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Are you worried that your wife doesn’t love you anymore? Perhaps she’s critical of everything you do, or she’s become moody and withdrawn and doesn’t want to spend any time with you.
Watching your marriage fall apart is heartbreaking and confusing, but it’s never too late to turn things around. I hope this guide helps you take the first step toward saving your marriage.
1. She’s critical of everything you do
When you first got married, your wife was your biggest fan, and you could always count on her to lift you up and boost your ego. But now all the things she used to like about you have become annoying. She attacks the way you dress, the noises you make when you eat, and even your career choices. Nothing you do seems good enough, and she goes out of her way to put you down.
2. Your sex life is dead
Remember the early days when you could barely keep your hands off each other? All you could think about was getting home so you could rip each other’s clothes off and have the best sex of your life. But now your physical intimacy is non-existent, and there’s about as much passion between you as a dead fish. You don’t even waste your time trying to get her in the mood.
3. She’s stopped making an effort with your family
Even if your wife doesn’t love your family, she’s always been respectful and polite. But these days, she doesn’t even pretend to care. She avoids family gatherings at all costs and makes sarcastic and rude comments every chance she gets.
4. She never apologizes
Occasional fighting is totally normal in a marriage, but healthy couples always apologize and make up afterward. That’s how you make sure resentment and bitterness don’t build up and fester over time. But your wife never, ever apologizes, even when she’s clearly in the wrong. Even worse, she holds a grudge for weeks on end and seems to enjoy punishing you for your mistakes.
5. She’s always defensive
Defensiveness is a coping mechanism people use when they feel unfairly attacked or don’t want to face the truth. And the truth is, your wife is doing everything she can to avoid dealing with the problems in your marriage. Whenever you try to discuss marital issues, her hackles go up, and she goes into full-on defensive mode. She denies having any problems, refuses to take any responsibility – and more and more these days, she just throws her hands up and walks away from the conversation.
6. She doesn’t listen to you
Even when you disagree, it’s important to listen carefully to your partner’s point of view and acknowledge their feelings. But your wife interrupts you constantly, changes the subject, and talks over you whenever she gets a chance. She makes it very clear that she doesn’t value your opinion or care about your feelings, making you feel ignored and worthless.
7. She intentionally starts fights
The truth is that a lot of arguments aren’t actually about the insignificant thing you’re fighting about. Does it really matter if your spouse keeps letting the tv remote fall down the back of the sofa? Of course not. Most fights are a symptom of something bigger, like long-term resentment, bitterness, or feeling unappreciated. When your wife intentionally picks fights with you over “nothing,” she’s expressing her anger or unhappiness with a much larger issue.
8. You’ve stopped fighting altogether
Endless fighting can be a sign that the love has gone from your marriage, but a complete lack of fighting is just as bad! If your relationship has problems, healthy arguments are a way to express your unhappiness and work together to come up with a solution. Arguing will never replace a calm and rational discussion, but it can still be a valuable form of communication. If your wife just walks away from arguments or stonewalls you with grim silence, it’s a worrying sign she doesn’t even care enough to try.
9. She’s stopped making plans with you
When you first got married, you had so many big plans for your lives together. Maybe you were going to travel the world, buy your dream home, or even start a family. But now your wife has stopped talking about the future and acts like everything is “up in the air.” It feels like she’s in limbo, just waiting around for something (or someone) better to come along.
10. You suspect she’s cheating
Has your wife been spending a lot more time “at work” lately? Has she become secretive with her phone? Perhaps you’ve noticed a new smell when she comes home, or she’s suddenly lost interest in having sex. These are all worrying signs that she’s having an affair, but it’s important not to jump to conclusions. Look for further evidence before you confront her, and don’t make any rash decisions until you’re sure.
11. She compares you to other guys
They say that comparison is the thief of joy, and it’s definitely true in marriage. When your wife compares you to other men, she’s telling you that she wishes you were someone different. How is that supposed to make you feel? When you hear something like, “Why can’t you be more successful like Tom?”, it’s no surprise that you feel inadequate and worthless.
12. She doesn’t support you
Husbands and wives should have each other’s backs no matter what – but that doesn’t seem to be the case for your wife. If you try to make a change in your life or start something new, she rains on your parade. She tells you it’s too hard, you’ll never succeed, or it’s a bad idea altogether. That kind of discouraging attitude isn’t just rude; it’s a sign that she doesn’t believe in you or your relationship.
Don’t give up on your marriage until you’ve tried this

If you’re looking for a practical guide to saving your marriage without expensive counseling, I recommend you check out “Mend the Marriage” by Brad Browning.
There are many marriage-saving guides out there, but Mend the Marriage is by far the most detailed guide I’ve ever seen. No matter what issues you’re facing in your marriage, Brad will have helpful advice for your situation and answer all your “what if” scenarios.”
Mend the Marriage contains hundreds of real-world examples tested on married couples. For example, the section on how to handle arguments will show you effective techniques to instantly stop a fight in its tracks without any lingering resentment.
The best part is that Mend the Marriage will work even if your spouse isn’t interested. In fact, Brad believes it’s better if you take the first steps on your own. His powerful psychological techniques will rewire your spouse’s perception of you and subconsciously rebuild their attraction before they even know what’s happening.
Brad claims that almost all marriages can be saved. That’s a bold claim, but I believe him after reading Mend the Marriage. Brad is a certified relationship counselor and has spent over a decade helping men and women repair their broken relationships. His experience has helped him develop dozens of unique and groundbreaking techniques I’ve never seen anywhere else.
Check out Brad’s free video to learn more about Mend the Marriage. It might make the difference between “divorced and lonely” and “happily ever after.”
13. She’s lost all respect for you
Does it feel like your wife has lost all respect for you? Maybe she constantly belittles you and makes fun of your career choices. Or perhaps she doesn’t trust you and constantly second-guesses your decisions. Even worse, she might call you out in public or badmouth you to her friends and family. If your wife is treating you this way, it’s pretty clear she doesn’t love you anymore. She’s stopped seeing you as her equal and started treating you like a child.
14. She refuses to forgive you
Marriage is all about compromise and forgiveness. But your wife refuses to forgive you no matter how sincerely you apologize for making a mistake. Whenever you argue, she brings up old mistakes you thought were long forgotten and throws them back in your face to make you feel guilty. She seems to enjoy punishing you and collecting ammunition to make you feel inadequate and ashamed.
15. You never have fun together anymore
When was the last time you laughed and had fun with your wife? You used to take trips together, laugh over silly movies, and go on romantic dates – but all of that has ground to a halt. Now it feels like you’re two strangers living under the same roof with nothing to talk about. She’s stopped being spontaneous or excited about anything, and it feels like she’d rather be anywhere else than with you.
16. She needs more alone time
Needing alone time in a relationship is perfectly normal, but if your wife takes it to the extreme, it could be a sign that she’s trying to avoid you. Does she disappear for hours without explanation or make excuses not to spend time with you? If so, it could be because she’s no longer interested in spending time with you and would rather be alone.
17. She never asks your advice
One of the best aspects of being married is always having someone you can turn to for honest advice. Whether it’s choosing a new car, figuring out a financial problem, or asking if she looks good in an outfit, your wife used to come to you for help. But recently, she’s stopped asking for your opinion on anything and doesn’t seem to value your input. This sends a clear message – she doesn’t trust your judgment, and she’s lost faith in your relationship.
18. She doesn’t want to discuss your relationship
Open and honest communication is the key to a successful marriage, but your wife refuses to talk about the problems in your relationship. She gets defensive, shuts down, or stonewalls you whenever you bring up difficult topics. Apparently, she’s happy to wait until your marriage completely falls apart. How are you supposed to work through your problems if you can’t even discuss them?
19. She never gets jealous
Does your wife get a little fired up if she sees you talking to another attractive woman? That’s not a bad thing. In a healthy relationship, a little jealousy is normal (and flattering) because it shows that your partner cares about you and doesn’t want to share you with anyone else. So what does it mean when your wife’s green-eyed monster completely disappears? It could be a sign she’s no longer invested in your relationship and has simply stopped caring.
20. Her friends treat you differently
Are your wife’s friends giving you the cold shoulder? There’s no doubt she tells her friends all about your relationship issues, and they probably know she’s unhappy with you. Even if they think you’re a good guy – don’t bother going to them to plead your case. They were her friends first, and they will always take her side.
21. She’s changed her style
Married couples often get complacent and stop trying to impress each other. You’ve already locked in a mate, so why bother going to all that extra effort? You’re still the same person even though you’re wearing sweatpants and a stained t-shirt every day. But recently, your wife has started making much more effort with her style. She’s wearing sexy clothes, using more makeup, and styling her hair differently. Why the sudden urge to reinvent herself? Unfortunately, it’s probably not for you. Considering the problems in your marriage, it’s more likely that she’s trying to impress another guy or get ready for single life.
22. She pays more attention to her phone than you
Does your wife rarely bother looking up from her phone while you’re talking to her? Do you just get mumbled answers to your questions or no response at all? Look, I get it – mobile games and social media are addictive, and we’re all guilty of getting distracted. But if your wife’s phone always takes priority over you, it’s a bad sign. She might be using it to avoid connecting with you or dealing with the problems in your marriage.
23. Her daily texts have stopped
Your wife used to send you cute little texts throughout the day to let you know she was thinking about you. But lately, all those messages have completely dried up, and she makes no effort to stay connected. It might seem like a small thing, but the radio silence is a worrying sign that your wife is pulling away.
24. She never remembers anything you tell her
Does your wife constantly forget the things you tell her? Does she constantly ask you to repeat things or ignore you completely? If this has become a regular pattern in your marriage, it might mean that your wife isn’t interested in you. She can’t force herself to be engaged in what you’re saying, and it goes in one ear and out the other.
25. She never confides in you
Your spouse should be someone you can be totally open and honest with. You feel safe telling them your deepest fears and desires without fear of judgment. If your wife has stopped confiding in you, it shows that she’s closed herself off. She’s put up an emotional wall and shut you out. The truth is, she no longer sees you as her confidant who she can trust with her innermost thoughts and feelings.
26. She uses threats as a weapon
If your wife starts using threats of divorce as a weapon to win arguments, it’s a good sign that she doesn’t love you anymore. She’s willing to resort to manipulative tactics to get what she wants, and she doesn’t care if it increases the conflict and makes you feel insecure and unloved.
27. She forgets special days
Let’s be honest; forgetting a birthday or anniversary isn’t the worst crime in the world. We all live busy lives, and it’s hard to keep track of everything. But if your wife always remembered special days in the past and has suddenly stopped – it’s a subtle sign that something is wrong. She either doesn’t care enough to remember your special days or disrespects you on purpose by ignoring them.
28. She spends a lot more time with her friends
Your wife used to happily include you in her social plans, but now she often goes out with her friends and leaves you wallowing at home. It’s natural for married couples to have separate social lives, but if your wife is intentionally excluding you from her life, it might mean she doesn’t want to spend time with you.
29. You feel neglected
There’s nothing worse than feeling neglected in your marriage. Signs of emotional neglect include your wife not listening to you or valuing your opinions, never asking how you’re doing, not making time for you, and being distant or unresponsive. If this is how you feel in your marriage, it’s a big warning sign that she no longer loves you.
Final thoughts
No one ever said marriage was easy – it takes hard work and commitment to make a relationship last. If you’re worried that your wife doesn’t love you anymore, I hope this guide has given you some clarity and motivation to save your marriage.
So what should you do next?
Talk to your wife openly and honestly about how you feel. It won’t be easy, but it’s essential to communicate how much you want to get things back on track and rediscover the love you once felt for each other.
If she’s open to it, counseling can be a great way to help you both express your feelings and work through any issues that are driving you apart. Work together to make a plan and commit to changing the dynamics in your marriage for the better.
Love is worth fighting for, and it’s never too late to bring back the spark. With commitment and dedication, you can fix your broken marriage and make it stronger than ever.
