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It’s completely normal to wonder whether you should break up with your boyfriend. If he constantly does things that make you frustrated or angry, you may have a good reason for wanting to end things.
To avoid making the wrong decision, you need to be honest with yourself about the pros and cons of your relationship. It can be really helpful to break things down logically to help you sort through your emotions.
Hopefully this article will make you realize that your relationship is worth fighting for. And even if you have problems, you might see that things are changing for the better and you should give your boyfriend a chance.
Or, you might decide that the best decision is to break up with him and move on with your life.
Reasons to stay with your boyfriend

If you’re thinking about breaking up with your boyfriend, you obviously aren’t completely happy. But before you decide to dump him, it’s important to look at all good things in your relationship.
1. He makes you feel emotionally supported
When your boyfriend supports your emotional needs, he’s there for you when you need him. He listens to you, comforts you, and makes you feel better when you’re upset or going through a hard time. He’s also your biggest cheerleader, and he feels excited and happy when you succeed.
Knowing that your boyfriend has your back during tough times makes you feel safe and loved. It’s one of the most important factors in a romantic relationship, and it keeps couples together through thick and thin.
Feeling emotionally supported in your relationship also has many incredible physical and mental health benefits. It reduces stress and anxiety, increases your sense of well-being and happiness, and makes you feel more connected to your partner.
So even if you’ve got some doubts about your relationship, feeling like your boyfriend has your back is a great reason to consider not breaking up with him.
2. He’s willing to compromise
Couples in healthy relationships make compromises every day. For example, you might need to compromise on how much time you spend together, what you do on weekends, or even which TV shows you watch together. And if your relationship gets serious, there will also be much more significant compromises in the future, such as where you live or how many kids you want to have.
If your boyfriend is willing to compromise, he’s open to hearing your point of view, and he values your opinions and needs. He knows that a relationship is about give and take, and he’s prepared to find a solution that makes you both happy.
Couples who are good at compromising are also more likely to resolve conflict in a constructive way. If you can find a way to work through your differences and come to a compromise, it’s a good sign that your relationship can weather any storms.
Of course, some things in a relationship shouldn’t be up for debate or negotiation. You should never compromise your values, boundaries, or safety and wellbeing.
3. You have healthy arguments
Every couple argues from time to time. It’s normal, and it’s actually a good sign. It means you feel comfortable to express your different opinions and feelings, even when the conversation will be difficult.
Healthy arguments are about finding a solution to a problem, not scoring points or deliberately trying to hurt each other. The trick is to listen to what your partner is saying, see things from their perspective, and always express your needs calmly and respectfully.
4. You communicate openly and honestly
Open and honest communication is one of the essential foundations of a healthy relationship. When you and your partner can share your thoughts and feelings freely, it helps you understand each other better and constructively resolve conflicts.
Good communication also makes it easier to build trust, intimacy, and connection in your relationship. If you feel like you can be yourself around your boyfriend and he’s always honest with you, it’s a good sign that your relationship is healthy and supportive.
5. You can tell he’s trying to change
Even if your boyfriend is far from perfect, it’s a good sign if he’s trying to make changes in his life. It shows that he’s motivated to improve himself, and he wants to make your relationship the best it can be.
Of course, change takes time, and you shouldn’t expect him to transform overnight. But as long as he’s making an effort to work on things that are important to you, it shows that he cares about your relationship and is willing to invest in it.
Don’t use his mistakes as a weapon against him, but don’t be afraid to call him out if he’s making empty promises. Actions speak louder than words, and he needs to show you that he’s making an effort instead of just talking about it.
6. You can be yourself around him
One of the most beautiful aspects of being in a loving relationship is that you can be yourself. You don’t have to put on a show or pretend to be someone you’re not.
You feel comfortable sharing your thoughts, feelings, and experiences with your boyfriend without feeling judged or misunderstood, and he accepts you for who you are, flaws and all.
7. He owns up to his mistakes
A good boyfriend will take responsibility for his actions and apologize when he’s done something wrong.
This doesn’t mean he should be a doormat and let you walk all over him. But it does show that he’s willing to admit when he’s messed up and take responsibility for his mistakes instead of trying to deflect blame or make excuses.
It also shows that he’s willing to work on himself and be a better partner. If your boyfriend can own up to his mistakes, it’s a good sign that he cares about you and is committed to making your relationship work.
8. You’re willing to forgive him
If you’re willing to forgive your boyfriend’s mistakes, you care about him enough to give him a second chance. It also means that you trust him to change, and you believe in the strength of your relationship.
When you truly forgive someone, you need to mean it. There’s no point in pretending to forgive your boyfriend if you’re going to hold a grudge and bring up past mistakes every time you fight. This behavior will quickly poison your relationship and turn it into a toxic mess.
True forgiveness means you can put yourself in his shoes, see things from his perspective, and understand why he did what he did. It doesn’t mean you condone his actions or you’ve forgotten what he did, but you’re willing to move on and heal the wounds of the past.
Of course, there are things you should never forgive. If your boyfriend constantly lies to you, cheats on you, or treats you disrespectfully, then the right choice is to break up with him immediately.
9. You share the same core values
Values are the most important things to you in life, such as family, friendship, loyalty, honesty, and faith.
When you have compatible values, it gives you a solid foundation to build a lasting relationship. For example, if both of you prioritize work or school, you’ll be more understanding and supportive of each other when things get busy or stressful.
It’s unnecessary to have the same values, but being on the same page about what matters most is a recipe for a strong and healthy relationship.
10. You can imagine a future with him
Do you see yourself with your current boyfriend when you think about the future? If so, then you probably should stay with him.
Of course, it’s normal to have doubts or feel unsure about the future from time to time. But if you can’t imagine a future without him, it’s likely because you genuinely love and care for him.
11. Your gut tells you he’s worth it
Sometimes you just have to go with your gut. If you feel that your relationship is worth fighting for, it probably is.
On the other hand, if you have a nagging feeling that something is off or you’re unsure about him, it might be time to listen to your intuition and move on.
Only you can decide what’s best for you, but consider confiding in a close friend or trusted family member if you’re feeling lost, scared, or confused. They might be able to give you a fresh perspective or some much-needed advice.
Reasons to break up with your boyfriend

Okay, now let’s take a look at some of the reasons you should break up with your boyfriend. Not all of these will apply to your situation, but even if you can relate to one or two, it should give you cause for concern.
1. You can’t trust him
Trust in a relationship is about respecting each other’s boundaries and knowing that you can rely on your partner to be honest and follow through. It’s also about giving your partner a safe space to express themselves without fear of judgment or rejection.
There are many different reasons why you might not trust your boyfriend. Maybe he’s lied to you in the past, cheated on you, or never does what he says he’s going to do.
Once there’s a lack of trust in your relationship, it’s tough to get back. If your boyfriend has seriously broken your trust, it won’t be easy to fully open up to him again, and you might feel better off without him.
2. He takes you for granted
Feeling appreciated and valued is an essential part of any relationship. When your boyfriend takes you for granted, he doesn’t truly appreciate or respect you. He’s just using you for his own benefit, whether for sex, a place to stay, or someone to hang out with when he doesn’t have better things to do.
If you don’t feel like your boyfriend values you as a person, then breaking up with him is the best thing for you. You deserve a new relationship with someone who loves and respects you, not treats you like a doormat.
3. You want different things in life
A couple can be madly in love with each other, but realize that their lives are moving in completely different directions.
For example, you want to have kids, but your boyfriend is adamant he never wants to be a father. You can defer the problem for a while, but eventually, you’re going to have to accept that you want very different things in life.
It’s not impossible for couples with very different goals to make things work, but it takes a lot of effort and compromise from both sides. If you don’t think you’re willing or able to make those sacrifices, it might be time to make a clean break and find someone who wants the same things in life as you do.
4. Your relationship feels one-sided
If your relationship is one-sided, you’ll eventually feel unappreciated and resentful. It’s exhausting to put in all the effort and never get anything in return.
Perhaps you’re always the one initiating contact, planning dates, or taking care of him when he’s had a bad day. Or maybe he always makes the decisions, and he never thinks about what makes you happy.
A healthy relationship requires effort from both sides, and you need to feel like your needs are being met. If that’s not the case, it might be time for a fresh start.
5. He doesn’t make you happy
A relationship should make you happier than being single. If it’s not, then what’s the point? Your boyfriend might be a great guy, but if he doesn’t make you happy, then breaking up with him is the best thing for you. Life is too short to waste your time on someone who doesn’t make you smile.
6. He ignores your boundaries
If your boyfriend doesn’t respect your boundaries, it’s a sign that he doesn’t respect you.
Maybe he doesn’t respect your privacy, and he’s always looking through your phone or going through your emails. Or perhaps he tries to convince you to do things that make you feel ashamed or uncomfortable.
It’s important to have boundaries in a relationship, and it’s not healthy if your boyfriend is always crossing them. You deserve to be with someone who will make you feel safe and respected, not someone who takes advantage of you.
7. You constantly argue
Constant bickering and arguing signify that something is wrong in your relationship. It’s normal to argue from time to time, but if it feels like you’re always fighting, it’s not a healthy situation.
As I’ve discussed, there is a healthy way to argue, and most disputes are quickly resolved with effective communication. But if you find that you’re constantly arguing and you never reach a resolution, at some point, you might decide it’s just not worth the effort.
8. You’re keeping score
If winning arguments and getting one up on each other is more important than working together to find a solution, then breaking up might be the best thing for you.
A relationship should be a partnership, not a competition. You should be able to give without expecting anything in return, and you shouldn’t feel like your relationship is a transaction. If you’re keeping track of arguments and favors, it’s time to let go.
9. Things aren’t getting any better
Have you been trying to work on your relationship, but things never get better? Maybe you’ve been tolerant of your boyfriend’s mistakes, but he keeps messing up again and again. Or perhaps you’ve had honest talks about your relationship problems, but he never backs his words up with actions.
If he’s not putting in any effort to make things better, then it might be a good idea to give up and move on. You can’t fix a bad relationship by yourself, and if he’s not willing to work on it, it’s doomed to fail.
10. You’re not attracted to him anymore
If you’ve decided you hate the sight of your boyfriend and he’s the last person you want to be with, you might not be a good fit in the long term.
There are many ways you can inject some spark back into your sex life, but if you’ve truly lost all interest in him, it might be time to walk away.
Just be sure you’re not going through a temporary phase. Every serious relationship goes through ups and downs, and it’s normal to feel bored or less attracted to your partner at times.
11. You can’t see a future with him
When you think about the future, do you see your boyfriend by your side? Perhaps you’re going on an amazing overseas vacation or buying a house and starting a family together.
If you can’t see him being a part of your future, it’s probably time to let him go. It might be painful in the short term, but it’s better than wasting a long time with someone who’s not right for you.
12. You feel obligated to stay
If you’re only staying in your relationship because you think it’s the right thing to do, it’s time to leave.
Maybe he helped you through a tough time, and you feel like you owe him. Or perhaps you’ve been together for so long that it feels like it would be weird to break up. He may have even got sick or developed mental health issues, and you feel guilty for abandoning him.
It’s never going to be easy to decide to leave a relationship in these kinds of difficult circumstances. But you need to remember that you have a life, and you need to do what’s best for you.
Don’t be a coward and try to ghost him or give him a lame excuse. It’s completely okay that you want to break up with him, but he deserves to hear it straight from you.
13. You feel controlled or manipulated
Feeling controlled or manipulated is one of the biggest red flags you need to leave the relationship. A healthy relationship should feel supportive and liberating, not constricting and controlling.
Maybe he tries to tell you what to wear or who you can hang out with. Or perhaps he’s jealous and possessive, constantly checking up on you and demanding to know where you are and who you’re with.
Control and manipulation are forms of abuse, and if you’re in a toxic relationship, you need to get out as soon as possible. You should never feel like you have to change who you are to please your romantic partner. If he can’t accept you for who you are, he’s not the right person for you.
14. There’s physical or emotional abuse
If your boyfriend has ever physically harmed you or made you feel scared, it’s definitely time to leave. No one deserves to be in an abusive relationship, and it’s not something you can just ‘work on.’
Abuse is a serious issue, and if you’re in an abusive relationship, you need to get help the first time it happens. Talk to your best friend, family members, or a therapist who can help you get out of the situation and get the support you need.
15. You think about breaking up all the time
The most obvious sign that it’s time to part ways with your boyfriend is if you can’t stop thinking about breaking up. If you’re constantly daydreaming about being single or wondering what it would be like to date other people, it’s probably time to listen to your gut and end things.
Final thoughts
Breaking up with someone is never easy, but sometimes it’s for the best. If you’re not happy in your relationship or feel like you’re not being true to yourself, then it might be time to let go. Remember that you deserve to be in a healthy, happy relationship, and you shouldn’t settle for anything less.