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Virgo men have incredibly high standards for themselves (and others) and are known for being perfectionists. They work hard for what they want and always strive to be the best. Unfortunately, this need for excellence can give them a critical and stubborn attitude when things aren’t going well.
The best match for a Virgo man is someone creative, intelligent, and down to earth. He needs someone who is faithful and loyal, shares his love of family, and can help bring him out of his shell when he gets anxious or too inwardly focused.
The Virgo zodiac sign
- Virgo is an earth sign, which gives Virgo men a strong connection to the physical world and lends them a logical and practical nature.
- Mercury rules over Virgo, making Virgo men quick-witted and good at communication. They’re often very analytical and can be perfectionists.
- Virgo is a mutable sign, meaning that Virgo men are adaptable and able to change with their circumstances. However, the over-analytical nature of Virgo means that they can take a long time to make decisions.
Personality traits of a Virgo man
At their core, Virgo men are perfectionists who like everything to be just so. They pay attention to even the most minor details in their work and will work hard to ensure everything is done correctly.
Virgo men set very high standards for themselves in everything they do, and they often get frustrated and anxious when things don’t go according to plan. They can also tend to get bogged down in the details and lose sight of the bigger picture.
Virgo’s need for perfection can make them come across as overly picky and critical. Most of this is directed at themselves, but Virgos’ can also be quite hard on those around them and have unrealistic expectations.
However, Virgo is also incredibly humble and doesn’t crave the spotlight. They’re content to work behind the scenes and always give credit where it’s due for a job well done. This combination of high standards and collaborative attitude often makes them excellent leaders.
Despite their practical nature, Virgos have a very romantic side. They usually fall hard and fast and love being in a committed, long-term relationship. They are loyal and like to please – sometimes to a fault.
Virgo men place a high value on intelligence, so they’re attracted to partners who can keep up with their quick minds. They’re also drawn to creative people, seeing the potential for beauty in everything.
Positive Virgo traits
- Hardworking: Virgos are extremely hard workers. They’re always striving to be the best and are not afraid of putting in the extra effort to ensure things are done right.
- Kind: Virgos are often very kind and considerate, always looking out for the needs of others.
- Patient: Although they can be critical at times, Virgos are generally very patient. They are willing to take the time to help others achieve their high standards.
- Logical: Logic and reason are at the heart of everything a Virgo does. They are highly analytical and like to approach things from a rational perspective.
- Creative: While they may not always show it, Virgos are highly creative. They see the potential for beauty in everything and enjoy material possessions.
- Faithful: Virgos are very loyal and reliable partners. They’re the type of person who will stick by you through thick and thin.
- Modest: Despite their perfectionist tendencies, Virgos are very humble. They’re not looking for credit or accolades; they’re just happy to do their part.
Negative Virgo traits
- Perfectionist: Virgos are perfectionists, which can sometimes make them their own worst enemies. They’re never satisfied with anything less than perfect and can be very critical of themselves and others.
- Anxious: When things go off the rails, Virgos can start to feel quite anxious. They need everything to be in order and can’t relax if there’s chaos around them.
- Stubborn: The stubbornness of Virgo comes from their need for everything to be perfect. When they see something that isn’t being done the right way, they will dig in until it’s fixed.
- Brooding: Virgos can also be quite brooding and moody. They internalize their emotions and can get lost in their own thoughts.
- Flatterer: People pleasing is another negative trait of Virgos. They want to be liked and often go out of their way to flatter those around them, even if it isn’t genuine.
What does a Virgo man want in a partner?
The ideal partner for a Virgo man is someone stable, practical, and intelligent who will help him relax, stay grounded and pull his head out of the clouds when he gets lost in his thoughts.
A Virgo man can be picky when choosing a romantic partner. He has high standards and isn’t afraid to hold out for what he wants. This can make him slow to warm up, and he might appear a little cold when you first meet. If you’re interested in a Virgo man, it’s important to be confident, put your best foot forward, and be patient as he makes up his mind about you.
Virgos’ are faithful and loyal partners, and a Virgo man will expect the same from his significant other. Once you have a Virgo man’s heart, he’s yours for life. He’ll be devoted to you and always be there when you need him.
On the home front, he wants someone who will enjoy building a stylish and comfortable home together and shares his appreciation for the finer things in life.
Good communication is key to enjoying a successful relationship with a Virgo man. Instead of talking openly about his problems, he tends to withdraw into himself, overthink things, and obsess about worst-case scenarios. His partner needs to be willing to encourage him to open up, relax, and see things from a different perspective.
Many of the relationship problems a Virgo man faces comes from his perfectionist nature. He’s hard on himself and not afraid to be equally critical of his partner. The best match for a Virgo man can handle constructive criticism with grace and call him out when he oversteps the mark.
The good news is that Virgos is a very kind sign, and criticism is always delivered with patience and empathy.
Virgo is also one of the most humble and modest signs. A Virgo man will work hard on his career, friendships, and romantic relationship without fuss or fanfare. Even though he doesn’t crave recognition, a partner who recognizes and appreciates his efforts will be a special source of joy for him.
Related post: How to tell if a Virgo man likes you (20 clear signs)
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The 5 best matches for a Virgo man
1. Taurus woman and Virgo man
Taurus and Virgo make an excellent match because they share many of the same qualities, and their differences complement each other rather than causing significant clashes.
Both are Earth signs, which means they have a love for material things and a strong need for security. They are also both very practical, hardworking, and loyal. These qualities make them drawn to each other and create a solid foundation for a long-lasting relationship.
Even though they are picky about who they choose as partners, once they find each other, they are unlikely to let go.
They will enjoy creating a home together and filling it with beautiful things. Both signs are happy to stay in and relax rather than go out all the time. They also share a patient and kind personality (despite Virgo’s critical nature) and are very loyal to each other and their family and friends.
A Virgo man and a Taurus woman are hardworking and will support each other’s goals. However, Taurus is much more easy going than Virgo, which can help offset the anxiety and stubbornness that can set in when Virgo gets too caught up in his own head.
On the flip side, a Taurus woman can be lazy and avoid doing things that don’t interest her, and Virgo can help keep her on track with his critical eye and need for perfection.
Both signs are also extremely practical and logical, which works well together. Taurus is organized, which appeals to the rational part of Virgo’s brain, and Virgo is detail-oriented, which helps to keep Taurus grounded.
Taurus’s easygoing and relaxed nature will also help Virgo come out of his shell and talk about his problems rather than internalizing everything and sweeping it under the carpet.
The issues with this couple will mainly come from clashes between the lazy and easygoing nature of Taurus and the uptight and critical vibe of Virgo. However, Taurus can also be a perfectionist, so Virgo shouldn’t have too much to complain about.
Related post: Virgo man and Taurus woman compatibility (sex & love)
2. Capricorn woman and Virgo man
A match between a Capricorn woman and a Virgo man will enjoy many of the same advantages as Taurus and Virgo.
Both are hard-working and like to enjoy the fruits of their labor. However, a Capricorn woman can sometimes put a little too much emphasis on wealth and material possessions, which might trigger the logical part of a Virgo man’s brain. How many handbags and shoes does one person really need?
While a Virgo man is happy to avoid the spotlight and do his thing, Capricorn women are more openly ambitious and expect recognition. This attitude can be helpful for her modest Virgo partner because she’ll encourage him to put himself out there more and take credit for his accomplishments.
Both signs are very faithful and loyal and will stay with each other through good times and bad. It’s not uncommon for a Capricorn woman to take the lead in a relationship because she’s often more level-headed and decisive than her Virgo partner.
Capricorn and Virgo share a sense of responsibility to their work, family, and friends. They both take their commitments very seriously and will put the needs of others before themselves.
One of the more interesting differences between a Capricorn woman and a Virgo man is how they solve problems. Virgos’ are very creative and often come up with outside-the-box solutions. On the other hand, Capricorns are more traditional and prefer to stick to tried-and-true methods. You might assume this creates conflict between the two, but in reality, it’s pretty complimentary.
The most significant source of conflict for a Capricorn woman and a Virgo man will likely come from the fact that Capricorns can be very sensitive. When you match this up with the highly critical nature of Virgo, you have the potential for some hurt feelings. However, if these two can learn to communicate openly and honestly, they’ll be able to overcome any obstacle.
3. Cancer woman and Virgo man
Cancer and Virgo work well together because they bring out the best in each other. Cancer is emotional, nurturing, and protective, while Virgo is patient, logical, and detail-oriented.
A Cancer woman is often more in touch with her feelings than a Virgo man, which can help him open up and express himself more. In turn, the Virgo man’s practical nature can help to ground the Cancer woman and prevent her from getting too caught up in her emotions.
However, the emotional personality of Cancer can stray into outright moodiness at times, which might be frustrating for Virgo, who likes to solve problems using logic and reason.
Cancer women are very family-oriented and put a high price on loyalty. If you betray a Cancer woman’s trust, it will be tough to win it back. She’s also likely to seek revenge and make you regret your decision. Luckily, Virgo men are also very loyal, and a Cancer woman has very little to worry about in this department.
Cancer can also have a suspicious nature that sometimes borders on paranoia. A Virgo man needs to make an extra effort to communicate openly and honestly with his Cancer partner to ensure she feels secure in the relationship.
Both signs also tend to get worried and anxious, but instead of feeding each other’s stress, they are much more likely to help each other relax.
4. Pisces woman and Virgo man
Pisces and Virgo are directly opposite in the zodiac, but that doesn’t mean that these two signs are incompatible. In fact, Pisces and Virgo share many qualities that make them an excellent match for each other.
Pisces women are very compassionate and gentle by nature. They have a deep understanding of other people’s emotions and can usually sense when something is wrong. This can be helpful for a Virgo man who sometimes has trouble expressing his feelings.
Pisces women are also very romantic and imaginative. They often view the world through rose-colored glasses, which can help bring some much-needed optimism into a Virgo man’s life.
On the downside, Pisces women can be very gullible and naive. They sometimes have trouble telling the difference between fantasy and reality, which might be frustrating for a Virgo man who likes to deal with facts and logic.
Pisces women are also known for being highly emotional. They can be moody, oversensitive, and even downright irrational at times. This might be a little too much for a Virgo man who prefers to keep his emotions in check.
Related post: Best matches for a Pisces female (5 most compatible signs)
5. Scorpio woman and Virgo man
A Scorpio woman and a Virgo man might not immediately seem like a natural pair, but they actually have much in common. Both signs are very loyal, protective, and committed to their relationships. They’re also both private and don’t like to share too much about themselves with others.
Scorpios often get a bad rap for being jealous and possessive, but this is usually only the case when they feel insecure. A Virgo man can help to ground Scorpio and make her feel more secure in the relationship. In turn, Scorpio’s passion can help bring out Virgo’s more romantic side.
A Scorpio woman and a Virgo man will enjoy a passionate and exciting sex life. Virgo may seem a little cold and reserved at times, but once his Scorpio partner unleashes his hidden desires, there’s no end to the fun they’ll have in the bedroom.
The worst matches for a Virgo man
1. Leo woman and Virgo man
Leo and Virgo have very different personalities, which will likely cause a lot of conflict in their relationship.
A Leo woman is confident, outgoing, and assertive, which will clash with the more introverted and passive nature of a Virgo man. Leo also has an attention-seeking streak which is the opposite of modest Virgo, who prefers to stay in the background.
Even though a Leo woman is often wise and a natural leader, she is also opinionated and will make decisions quickly and decisively. This contrasts with a Virgo man who overthinks everything and often gets caught up in indecision. When Virgo criticizes her choices, it will only serve to annoy and frustrate Leo even more.
2. Aquarius woman and Virgo man
Aquarius and Virgo are both intelligent and creative signs, but they think very differently about the world in all other respects.
While Aquarius is a social sign that enjoys being around other people, Virgo is more of a homebody who prefers to spend time with a few close family friends. Aquarius is also very independent, while Virgo craves intimacy and togetherness.
Aquarius women are known for being unconventional, even rebellious at times. They like to march to the beat of their own drum, and they’re not afraid to take risks. This can be a little too much for a Virgo man who likes things to be predictable and safe.
3. Sagittarius woman and Virgo man
A Sagittarius woman and a Virgo man will face many of the same problems as Aquarius and Virgo. Aquarius will find Virgo to be too oppressive, while Virgo will find Aquarius to be too reckless.
Sagittarius women are known for being independent, carefree, and fun-loving. They enjoy spending time outdoors and are always up for an adventure. This can be a little too wild for a Virgo man who prefers a more stable and predictable lifestyle.
Famous Virgo men
- Keanu Reeves
- Tom Hardy
- Chris Pine
- Paul Walker
- Nick Jonas
- Hunter Hayes
- Jungkook
- Flo Rida
What signs are a good match for a Virgo man?
Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, and Pisces are the best zodiac matches for a Virgo man. All these signs can appreciate Virgo’s logical and analytical mind while providing stability and security that Virgo craves.
What does a Virgo man like in a woman?
A Virgo man is looking for someone loyal, honest, and down to earth. He also wants someone creative and intelligent who will enjoy spending time with him at home.
Virgo can also be anxious and overthink things, so he is attracted to women who can handle his critical nature and encourage him to relax.
How do you make a Virgo man fall in love with you?
The best way to make a Virgo man fall in love with you is to appeal to his logical and intellectual side. Have deep conversations about his passions, and be patient with his sometimes-critical nature.
He may seem a little cold and distant at first, but once he starts to open up, he will be one of the most loyal and loving partners you could ask for.