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Whether we like to admit it or not, lying is pretty common in relationships. Most of the time, you can let it slide if your partner tells you a little white lie, but serious dishonesty can cause significant trust issues and destroy your relationship.
Guys have a terrible reputation when it comes to lying to their partners. Are they just being hurtful, or is there something else at play? Keep reading to learn all the reasons why men lie and why they do it. The answers might surprise you.
1. He’s ashamed to tell the truth
One of the most common reasons a man lies is that he’s ashamed to tell you the truth. In most cases, this is because he’s done something irresponsible, disrespectful, or immature. He knows you won’t approve and doesn’t want to face your wrath or lose your respect.
Everyone makes mistakes, but if he’s constantly lying to avoid taking responsibility for his actions, that’s a huge red flag. You deserve a partner who owns up to his mistakes and is willing to work on improving himself.
2. He’s trying to protect you
Lying to protect you is one of the more justifiable reasons for a man’s dishonesty. He wants to shield you from pain and hurt and figures that telling a white lie is better than upsetting you. This is a common reason for lying by omission, where he omits specific details that he knows would hurt you.
For example, if he overhears one of your friends saying something negative about you, he might decide not to tell you about it to spare your feelings. While this intention is sweet, it’s not always the best solution. He should always assume that you can handle the truth, even if it’s not what you want to hear.
3. He feels insecure
If your man is insecure or suffers from low self-esteem, there are many things he might feel motivated to lie about. For example, he might lie about his level of commitment to your relationship, pretend he’s happy when he’s not, or intentionally sweep problems under the carpet.
The root cause of relationship insecurity is often related to feeling unworthy or not good enough for your partner, and it can lead to more severe problems down the road, such as jealousy, possessiveness, and controlling behavior.
4. He’s trying to impress you
If you recently met a new guy, he might be bending the truth in an attempt to impress you. Whether boasting about his job, inflating his salary, or pretending to be an expert on a topic he knows nothing about, he wants to make himself look as good as possible.
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to make a good impression but beware of men who seem to be trying way too hard. It could be a sign that he’s insecure or has something to hide.
5. He knows he can get away with it
A guy might lie to you simply because he knows you’ll never call him on it. This type of lying is often habitual and used to cover up serious breaches of trust like cheating, financial infidelity, or addiction problems.
Sadly, in some cases, both partners are complicit in the culture of lying. For example, if you know your partner is cheating on you but you don’t want to admit it to yourself, you might choose to believe his lies and ignore the problem. But deep down, you know he’s lying, and he knows that you know.
It’s always better to face the truth and deal with it head-on, even if it’s painful. Ignoring a problem will never make it go away, and it will only cause more hurt and damage in the long run.
6. He’s trying to avoid conflict
Conflict avoidance is a very common reason why men lie. Some men avoid conflict because they are emotionally immature and feel anxious or cornered by challenging conversations. Instead of resorting to anger or defensiveness, they lie about how they feel to keep the peace.
Fear of rejection is another reason a man might lie to avoid an argument. Deep down, he’s worried he’s not good enough for you, and you’ll dump him as soon as things get tough. Or, he’s worried about appearing weak or vulnerable, so he pretends everything is fine even when it’s not.
7. He doesn’t trust you
If a guy doesn’t trust you, he’ll be much more likely to lie and keep secrets. Several issues can cause a lack of trust, and they are all toxic to your relationship.
He might not trust you because of something you’ve done (like cheat on him), or he might feel unsupported or judged in your relationship. Unresolved issues from childhood or a past relationship can also cause him to have difficulty trusting other people. If a previous partner was untrustworthy or abusive, it could make it much harder for him to open up and trust again.
Building trust in a relationship takes time, patience, and effort. If you want your man to trust you, you need to be honest with him, be there for him, and respect his boundaries.
Related post: How to save a marriage with trust issues (17 tips)
How to know exactly what men want & keep them interested

Are you struggling to figure out what your man wants from your relationship?
I’m sure there are times when it feels like things are going well. He seems interested, engaged, and like he’s really into you. But before long, he pulls away again and becomes distant and cold.
He’s like a combination lock, and you’re randomly trying combinations to keep him interested and make him fully commit. It’s frustrating and confusing, and no one would blame you for giving up trying to crack his code.
But don’t give up just yet! Relationship psychologist James Bauer can give you the combination to his heart and show you how to be the woman he’s always wanted.
James has spent over ten years studying the science of attraction and relationships, and he’s discovered that there is a secret obsession all men share. They crave it more than love or sex, and it often makes the difference between “like” and “love.”
He calls it “the hero instinct.” The hero instinct is a deeply ingrained biological need all men have to protect and provide for women.
The amazing thing is that James can show you how to trigger the hero instinct in any man and unlock the combination of his devotion and commitment.
Once you understand how he thinks, you can give him exactly what he wants and make him feel deeply satisfied and content in your relationship. You’ll become his biggest priority and destroy any fear of commitment lingering in the back of his mind.
Instead of you chasing him, he will jump through hoops to impress you and win your approval. In a matter of days, he’ll become more protective, committed, and attracted to you than you ever dreamed possible.
Check out this fascinating video to learn more about the hero instinct. If you find that the men in your life lose interest and drift away, it could be the key you’ve been missing.
8. He doesn’t respect you
If a man doesn’t respect you, he’ll have no problem lying to your face. This is often the case in relationships where there is a power imbalance. He doesn’t think twice about lying to you because he doesn’t see you as an equal partner in the relationship.
Respect is essential for any healthy relationship. If your man doesn’t respect you, it’s time to set clear boundaries or walk away and find someone who will treat you the way you deserve.
9. He doesn’t realize he’s lying
How could a guy lie to you but not realize he’s doing it? It sounds crazy, but it happens more often than you might think.
Self-deception is when someone believes their lies, even when the truth is staring them in the face. For example, let’s say your man is cheating on you but is in denial. He might say things like, “I would never do that to you,” or “You’re being paranoid.” But even though he’s saying these things, he knows deep down that he’s lying.
Self-deception is a defense mechanism to protect him from the pain of the truth. But it’s also toxic for relationships because it allows him to avoid taking responsibility for his actions.
10. He’s struggling to communicate
Some guys grow up in an environment where talking about emotions is discouraged. As a result, they never learn how to express themselves properly. When they feel a strong emotion, like anger, sadness, or fear, they have trouble communicating it in a healthy way.
Instead of talking about their feelings, they lash out in anger or withdraw and become distant. And when you try to speak to them about what’s going on, they lie and say everything is fine.
If your man struggles to communicate, it’s important to be patient and understand that it’s not easy for him. Encourage him to talk to you about his feelings, and create a safe and supportive environment where he feels comfortable opening up to you.
11. He’s lazy
For a lazy guy, lying is easier than doing the “hard work” of sitting down and talking about your relationship or offering support. He’d rather quickly gloss over the issue by lying and get back to watching TV or scrolling through his social media feeds.
12. He doesn’t love you anymore
If his feelings for you have changed, he might start lying to you because he can’t face breaking up with you. For example, he might say he still loves you when it’s obvious he’s pulled away and is no longer interested.
This is cowardly behavior and only prolongs the inevitable. Still, some guys do it because they’re afraid of being alone, don’t want to hurt your feelings, or can’t handle the idea of a difficult breakup conversation.
13. He’s not a good guy
Sometimes, you have to accept the fact your partner isn’t a good guy. He lies because it makes him feel powerful and in control, and he’s become an expert at manipulating your emotions. If you’re in a relationship with a guy like this, it’s time to get out.
Related post: 11 signs your husband is an asshole (and what to do)
What do men lie about?
So far, we’ve looked at all the reasons men lie, but what do they lie about? Here are the most common things.
1. What they’ve been doing
Men commonly lie about where they’ve been and what they’ve been doing. If your man is cheating on you, lying makes sense because he doesn’t want to get caught.
However, a man might also feel the need to lie about his whereabouts if he’s been doing something perfectly innocent, like hanging out with his friends or pursuing his hobbies.
Why? Because he feels trapped and controlled, and he’s trying to get some space for himself. He thinks you’ll judge or accuse him of being less committed if he admits he needs more time alone. Lying is a way for him to assert his independence and regain some power in the relationship.
2. Relationship issues
Relationship issues are another common thing men lie about. He might lie about why he’s upset or what’s bothering him to avoid a difficult conversation. As I’ve discussed, this might be because he’s struggling to communicate effectively, feels insecure in your relationship, or is afraid of conflict.
If he doesn’t know what he wants, he might lie about his feelings for you or his plans for the future. He might make commitment promises or declarations of love when he really has no intention of following through.
3. Work or financial problems
There are many reasons why a man might lie about work or money. Maybe he’s lost his job but doesn’t want to tell you because he’s ashamed or afraid you’ll judge him. Perhaps he’s in debt and is trying to keep it a secret from you. Or maybe he has a gambling problem and is afraid to admit it.
4. Personal fears and anxieties
Men are often taught to suppress their feelings and avoid showing any vulnerability in childhood. As an adult, a guy like this might lie about needing help or support because he’s afraid of appearing weak or emotional. If he’s anxious or stressed out, he might lie to downplay the problem and make it seem like everything is under control.
How does lying affect relationships?
Lying is never good, but it can be especially damaging in relationships. When you lie to your partner, you’re eroding the trust between you. This can lead to all kinds of relationship problems, such as:
- Lack of communication: If you can’t be honest with each other, it’s difficult to communicate effectively. This makes it hard to resolve conflict and causes tension and resentment.
- Loss of trust: Once trust is lost, it isn’t easy to regain. If your partner doesn’t trust you, he may start snooping through your things or checking up on you constantly. The relationship will become defined by suspicion and jealousy, which is not healthy for either of you.
- Emotional distance: Lying creates an emotional distance between you and your partner. If you’re always hiding things or holding back the truth, it’s much harder to establish a deep, meaningful connection.
How can you tell when your man is lying to you?
It can be challenging to tell when someone is lying, but there are a few key things to look for:
- He’s evasive: If you ask him a direct question and he tries to change the subject or avoid answering, it’s a red flag.
- He gets defensive: If you confront him about a lie and he immediately becomes defensive or angry, it’s another sign that he’s not being truthful.
- He changes his story: If he tells you one version of events and then changes his story later, that’s another indicator that he’s not telling the truth.
- His body language: If he won’t make eye contact, starts fidgeting, or seems nervous when talking to you, it could be a sign that he’s lying.