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A breakup is a devastating experience to go through. No matter how bad things are in your relationship, it’s hard to imagine life without your significant other. The thought of never being able to see or talk to them again is enough to drive anyone crazy.
If you’re currently going through a breakup, you may feel desperate and wonder if there’s anything you can do to get your ex back. You may have seen ads or articles online about the “Ex Factor Guide” and wonder if it’s a scam or if it really works.
In this article, I’ll take a detailed look at the Ex Factor Guide and whether or not it can help you get your ex back. I’ll show how the program works, take an honest look at the pros and cons, and discuss who will benefit from it and who should avoid it.
What is The Ex Factor Guide?
The Ex Factor Guide is a relationship program created by Brad Browning, a certified relationship coach and best-selling author from Vancouver. The program is designed to help you get back your ex by teaching you psychological techniques you can use on your ex to make them want you again.
All the techniques use various forms of emotional manipulation to make your ex realize what a mistake they’ve made by breaking up with you. This may sound a bit unethical, but there’s nothing in the program that isn’t used in advertising, sales, and politics every single day. However, if you’re not willing to use these techniques, then the Ex Factor Guide isn’t for you.
There are separate versions for men and women. For this review, I only had access to the women’s version, but the content presented in each is pretty much identical.
The main guide is 160 pages long and split into 12 main chapters (plus an introduction). Each chapter covers a different topic and gives you specific advice and strategies for getting your ex back. For example, there are chapters on what to do if your ex calls, what to do if they don’t call, and how to seduce them all over again. You also get an audio version of the main e-book and a bunch of bonus content, including a three-part video series and three bonus e-books.
It’s important to note that there’s no physical version of the book available. Everything is online, and you get instant access to all the content. The format is PDF to easily read and watch everything on your phone, tablet, or Kindle.
How does The Ex Factor Guide really work?
The goal of the Ex Factor Guide is to teach you psychological techniques to make your ex want you back. These are the same techniques that advertisers and salespeople use to influence people’s emotions and actions.
Brad Browning even admits in his video introduction that his methods aren’t revolutionary, and I consider that a good thing because it means they are proven to be effective. They’ve been used successfully by others in the past, and there’s no reason to believe they won’t work for you as well.
The techniques you’ll learn are all designed to make your ex realize what a huge mistake they’ve made. For example, you’ll learn how to condition your ex’s emotions, so they are infused with sexual thoughts and positive feelings every time they think about you. You’ll also make them realize how much you’ve changed and create an aura of mystery around yourself that will make them want to contact you and get to know the “new you.”
Even better, Brad claims that the program can also help you undo any additional damage you did to your relationship after you broke up. For example, if you made any of the common mistakes that push people away, such as pleading or being needy, The Ex Factor Guide can help you fix that damage.
In order to make this happen, the program is designed to be used over a period of several weeks. You’ll start by implementing some of the techniques and then gradually increase the intensity over time.
One important thing to note is that the Ex Factor Guide is not some “magic bullet” that will automatically make your ex want you back. The guide itself is just a set of instructions, and it’s up to you to follow the instructions and put in the work required to make it happen. In other words, if you’re not willing to put in the effort, then this program is not for you.
What will you learn?
Here are a few of the specific tools and techniques covered in The Ex Factor Guide:
- A 4 sentence ‘clean slate’ email to send your partner that will undo any further damage you’ve done to the relationship since your partner left you.
- A series of sentences you can memorize that will give you the perfect thing to say to your ex in any situation, so you’re never caught off guard.
- How to use ‘covert jealousy’ to make your ex jealous of you (without it backfiring).
- Text messages you can send your ex to let them know how you feel without sounding clingy or needy.
- What to do when your ex contacts you (or doesn’t contact you).
- How to never say sorry to your ex even if you’re wrong.
- How to stop your ex from fantasizing about other women.
- How to create a new sense of mystery around yourself so your ex needs to make contact with you.
- How to use your ex’s friends in the fight to win them back (without your ex even realizing).
- How to use the primal drives humans have for commitment to your advantage.

Overview of the chapters in the book
The Ex Factor Guide e-book is broken down into the following chapters:
- Introduction
- Attractive Characteristics
- Unattractive Characteristics
- Panic and Acceptance
- Start With “No Contact”
- Start Dating Other Me
- What If He Contacts You?
- What If He Doesn’t Contact You?
- The “Date”
- Seduce Him All Over Again
- Sex!
- Preventing Breakup
- Desperation Tactics
The No Contact Rule in chapter 5 is a vital part of the program. It says that you should not contact your ex for at least 30 days after the breakup. This may sound counterintuitive, but it’s actually a very effective way to make your ex miss you and want you back.
The No Contact Rule is based on the psychological concept of loss aversion, which is the idea that people are more motivated by the fear of losing something than they are of gaining something. The No Contact Rule takes advantage of this psychological principle by making your ex think they are about to lose you forever. When you go completely silent and stop all communication, it makes your ex wonder what you’re up to and whether or not you’ve moved on. Combined with the sense of mystery and allure you’ve surrounded yourself with, this creates a sense of loss and encourages them to take action to get you back.
The guide also contains a list of attractive and unattractive characteristics that you can use to assess yourself. By working on your unattractive traits and improving them during the non contact period, you will make yourself more attractive to your ex and increase your chances of getting them back. This is all part of the process of making yourself into a high-value mate that your ex cannot afford to lose.
The Ex Factor Guide also contains instructions on how to conduct covert missions to make your ex jealous. You’ll use their friends to your advantage and make them think you’re dating other people, even if you’re not. This will create a sense of loss and encourage your ex to take action to get you back.
Once the strict 30 days of no contact are up, you can launch into the rest of the program and start to see your ex’s attitude towards you change. The guide contains a detailed plan for what to do on your first date with your ex, how to seduce them all over again, and how to prevent a breakup from happening in the future.
For example, you’ll initiate “dates” with your ex where you do something fun together without any relationship pressure. This is a great way to re-establish rapport and create positive memories together.
While you’re rebuilding your ex’s attraction, Brad also advises a strict no-sex policy until you’re officially back together. This is for your emotional well-being and ensures your ex doesn’t think they can use you for casual sex.
Who is Brad Browning?

Brad Browning is a marriage counselor and relationship coach from Vancouver. He’s been helping couples save their relationships for over a decade.
He is the best-selling author of several popular books on relationships, including The Ex Factor Guide. You might also have heard of him in relation to his other highly successful relationship program, Mend The Marriage, which has helped thousands of couples avoid divorce. In fact, he’s so passionate about helping couples avoid divorce he’s been labeled ‘The Divorce Geek.’
Brad has been featured on numerous television shows and radio programs and hosts a popular YouTube channel, where he gives relationship advice to over 500,000 subscribers.
Who will The Ex Factor Guide work for?
The program is designed for people who have recently gone through a breakup and still have feelings for their ex. It’s not meant for people who have been divorced or out of a relationship for years. If you’re in that situation, then this program is not going to be helpful.
The program will work best for people who really understand why their relationship failed and feel that it’s worth saving. If you know that things can be better if you get back together, then you won’t feel guilty about using all the psychological tricks in the program.
Even though Brad gives some advice on how to prevent future breakups, I’m not sure it will help fix the underlying problems in your relationship. It’s going to be up to you to look at the reasons you broke up and change things for the better.
The Ex Factor Guide will also work best if your ex is still single. If they’ve moved on and are in a new relationship, getting them back will be much harder.

Who should avoid it?
The goal of the Ex Factor Guide isn’t to help you understand why your relationship failed. Even though it has great advice on how to make yourself more attractive and become a high-value mate, it can’t really address the underlying issues in your relationship.
You should also avoid the program if you have any doubts about whether you should get back together with your ex. It’s not a quick fix, and you’ll never be able to be disciplined and dedicated enough to put in the work if you’re not fully committed.
The program also uses some slightly manipulative psychological techniques to make your ex want you back. If you’re not comfortable using these tactics, then this program is definitely not for you.
Finally, the Ex Factor Guide also requires a lot of patience and self-control. If you’re the type of person who wants everything to happen immediately, you’ll quickly become frustrated.
The Pros
1. Easy to read
All the content is exceptionally well written, easy to understand, and is divided into logical, goal-oriented chapters that you can tackle at your own pace. Brad also has an honest, straightforward style that I appreciated.
2. Actionable advice
Brad doesn’t just tell you what you need to do; he tells you how to do it. The book is full of actionable advice that you can start using right away to get your ex back.
3. Based on real-world experience
Throughout the book, Brad draws on his ten years of experience as a dating coach and includes lots of real-world examples of the techniques he’s recommending. This makes the program much more relatable and easier to follow.
4. Instantly available with a money-back guarantee
The program is available as an instantly downloadable eBook and video series. Even better, there’s a 60-day money-back guarantee, so you can try it out with no risk.
5. Free audiobook version
In addition to the eBook and video series, you also get a free 5-hour audiobook version. This is great if you prefer to listen to books or if you want to save time by listening while doing other things. The audiobook is well narrated and easy to follow.
6. Based on proven psychology
Brad Browning has developed The Ex Factor Guide around solid psychological research. Even though it’s pretty basic stuff at its core, it’s still sound advice that has been proven to work, and you know all the techniques will have a good chance of working if you put in the effort.
7. Goal-oriented
As I’ve already said, The Ex Factor Guide is single-minded in its mission to get back your ex. It’s filled with practical techniques and tips, and you always know exactly what you need to do next to achieve your goal.
The Cons
1. No physical version is available
The Ex Factor Guide is only available as an eBook, so if you’re the sort of person who prefers old-school paper books, then you’ll be disappointed.
2. Can feel manipulative
The whole point of the program is to use psychological tactics to win back your ex. Some people might find this approach a bit manipulative, but it comes down to personal preference. There’s no doubt that the techniques have a good chance of working, so I would guess a lot of people are willing to look past this to have a chance at getting back their ex.
3. No refunds after 60 days
The 60-day refund policy is great, but it would be even better if there was a longer window. I know from personal experience that getting over a break up and deciding whether to try again can sometimes take longer than two months.
4. It won’t work if your ex has moved on
If your ex has already moved on and is in a new relationship, then this program is not for you. Brad makes it clear from the start that his techniques will only work if your ex is single or at least open to the idea of getting back together.
How much does it cost?
The Ex Factor Guide costs $49.95.
For your money, you get:
- The main e-book.
- An audio version of the main e-book.
- A 3 part video series that covers specific topics in more detail.
- 3 bonus e-books that cover sex appeal, sexual attraction, and personal fitness.
Even though you get a lot of bonus content, $49.95 still isn’t cheap. However, Brad offers a 60-day money-back guarantee on the program so you can try it and get a full refund if it doesn’t work for you.
Is the Ex Factor Guide legit?
If you’re serious about getting your ex back, then the Ex Factor Guide is definitely worth considering. It’s packed with useful information, and it’s one of the few programs that comes with a full money-back guarantee.
The most important thing to understand is that the Ex Factor Guide isn’t a magic solution. If you want to get your ex back, you’ll need to put in the hard work and effort. But if you’re willing to do that, this program will give you the best chance of success.
You also have to be prepared to use some psychological techniques that some people might find manipulative. It’s nothing salespeople or pick-up artists don’t already do, but some people might not be comfortable with it.