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It’s easy to see yourself as an isolated being that exists separately from the rest of reality. You look out at the world through your own eyes and think your thoughts. You exist in your own little bubble, going about your life without any connection to the rest of your existence.
But everything in the universe is connected. You are not isolated; you are a part of a vast and infinite whole. And the universe is always sending you messages to help you and encourage you to stay on the right path.
Sometimes these messages are clear, and other times they’re more subtle. But if you open yourself up to the possibility, you’ll start to see that the universe is constantly sending you messages and signs.
What does it mean when the universe sends you signs?
Do you have an intuition or feeling that the universe is trying to send you a message? Perhaps you feel a strong impulse to make a certain change in your life, or you feel unexplained emotions guiding you to an important decision.
The universe wants to help you reach your full potential and live a happy, fulfilling life. It knows your past experiences – your joy and pain – and it can help guide you along the journey of life. When the universe sends you a message, it’s an opportunity to take notice of what’s happening around you and act on it. It’s a chance to reflect on your life and make changes that will lead you to a better future.
The problem for many people is that they don’t know how to interpret the signs they’re receiving. The universe can’t directly communicate with us in words, so it has to find more subtle ways to get our attention and send us messages.
How does the universe speak to you?
The universe has a language of its own – a language of intuition, symbols, and synchronicity. And the good news is, if you’re open to it, this language is easy to learn and can bring enormous clarity to your life.
Here are all the different ways the universe can send you messages:
1. Dreams
Your dreams are one of the clearest ways the universe speaks to you. They are a direct link to your subconscious mind and help you process all the information you take in during the day.
If you pay attention to your dreams, you’ll start to see that they often contain messages from the universe. Stressful dreams and nightmares can give clues about what’s worrying you, and happy dreams can show you what you’re doing right and guide you in the right direction.
Some people can interpret their dreams directly, but for others, it can be helpful to keep a dream journal. Write down your dreams as soon as you wake up, and then reflect on them later during the day.
If you pay attention to your dreams, you’ll start to see patterns and themes emerge. These patterns can be interpreted as messages from the universe telling you what you need to know to make important decisions in your life.
For example, you might dream about making a significant life change, such as quitting your job or moving to a new city. How did the dream make you feel? It could be the universe telling you that it’s time to get out of your comfort zone and make a change.
2. Intuition
Your intuition is the voice of your soul – it’s the part of you that knows what’s right for you, even when your mind doesn’t. When you have a strong feeling or hunch about something, it’s often your intuition trying to guide you.
If you’re trying to make a decision, listen to your intuition and see what feels right. For example, let’s say you meet someone new and you have a feeling that you shouldn’t trust them. This is your intuition trying to protect you from potential harm. Or, let’s say you’re considering making a significant life decision, such as changing your career path. If you strongly feel it’s the right thing to do, it’s probably your intuition speaking to you.
3. Recurring experiences
If you find yourself experiencing the same situation over and over again, it’s a sign that you need to pay attention. The universe is trying to get your attention and show you something important.
For example, let’s say you keep losing your keys. This is a minor annoyance, but it could be the universe telling you to slow down and pay more attention to what’s happening around you. Or, let’s say you keep meeting dishonest and untrustworthy people. This is a sign that you need to be more discerning in your relationships and be careful about who you allow into your life.
4. Repeating number patterns
Do you frequently see the same number patterns, such as 11:11 or 12:34? Perhaps on clocks, in phone numbers, or on license plates?
Some people interpret seeing repeating number patterns as a sign that their guardian angels are watching over them.
Others take a more simple approach and see repeating numbers as a sign that you should pay attention to everything that’s been going on in your life at the time. For example, if you keep seeing 11:11 and you’re considering making a big change, it could be a sign from the universe that it’s the right thing to do.
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5. Emotions
Listening to your emotions is a great way to tune into the universe. If you’re feeling happy and content, it’s a sign that you’re on the right path. But if you’re feeling anxious or stressed, it could be a sign that something needs to change.
For example, let’s say you have a job that you don’t enjoy. You might start to feel anxious or stressed every time you go to work. This is your body’s way of telling you that something isn’t right and you need to make a change.
Another example is if you meet someone new and have an instant connection with them. This could be the universe’s way of telling you that this person is important and you should get to know them better.
6. Repeating songs
When you keep hearing the same song everywhere you go, it could be the universe sending you a message. The song’s lyrics may even contain information you need to know to make an important decision.
Let’s say you keep hearing the song “Don’t Stop Believin'” by Journey. The song lyrics are about following your dreams and never giving up, which could be the universe telling you to stay positive and pursue your dreams.
7. Strange encounters & meetings
The universe often uses other people to send messages. You might randomly meet someone who gives you a clear answer to a problem you’ve been struggling with. Or perhaps you have a chance encounter with someone who gives you an opportunity to change your life in some significant way.
Imagine you’re stuck in your career and don’t know what to do with your life. Then next day, you meet someone who tells you about a job opening that’s perfect for you. Or, let’s say you’re considering making a major life change, but you’re afraid to take the leap. When you need it most, you have a conversation with someone who tells you their own story of making a similar change and how it turned out well for them.
Even receiving words of encouragement and support from many different people can be the universe’s way of telling you that you’re on the right track.
8. Disappointment and setbacks
Disappointments and setbacks are never fun, but they can also contain messages from the universe letting you know that you’re not on the right path.
It’s the universe’s way of preventing you from making a mistake or going down a path that wouldn’t lead to your ultimate happiness.
Let’s say you’ve started your own business, but you keep failing and running into roadblocks. The universe won’t ever tell you to give up your dreams, but it will give you a sign to take a step back, reassess, and make changes that will provide you with a better chance of success.
It’s important to remember that the universe always has your best interests at heart. So even though it might not be obvious initially, there’s always a message behind every disappointment and setback.
9. A sense of calm and peace
When you’re at peace with yourself and the world around you, it’s a sign that you’re on the right path. Everything is aligned, and you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing.
If you’re lucky enough to experience this feeling, savor it and enjoy it. It won’t last forever, but it’s a beautiful moment to cherish.
10. Mindful practice
Meditation and mindfulness can amplify the messages you receive from the universe. When you clear your mind and focus on the present moment, you become more attuned to the subtle signs and signals around you. All the noise and chaos of the world fades away, and you can focus on what’s really important.
Mindful practice is also the best way to convince yourself that everything in the universe is connected. Skilled practitioners can reach a stage where they realize that their individuality and free will is just an illusion.
This doesn’t mean that you should give up your sense of self. But it’s helpful to realize that we’re all connected and interdependent on each other. This understanding can help you feel more compassion for others and make better decisions in your own life.
11. Things randomly fall into place
Athletes and musicians often refer to the phenomenon of “being in the zone” or “in the flow.” This is when they’re performing at their highest level, and everything just seems to come together perfectly. It’s as if the universe is conspiring to help them succeed. And in a way, it is.
When you’re in alignment with your true purpose, the universe will help you out. You’ll find that things just start falling into place and working out in your favor.
It’s not just athletes and musicians who experience this. Anyone following their dreams and doing what they love will find that the universe is always there to lend a helping hand.
12. Repeating thoughts
If you find yourself thinking about the same thing over and over again, it’s a sign that you need to pay attention.
It could be a song lyric stuck in your head, a certain image popping up, or even a person’s name that you keep hearing. These are all messages from the universe trying to get your attention.
It’s important to take notice of these thoughts and patterns because they could be pointing you in the right direction. They might be giving you a glimpse into your future or clues about something that’s going to happen.
13. Receiving the same advice
It might seem obvious that you should pay attention when you keep getting the same advice, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a useful message from the universe.
It might be something as simple as taking a different route to work or trying out a new activity. Or it could be something more significant like changing careers or removing a toxic relationship from your life.
14. Not practicing what you preach
Have you ever caught yourself saying one thing but doing the opposite? Maybe you’re happy to tell people to eat more healthily, but you still eat junk food every day. Or perhaps you tell people to follow their dreams but are too afraid to take risks yourself.
This is a clear sign that you’re not living in alignment with your true self, and you should take your own advice.
15. Finding long-lost objects
Have you ever had something you lost months ago suddenly turn out of nowhere? This is another sign that the universe is trying to send you a message.
It’s not just about finding a lost pair of socks or your keys. It could be something more significant, like an old journal full of your deepest thoughts and feelings.
These objects usually turn up when you need them the most, and they might contain information or memories you need to help you through a tough time.
16. Achieving success against the odds
If you achieve success when everything is stacked against you, it’s a sign that you’re on the right track.
You might have started your business with no money or experience. Or maybe you’ve been told your entire life that you’re not good enough, but you’ve managed to overcome these obstacles and achieve success anyway.
This is a clear message from the universe that you’re doing what you’re supposed to be doing. You have the strength and determination to achieve your goals, no matter how difficult they seem.
17. Nature
Many people believe that animals, plants, and other elements of nature can act as messengers from the universe.
For example, seeing a bird or animal that you’ve never seen before could have a special meaning for you. Alternatively, if you keep seeing the same animal over and over again, it could be a sign that you need to pay attention to what’s going on in your life.
If you find yourself drawn to a particular plant or flower, it could be a sign that you need to incorporate the qualities of that plant into your life. For example, if you’re attracted to a rose, it could signify that you need more love in your life.
How do you decode messages from the universe?

So far, we’ve looked at all the different ways the universe sends messages, but how can you decode them and figure out what the universe is trying to tell you?
The honest answer is that you won’t always be able to, but there are things you can do to make it much easier.
1. Open yourself to hearing from the universe
The starting point for decoding messages from the universe is to be open to hearing them in the first place. This means raising your awareness and being more mindful of your thoughts, feelings, and actions. It also means being more open to trying new things and following your intuition.
The most important thing to remember is that the universe is trying to help you. It wants you to be happy and fulfilled, so it will always send you messages that are in your best interests.
If you believe you’re seeing a message from the universe, think about all the questions and worries you have in your life. The message you receive will usually be related to one of these things.
2. Pay close attention to your surroundings
As you move through life, pay close attention to the things that happen around you. These events might seem random and meaningless at first, but they could actually be messages from the universe. For example, it may not be a coincidence if you’ve been thinking about a specific person and suddenly see them somewhere.
Paying attention can be hard, especially when life gets so busy and stressful. This is why meditation and mindful practice can be so helpful to help to quiet your mind and make it easier to focus on the present moment.
3. Look for synchronicity
Synchronicity describes two or more events that seem to be related, but there’s no logical explanation for the connection. For example, you might be thinking about someone, and then they call you out of the blue. Or you might dream about something and then see it happen in real life the next day.
Many of the examples in this article are forms of synchronicity. What’s important to remember is that synchronicities are usually much more than just coincidence. They’re often messages from the universe that you need to pay attention to.
The best way to decode a message from synchronicity is to think about what you were doing or thinking about before it happened. There’s usually a connection between the two events.
4. Be mindful of your emotions
You have limited control over your emotions, so the universe can use them to send you messages. For example, if you’re feeling anxious or stressed about something, it could be a sign that you need to make a change in your life.
Your emotions act as a guidance system. If you’re considering doing something and you feel really good about it, it’s probably a good idea. Alternatively, if you have a bad feeling about something, it’s probably best to avoid it.
5. Keep a journal
Keeping a journal will help you track any patterns or symbols that keep appearing in your life and help you decode messages from the universe.
Whenever you see something repetitive or out of the ordinary, make a note of it in your journal. Then, when you have some time, sit down and try to figure out what the universe might be trying to tell you. You might find it helpful to meditate on the symbol or message before trying to decode it to help clear your mind and allow your intuition to guide you.
6. Don’t overthink it
Even though the universe is amazingly complex, the messages it sends you are usually quite simple. They’re often just a nudge in the right direction, so don’t overthink them.
If you’re unsure what a message from the universe means, trust your gut. Go with your first instinct and see where it leads you. The worst that can happen is that you end up somewhere you didn’t expect. But who knows, it might just be exactly what you need.
If the universe really needs you to know something, trust that it will find a way to get the message through to you loud and clear.
Final thoughts
The universe is always trying to communicate with us, but it can be hard to read the signs. By opening yourself up to the possibility of receiving messages and paying attention to the things that happen around you, you can start to decode the universe’s language.
Trust your intuition, be mindful of your emotions, and know that the universe always wants the very best for you.