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Is it really possible to ignore a guy to make him want you? Yes, it really works! The trick is to do it in such a way that he still feels the thrill of the chase, but he also knows how much you don’t need him.
You also have to be careful not to push it too far. There’s a careful balance between how much you ignore him and how much interest you show him. The best part is, you can use these techniques on any guy you’re interested in. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a long-term relationship with him or just met him last week.
1. Ignore his texts & calls
The first step you can take to make him want you is to ignore his texts and calls.
This might be harder than it seems because staying in regular contact with your man throughout the day gives a sense of comfort and reassurance.
It’s crucial to find the right balance. You don’t want to completely cut him off. Otherwise, he’ll lose interest and move on to someone else who makes him feel a sense of mystery and gives him the thrill of the chase.
The trick is to not be predictable and keep him guessing. He should feel uncertain about whether you’re going to answer the phone or reply to his message.
Ignore some texts and calls completely. Take your time replying to some texts and occasionally answer or respond straight away!
Don’t be rude or short with him. Just explain that you’re really busy at the moment and didn’t have a chance to get back to him. This also shows him that you’re living a full and rich life and not spending every waking hour thinking about him.
2. Be active on social media (but not with him)
Another great tip to get a guy interested in you again is to make sure he sees how active and fun-loving you are on social media.
When you start ignoring him, the first thing he’ll do is stalk your social media accounts. He’ll be desperate for info on what’s going on in your life to try and figure out why you’ve gone so cold on him.
Post lots of photos of yourself having fun and enjoying life. Make them as sexy and carefree as possible, and don’t be afraid to include a few hot guys in the mix.
This will trigger a strong sense of loss in him and make him worry that he’s missing out on all the fun. It will also create more mystery around you and make it clear that you don’t need him to have a good time.
3. Give yourself an air of mystery
The more mysterious and aloof you appear, the more he’ll want to spend time with you and figure out what’s changed in your life.
When you talk to him, give him vague details about what you’ve been up to and who you’ve been seeing. Just enough to whet his appetite and make him curious and jealous that he’s not the center of your attention.
Make your conversations brief but don’t be rude or dismissive either. Just keep things short and sweet so that he can feel like there’s always a reason to talk to you.
Another key way to create mystery around yourself is to always keep your emotions in check. If you’re missing him or upset, he should never have a clue. You need to always be in control of how you feel and make him feel like he needs to work for your attention.
4. Prioritize your needs over his
If he knows that you’re willing to drop everything for him, it will make him feel powerful and in control.
But eventually, he’ll get bored of how routine things become and start to crave more mystery and challenge. He’ll miss the sense of uncertainty of the early days of your relationship.
That’s why it’s so important to prioritize your needs over his and not always be available to him. You need to show him that you love yourself above everyone else, and he should feel privileged when you make time for him.
Don’t always be available to pick him up or drop everything for him if he calls at the last minute. If he wants to see you, he can get in line and wait until it’s convenient for both of you.
This key step forces him to shift his perspective and realize what a great prize you are. It also ensures that he’s a guy who’s in it for the long haul and not just a short-term fling.
5. Give him mixed signals (to keep him guessing)
One of the most potent ways to get a guy excited about you all over again is by showing him how unpredictable and challenging you are.
The best way to give him mixed signals is to withhold affection. This is how you get him to constantly crave your touch and come crawling back to you.
If he kisses or hugs you goodbye, don’t kiss or hug him hello when you see him next. Give yourself an air of mystery that makes him wonder what’s going on in your head so that he has to keep working for it.
Another useful technique is to be vague about making plans with him in the future. Even if you want to see him, it’s important not to always be available.
This will keep him off balance so that he doesn’t feel secure in how much of your time he’ll get. It also means that when you make plans with him, they have more weight and excitement because he’ll have to make the most of you.
And as I discussed earlier, varying how quickly you respond to his texts will also keep him off guard and leave him wanting more.
If he texts you first thing in the morning, don’t answer straight away! Even if it’s been days since your last interaction, make him wait at least 30 minutes before replying. If he asks why just say that you were busy and remain vague on the details.
If he starts pressuring for a response, give him concise answers, then stop talking entirely after a few exchanges. This will drive him nuts because it shows you have something more interesting going on than him!
6. Never overreact
If you’re trying to ignore a guy to make him want you, it’s essential to always keep your emotions in check.
Even if you’re upset or really missing him, he should never have a clue. You need to always be in control of how you feel and make him feel like he needs to work for your attention. This will also create more mystery and keep him guessing how you’ll respond next.
If he asks how you’re feeling, just say that everything’s fine and leave it at that. Don’t let his probing questions get to you because if he sees how much power he has over your emotions, then you’ll be back where you started.
The secret weapon to make him obsessed with you

All men feel a powerful urge to compete. It comes from ancient times when every day was a fight for survival to protect their tribe and provide for their families.
The stakes are much lower today, but the competitive urge remains deeply rooted in male biology. Instead of fighting saber-toothed tigers, men channel their competitive energy into work, fitness, acquiring wealth, or earning the respect of their peers.
Imagine if you could harness all this competitive energy and make a man obsessed with winning your love.
You can. And all you need to do is trigger a biological switch inside him that will make him see you as the ultimate prize.
Relationship psychologist James Bauer calls this switch the “hero instinct,” and it explains why some women have men falling all over them while others struggle to find lasting love.
Triggering a man’s hero instinct taps into his competitive spirit and makes him see your relationship as an opportunity to prove himself as a man. Making you happy gives him purpose and a “game” to win.
Instead of you chasing him, he will jump through hoops to impress you and win your approval. In a matter of days, he’ll become more protective, committed, and attracted to you than you ever dreamed possible.
And the best part is that you can do all this without playing hard to get or acting like a damsel in distress.
This free video presentation from James Bauer will show you exactly what to say, what texts to send, and what to ask your man to trigger his hero instinct and make him utterly obsessed with you.
It sounds almost too good to be true, but it’s the real deal. James’ techniques use simple yet powerful psychology to help you tap into the deepest desires that all men feel.
7. Make him come to you
Even though you’re trying to get him interested again by ignoring him, you still do actually really like him and want to see him.
The trick here is to make him realize that if he wants to see you, he will have to work for it and come crawling for your attention.
When you do agree to see him, he’ll go the extra mile to impress you and show you how much he cares. He’ll be more attentive to your needs and more committed to enjoying your time together than ever before.
When he does make an effort, always let him know how much you appreciate it. If he cooks for you, tell him how good his cooking is and that it’s one of your favorite things about spending time with him.
If he holds the door open for you or puts his jacket around your shoulders when you’re cold, thank him profusely so that he knows how much these little gestures mean to you.
What you’re doing here is triggering his hero instinct. I mentioned the concept earlier.
The trick is to know precisely how to phrase your words and texts to maximize his feeling of purpose and satisfaction. Once you understand how the hero instinct works, you’ll have him begging to please you and make you happy.
Check out the latest hero instinct video to learn more.
8. Make him jealous
A little jealousy can be a good thing when you’re trying to make him want you.
There are lots of ways you can make a guy jealous. One of the best techniques is to ignore him and flirt with other guys while he’s around.
This will trigger his fear of loss and make him feel a little insecure. He’ll start to wonder how much you actually care about him and realize that you have plenty of options.
You don’t want to go overboard and make him feel completely insecure. This will only make him retreat, and you could end up losing him.
Keep it subtle so that he’s a little jealous but not enough to stop trying because he knows how good the rewards can be when he does go all out for your attention!
Why does ignoring a guy work?
1. Guys like to take the lead
A lot of men like to take charge in a relationship. They want to make the important decisions and lead how the relationship progresses.
This allows them to exert their masculine dominance and feel more powerful and in control of their lives.
When you start ignoring a guy, you take away his feeling of control and power. It makes him feel weak and throws his image as a confident and successful man into question.
Ignoring him taps into his insecurities and makes him start to question himself. He worries there’s something wrong with him, or whether you’ve realized he’s not as incredible as he wants you to believe.
These fears and self-doubts make him take action to get your attention again. He wants you to want him and need him, so the balance of power is restored.
2. Guys like the chase
Another reason why ignoring a man works is that it taps into how much men love the thrill of the chase. Many guys will feel bored and disinterested in a woman after they’ve been going out for a while. Especially when things start to get comfortable or fall into a routine.
When he starts to ignore you and pulls away from you, this is the perfect time to ignore him back and give him a dose of his own medicine. It will make him want to chase you again and reignite the feeling of mystery and excitement you shared when you first met.
4. Guys like mysterious girls
It’s a misconception that men prefer women who are straightforward to understand. On the contrary, what most men actually want is something more exciting and mysterious.
They don’t necessarily need you to be difficult or impossible to get. Still, they do appreciate women who can keep them on their toes by being unpredictable.
When you start ignoring him, it taps into his love of mysterious women by creating an air of unpredictability between the two of you. It gives him a thrill to know that you’re always one step ahead, and he never knows how the story will end.
Final thoughts
I hope this article has given you some good tips. The final piece of advice is to make sure you keep things in perspective and don’t go too overboard. Keep it subtle and still give your man plenty of reasons to fall madly in love with you.
After all, the point is to get him interested again by ignoring him, not to completely destroy his ego and drive him away.