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If you like a guy, you want to know if he likes you back before investing too much time in him. Here are 25 signs that a guy doesn’t like you so that you can save yourself from heartache.
1. He doesn’t make time for you
If he doesn’t like you, he won’t make any effort to spend time with you. He’ll always have an excuse like he’s too busy with school, work, or other commitments. I get it – everyone gets busy sometimes, but if he was interested, he could find a way to make it work. He could plan to see you further in advance, chat with you more over text, or adjust his schedule to fit you in.
2. He’s not affectionate with you
If he shows no interest in touching you and never gives you any affection, it’s a red flag that he doesn’t have romantic feelings for you. If a guy likes you, he’ll find any excuse to touch you. Let’s be honest – getting his hands on your body is basically the only thing on his mind, and he won’t be too subtle about it. Here are some flirty touches to look out for:
- Playing with your hair or touching your face.
- Grabbing you by the waist when he walks past you in a crowded room.
- Hugging you for no reason at all.
- Putting his hand on your arm or hand when you’re talking, especially when you say something funny or make him laugh.
- Putting his hand on your lower back when he guides you through a door.
3. He’s not interested in your life
When a guy doesn’t like you, he won’t show any genuine interest in getting to know more about you. When you tell him about something that matters to you, he won’t ask follow-up questions or even pretend to be engaged in what you’re saying. All you get is a generic or one-word reply before he changes the subject and moves on to something he cares about. And if you ask for his opinion or advice? Forget it. He doesn’t care enough to spend time helping you.
4. He doesn’t respond when you flirt
Playful flirting is a great way to test the waters and see if he likes you. Flirting with a guy sends subtle signals that you find him attractive and lets him know it’s safe to flirt back. There are lots of different (and fun) ways to flirt with a guy, such as compliments, teasing, or touching. Does he respond positively when you flirt? If he doesn’t, it’s a clear signal that he’s uninterested. However, keep in mind that some guys are shy and might not be able to express themselves in a flirty way.
5. He talks about other women
Does he blatantly talk about other girls he likes in front of you or call it out when he sees someone attractive? There’s a chance he’s just trying to make you jealous, but it’s more likely that he only sees you as a friend. If he wanted to be with you, he would do everything to reassure you that he’s only interested in you.
6. Your conversations are superficial
Small talk is fine when you first meet, but before long, you want to talk about deeper, more meaningful topics. If a guy never goes beyond the surface level, it shows he’s not interested in learning what makes you tick. A guy who likes you will ask deep questions about your hopes, dreams, and aspirations and be genuinely engaged in the conversation. And just as importantly, he’ll return the favor and help you get to know him on the same level.
7. His texts are dry and dull
You can tell a lot about how a guy feels by the type of texts he sends you. His messages will be dry, short and dull, and he won’t make any effort to be funny or engaging. Even worse – he might decide that you’re not worthy of replying at all. On the other hand, an interested guy will respond quickly and keep the conversation going for hours. He’ll use lots of emojis, flirt, give you compliments, and ask you lots of detailed questions.
8. He never takes the initiative
If you have to initiate every conversation or text him first, it could be a sign that he’s not interested. Even if he’s painfully shy and scared to make the first move, how hard is it to text a “hey, how are you?”
9. He avoids eye contact
Eye contact is an important indicator of interest and attraction. After all, we all like staring at things we want – whether a car, a piece of art or a person! If a guy doesn’t look you in the eye when you’re talking, it might be a sign he doesn’t like you. He might be bored with your conversation or deliberately signaling that he’s not interested.
Keep in mind that some people have a lot of trouble making eye contact. It’s a very powerful and intimate act and can be intimidating for someone who feels nervous or shy.
The secret weapon to make him obsessed with you

All men feel a powerful urge to compete. It comes from ancient times when every day was a fight for survival to protect their tribe and provide for their families.
The stakes are much lower today, but the competitive urge remains deeply rooted in male biology. Instead of fighting saber-toothed tigers, men channel their competitive energy into work, fitness, acquiring wealth, or earning the respect of their peers.
Imagine if you could harness all this competitive energy and make a man obsessed with winning your love.
You can. And all you need to do is trigger a biological switch inside him that will make him see you as the ultimate prize.
Relationship psychologist James Bauer calls this switch the “hero instinct,” and it explains why some women have men falling all over them while others struggle to find lasting love.
Triggering a man’s hero instinct taps into his competitive spirit and makes him see your relationship as an opportunity to prove himself as a man. Making you happy gives him purpose and a “game” to win.
Instead of you chasing him, he will jump through hoops to impress you and win your approval. In a matter of days, he’ll become more protective, committed, and attracted to you than you ever dreamed possible.
And the best part is that you can do all this without playing hard to get or acting like a damsel in distress.
This free video presentation from James Bauer will show you exactly what to say, what texts to send, and what to ask your man to trigger his hero instinct and make him utterly obsessed with you.
It sounds almost too good to be true, but it’s the real deal. James’ techniques use simple yet powerful psychology to help you tap into the deepest desires that all men feel.
10. He doesn’t support you
If a guy likes you, he’ll be supportive and encouraging. He’ll take an interest in your goals and dreams and cheer you on every step of the way. When you get a win, it will feel like a win for him too! But if he doesn’t like you, he won’t be interested in celebrating your success. Even worse, he might try to bring you down or make you feel bad about your accomplishments.
11. He never compliments you
Compliments are an easy way for a guy to let you know that he finds you attractive. However, not all compliments are created equal. Any guy can give you a bland, generic compliment – you probably get them all the time. “You look nice today” is a perfect example. These types of compliments are totally boring and show a lack of effort. But if he’s truly interested, he’ll go out of his way to give you unique compliments that are meaningful and personal. He’ll notice little details about you, like your laugh or the way you move, and let you know how much he appreciates them.
12. His body language is closed
You can tell a lot about how he feels about you by studying his posture and body language. Closed body language, like crossed arms and a stiff posture, is a sign he’s not interested in you. It’s a subconscious defense mechanism designed to protect himself from physical and emotional connection. On the other hand, open body language, like leaning in and uncrossed arms, are signs that he’s comfortable around you and interested in getting to know you better.
13. He doesn’t take your side in arguments
If you’re arguing with someone else, a guy who likes you will take your side. He’ll defend you and make sure you feel supported. But if he doesn’t like you, he won’t bother trying to help out. In fact, he might even take the opportunity to join in and side with the other person against you.
14. He never gets jealous
If a guy is truly interested in you, he’ll likely feel a little jealous when he sees you talking to another guy or hears about your hot date last night. Even though jealousy can be a destructive emotion, in small doses, it’s actually a good sign. It indicates possessiveness – a telltale sign that he sees you as his and wants to protect you. But if you find it impossible to make him jealous, it could mean that he just doesn’t care.
15. His smile seems forced
The easiest way you can tell whether his smile is forced is by looking at his eyes. If his smile appears to reach his eyes and create wrinkles in the corner of his eyes, it means his smile is genuine. This is known as a Duchenne smile, and it’s how your face naturally reacts when you feel genuine happiness.
But if his smile feels plastered onto his face and doesn’t go beyond his mouth, it’s a sure sign that he’s faking it. This kind of smile is often used when someone is uncomfortable or trying to hide how they really feel. It could be a sign that he doesn’t like you, so watch for this reaction the next time you talk to him.
16. He doesn’t share any details of his life
If a guy is interested in you, he’ll make an effort to get to know you better. But just as importantly, he’ll open up and share details about his life – like his upbringing, hopes, fears, and plans for the future. However, if he doesn’t like you, he won’t bother with the back-and-forth. Instead of getting to know you better, he’ll keep things superficial and avoid giving away too much about himself.
17. He’d rather hang out with his friends
If he’d always rather spend time hanging out with his friends, he obviously doesn’t like you. Look, I get that guys need to spend time with their friends, and I’m not suggesting he should always pick you over them. But if he’s constantly blowing you off when one of his friends calls, you’re clearly just his backup plan for when there’s nothing more fun going on.
18. He doesn’t remember things you’ve told him
A guy will develop superhuman powers of memory when he likes you. He’ll remember the smallest details of things you told him months ago – how you like your coffee, how many brothers you have, and even how old they all are!
Why? Because he’s focused and paying careful attention to everything you say. He wants to learn as much as he can about you to get to know you better. On the other hand, if he’s not listening or paying attention to what you have to say, it’s a sign he doesn’t like you. He doesn’t remember what you tell him because he doesn’t care enough to make an effort to remember.
19. He doesn’t support you
How does he react if he sees you’re upset or having a difficult time? Is he there for you to provide emotional support or at least lend you a friendly, sympathetic ear?
If he makes excuses to be anywhere else when things get challenging, then it’s a good sign that he doesn’t like you. After all, one of the most important aspects of any relationship is being there for your partner during the good and bad times. It’s good that you learned this lesson early so you can kick him to the curb. You deserve someone who wants to be there for you no matter how tough the situation.
20. He doesn’t dress up for you
There’s no problem with having a casual style and wearing what you feel comfortable in. If he’s a sweatpants and t-shirt kind of guy, there’s no judgment here. But does he ever make an effort to dress up and impress you? A guy who likes you would surely make some occasions a little more special by taking the time to look his best.

21. His conversations are always about himself
Does he ever ask you about your life or take a genuine interest in what you have to say? Or does he monopolize the conversations, making them all about himself and his interests? A guy who likes you will want to learn more about you – because getting to know your inner world is an important part of falling for someone. But if he only talks about himself and doesn’t bother to ask questions, it shows he’s not interested in getting to know you better.
22. He never asks you on an actual date
At some point, a guy who likes you will have to take things to the next level and ask you out on a real date. If it never happens, you might have to accept that he just doesn’t like you in that way.
However, there are three good reasons why he might not ask you out. He’s too shy, he knows you’re serious about someone else, or he thinks you don’t like him back.
23. You can’t make him laugh
Even if he doesn’t think your jokes are funny, if a guy likes you, it will still be easy to make him laugh. The fact that you’re around will fill him with joy, and he won’t be able to help himself. But if it’s impossible to get a chuckle out of him, then it could be a sign he doesn’t like you as much as you thought.
Why doesn’t he like you?
1. He doesn’t click with your personality
At the end of the day, we can’t get along with everyone in this world. Maybe there’s just something about your personality that doesn’t gel with his, and he’s not willing to put in the work to figure out how to get along.
It certainly doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you or your personality. It’s just not for him, and that’s okay. There are plenty of guys who would love to know you and find out how amazing you are. So why waste your time on someone who will never be your number-one fan?
2. He doesn’t find you physically attractive
If you don’t do it for him in the looks department, then there’s not much you can do about it. It never feels good to be rejected based on looks, but try not to take it too personally. I guarantee there are heaps of other guys out there who will find you attractive – so don’t let one opinion ruin your self-esteem.
3. He doesn’t share your values
If his values are completely different from yours, he might not like the way you look at the world. All you can do is accept it and look for someone with more compatible beliefs. That way, you can build something that is meaningful and lasting instead of settling for someone who will never understand you.
4. He doesn’t trust or respect you
Trust and respect are two of the most important elements of any relationship. If he doesn’t trust or respect you, then it’s not worth pursuing further. It’s better to look for someone who values and respects your opinion – that way, you can build a strong foundation for your relationship and make sure it lasts.
Final thoughts
If a guy doesn’t like you, it’s important not to let it damage your self-esteem. Attraction is very personal, and expecting that everyone you meet will like you is unrealistic. I’m sure you know plenty of guys you would have no interest in dating! Just remember that plenty of other guys out there will find you amazing for being exactly who you are.