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Nothing feels worse than thinking the woman you love doesn’t love you back. But before you get too worried, you need to make sure you’re not just being paranoid. Read on to learn all the signs she doesn’t love you anymore.
1. She seems distracted and bored
One of the most common signs she doesn’t love you anymore is that she seems bored with you and your relationship.
This can be a sign of boredom in general, but it’s also one of the more obvious signs that she isn’t into you like she used to be.
When a girl truly cares about you, she’ll be excited and happy about spending time with you. She’ll want to talk all night or cuddle on the couch for hours just because being around you makes her happy.
But if she’d rather be scrolling through her social media feeds than interacting with you, then you might have a problem. Or maybe she gives you one-word answers and barely seems to listen to what you’re saying.
Notice whether it’s just you that she’s acting this way around or if she’s like that with everyone. If you notice it only seems to happen when you’re together, then there might be something going on between the two of you that needs to change.
Ask her what’s going on and why she’s so distracted all the time. If she’s stressed or overwhelmed in her life, she might not know how to tell you.
Or if it turns out that nothing is wrong and she doesn’t care about spending time with you anymore, then at least you’ll have your answer.
2. She’s constantly critical & highlights your flaws
If she loves you, she’ll be willing to overlook your flaws and won’t even think of them as problems. She’ll see your flaws as being part of what makes you unique and special.
But if she starts pointing out all the things that are wrong with you and constantly criticizes you, then it might be a clue that she doesn’t love you anymore.
She might also start to criticize your friends or your family. She’ll feel free to tell you all the things that annoy her about them she’s been keeping bottled up inside for your entire relationship.
3. You can’t turn her on anymore
It’s important to note that everyone goes through phases in their life where they’re more or less interested in sex. So just because she’s not responsive to your moves, it doesn’t necessarily mean she doesn’t love you anymore.
Sexual desire also tends to decrease due to age or stress. If your relationship is built on solid foundations, most couples can weather this storm with no problem. Being with each other still feels special and romantic, even if you’re not having a lot of actual sex.
Don’t read too much into a single incident. Ask yourself how long her lack of sexual interest has been going on. If it seems like things were fine up until recently, what was said or done that caused her to change?
One thing to look out for is if you’ve been fighting a lot lately, and she’s withholding sex as a form of punishment. If your relationship has turned toxic in this way, then it’s much more likely that she’s losing her love for you.
4. She flirts with other guys
Have you noticed her flirting with other guys? If she does this in front of you, it might signify that her feelings toward you have changed.
Keep in mind that some girls are super touchy-feely with everyone they meet. But it feels like she’s crossing a line, then it might be time to worry.
She might be flirting with other guys to make you jealous and angry intentionally. When you (understandably) get upset and mad at her, it will help justify her feelings that she doesn’t like you anymore.
Flirting is also a way for her to get your attention and show you that she’s not happy in your relationship. It’s like a cry for help and a way to quickly bring all the issues to a head.
5. She doesn’t make time for you
We all live busy lives, but if she loves you, she’ll make you a priority in her life. She’ll be happy to move her schedule around and create opportunities to spend as much time with you as possible.
But if she doesn’t make any effort to see you and she’s constantly canceling plans, there might be something going on.
One possibility is that she thinks spending less time with you will help create more distance between you. This will make her feel less guilty and allow her to move on more quickly when she finally breaks up with you.
If this isn’t the case, you might have to consider that she’s just emotionally checked out of the relationship. She can’t be bothered making an effort to spend time with you anymore.
6. She’s not affectionate with you anymore
Showing affection to your partner is one of the most important signs of a healthy and happy relationship.
Affection doesn’t necessarily mean sex (although it certainly can). It’s about all the little things we do for each other to show love and care.
Some people don’t easily show affection, so you’re looking for a change in her behavior to signal something is wrong. If she suddenly doesn’t want to cuddle with you on the couch or kiss you goodbye anymore, you have a reason to worry.
She might also avoid touching your hand while talking, pull away from hugging you and stop holding hands during dates. If this is frequently happening and seems deliberate (as opposed to her just not being affectionate by nature), there could be problems in your relationship.
Avoiding physical contact might also happen if she’s been cheating on you. The guilt she feels makes her feel dirty when she touches you.
How to make any woman want you

In a recent study, women were shown pictures of men and asked to rate their attractiveness on a scale of 1 to 10.
But the researchers did something sneaky: they included multiple pictures of the same men standing and sitting in different positions with slightly different facial expressions.
Amazingly, women rated the same man very differently based on how he held himself. One way of standing would get him a rating of 5 or 6, and a minor adjustment would get him scores of 8 or 9.
How is this possible?
In ancient times, before spoken language existed, men had to seduce women without saying a single word. Body language was a man’s only tool to turn a woman on and convince him to sleep with her. As a result, the sexual part of a woman’s brain is much more responsive to the signals your body is giving off than to anything you say.
Relationship coach Kate Spring can show you how to use these body language signals to tap into any woman’s primal, biological desires and make her attracted to you.
These psychological body language techniques are so powerful that they bypass the logical part of a woman’s brain and compel her to think sexual thoughts about you. It doesn’t matter if she already has a boyfriend or has put you in the friend zone. She might even hate you, and she still won’t be able to resist.
And the best part is that these female mind hacks work for any guy. It doesn’t matter how attractive, wealthy, or confident you are talking to girls.
It sounds like a big claim, but Kate Spring is the real deal. She’s developed her methods using Harvard research and scientifically-validated psychological techniques.
Check out Kate’s free video presentation here.
You’ll be amazed at how differently women treat you and see you once you unlock the secret to body language attraction.
7. She avoids talking about the future
If you’re in love with someone, it’s natural to find yourself talking about your future together. Dreaming about the things you’ll do together and the places you’ll go to is exciting and romantic.
Maybe you had big plans for the future, like getting married and having kids. Or perhaps you were planning an exciting trip together next summer.
If she used to love this sort of talk but now actively avoids it, there might be something wrong. She might be avoiding talking about the future because she doesn’t see one with you.
Another sign to look out for is how she talks about you as a couple. If she’s fully into you, she’s much more likely to use phrases like “we” and “us” instead of “I,” “me,” and “my.”
8. She’s not communicating with you
If open communication has started to break down in your relationship, it might be a sign that she doesn’t love you anymore.
When things are going well in your relationship, talking to each other feels effortless. But when things aren’t so great, couples need to be open and honest with each other and have challenging conversations calmly and respectfully.
She’s not happy if she’s hiding from these conversations instead of dealing with them directly like she used to. It’s a sign she’s shutting you out and stopped putting in the effort to keep your relationship vibrant and healthy.
9. She seems emotionally distant
If she used to be very expressive and affectionate, but now she feels emotionally closed off and cold, it might be a sign of unhappiness.
Maybe she loved to come home to a big hug from you, but lately, she’s been rolling her eyes and walking away. Or perhaps she always told you about all the little things that happened to her during the day, and now she gives you one-word answers.
Her emotional distance might be a way for her to punish herself. She feels guilty accepting your emotional support and affection because it reminds her of how happy she used to feel with you. Or it might simply signal that she doesn’t feel as passionate about your relationship anymore or have any desire to connect with you on a deep emotional level.
10. She spends more time with her girlfriends
Most of us wish we had more time to spend with our friends, but everyone is so busy these days it’s often hard to make plans. But if she’d always rather be with them than you, it’s a good sign she doesn’t love you anymore.
Spending extra time with her friends is a way for her to experiment with single life. She’s almost testing the water to see if she finds it exciting and has a small taste of what life could be like without you in her life all the time.
She might also be feeling very guilty about falling out of love with you. Spending time with her girlfriends is another way to create distance between you to make it easier for her to break up with you.
11. She ignores your texts
If she always used to answer your texts within a few minutes but now ignores them for hours at a time, it’s another bad sign. It makes you feel ignored and unimportant, which is a terrible feeling for anyone to deal with.
She might also start responding with single-word answers and drop all the cute emojis she used to use. In some ways, this can feel worse than not responding at all.
Most women love the idea of getting a text or a call from their man and will reply as soon as they can. They love being able to talk about the things that are going on in their lives and yours.
Even if the text is about nothing important, checking in with each other via text helps strengthen your emotional connection.
When she ignores your texts, it might also be a sign of guilt or anxiety, especially if she can tell you’re worried about the future of your relationship. She doesn’t want to hurt you, and she’s struggling to find the right words.
Related post: How to tell if a girl likes you over text: 21 signs
12. Her appearance has changed
If she stops making any effort with her appearance, it can be a sign that she doesn’t care about your opinion of her anymore. This is easy to notice if she always used to take pride in her appearance and wanted to look her best for you.
However, there are also reasons she might start making an extra effort with the way she looks.
She might be going through a process of self-discovery and experimenting with what it feels like to be single again. She’s anticipating a time when she’ll be dating, and she’s trying out different styles and looks to find what makes her feel good.
Even more concerning is the possibility that she’s been cheating on you, and she’s trying to look good for someone else.
13. She’s trying new things (without you)
Is she trying new things all of a sudden? Did she join a gym, start going to yoga or take up painting classes without you?
It’s normal for anyone to try out different hobbies and activities to find something they enjoy. However, if she’s not trying out new things because it excites her, then there might be another reason.
She might be trying to make herself forget about your relationship problems by throwing herself into something else – anything that will take up all of her time and energy, so she doesn’t have any left for you or the relationship.
New hobbies can also be a sign that she’s cheating on you. She might be trying to impress her new guy by doing things she knows he’ll love and find attractive.
14. She asks for more alone time
Has she been asking for more alone time lately? Is she requesting to spend some nights apart to have space and get herself together after a long week of work or school?
She might be trying to find space for you both to grow apart naturally, without hurting each other’s feelings or making an official break-up even messier.
She doesn’t want the drama of breaking up with you, and she wants to avoid your arguments about why it’s not working between the two of you anymore. Or maybe she’s using the excuse of needing more “me-time” to hide the fact that she’s cheating on you.