, you’ll likely experience personal growth or prosperity. 

Final thoughts

The Six of Pentacles is a compelling tarot card that delves into the complexities of giving, receiving, and balancing resources. Whether upright or reversed, it prompts you to examine your relationships with generosity and reciprocity. It serves as both an encouraging sign of potential abundance and a cautionary tale against imbalances in different aspects of your life—be it love, career, or finances. The card reminds you that life’s gifts are meant to flow, not just to you but through you.

A complete guide to the suit of Pentacles

Five of Pentacles tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

Seven of Pentacles tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)