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Feeling horny is a very natural part of human sexuality. After all, our libido drives us to procreate and help keep the species going!
But what if you’re feeling horny all the time? You feel frustrated, you can’t focus on anything, and it can even make you worry there’s something wrong with you.
Don’t worry, you’re not alone. There are many reasons you might be feeling extremely horny, and there are also plenty of things you can do to stop climbing the walls.
10 reasons why you’re so horny
The first thing to understand about feeling horning is that there’s no definition of ‘normal.’ Everyone has a different libido, and it can fluctuate wildly each day and change over the years.
There are also many physiological, environmental, and social factors contributing to how horny you feel at any given time. Here are 10 of the most common.
1. Your hormones are raging
Changes in hormone levels are one of the biggest factors that define how horny you are at any given time.
Testosterone is the primary sex hormone in males, but females also produce it in smaller amounts. Increases in testosterone are linked to feeling more horny in males and females.
Many things can naturally trigger an increase in testosterone, including puberty, exercise, diet, and getting enough quality sleep.
Estrogen is one of the main female sex hormones, but men also produce it at lower levels. Like testosterone, estrogen plays a crucial role in sexual function. Your estrogen levels may impact how horny you feel.
Dopamine and oxytocin are often referred to as the ‘happy hormones. They make you feel good and are associated with your biological reward mechanism.
When you have sex or masturbate, you feel good. This causes your body to produce more oxycontin and dopamine, further encouraging you to have more sex!
2. You’re in a new relationship
It’s common to feel horny all the time in the early stages of a new relationship. You’re infatuated with your partner, and you can’t stop thinking about them. It takes all your willpower to not rip their clothes off every time you look at them.
Well, there’s a good reason for this. During the honeymoon phase of a new romance, your body produces much more of the happy hormones I mentioned above. Your brain is flooded with oxytocin and dopamine, making you feel sexually aroused and horny.
As time goes on, your oxytocin and dopamine levels stabilize, and your initial sexual infatuation evolves into a more profound feeling of love and companionship.
3. You’ve eaten an aphrodisiac
Okay, there’s actually very little scientific evidence to support the idea that certain foods can make you horny.
The best link that can really be made is that certain aphrodisiac foods contain vitamins and minerals that are good for your general health.
Both chocolate and cheese also contain phenylethylamine, which increases blood pressure and makes some people say they feel good when they eat it.
But despite the lack of evidence, many people report that they feel more horny after eating chocolate or oysters. Why? Probably because they’re experiencing a strong placebo effect.
But here’s the thing. The placebo effect can affect real chemical changes in the brain, so maybe eating charcoal can make you horny if you believe it can!
4. You’re high on booze
Drinking alcohol causes your brain to release more dopamine, which makes you feel good.
When your brain is flooded with happy hormones, you’re more likely to start thinking about other things that make you feel good, like sex.
5. You’re having awesome sex or masturbating a lot
Frequent sex or masturbation increases your levels of sex and pleasure hormones, making you want to have more sex.
This feedback mechanism means that the more you engage in pleasurable sexual activity, the hornier you’ll feel all the time.
On the flip side, you can gradually become disconnected from your libido if you never have sex or masturbate.
6. Your menstrual cycle is making you horny
Many women report that they feel more horny around the ovulation phase of their menstrual cycle.
This is because testosterone and estrogen levels increase during ovulation. These have both been linked to an increase in libido.
This seems completely logical from an evolutionary point of view. Ovulation is when women are most fertile, so the body encourages them to have more sex and procreate!
7. You’re pregnant
I’ve already discussed how increases in sex hormones such as testosterone and estrogen can make you feel more horny.
So why do many women report that they feel horny all the time during certain phases of their pregnancy? Well, it turns out that estrogen levels increase a lot during pregnancy to help the fetus grow and mature in the womb.
8. A sexual trigger keeps turning you on
There might be some random trigger associated with a positive sexual experience that makes you horny every time you encounter it.
Maybe it’s a perfume or cologne that a fantastic sexual partner from your past used to wear. Or perhaps you’re attracted to tall blonde men or women, and you can’t help but feel a rush of desire every time you see someone who fits the bill.
9. Sexual fantasies are consuming your thoughts
Any type of sexual fantasy, real or imagined, can get you feeling super horny. Have you recently developed a new sexual fantasy or desire that you can’t stop thinking about?
Maybe you’ve been experimenting with dirty talk, role-playing, or other types of sex games to spice up your relationship.
Related article: How to dirty talk without feeling embarrassed (tips & examples)
10. You’ve recently overcome sexual repression
Did you grow up in a sexually repressed environment where any mention or even thought about sex was frowned upon?
Over time, this conditioning can disconnect you from your libido and cause your sex drive to become virtually non-existent. It’s like a “use it or lose it” kind of scenario.
If you’ve only recently discovered the joys of sex or masturbation, this might cause your libido to rebound and leave you feeling super horny all the time.
What to do when you’re horny all the time

If feeling horny all the time is making you distracted or unproductive, you might want to do something about it.
All of the techniques below will help put out the fire in your loins and help restore your sexual balance.
1. Get laid or masturbate more often
As I’ve already mentioned, your libido changes over time. You might be going through a phase where you crave more sex, and it’s making you horny all the time.
The simplest solution to this is simply to have more sex! And if getting laid more often isn’t an option for you, masturbating can provide just as much relief.
2. Commit to no sex for a while
If you’re willing to abstain from any form of sex for long enough, you might eventually find that your libido drops and you’re much less horny.
3. Do some hard exercise
Exercise might work to take your mind off being incredibly horny. It’s a good distraction, lowers stress levels, and releases many of the same happy hormones as having sex.
However, certain exercises like lifting weights can increase your testosterone levels, which plays a role in increasing libido.
4. Watch porn
If you’re feeling horny, watching porn might help you get the sexual tension out of your system.
Hopefully, but the time you’re bored of watching other people have sex, your own desire might have also faded.
And if that doesn’t work, watching porn will encourage you to have sex or masturbate, which will really do the job!
5. Practice meditation
Meditation has many positive effects on physical and mental health. It’s all about learning to direct your focus and be mindful of the present.
If sexual thoughts are constantly making you horny, mediation might help you confront your feelings and learn to control them.
6. Take a cold shower
Some people say that taking a cold shower helps them temporarily feel less horny, but your results may vary.
There’s no solid scientific evidence to suggest it works, other than the fact that it will shock your body and force you to think about something else for a while as you warm up.
When is being too horny a problem?
As long as you can cope with your horniness and it’s not causing you to neglect other areas of your life, there’s no problem.
However, if you’re experiencing some of the more severe issues listed below, it might be worth talking to a healthcare professional.
They’ve seen it all before, and they can help you diagnose the problem and come up with a plan.
1. You can’t focus on anything else
If you’re so horny all the time that you literally can’t focus on anything else, then it’s time to take steps to correct the balance.
Signs to look out for include sexual thoughts affecting your job performance or impairing your ability to take care of your family.
2. Having sex is the only way you can relax
Sex feels amazing and is a great way to relieve stress and relax your body and mind.
But if having sex or masturbating is the only way you can chill out, then something is out of balance.
3. Your constant horniness is damaging your relationship
You might find extended periods of time when your libido is out of sync with your partners. This is perfectly normal and reflects the fact that everyone experiences changes in their sexual needs over time.
Most couples happily weather this storm by being respectful, understanding each other’s needs, and compromising where appropriate.
But if you’re always horny and your partner can never meet your needs, it might cause a serious rift in your relationship.
If this is the case, it’s recommended that you talk to a health professional and get some guidance on how to work through the issue together.
4. You can’t stop watching porn
Porn addiction is a real thing. It can cause long-term damage to relationships and warp your idea of what’s ‘normal’ sexual behavior.
Like most good things in life, watching porn is totally fine in moderation and can be used as a fun and exciting way to spice up your sex life and get you in the mood.
But if you’re watching a lot of porn to try and sate your horniness and it’s affecting your actual relationships, it’s time to break the habit and get back to the real world.
5. You’re engaging in risky behavior to have more sex
Feeling extremely horny all the time can drive some people to make poor decisions in an effort to satisfy their sexual desire.
These include having unsafe sex and hooking up with strangers that don’t have your best interests at heart.
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