
The Fool tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)

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Tarot cards are a form of divination used for gaining insights into various aspects of life, from love to career. One of the most iconic cards in the tarot deck is The Fool, representing adventure, freedom, and new beginnings. Whether upright or reversed, this card carries profound meanings that can guide you through life’s complexities.

The Fool keywords & concepts

The Fool upright keywords 

  1. Adventure
  2. Freedom
  3. Innocence
  4. New beginnings

The Fool reversed keywords

  1. Recklessness
  2. Naivety
  3. Poor judgment
  4. Irresponsibility

The Fool tarot card description & symbolism

The Fool tarot card serves as a captivating symbol of potential, new beginnings, and the spirit of adventure. When you see this card, it’s like the universe is offering you a golden ticket to embrace life’s possibilities. At its core, The Fool is about taking a leap of faith into the unknown, guided by nothing but your own intuition and a dash of spontaneity. It embodies that exhilarating feeling of standing on the edge of a cliff, ready to dive into a brand-new experience. The Fool encourages you to shake off any hesitation and to approach life with a sense of wonder, curiosity, and an open heart. It’s the epitome of youthful exuberance, urging you to seize the day and explore uncharted territories, whether that means embarking on a physical journey or a spiritual one.

Upright The Fool meanings

1. Adventure

When The Fool shows up in a tarot reading, buckle your seatbelt ’cause you’re in for a wild ride. This card screams adventure, urging you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace the unknown. Forget about playing it safe for a minute. The universe wants you to grab opportunity by the horns and run with it. Whether it’s a new job, a move to a different city, or a spontaneous road trip, The Fool tells you that life’s too short for “what ifs.” Take a chance, make that leap of faith, and let your heart guide you. The adventure you embark on may not be predictable, but man, will it be unforgettable!

2. Freedom

The Fool embodies the ultimate sense of freedom, unburdened by societal expectations, past failures, or future worries. Picture yourself free-falling, wind in your hair, with no parachute to worry about because the universe itself will catch you. That’s the kind of freedom The Fool is offering. It’s not about recklessness; it’s about liberation from your own mental chains. When this card comes up, it’s telling you to loosen the grip on your preconceived notions and fears. Give yourself permission to explore, make mistakes, and be unapologetically you. When you do that, you unlock a level of freedom most people only dream of.

3. Innocence

The Fool doesn’t just invite you to be adventurous and free, it also highlights the purity of your intentions. This card is like that childlike wonder you get when you see something amazing for the first time. It’s not naïveté; it’s innocence—a refreshing outlook where you see possibilities, not problems. This trait is your secret weapon. It allows you to approach life with open arms and an open heart, willing to learn and grow. You know, sometimes adults think they know it all and stop seeing the magic in the world. But The Fool says, “Hey, forget cynicism. Get back to that innocent wonder because it’ll make your journey that much more magical.”

4. New Beginnings

Ah, the essence of The Fool is all about those exciting new beginnings. This isn’t about small changes like trying a new coffee flavor. We’re talking big, transformative shifts in your life. The kind that makes your heart race and your palms sweaty. When The Fool comes up, it’s as if the universe is handing you a blank canvas and saying, “Paint your masterpiece.” Maybe you’re launching a business, starting a family, or going back to school. Whatever it is, The Fool wants you to know that not only is it okay to start anew, it’s encouraged. Take that first step with confidence, and don’t look back. Your new chapter is just a page turn away.

Reversed The Fool meanings

1. Recklessness

When The Fool appears reversed, you better pump the brakes on that wild adventure you’ve been considering. The card in this position signals reckless behavior—like, jumping off a cliff without even checking if there’s water below. It’s like you’re so pumped for the thrill that you toss caution to the wind, ignoring potential risks and red flags. While courage is admirable, recklessness isn’t. This card is a loud-and-clear warning bell, telling you to step back and evaluate your actions. Take a moment to think things through so you can avoid unwanted consequences.

2. Naivety

If The Fool in its upright position embodies innocence, its reversed counterpart screams naivety. You’re not just open to new experiences; you might be blindly walking into traps. It’s like believing every get-rich-quick scheme you hear about. Sure, it’s nice to think that everything is rainbows and unicorns, but sometimes it’s just a mirage. This card is nudging you to put on your critical-thinking cap. Ask questions, do your research, and don’t be fooled by appearances. Take off those rose-colored glasses and see situations for what they truly are.

3. Poor Judgment

The reversed Fool is like that friend who thinks tequila shots at midnight before a big meeting is a great idea. Spoiler alert: It’s not. When this card shows up, it’s pointing a big neon sign at your decision-making skills and saying, “Needs improvement!” Whether you’re considering a risky investment, entering a dubious relationship, or making impulsive choices, now’s the time to pause. Reevaluate the situation before diving headfirst into something you might regret. Consider seeking advice from people you trust to help you make a more informed decision.

4. Irresponsibility

In its reversed position, The Fool becomes the poster child for shirking responsibilities. You know those commitments and obligations you’ve been ignoring? Yeah, they’re not going to magically take care of themselves. The card suggests you might be acting without considering how it affects others around you. Whether it’s neglecting important tasks, breaking promises, or simply being unreliable, your actions are causing a ripple effect of chaos. Take this as your cue to get your act together. The reversed Fool is warning you to step up and be accountable for your actions before things spiral further out of control.

The Fool meaning for love & relationships


In the context of love and relationships, pulling the upright The Fool card often signifies a new chapter or an invigorating fresh start. It might mean you’re about to enter a new relationship filled with excitement and discovery, or it could signal a renewed sense of adventure in an existing partnership. Either way, this card encourages you to take the plunge and open your heart, embracing love with the joyous curiosity of a beginner.


When you draw The Fool reversed in a love context, it’s a signal to tread carefully. This card suggests you might be acting hastily or ignoring red flags, setting yourself up for disappointment or heartbreak. It can also hint at missed opportunities in love, perhaps a relationship or connection you overlooked. Essentially, it’s a cautionary note, urging you to be mindful and considerate in your romantic endeavors.

The Fool meaning for work & career


In terms of your career, the upright The Fool card often represents a fresh start or a new opportunity on the horizon. It’s like getting a blank canvas where you’re the artist, free to paint your own professional path. This card encourages you to embrace new challenges with optimism and a sense of adventure, making it a great time to take calculated risks like starting a new job or launching a business venture. It’s your cosmic nudge to step out of your comfort zone and seize the career opportunities that excite you.


When The Fool shows up reversed in a career reading, it’s a warning sign to slow down and think things through. This card suggests that you might be rushing into decisions or ventures without proper planning, risking your professional reputation or stability. It’s like diving into a project headfirst without checking the depth. The reversed Fool urges you to exercise caution and due diligence, reevaluating any risky career moves you’re considering. It’s a call to be mindful rather than reckless in your professional pursuits.

The Fool meaning for wealth & prosperity


In the financial realm, the upright The Fool card can signify the start of a new venture that holds the promise of financial growth. Think of it as a green light for exploring new avenues of income or investment. The card encourages you to take a calculated financial leap, one that’s buoyed by a sense of optimism and adventure. Whether you’re considering a new job, investment, or even starting your own business, this card suggests that fortune may favor the bold at this time.


Drawing The Fool reversed in a financial context is a cautionary signal. This card warns you to be wary of making impulsive or risky financial decisions without adequately considering the consequences. Now’s the time to be cautious and prudent, rather than taking reckless financial leaps. Whether it’s an investment you’re eyeing or a big purchase you’re contemplating, The Fool reversed advises you to think twice and tread carefully.

The meaning of The Fool tarot card in different spreads

The Fool’s meaning in a tarot spread can vary widely depending on its position and the cards surrounding it. In a past position, it might indicate a leap of faith or significant change that set the stage for your current situation. When appearing in a present context, it often encourages you to embrace new opportunities or take calculated risks. In a future position, The Fool may signal an upcoming adventure or transformational period. Regardless of its position, it tends to add a layer of unpredictability and potential for new beginnings to the reading.

Final thoughts

The Fool tarot card is your cosmic nudge to dive into life’s grand adventure. In its upright position, it champions the virtues of freedom, innocence, and new beginnings, encouraging you to live fully and take that leap of faith. When reversed, it serves as a cautionary tale, warning you against recklessness, naivety, and poor judgment. Either way, The Fool prompts you to listen closely to its message, as it holds the keys to unlocking your life’s potential.

A complete guide to the Major Arcana tarot cards

  1. The Fool
  2. The Magician
  3. The High Priestess
  4. The Empress
  5. The Emperor
  6. The Hierophant
  7. The Lovers
  8. The Chariot
  9. Strength
  10. The Hermit
  11. Wheel of Fortune
  12. Justice
  13. The Hanged Man
  14. Death
  15. Temperance
  16. The Devil
  17. The Tower
  18. The Star
  19. The Moon
  20. The Sun
  21. Judgment
  22. The World

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The Magician tarot card meanings (upright & reversed)